DOI: 10.1366/0003702874447365
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Detection of Explosives Using Laser Desorption in Ion Mobility Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry

Shi Duo George Huang,Leonidas. Kolaitis,David M. Lubman

Mass spectrometry
Atmospheric-pressure laser ionization
Laser desorption is used to volatilize explosive materials for analysis by ion mobility/mass spectrometry measurements. The laser desorption is performed at relatively low power (< 10 7 W/cm 2 ) so that mainly neutrals are produced, which are subsequently ionized by 63 Ni-β-source induced ion-molecule reactions at atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure ionization, together with the soft vaporization method, produces relatively simple spectra of the explosives investigated, yielding ions that are very characteristic of each molecule for identification. The technique has great potential for high sensitivity based upon the combination of complete laser vaporization of the sample and the API method, which is an extremely efficient form of ionization for these molecules with high electron affinities.
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    Detection of Explosives Using Laser Desorption in Ion Mobility Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry” is a paper by Shi Duo George Huang Leonidas. Kolaitis David M. Lubman published in 1987. It has an Open Access status of “closed”. You can read and download a PDF Full Text of this paper here.