DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1009.1638
¤ OpenAccess: Green
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Experimental results on diffraction at CDF

M. Gallinaro

Diffractive events are studied by means of identification of one or more rapidity gaps and/or a leading antiproton. Measurements of soft and hard diffractive processes have been performed at the Tevatron $p\bar p$ collider and presented. We report on the diffractive structure function obtained from dijet production in the range $0<Q^2<10,000$GeV$^2$, and on the $|t|$ distribution in the region $0<|t|<1$GeV$^2$ for both soft and hard diffractive events up to $Q^2\approx 4,500$GeV$^2$. Results on single diffractive W/Z production, forward jets, and central exclusive production of both dijets and Z-bosons are also presented.
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    Experimental results on diffraction at CDF” is a paper by M. Gallinaro published in 2010. It has an Open Access status of “green”. You can read and download a PDF Full Text of this paper here.