DOI: 10.3390/jpm12020205
¤ OpenAccess: Gold
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Personalized Dosimetry in Targeted Radiation Therapy: A Look to Methods, Tools and Critical Aspects

Rachele Danieli,Alessia Milano,Salvatore Gallo,Ivan Veronese,A. Lascialfari,Luca Indovina,Francesca Botta,Mahila Ferrari,A. Cicchetti,Davide Raspanti,Marta Cremonesi

Medical physics
Context (archaeology)
Targeted radiation therapy (TRT) is a strategy increasingly adopted for the treatment of different types of cancer. The urge for optimization, as stated by the European Council Directive (2013/59/EURATOM), requires the implementation of a personalized dosimetric approach, similar to what already happens in external beam radiation therapy (EBRT). The purpose of this paper is to provide a thorough introduction to the field of personalized dosimetry in TRT, explaining its rationale in the context of optimization and describing the currently available methodologies. After listing the main therapies currently employed, the clinical workflow for the absorbed dose calculation is described, based on works of the most experienced authors in the literature and recent guidelines. Moreover, the widespread software packages for internal dosimetry are presented and critical aspects discussed. Overall, a selection of the most important and recent articles about this topic is provided.
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    Personalized Dosimetry in Targeted Radiation Therapy: A Look to Methods, Tools and Critical Aspects” is a paper by Rachele Danieli Alessia Milano Salvatore Gallo Ivan Veronese A. Lascialfari Luca Indovina Francesca Botta Mahila Ferrari A. Cicchetti Davide Raspanti Marta Cremonesi published in 2022. It has an Open Access status of “gold”. You can read and download a PDF Full Text of this paper here.