
Vladimir Karjavine

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DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/06/c06041
Cited 19 times
GEM tracking system of the BM@N experiment
BM@N (Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron) is the fixed target experiment aimed to study nuclear matter in the relativistic heavy ion collisions at the Nuclotron accelerator in JINR. Detectors based on Gas Electron multipliers (GEM) have been identified as appropriate for the BM@N tracking system, which is located inside the BM@N analyzing magnet. The structure of the GEM detectors and the results of study of their characteristics are presented. The GEM detectors are integrated into the BM@N experimental setup and data acquisition system. The performance of the GEM tracking system in the first technical run with the deuteron beam is shortly reviewed.
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201920407009
Cited 4 times
Performance of the BM@N GEM/CSC tracking system at the Nuclotron beam
BM@N (Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron) is a fixed target experiment aimed to study nuclear matter in the relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Nuclotron accelerator in JINR. The BM@N tracking system is based on Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) detectors mounted inside the BM@N analyzing magnet. The Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) is installed outside the magnet. The CSC is used for improvement of particles momentum identification. The structure of the GEM detectors and the CSC prototype and the results of study of their characteristics are presented. The GEM detectors and CSC are integrated into the BM@N experimental setup and data acquisition system. The results of first tests of the GEM tracking system and CSC in last runs are shortly reviewed.
DOI: 10.1134/s1547477119060542
Cited 3 times
Characterization of GEM Detectors in the BM@N Experiment
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/c09038
Cited 3 times
Status of the GEM/CSC tracking system of the BM@N experiment
Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) is a fixed target experiment at the NICA accelerator complex (JINR) aiming at studies of nuclear matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Triple-GEM (Gas electron multiplier) detectors have been identified as suitable for the BM@N central tracking system, which is located inside the analyzing magnet. A cathode strip chamber (CSC) is mounted outside the magnet to improve the momentum resolution of the experimental setup. Seven GEM detectors and one CSC are integrated into the BM@N experimental setup and data acquisition system. The structure of the BM@N GEM and CSC detectors and the results of the study of their characteristics are presented. The full configuration of the GEM/CSC tracking system is shortly reviewed.
DOI: 10.18502/ken.v3i1.1753
Triple GEM Tracking Detectors for the BM@N Experiment
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1498/1/012043
Large area BM@N GEM detectors
Abstract Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) is a fixed target experiment at the NICA accelerator complex in JINR aimed to study nuclear matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Detectors based on Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) are used for the central tracking system of the BM@N experiment, which is located inside the BM@N analyzing magnet. The structure of the GEM detectors and the results of study of their characteristics are presented. The performance of seven GEM detectors integrated into the BM@N experimental setup and data acquisition system is briefly reviewed.
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201817704004
Study of the GEM detector performance in BM@N experiment
BM@N is the fixed target experiment at the accelerator complex NICA-Nuclotron aimed to study nuclear matter in the relativistic heavy ion collisions. Triple-GEM detectors were identified as appropriate for the BM@N tracking system located inside the analyzing magnet. Seven GEM chambers are integrated into the BM@N experimental setup and data acquisition system. GEM construction, main characteristics and first obtained results of the GEM tracking system performance in the technical run with the deuteron beam are shortly reviewed.
DOI: 10.1063/1.5130089
Study of the BM@N GEM/CSC tracking system performance
Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) is a fixed target experiment at the NICA accelerator complex (JINR) aiming at studies of nuclear matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Detectors based on Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) are used for the central tracking system located inside the BM@N analyzing magnet. A Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) is installed right downstream the magnet to improve the global momentum resolution. Characteristics of the GEM and CSC detectors are presented. The performance of the seven GEM detectors and one CSC, which were integrated into the BM@N setup, is briefly reviewed.