
Open Access Wealth effect Journals

A list of Open Access Wealth effect journals for you to publish your manuscript in

All articles published in Open Access journals have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.

This list of Wealth effect OA journals will hopefully make it easier for you to have a better idea regarding where your want to publish your Wealth effect manuscript.
Our list includes all the high-impact factor Wealth effect journals that may be relevant to your field of study. In any case, we've also included other journals that may also offer more affordable publishing fees.We've made this extensive list of open access Wealth effect journals so you can get a better overview of all the journals where you can publish open access.Use our different columns — number of papers, number of citations, and relevance — to find the best Wealth effect venue for your manuscript.

The DOAJ columns refers to the The Directory of Open Access Journals, a list of open access journals, maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access.
There are certain criteria a journal must meet to be indexed by DOAJ, and thus inclusion in the DOAJ index is seen by scholars as a mark of quality.

All the open access Wealth effect journals in this list are indexed in OA.mg.
If you spot any mistakes in this table of Wealth effect OA journals, don’t hesitate to send us an email.

Open Access Wealth effect Journals
NameISSNDOAJPublisherNo. of PapersCitationsRelevanceWebsite
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I publish my Wealth effect paper?
You can publish your Wealth effect paper in the Open Access journals in this list
What is Open Access (OA)?
Open Access refers to free access to information and unrestricted use of electronic resources for everyone. Any kind of digital content can be open access, from texts and data to software, audio, and video.
What does “relevance” mean in the table?
Relevance is used to quantify the level of association between a journal and the concept it is listed under, from 0-100. For example, “Brain Stimulation” has a relevance of “24” when listed under “Open Access Computer Science Journals” because it is somewhat related to the field of Computer Science.
How do you count total number of citations?
The citations represent the times that works have cited papers under this journal. In our case, we obtain this data from OpenAlex, an open catalog of scholarly papers. It's hard to say how accurate it is but it can give you a general idea on how prestigious the journal is. The more work that have cited it, the better.
Where can I find other lists like this one?
If you are looking for an author or paper, you can simply type it in the search box above to see your results. If you'd like to see a similar list to this one, check OA.mg
How can I publish my paper on OA.mg?
Our aim at OA.mg is to disseminate existing open access research papers. For this reason, we do not publish any papers. What we do is that once a paper has been published, we index it in OA.mg so that more people can find and access a journal article.
What is an APC?
An APC is the article processing charge that an author of a given research paper has to pay in order to get it published in a journal. APCs are most commonly used by open access journals or by journals who offer open access publishing.
What are the different Open Access types?
Although there are Gold, Green, Hybrid, Bronze, Diamond, and Black Open Access licenses, here are the most common ones: Full Gold Open Access: article is freely and permanently accessible for everyone, immediately after publication. Hybrid Open Access: refers to a publishing model in which subscription-based journals allow authors to make individual articles gold open access immediately on payment of an article publication charge. Green Open Access: refers to the possibility to make subscription-based journal articles open access by uploading the peer-reviewed and accepted author manuscript to an institutional repository (such as DiVA)