DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/331/7/072056
¤ OpenAccess: Gold
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Visual Physics Data Analysis in the Web Browser

Michael Brodski,Martin Erdmann,Robert Fischer,Andreas Hinzmann,T. Klimkovich,D. Klingebiel,Matthias Komm,G. Müller,Jan Steggemann,T. Winchen

World Wide Web
Computer science
Web browser
The project VISPA@WEB provides a novel graphical development environment for physics analyses which only requires a standard web browser on the client machine. It resembles the existing analysis environment available from the project Visual Physics Analysis VISPA, including the connection and configuration of modules for different tasks. High level logic can be programmed using the Python language, while performance-critical tasks can be implemented in C++ modules. The use cases range from simple teaching examples to highly complex scientific analyses.
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    Visual Physics Data Analysis in the Web Browser” is a paper by Michael Brodski Martin Erdmann Robert Fischer Andreas Hinzmann T. Klimkovich D. Klingebiel Matthias Komm G. Müller Jan Steggemann T. Winchen published in 2011. It has an Open Access status of “gold”. You can read and download a PDF Full Text of this paper here.