
Open Access Cyperus rotundus Journals

A list of Open Access Cyperus rotundus journals for you to publish your manuscript in

Cyperus rotundus is species of plant

Open Access journals publish papers that are free to the reader to download. OA papers have undergone peer review and are not more or less stringent than papers in closed journals — the main difference is in the business model.

Hopefully this list of Cyperus rotundus Open Access journals will make it easier for you to decide where to publish your Cyperus rotundus manuscript.
We have thousands of high-impact factor Cyperus rotundus journals in our list.Instead of displaying the most commonly known Cyperus rotundus journals, we have made an exhaustive list of open accesss Cyperus rotundus journals. Use our different columns — number of papers, number of citations, and relevance — to find the best Cyperus rotundus venue for your manuscript.

The DOAJ columns refers to the The Directory of Open Access Journals, a list of open access journals, maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access.
There are certain criteria a journal must meet to be indexed by DOAJ, and thus inclusion in the DOAJ index is seen by scholars as a mark of quality.

All the open access Cyperus rotundus journals in this list are indexed in OA.mg.
If you spot any mistakes in this table of Cyperus rotundus OA journals, don’t hesitate to send us an email.

Open Access Cyperus rotundus Journals
NameISSNDOAJPublisherNo. of PapersCitationsRelevanceWebsite
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I publish my Cyperus rotundus paper?
You can publish your Cyperus rotundus paper in the Open Access journals in this list
What is Open Access (OA)?
Open Access is the free online access of research articles coupled with the rights to use and distribute these articles fully in the digital environment.
What does “relevance” mean in the table?
It refers to the strength of association between this journal being listed and the concept, from 0-100. For example, the Journal Of Research In Mechanical Engineering has a relevance of “0” when listed under “Open Access Computer Science Journals” because it has no relevance to the field of Computer Science.
How do you count total number of citations?
The citations show how often articles from a journal have been referenced in other works. We get this data from OpenAlex.
Where can I find other lists like this one?
To search for more open journal lists under different topics, look on OA.mg
How can I publish my paper on OA.mg?
At the moment, we do not offer publishing services, that's why we made these lists, so you can find the right journal to publish your paper in. Our goal with OA.mg is to help disseminate research.
What is an APC?
Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged to authors of scholarly articles during the publication process. APCs are used by open access journals.
What are the different Open Access types?
Depending on the license, a research paper might be categorised as a) Gold Open Access, which means the paper is freely available and fully accessible to everyone, b) Hybrid Open Access, which means that the authors can pay an APC to make the paper freely available, or c) Green Open Access, which means that there is a possiblity to make subcription based journal articles freely avaiable by uploading the peer-reviewed article to an instiutional repository. Among these, Diamond, Black, and Bronze Open Access also exist.