
Tino Kurz

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DOI: 10.1038/nature07311
Cited 470 times
The type IV mucolipidosis-associated protein TRPML1 is an endolysosomal iron release channel
Mutations in the human TRPML1 gene, a member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels, cause mucolipidosis type IV disease. Symptoms of the condition include anaemia, psychomotor retardation and retinal degeneration. Xian-ping Dong et al. now show that TRPML1 acts as a Fe2+-permeable channel in lysosomes, and that disease-associated mutations impair Fe2+ transport. The work suggests that impaired iron transport underlies symptoms of mucolipidosis, including neurodegeneration, and that lysosome-targeting chelators might alleviate the degenerative symptoms of patients with mucolipidosis type IV. TRPML1 is a member of the Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels, and mutation in the human TRPML1 gene causes mucolipidosis, symptoms of which include anaemia. It is shown that TRPML1 functions as a Fe2+-permeable channel in lysosomes, and that disease-associated mutations impair Fe2+transport, suggesting that impaired iron transport may underlie symptoms of mucolipidosis. TRPML1 (mucolipin 1, also known as MCOLN1) is predicted to be an intracellular late endosomal and lysosomal ion channel protein that belongs to the mucolipin subfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins1,2,3. Mutations in the human TRPML1 gene cause mucolipidosis type IV disease (ML4)4,5. ML4 patients have motor impairment, mental retardation, retinal degeneration and iron-deficiency anaemia. Because aberrant iron metabolism may cause neural and retinal degeneration6,7, it may be a primary cause of ML4 phenotypes. In most mammalian cells, release of iron from endosomes and lysosomes after iron uptake by endocytosis of Fe3+-bound transferrin receptors6, or after lysosomal degradation of ferritin–iron complexes and autophagic ingestion of iron-containing macromolecules6,8, is the chief source of cellular iron. The divalent metal transporter protein DMT1 (also known as SLC11A2) is the only endosomal Fe2+ transporter known at present and it is highly expressed in erythroid precursors6,9. Genetic studies, however, suggest the existence of a DMT1-independent endosomal and lysosomal Fe2+ transport protein9. By measuring radiolabelled iron uptake, by monitoring the levels of cytosolic and intralysosomal iron and by directly patch-clamping the late endosomal and lysosomal membrane, here we show that TRPML1 functions as a Fe2+ permeable channel in late endosomes and lysosomes. ML4 mutations are shown to impair the ability of TRPML1 to permeate Fe2+ at varying degrees, which correlate well with the disease severity. A comparison of TRPML1-/-ML4 and control human skin fibroblasts showed a reduction in cytosolic Fe2+ levels, an increase in intralysosomal Fe2+ levels and an accumulation of lipofuscin-like molecules in TRPML1-/- cells. We propose that TRPML1 mediates a mechanism by which Fe2+ is released from late endosomes and lysosomes. Our results indicate that impaired iron transport may contribute to both haematological and degenerative symptoms of ML4 patients.
DOI: 10.1089/ars.2009.2598
Cited 422 times
Mitochondrial Turnover and Aging of Long-Lived Postmitotic Cells: The Mitochondrial–Lysosomal Axis Theory of Aging
It is now generally accepted that aging and eventual death of multicellular organisms is to a large extent related to macromolecular damage by mitochondrially produced reactive oxygen species, mostly affecting long-lived postmitotic cells, such as neurons and cardiac myocytes. These cells are rarely or not at all replaced during life and can be as old as the whole organism. The inherent inability of autophagy and other cellular-degradation mechanisms to remove damaged structures completely results in the progressive accumulation of garbage, including cytosolic protein aggregates, defective mitochondria, and lipofuscin, an intralysosomal indigestible material. In this review, we stress the importance of crosstalk between mitochondria and lysosomes in aging. The slow accumulation of lipofuscin within lysosomes seems to depress autophagy, resulting in reduced turnover of effective mitochondria. The latter not only are functionally deficient but also produce increased amounts of reactive oxygen species, prompting lipofuscinogenesis. Moreover, defective and enlarged mitochondria are poorly autophagocytosed and constitute a growing population of badly functioning organelles that do not fuse and exchange their contents with normal mitochondria. The progress of these changes seems to result in enhanced oxidative stress, decreased ATP production, and collapse of the cellular catabolic machinery, which eventually is incompatible with survival.
DOI: 10.1007/s00418-008-0394-y
Cited 256 times
Lysosomes in iron metabolism, ageing and apoptosis
The lysosomal compartment is essential for a variety of cellular functions, including the normal turnover of most long-lived proteins and all organelles. The compartment consists of numerous acidic vesicles (pH ∼4 to 5) that constantly fuse and divide. It receives a large number of hydrolases (∼50) from the trans-Golgi network, and substrates from both the cells’ outside (heterophagy) and inside (autophagy). Many macromolecules contain iron that gives rise to an iron-rich environment in lysosomes that recently have degraded such macromolecules. Iron-rich lysosomes are sensitive to oxidative stress, while ‘resting’ lysosomes, which have not recently participated in autophagic events, are not. The magnitude of oxidative stress determines the degree of lysosomal destabilization and, consequently, whether arrested growth, reparative autophagy, apoptosis, or necrosis will follow. Heterophagy is the first step in the process by which immunocompetent cells modify antigens and produce antibodies, while exocytosis of lysosomal enzymes may promote tumor invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Apart from being an essential turnover process, autophagy is also a mechanism by which cells will be able to sustain temporary starvation and rid themselves of intracellular organisms that have invaded, although some pathogens have evolved mechanisms to prevent their destruction. Mutated lysosomal enzymes are the underlying cause of a number of lysosomal storage diseases involving the accumulation of materials that would be the substrate for the corresponding hydrolases, were they not defective. The normal, low-level diffusion of hydrogen peroxide into iron-rich lysosomes causes the slow formation of lipofuscin in long-lived postmitotic cells, where it occupies a substantial part of the lysosomal compartment at the end of the life span. This seems to result in the diversion of newly produced lysosomal enzymes away from autophagosomes, leading to the accumulation of malfunctioning mitochondria and proteins with consequent cellular dysfunction. If autophagy were a perfect turnover process, postmitotic ageing and several age-related neurodegenerative diseases would, perhaps, not take place.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2008.01.009
Cited 250 times
Lysosomes and oxidative stress in aging and apoptosis
The lysosomal compartment consists of numerous acidic vesicles (pH approximately 4-5) that constantly fuse and divide. It receives a large number of hydrolases from the trans-Golgi network, while their substrates arrive from both the cell's outside (heterophagy) and inside (autophagy). Many macromolecules under degradation inside lysosomes contain iron that, when released in labile form, makes lysosomes sensitive to oxidative stress. The magnitude of generated lysosomal destabilization determines if reparative autophagy, apoptosis, or necrosis will follow. Apart from being an essential turnover process, autophagy is also a mechanism for cells to repair inflicted damage, and to survive temporary starvation. The inevitable diffusion of hydrogen peroxide into iron-rich lysosomes causes the slow oxidative formation of lipofuscin in long-lived postmitotic cells, where it finally occupies a substantial part of the volume of the lysosomal compartment. This seems to result in a misdirection of lysosomal enzymes away from autophagosomes, resulting in depressed autophagy and the accumulation of malfunctioning mitochondria and proteins with consequent cellular dysfunction. This scenario might put aging into the category of autophagy disorders.
DOI: 10.1042/bj20100208
Cited 247 times
What does the commonly used DCF test for oxidative stress really show?
H2DCF-DA (dihydrodichlorofluorescein diacetate) is widely used to evaluate ‘cellular oxidative stress’. After passing through the plasma membrane, this lipophilic and non-fluorescent compound is de-esterified to a hydrophilic alcohol [H2DCF (dihydrodichlorofluorescein)] that may be oxidized to fluorescent DCF (2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein) by a process usually considered to involve ROS (reactive oxygen species). It is, however, not always recognized that, being a hydrophilic molecule, H2DCF does not cross membranes, except for the outer fenestrated mitochondrial ones. It is also not generally realized that oxidation of H2DCF is dependent either on Fenton-type reactions or on unspecific enzymatic oxidation by cytochrome c, for neither superoxide, nor H2O2, directly oxidizes H2DCF. Consequently, oxidation of H2DCF requires the presence of either cytochrome c or of both redox-active transition metals and H2O2. Redox-active metals exist mainly within lysosomes, whereas cytochrome c resides bound to the outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Following exposure to H2DCF-DA, weak mitochondrial fluorescence was found in both the oxidation-resistant ARPE-19 cells and the much more sensitive J774 cells. This fluorescence was only marginally enhanced following short exposure to H2O2, showing that by itself it is unable to oxidize H2DCF. Cells that were either exposed to the lysosomotropic detergent MSDH (O-methylserine dodecylamide hydrochloride), exposed to prolonged oxidative stress, or spontaneously apoptotic showed lysosomal permeabilization and strong DCF-induced fluorescence. The results suggest that DCF-dependent fluorescence largely reflects relocation to the cytosol of lysosomal iron and/or mitochondrial cytochrome c.
DOI: 10.1016/j.abb.2007.01.013
Cited 184 times
Autophagy, ageing and apoptosis: The role of oxidative stress and lysosomal iron
As an outcome of normal autophagic degradation of ferruginous materials, such as ferritin and mitochondrial metalloproteins, the lysosomal compartment is rich in labile iron and, therefore, sensitive to the mild oxidative stress that cells naturally experience because of their constant production of hydrogen peroxide. Diffusion of hydrogen peroxide into the lysosomes results in Fenton-type reactions with the formation of hydroxyl radicals and ensuing peroxidation of lysosomal contents with formation of lipofuscin that amasses in long-lived postmitotic cells. Lipofuscin is a non-degradable polymeric substance that forms at a rate that is inversely related to the average lifespan across species and is built up of aldehyde-linked protein residues. The normal accumulation of lipofuscin in lysosomes seems to reduce autophagic capacity of senescent postmitotic cells--probably because lipofuscin-loaded lysosomes continue to receive newly formed lysosomal enzymes, which results in lack of such enzymes for autophagy. The result is an insufficient and declining rate of autophagic turnover of worn-out and damaged cellular components that consequently accumulate in a way that upsets normal metabolism. In the event of a more substantial oxidative stress, enhanced formation of hydroxyl radicals within lysosomes jeopardizes the membrane stability of particularly iron-rich lysosomes, specifically of autophagolysosomes that have recently participated in the degradation of iron-rich materials. For some time, the rupture of a limited number of lysosomes has been recognized as an early upstream event in many cases of apoptosis, particularly oxidative stress-induced apoptosis, while necrosis results from a major lysosomal break. Consequently, the regulation of the lysosomal content of redox-active iron seems to be essential for the survival of cells both in the short- and the long-term.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocel.2011.08.016
Cited 172 times
The role of lysosomes in iron metabolism and recycling
Iron is the most abundant transition metal in the earth's crust. It cycles easily between ferric (oxidized; Fe(III)) and ferrous (reduced; Fe(II)) and readily forms complexes with oxygen, making this metal a central player in respiration and related redox processes. However, ‘loose’ iron, not within heme or iron–sulfur cluster proteins, can be destructively redox-active, causing damage to almost all cellular components, killing both cells and organisms. This may explain why iron is so carefully handled by aerobic organisms. Iron uptake from the environment is carefully limited and carried out by specialized iron transport mechanisms. One reason that iron uptake is tightly controlled is that most organisms and cells cannot efficiently excrete excess iron. When even small amounts of intracellular free iron occur, most of it is safely stored in a non-redox-active form in ferritins. Within nucleated cells, iron is constantly being recycled from aged iron-rich organelles such as mitochondria and used for construction of new organelles. Much of this recycling occurs within the lysosome, an acidic digestive organelle. Because of this, most lysosomes contain relatively large amounts of redox-active iron and are therefore unusually susceptible to oxidant-mediated destabilization or rupture. In many cell types, iron transit through the lysosomal compartment can be remarkably brisk. However, conditions adversely affecting lysosomal iron handling (or oxidant stress) can contribute to a variety of acute and chronic diseases. These considerations make normal and abnormal lysosomal handling of iron central to the understanding and, perhaps, therapy of a wide range of diseases.
DOI: 10.1080/15216540600904885
Cited 161 times
Lysosomal labilization
The lysosomal compartment is the place for cellular degradation of endocytosed and autophagocytosed material and a center for normal turnover of organelles as well as most long-lived proteins. Lysosomes were long considered stable structures that broke and released their many hydrolytic enzymes only following necrotic cell death. It is now realized that lysosomes instead are quite vulnerable, although in a heterogeneous way. Their exposure to a number of events, such as oxidative stress, lysosomotropic detergents and aldhydes, as well as overexpression of the p53 protein, causes time-and-dose-dependent lysosomal rupture that is followed by apoptosis or necrosis. Partial lysosomal rupture has often been found to be an early upstream event in apoptosis, while necrosis results from fulminant lysosomal rupture. Consequently, factors influencing the stability of lysosomes, for instance their content of labile and redox-active iron, seem to be essential for the survival of cells.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2006.05321.x
Cited 157 times
Intralysosomal iron chelation protects against oxidative stress‐induced cellular damage
Oxidant‐induced cell damage may be initiated by peroxidative injury to lysosomal membranes, catalyzed by intralysosomal low mass iron that appears to comprise a major part of cellular redox‐active iron. Resulting relocation of lytic enzymes and low mass iron would result in secondary harm to various cellular constituents. In an effort to further clarify this still controversial issue, we tested the protective effects of two potent iron chelators – the hydrophilic desferrioxamine (dfo) and the lipophilic salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (sih), using cultured lysosome‐rich macrophage‐like J774 cells as targets. dfo slowly enters cells via endocytosis, while the lipophilic sih rapidly distributes throughout the cell. Following dfo treatment, long‐term survival of cells cannot be investigated because dfo by itself, by remaining inside the lysosomal compartment, induces apoptosis that probably is due to iron starvation, while sih has no lasting toxic effects if the exposure time is limited. Following preincubation with 1 m m dfo for 3 h or 10 µ m sih for a few minutes, both agents provided strong protection against an ensuing ∼LD50 oxidant challenge by preventing lysosomal rupture, ensuing loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and apoptotic/necrotic cell death. It appears that once significant lysosomal rupture has occurred, the cell is irreversibly committed to death. The results lend strength to the concept that lysosomal membranes, normally exposed to redox‐active iron in high concentrations, are initial targets of oxidant damage and support the idea that chelators selectively targeted to the lysosomal compartment may have therapeutic utility in diminishing oxidant‐mediated cell injury.
DOI: 10.1089/ars.2012.4885
Cited 151 times
Lysosomal Iron, Iron Chelation, and Cell Death
Significance: Lysosomes are acidic organelles containing more than fifty hydrolases that provide for the degradation of intracellular and endocytosed materials by autophagy and heterophagy, respectively. They digest a variety of macromolecules, as well as all organelles, and their integrity is crucial. As a result of the degradation of iron-containing macromolecules (e.g., ferritin and mitochondrial components) or endocytosed erythrocytes (by macrophages), lysosomes can accumulate large amounts of iron. This iron occurs often as Fe(II) due to the acidic and reducing lysosomal environment. Fe(II) is known to catalyze Fenton reactions, yielding extremely reactive hydroxyl radicals that may jeopardize lysosomal membrane integrity during oxidative stress. This results in the release of hydrolases and redox-active iron into the cytosol with ensuing damage or cell death. Lysosomes play key roles not only in apoptosis and necrosis but also in neurodegeneration, aging, and atherosclerosis. Recent Advances: The damaging effect of intralysosomal iron can be hampered by endogenous or exogenous iron chelators that enter the lysosomal compartment by membrane permeation, endocytosis, or autophagy. Critical Issues: Cellular sensitivity to oxidative stress is enhanced by lysosomal redox-active iron or by lysosomal-targeted copper chelators binding copper (from degradation of copper-containing macromolecules) in redox-active complexes. Probably due to higher copper levels, lysosomes of malignant cells may be specifically sensitized by such chelators. Future Directions: By increasing lysosomal redox-active iron or exposing cells to lysosomal-targeted copper chelators, it should be possible to enhance the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation-induced oxidative stress or treatment with cytostatics that induce such stress. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 00, 000–000.
DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/kev217
Cited 101 times
Increased levels of neutrophil extracellular trap remnants in the circulation of patients with small vessel vasculitis, but an inverse correlation to anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies during remission
Objectives. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) have been visualized at the site of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) lesions. Increased levels of NET remnants in the circulation have been reported in some AAV patients with active disease. The aim of the present study was to analyse NET remnants in a larger cohort of AAV patients with varying degrees of disease activity and to elucidate possible factors responsible for remnant variation.
DOI: 10.1042/bj20061840
Cited 126 times
Does the calcein-AM method assay the total cellular ‘labile iron pool’ or only a fraction of it?
The calcein-AM (calcein-acetoxymethyl ester) method is a widely used technique that is supposed to assay the intracellular 'labile iron pool' (LIP). When cells in culture are exposed to this ester, it passes the plasma membrane and reacts with cytosolic unspecific esterases. One of the reaction products, calcein, is a fluorochrome and a hydrophilic alcohol to which membranes are non-permeable and which, consequently, is retained within the cytosol of cells. Calcein fluorescence is quenched following chelation of low-mass labile iron, and the degree of quenching gives an estimate of the amounts of chelatable iron. However, a requirement for the assay to be able to demonstrate cellular LIP in total is that such iron be localized in the cytosol and not in a membrane-limited compartment. For some time it has been known that a major part of cellular, redox-active, labile, low-mass iron is temporarily localized in the lysosomal compartment as a result of the autophagic degradation of ferruginous materials, such as mitochondrial complexes and ferritin. Even if some calcein-AM may escape cytosolic esterases and enter lysosomes to be cleaved by lysosomal acidic esterases, the resulting calcein does not significantly chelate iron at <pH 5. In the present study we show that the calcein-AM method does not capture lysosomal low-mass iron and, therefore, that the method seriously underestimates total cellular labile iron.
DOI: 10.1042/bj20051143
Cited 124 times
Metallothionein protects against oxidative stress-induced lysosomal destabilization
The introduction of apo-ferritin or the iron chelator DFO (desferrioxamine) conjugated to starch into the lysosomal compartment protects cells against oxidative stress, lysosomal rupture and ensuing apoptosis/necrosis by binding intralysosomal redox-active iron, thus preventing Fenton-type reactions and ensuing peroxidation of lysosomal membranes. Because up-regulation of MTs (metallothioneins) also generates enhanced cellular resistance to oxidative stress, including X-irradiation, and MTs were found to be capable of iron binding in an acidic and reducing lysosomal-like environment, we propose that these proteins might similarly stabilize lysosomes following autophagocytotic delivery to the lysosomal compartment. Here, we report that Zn-mediated MT up-regulation, assayed by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry, results in lysosomal stabilization and decreased apoptosis following oxidative stress, similar to the protection afforded by fluid-phase endocytosis of apo-ferritin or DFO. In contrast, the endocytotic uptake of an iron phosphate complex destabilized lysosomes against oxidative stress, but this was suppressed in cells with up-regulated MT. It is suggested that the resistance against oxidative stress, known to occur in MT-rich cells, may be a consequence of autophagic turnover of MT, resulting in reduced iron-catalysed intralysosomal peroxidative reactions.
DOI: 10.1089/ars.2009.3005
Cited 102 times
Redox Activity Within the Lysosomal Compartment: Implications for Aging and Apoptosis
The lysosome is a redox-active compartment containing low-mass iron and copper liberated by autophagic degradation of metalloproteins. The acidic milieu and high concentration of thiols within lysosomes will keep iron in a reduced (ferrous) state, which can react with endogenous or exogenous hydrogen peroxide. Consequent intralysosomal Fenton reactions may give rise to the formation of lipofuscin or “age pigment” that accumulates in long-lived postmitotic cells that cannot dilute it by division. Extensive accumulation of lipofuscin seems to hinder normal autophagy and may be an important factor behind aging and age-related pathologies. Enhanced oxidative stress causes lysosomal membrane permeabilization, with ensuing relocation to the cytosol of iron and lysosomal hydrolytic enzymes, with resulting apoptosis or necrosis. Lysosomal copper is normally not redox active because it will form non–redox-active complexes with various thiols. However, if cells are exposed to lysosomotropic chelators that do not bind all the copper coordinates, highly redox-active complexes may form, with ensuing extensive lysosomal Fenton-type reactions and loss of lysosomal stability. Because many malignancies seem to have increased amounts of copper-containing macromolecules that are turned over by autophagy, it is conceivable that lysosomotropic copper chelators may be used in the future in ROS-based anticancer therapies. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 13, 511–523.
DOI: 10.1042/bj20031029
Cited 94 times
Relocalized redox-active lysosomal iron is an important mediator of oxidative-stress-induced DNA damage
Oxidative damage to nuclear DNA is known to involve site-specific Fenton-type chemistry catalysed by redox-active iron or copper in the immediate vicinity of DNA. However, the presence of transition metals in the nucleus has not been shown convincingly. Recently, it was proposed that a major part of the cellular pool of loose iron is confined within the acidic vacuolar compartment [Yu, Persson, Eaton and Brunk (2003) Free Radical Biol. Med. 34, 1243-1252; Persson, Yu, Tirosh, Eaton and Brunk (2003) Free Radical Biol. Med. 34, 1295-1305]. Consequently, rupture of secondary lysosomes, as well as subsequent relocation of labile iron to the nucleus, could be an important intermediary step in the generation of oxidative damage to DNA. To test this concept we employed the potent iron chelator DFO (desferrioxamine) conjugated with starch to form an HMM-DFO (high-molecular-mass DFO complex). The HMM-DFO complex will enter cells only via fluid-phase endocytosis and remain within the acidic vacuolar compartment, thereby chelating redox-active iron exclusively inside the endosomal/lysosomal compartment. Both free DFO and HMM-DFO equally protected lysosomal-membrane integrity against H2O2-induced oxidative disruption. More importantly, both forms of DFO prevented H2O2-induced strand breaks in nuclear DNA, including telomeres. To exclude the possibility that lysosomal hydrolases, rather than iron, caused the observed DNA damage, limited lysosomal rupture was induced using the lysosomotropic detergent O-methyl-serine dodecylamine hydrochloride; subsequently, hardly any DNA damage was found. These observations suggest that rapid oxidative damage to cellular DNA is minimal in the absence of redox-active iron and that oxidant-mediated DNA damage, observed in normal cells, is mainly derived from intralysosomal iron translocated to the nucleus after lysosomal rupture.
DOI: 10.1042/bj20050271
Cited 81 times
Radiation-induced cell death: importance of lysosomal destabilization
The mechanisms involved in radiation-induced cellular injury and death remain incompletely understood. In addition to the direct formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (HO*) by radiolysis of water, oxidative stress events in the cytoplasm due to formation of H2O2 may also be important. Since the major pool of low-mass redox-active intracellular iron seems to reside within lysosomes, arising from the continuous intralysosomal autophagocytotic degradation of ferruginous materials, formation of H2O2 inside and outside these organelles may cause lysosomal labilization with release to the cytosol of lytic enzymes and low-mass iron. If of limited magnitude, such release may induce 'reparative autophagocytosis', causing additional accumulation of redox-active iron within the lysosomal compartment. We have used radio-resistant histiocytic lymphoma (J774) cells to assess the importance of intralysosomal iron and lysosomal rupture in radiation-induced cellular injury. We found that a 40 Gy radiation dose increased the 'loose' iron content of the (still viable) cells approx. 5-fold when assayed 24 h later. Cytochemical staining revealed that most redox-active iron was within the lysosomes. The increase of intralysosomal iron was associated with 'reparative autophagocytosis', and sensitized cells to lysosomal rupture and consequent apoptotic/necrotic death following a second, much lower dose of radiation (20 Gy) 24 h after the first one. A high-molecular-mass derivative of desferrioxamine, which specifically localizes intralysosomally following endocytic uptake, added to the culture medium before either the first or the second dose of radiation, stabilized lysosomes and largely prevented cell death. These observations may provide a biological rationale for fractionated radiation.
DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2011.03.014
Cited 68 times
Cell sensitivity to oxidative stress is influenced by ferritin autophagy
To test the consequences of lysosomal degradation of differently iron-loaded ferritin molecules and to mimic ferritin autophagy under iron-overload and normal conditions, J774 cells were allowed to endocytose heavily iron loaded ferritin, probably with some adventitious iron (Fe-Ft), or iron-free apo-ferritin (apo-Ft). When cells subsequently were exposed to a bolus dose of hydrogen peroxide, apo-Ft prevented lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP), whereas Fe-Ft enhanced LMP. A 4-h pulse of Fe-Ft initially increased oxidative stress-mediated LMP that was reversed after another 3 h under standard culture conditions, suggesting that lysosomal iron is rapidly exported from lysosomes, with resulting upregulation of apo-ferritin that supposedly is autophagocytosed, thereby preventing LMP by binding intralysosomal redox-active iron. The obtained data suggest that upregulation of the stress protein ferritin is a rapid adaptive mechanism that counteracts LMP and ensuing apoptosis during oxidative stress. In addition, prolonged iron starvation was found to induce apoptotic cell death that, interestingly, was preceded by LMP, suggesting that LMP is a more general phenomenon in apoptosis than so far recognized. The findings provide new insights into aging and neurodegenerative diseases that are associated with enhanced amounts of cellular iron and show that lysosomal iron loading sensitizes to oxidative stress.
DOI: 10.4161/auto.5.4.7961
Cited 59 times
ARPE-19 retinal pigment epitheliaL CELLS are highly resistant to oxidative stress and exercise strict control over their lysosomal redox-active iron
AbstractNormal retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells are postmitotic, long-lived and basically not replaced. Daily, they phagocytose substantial amounts of lipid-rich material (photoreceptor outer segment discs), and they do so in the most oxygenated part of the body – the retina. One would imagine that this state of affairs should be associated with a rapid formation of the age pigment lipofuscin (LF). However, LF accumulation is slow and reaches significant amounts only late in life when, if substantial, it often coincides with or causes age-related macular degeneration. LF formation occurs inside the lysosomal compartment as a result of iron-catalyzed peroxidation and polymerization. This process requires phagocytosed or autophagocytosed material under degradation, but also the presence of redox-active low mass iron and hydrogen peroxide. To gain some information on how RPE cells are able to evade LF formation, we investigated the response of immortalized human RPE cells (ARPE-19) to oxidative stress with/without the protection of a strong iron-chelator. The cells were found to be extremely resistant to hydrogen peroxide-induced lysosomal rupture and ensuing cell death. This marked resistance to oxidative stress was not explained by enhanced degradation of hydrogen peroxide, but to a certain extent further increased by the potent lipophilic iron chelator SIH. The cells were also able to survive, and even replicate, at high concentrations of SIH and showed a high degree of basal autophagic flux. We hypothesize that RPE cells have a highly developed capacity to keep lysosomal iron in a non-redox-active form, perhaps by pronounced autophagy of iron-binding proteins in combination with an ability to rapidly relocate low mass iron from the lysosomal compartment.
DOI: 10.2174/157340308784245801
Cited 58 times
The Involvement of Lysosomes in Myocardial Aging and Disease
The myocardium is mainly composed of long-lived postmitotic cells with, if there is any at all, a very low rate of replacement through the division and differentiation of stem cells. As a consequence, cardiac myocytes gradually undergo pronounced age-related alterations which, furthermore, occur at a rate that inversely correlates with the longevity of species. Basically, these alterations represent the accumulation of structures that have been damaged by oxidation and that are useless and often harmful. These structures (so-called 'waste' materials), include defective mitochondria, aberrant cytosolic proteins, often in aggregated form, and lipofuscin, which is an intralysosomal undegradable polymeric substance. The accumulation of 'waste' reflects the insufficient capacity for autophagy of the lysosomal compartment, as well as the less than perfect functioning of proteasomes, calpains and other cellular digestive systems. Senescent mitochondria are usually enlarged, show reduced potential over their inner membrane, are deficient in ATP production, and often produce increased amounts of reactive oxygen species. The turnover of damaged cellular structures is hindered by an increased lipofuscin loading of the lysosomal compartment. This particularly restricts the autophagic turnover of enlarged, defective mitochondria, by diverting the flow of lysosomal hydrolases from autophagic vacuoles to lipofuscin-loaded lysosomes where the enzymes are lost, since lipofuscin is not degradable by lysosomal hydrolases. As a consequence, aged lipofuscin-rich cardiac myocytes become overloaded with damaged mitochondria, leading to increased oxidative stress, apoptotic cell death, and the gradual development of heart failure. Defective lysosomal function also underlies myocardial degeneration in various lysosomal storage diseases, while other forms of cardiomyopathies develop due to mitochondrial DNA mutations, resulting in an accumulation of abnormal mitochondria that are not properly eliminated by autophagy. The degradation of iron-saturated ferritin in lysosomes mediates myocardial injury in hemochromatosis, an acquired or hereditary disease associated with iron overload. Lysosomes then become sensitized to oxidative stress by the overload of low mass, redox-active iron that accumulates when iron-saturated ferritin is degraded following autophagy. Lysosomal destabilization is of importance in the induction and/or execution of programmed cell death (either classical apoptotic or autophagic), which is a common manifestation of myocardial aging and a variety of cardiac pathologies.
DOI: 10.4161/auto.5.1.7248
Cited 44 times
Autophagy of HSP70 and chelation of lysosomal iron in a non-redox-active form
Lysosomes contain most of the cell’s supply of labile iron, which makes them sensitive to oxidative stress. To keep lysosomal labile iron at a minimum, a cellular strategy might be to autophagocytose iron binding proteins that temporarily would chelate iron in a non-redox-active form. Previously we have shown that autophagy of metallothioneins, as well as of non-Fe-saturated ferritin, meets this goal. Here we add another stress-regulated protein to the list, namely HSP70.Addendum to: Doulias P-T, Kotoglou P, Tenopoulou M, Keramisanou D, Tzavaras T, Brunk UT, Galaris D, Angelidis C. Involvement of heat shock protein-70 in the mechanism of hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage: The role of lysosomes and iron. Free Radic Biol Med 2007; 42:567-77; PMID: 17275689; DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2006.11.022.
DOI: 10.1042/bj20100996
Cited 40 times
Chelation of lysosomal iron protects against ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation causes DNA damage and consequent apoptosis, mainly due to the production of hydroxyl radicals (HO•) that follows radiolytic splitting of water. However, superoxide (O2•−) and H2O2 also form and induce oxidative stress with resulting LMP (lysosomal membrane permeabilization) arising from iron-catalysed oxidative events. The latter will contribute significantly to radiation-induced cell death and its degree largely depends on the quantities of lysosomal redox-active iron present as a consequence of autophagy and endocytosis of iron-rich compounds. Therefore radiation sensitivity might be depressed by lysosome-targeted iron chelators. In the present study, we have shown that cells in culture are significantly protected from ionizing radiation damage if initially exposed to the lipophilic iron chelator SIH (salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone), and that this effect is based on SIH-dependent lysosomal stabilization against oxidative stress. According to its dose-response-modifying effect, SIH is a most powerful radioprotector and a promising candidate for clinical application, mainly to reduce the radiation sensitivity of normal tissue. We propose, as an example, that inhalation of SIH before each irradiation session by patients undergoing treatment for lung malignancies would protect normally aerated lung tissue against life-threatening pulmonary fibrosis, whereas the sensitivity of malignant lung tumours, which usually are non-aerated, will not be affected by inhaled SIH.
DOI: 10.1593/tlo.12238
Cited 30 times
Superior Therapeutic Index of Calmangafodipir in Comparison to Mangafodipir as a Chemotherapy Adjunct
Mangafodipir is a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent with manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) mimetic activity. The MnSOD mimetic activity protects healthy cells against oxidative stress-induced detrimental effects, e.g., myelosuppressive effects of chemotherapy drugs. The contrast property depends on in vivo dissociation of Mn2+ from mangafodipir—about 80% dissociates after injection. The SOD mimetic activity, however, depends on the intact Mn complex. Complexed Mn2+ is readily excreted in the urine, whereas dissociated Mn2+ is excreted slowly via the biliary route. Mn is an essential but also a potentially neurotoxic metal. For more frequent therapeutic use, neurotoxicity due to Mn accumulation in the brain may represent a serious problem. Replacement of 4/[5] of Mn2+ in mangafodipir with Ca2+ (resulting in calmangafodipir) stabilizes it from releasing Mn2+ after administration, which roughly doubles renal excretion of Mn. A considerable part of Mn2+ release from mangafodipir is governed by the presence of a limited amount of plasma zinc (Zn2+). Zn2+ has roughly 103 and 109 times higher affinity than Mn2+ and Ca2+, respectively, for fodipir. Replacement of 80% of Mn2+ with Ca2+ is enough for binding a considerable amount of the readily available plasma Zn2+, resulting in considerably less Mn2+ release and retention in the brain and other organs. At equivalent Mn2+ doses, calmangafodipir was significantly more efficacious than mangafodipir to protect BALB/c mice against myelosuppressive effects of the chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin. Calmangafodipir did not interfere negatively with the antitumor activity of oxaliplatin in CT2[6] tumor-bearing syngenic BALB/c mice, contrary calmangafodipir increased the antitumor activity.
DOI: 10.1016/j.exer.2013.10.014
Cited 28 times
Autophagy of iron-binding proteins may contribute to the oxidative stress resistance of ARPE-19 cells
The objective of this study was to elucidate possible reasons for the remarkable resistance of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells to oxidative stress. Much oxidative damage is due to hydrogen peroxide meeting redox-active iron in the acidic and reducing lysosomal environment, resulting in the production of toxic hydroxyl radicals that may oxidize intralysosomal content, leading to lipofuscin (LF) formation or, if more extensive, to permeabilization of lysosomal membranes. Formation of LF is a risk factor for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and known to jeopardize normal autophagic rejuvenation of vital cellular biomolecules. Lysosomal membrane permeabilization causes release of lysosomal content (redox-active iron, lytic enzymes), which may then cause cell death. Total cellular and lysosomal low-mass iron of cultured, immortalized human RPE (ARPE-19) cells was compared to that of another professional scavenger cell line, J774, using atomic absorption spectroscopy and the cytochemical sulfide-silver method (SSM). It was found that both cell lines contained comparable levels of total as well as intralysosomal iron, suggesting that the latter is mainly kept in a non-redox-active state in ARPE-19 cells. Basal levels and capacity for upregulation of the iron-binding proteins ferritin, metallothionein and heat shock protein 70 were tested in both cell lines using immunoblotting. Compared to J774 cells, ARPE-19 cells were found to contain very high basal levels of all these proteins, which could be even further upregulated following appropriate stimulation. These findings suggest that a high basal expression of iron-binding stress proteins, which during their normal autophagic turnover in lysosomes may temporarily bind iron prior to their degradation, could contribute to the unusual oxidative stress-resistance of ARPE-19 cells. A high steady state influx of such proteins into lysosomes would keep the level of lysosomal redox-active iron permanently low. This, in turn, should delay intralysosomal accumulation of LF in RPE cells, which is known to reduce autophagic turnover as well as uptake and degradation of worn out photoreceptor tips. This may explain why severe LF accumulation and AMD normally do not develop until fairly late in life, in spite of RPE cells being continuously exposed to high levels of oxygen and light, as well as large amounts of lipid-rich material.
DOI: 10.1093/gerona/gls193
Cited 28 times
Resistance to Genotoxic Stresses in Arctica islandica, the Longest Living Noncolonial Animal: Is Extreme Longevity Associated With a Multistress Resistance Phenotype?
Bivalve molluscs are newly discovered models of successful aging. Here, we test the hypothesis that extremely long-lived bivalves are not uniquely resistant to oxidative stressors (eg, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, as demonstrated in previous studies) but exhibit a multistress resistance phenotype. We contrasted resistance (in terms of organismal mortality) to genotoxic stresses (including topoisomerase inhibitors, agents that cross-link DNA or impair genomic integrity through DNA alkylation or methylation) and to mitochondrial oxidative stressors in three bivalve mollusc species with dramatically differing life spans: Arctica islandica (ocean quahog), Mercenaria mercenaria (northern quahog), and the Atlantic bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians (maximum species life spans: >500, >100, and ~2 years, respectively). With all stressors, the short-lived A i irradians were significantly less resistant than the two longer lived species. Arctica islandica were consistently more resistant than M mercenaria to mortality induced by oxidative stressors as well as DNA methylating agent nitrogen mustard and the DNA alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate. The same trend was not observed for genotoxic agents that act through cross-linking DNA. In contrast, M mercenaria tended to be more resistant to epirubicin and genotoxic stressors, which cause DNA damage by inhibiting topoisomerases. To our knowledge, this is the first study comparing resistance to genotoxic stressors in bivalve mollusc species with disparate longevities. In line with previous studies of comparative stress resistance and longevity, our data extends, at least in part, the evidence for the hypothesis that an association exists between longevity and a general resistance to multiplex stressors, not solely oxidative stress. This work also provides justification for further investigation into the interspecies differences in stress response signatures induced by a diverse array of stressors in short-lived and long-lived bivalves, including pharmacological agents that elicit endoplasmic reticulum stress and cellular stress caused by activation of innate immunity.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-9568.2000.00916.x
Cited 28 times
Cerebral oligaemia episode triggers free radical formation and late cognitive deficiencies
Sixty minutes of cerebral oligaemic hypoxia, induced by bilateral clamping of the carotid arteries (BCCA) in pentobarbital-anaesthetized normotensive rats, induces a late progressive cognitive decline when compared with sham-operated controls. Analysis at BCCA of hippocampal metabolism using microdialysis showed increased release of glutamate, aspartate and gamma-aminobutyric acid, followed by a progressive rise in the formation of hydroxyl free radicals measured as 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,3-DHBA), their reaction product with salicylate, though only in the re-perfusion phase. In the striatum increased dopamine release occurred during BCCA, whereas glutamate and aspartate showed an increase only during the late re-perfusion phase. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentration increased during BCCA and early re-perfusion. An increase in 2,3-DHBA was seen during BCCA, and persisted over 2 h of re-perfusion. Six and 13 months after surgery, though not as early as 3 months, BCCA-treated rats perform worse than sham-operated controls in a water-maze, where decreased swimming speed reveals striatal dysfunction, while hippocampal dysfunction manifested as diminished spatial bias. These results show that cerebral oligaemia, similarly to cerebral ischaemia, leads to increased extracellular dopamine, aspartate and glutamate, and the production of hydroxyl radicals in structures associated with learning and memory processes. Unlike cerebral ischaemia, in cerebral oligaemia the appearance of spatial memory deficits is delayed.
DOI: 10.1111/aos.13076
Cited 12 times
Attenuation of iron‐binding proteins in <scp>ARPE</scp>‐19 cells reduces their resistance to oxidative stress
Oxidative stress-related damage to retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is an important feature in the development of age-related macular degeneration. Iron-catalysed intralysosomal production of hydroxyl radicals is considered a major pathogenic factor, leading to lipofuscin formation with ensuing depressed cellular autophagic capacity, lysosomal membrane permeabilization and apoptosis. Previously, we have shown that cultured immortalized human RPE (ARPE-19) cells are extremely resistant to exposure to bolus doses of hydrogen peroxide and contain considerable amounts of the iron-binding proteins metallothionein (MT), heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) and ferritin (FT). According to previous findings, autophagy of these proteins depresses lysosomal redox-active iron. The aim of this study was to investigate whether up- or downregulation of these proteins would affect the resistance of ARPE-19 cells to oxidative stress.The sensitivity of ARPE-19 cells to H2 O2 exposure was tested following upregulation of MT, HSP70 and/or FT by pretreatment with ZnSO4 , heat shock or FeCl3 , as well as siRNA-mediated downregulation of the same proteins.Upregulation of MT, HSP70 and FT did not improve survival following exposure to H2 O2 . This was interpreted as existence of an already maximal protection. Combined siRNA-mediated attenuation of both FT chains (H and L), or simultaneous downregulation of all three proteins, made the cells significantly more susceptible to oxidative stress confirming the importance of iron-binding proteins.The findings support our hypothesis that the oxidative stress resistance exhibited by RPE cells may be explained by a high autophagic influx of iron-binding proteins that would keep levels of redox-active lysosomal iron low.
DOI: 10.1196/annals.1297.048
Cited 22 times
Lysosomal Redox‐Active Iron Is Important for Oxidative Stress‐Induced DNA Damage
Data show that specifically chelating lysosomal redox-active iron can prevent most H(2)O(2)-induced DNA damage. Lysosomes seem to contain the major pool of redox-active labile iron within the cell. Under oxidative stress conditions, this iron may then relocate to the nucleus and play an important role for DNA damage by taking part in Fenton reactions.
DOI: 10.1593/tlo.11304
Cited 13 times
Effects of MnDPDP and ICRF-187 on Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity and Anticancer Activity
Oxidative stress participates in doxorubicin (Dx)-induced cardiotoxicity. The metal complex MnDPDP and its metabolite MnPLED possess SOD-mimetic activity, DPDP and PLED have, in addition, high affinity for iron. Mice were injected intravenously with MnDPDP, DPDP, or dexrazoxane (ICRF-187). Thirty minutes later, mice were killed, the left atria were hung in organ baths and electrically stimulated, saline or Dx was added, and the contractility was measured for 60 minutes. In parallel experiments, 10 µM MnDPDP or MnPLED was added directly into the organ bath. The effect of MnDPDP on antitumor activity of Dx against two human tumor xenografts (MX-1 and A2780) was investigated. The in vitro cytotoxic activity was studied by co-incubating A2780 cells with MnDPDP, DPDP, and/or Dx. Dx caused a marked reduction in contractile force. In vivo treatment with MnDPDP and ICRF-187 attenuated the negative effect of Dx. When added directly into the bath, MnDPDP did not protect, whereas MnPLED attenuated the Dx effect by approximately 50%. MnDPDP or ICRF-187 did not interfere negatively with the anti-tumor activity of Dx, either in vivo or in vitro. Micromolar concentrations of DPDP but not MnDPDP displayed an in vitro cytotoxic activity against A2780 cells. The present results show that MnDPDP, after being metabolized to MnPLED, protects against acute Dx cardiotoxicity. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments show that cardioprotection takes place without interfering negatively with the anticancer activity of Dx. Furthermore, the results suggest that the previously described cytotoxic in vivo activity of MnDPDP is an inherent property of DPDP.
DOI: 10.1111/cei.12236
Cited 10 times
A myelopoiesis gene signature during remission in anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis does not predict relapses but seems to reflect ongoing prednisolone therapy
A myelopoiesis gene signature in circulating leucocytes, exemplified by increased myeloperoxidase (MPO) and proteinase 3 (PR3) mRNA levels, has been reported in patients with active anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis (AAV), and to a lesser extent during remission. We hypothesized that this signature could predict disease relapse. mRNA levels of PR3, MPO, selected myelopoiesis transcription factors [CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α (CEBP-α), CCAAT/enhancer binding protein β (CEBP-β), SPI1/PU.1-related transcription factor (SPIB), spleen focus forming virus proviral integration oncogene, PU.1 homologue (SPI1)] and microRNAs (miRNAs) from patient and control peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) were analysed and associated with clinical data. Patients in stable remission had higher mRNA levels for PR3 (PBMC, PMN) and MPO (PBMC). PR3 and SPIB mRNA correlated positively in controls but negatively in patient PBMC. Statistically significant correlations existed between PR3 mRNA and several miRNAs in controls, but not in patients. PR3/MPO mRNA levels were not associated with previous or future relapses, but correlated with steroid treatment. Prednisolone doses were negatively linked to SPIB and miR-155-5p, miR-339-5p (PBMC) and to miR-221, miR-361 and miR-505 (PMN). PR3 mRNA in PBMC correlated with time since last flare, blood leucocyte count and estimated glomerular filtration rate. Our results show that elevated leucocyte PR3 mRNA levels in AAV patients in remission do not predict relapse. The origin seems multi-factorial, but to an important extent explainable by prednisolone action. Gene signatures in patients with AAV undergoing steroid treatment should therefore be interpreted accordingly.
DOI: 10.1089/rej.2007.0621
Cited 12 times
Can Lipofuscin Accumulation Be Prevented?
During normal autophagic degradation of mitochondria and iron-containing proteins in lysosomes, iron is released intralysosomally where it may react with hydrogen peroxide forming hydroxyl radicals (Fenton reaction). Depending on their rate of formation, these highly reactive radicals can cross-link intralysosomal material, leading to lipofuscin formation, or destabilize the lysosomal membrane, which induces apoptosis/necrosis. Since the sensitivity of lysosomes to oxidative stress can be manipulated by altering the intralysosomal level of redox-active iron, it follows that lipofuscin formation might also be influenced. It is suggested that pulse doses of iron chelators that easily penetrate membranes could be used to diminish lipofuscinogenesis.
Cited 8 times
Circulating microRNA expression pattern separates patients with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis from healthy controls
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis (AAV) has an unpredictable course and better biomarkers are needed. Micro-RNAs in body fluids are protected from degradation and might be used as biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis, here we explore the potential in AAV.
DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2011.03.023
Cited 7 times
Ascorbate and endocytosed Motexafin gadolinium induce lysosomal rupture
Motexafin gadolinium (MGd) sensitizes malignant cells to ionizing radiation, although the underlying mechanisms for uptake and sensitization are both unclear. Here we show that MGd is endocytosed by the clathrin-dependent pathway with ensuing lysosomal membrane permeabilization, most likely via formation of reactive oxygen species involving redox-active metabolites, such as ascorbate. We propose that subsequent apoptosis is a synergistic effect of irradiation and high MGd concentrations in malignant cells due to their pronounced endocytic activity. The results provide novel insights into the mode of action of this promising anti-cancer drug, which is currently under clinical trials.
DOI: 10.1016/j.thromres.2014.06.001
Cited 6 times
The neutrophil serine protease PR3 induces shape change of platelets via the Rho/Rho kinase and Ca2+ signaling pathways
Introduction Proteinase 3 (PR3) is released from neutrophil azurophilic granules and exerts complex effects on the inflammatory process. PR3 catalyzes the degradation of a number of macromolecules, but the consequences on blood cells are less well defined. In the present study, the effect of PR3 on human platelets was thoroughly investigated. Methods The experiments were performed on washed platelets freshly isolated from blood donated by healthy human volunteers. Platelets shape change and aggregation was measured on a Chrono-Log aggregometer. The phosphorylated form of MYPT1 was visualized by immunostaining. Platelet activation was further evaluated by flow cytometry. Results PR3 induced platelet shape change but not aggregation. Flow cytometry analysis showed that PR3 induced no P-selectin expression or binding of fibrinogen to the platelets, and it did not change the activation in response to PAR1- or PAR4-activating peptides or to thrombin. Furthermore, Fura-2 measurement and immuno-blotting analysis, respectively, revealed that PR3 stimulated small intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and Thr696-specific phosphorylation of the myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT1). Separate treatment of platelets with the Rho/Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 and the intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA/AM reduced the shape change induced by PR3 whereas concurrent treatment completely inhibited it. Conclusion The data shows that the neutrophil protease PR3 is a direct modulator of human platelets and causes shape change through activation of the Rho/Rho kinase and Ca2+ signaling pathways. This finding highlights an additional mechanism in the complex interplay between neutrophils and platelets.
Cited 8 times
Behavioral alterations after unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the striatum. Effect of alpha-tocopherol.
6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) injected unilaterally into the striatum of rats induced contralateral circling, and increased the duration of stereotyped movements after subcutaneous (sc) injection of apomorphine both 3 and 13 weeks after surgery. Ten weeks after surgery, the spontaneous locomotor activity during 24 h of observation was decreased. Twelve weeks after 6-OHDA injection, the animals had difficulties in carrying out a spatial navigation task in the water maze when the submerged escape platform was moved to another position on each of four consecutive days. When learning to find a new platform position required switching behavior-strategies, latency and swim paths were increased because of significantly more perseverative crossings of the previous platform positions. Intraperitoneal (ip) injection of alpha-tocopherol for 8 days increased the ability of naive control animals to find the hidden platform positions in the water maze one week later. In intrastriatal sham-operated rats, 8 daily pre-injections of alpha-tocopherol significantly increased the duration and number of bursts of stereotyped movements during 30 min following a sc injection of apomorphine if measured 13 weeks after surgery. In 6-OHDA-lesioned rats, alpha-tocopherol prevented the increased response to apomorphine, reduced the apomorphine-induced circling at 3 and 13 weeks, and prevented the decrease in spontaneous locomotion at 10 weeks, as well as the perseverative platform crossings which are caused by an impairment in switching behavior-strategies in the navigation task 12 weeks after surgery. Alpha-Tocopherol has, however, no influence on 6-OHDA-induced changes in problem solving strategies. The used model reflects some of the pathological symptoms of Parkinson's disease, and it seems that alpha-tocopherol may be an effective drug in the early initial stages of the disease.
DOI: 10.1007/s007020200058
Cited 7 times
Partial loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, ventrotegmental area and the retrorubral area - model of the early beginning of Parkinson's symptomatology?
Oxidative Stress and Lysosomes
Recent years have witnessed an avalanche of new knowledge implicating free radicals in virtually every aspect of biology and medicine. It is now axiomatic that the regulated accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) contributes to organismal health and well-being and that ROS serve as signaling molecules involved in cell growth, differentiation, gene regulation, replicative senescence and apoptosis. This book is an interdisciplinary text broken up into three consecutive volumes on the biochemistry and cellular/molecular biology of free radicals, transition metals, oxidants and antioxidants, and the role of oxidative stress in human health and disease.
DOI: 10.1016/j.lpm.2013.02.004
Proteinase 3induces shape change in platelets through activation of the Rho/Rho-kinase signaling pathway
Anaplastic thyroid cancer is an aggressive malignancy with a poor prognosis. In metastatic cases instead of treatment alternatives including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapeutic regimens, targeted treatments should be sought for.Statins are 3-hidroxy-3 methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, and inhibit conversion of HMG-CoA into mevalonate. Inhibition of mevalonate pathway Ras prenylation, can also inhibit tumoral growth. Rho/Rho kinase pathway has an important role in tumoral proliferation, and metastasis in which activity of ROCK increases leading to tumoral invasion. Herein we investigated antitumoral effectiveness of two HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor statins namely pravastatin, and atorvastatin, and Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632 in anaplastic thyroid cancer cell cultures through suppression of cellular proliferation. Various concentrations of pravastatin (20, and 60 μM), and atorvastatin (10, and 30 μM), Y-27632 (10, and 30 μM), and their combinations including pravastatin -Y-27632 (20 μM + 10 μM; 60 μM + 30 μM), atorvastatin - Y-27632 (10 μM + 10 μM, and 30 μM + 30 μM) solutions were prepared. Anaplastic thyroid cancer cell culture media were treated with these more water-soluble drug solutions of pravastatin which induced lower dose-, and time-dependent decreases in cellular indices relative to more lipid-soluble atorvastatin which also markedly suppressed cellular proliferation. Y-27632 also decreased cell indices in a dose-, and time-dependent manner. Combination of Y-27632 with pravastatin, and atorvastatin did not demonstrate additive, synergic or antagonistic interactions.HMG-CoA reductase, and also Rho-kinase inhibitors are promising treatment alternatives of anaplastic thyroid cancers. Further in vivo, and clinical studies are needed on this issue.
DOI: 10.1016/j.lpm.2013.02.028
A myelopoiesis gene signature during remission in ANCA-associated vasculitis reflects ongoing prednisolone therapy and does not seem to predict relapses
Ferulic acid (FA), a ubiquitous natural phenolic component found in many plants and fruits, has a wide range of biomedical applications. However, action mechanism of FA involved in lipid accumulation remains unclear. In this study, lipid accumulation and changes in expression levels of genes and proteins associated with adipocyte differentiation were investigated. Oil red O staining and glycerol accumulation assay revealed that FA decreased lipid accumulation in cells. FA downregulated expression levels of C/EBP-β, C/EBP-α, PPAR-γ, and SREBP-1, but upregulated expression levels of p38MAPK, p44/42 (Erk 1/2), and AMPK-α phosphorylation in 3T3-L1 cells. FA effects on high fat diet-induced (HFD) obese mice were also investigated. FA lowered HFD-induced body weight gain of obese mice without affecting regular food intake. FA reduced serum levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides in HFD obese mice. Similar to results of in vitro study, FA inhibited adipogenesis and lipid accumulation via downregulating PPAR-γ while upregulating p38MAPK, p44/42 (Erk 1/2), and AMPK-α phosphorylation in Swiss albino mice.
DOI: 10.1016/j.lpm.2013.02.217
Circulating microRNAs in ANCA vasculitis correlate to renal function, hemoglobin and risk of relapse
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is frequently complicated by viral reactivations. Early diagnosis of viral reactivations and preemptive therapy relies on frequent viralload monitoring. An easy marker of effective cytotoxicity in lymphopenia is lacking and therefore we studied perforin-expression in CD8+ T-cells in children following HSCT. Prospectively, we weekly monitored viral loads and perforin-expression of CD8+ T-cells in whole blood by FACS, until 4 months after HSCT in children. 27 patients were included (median age 4,3, range 0.3–20,1 years) of whom 19 developed viral reactivations. These patients showed higher percentages of perforin-expressing CD8+ T-cells (17,2%, range 0–63%) than those without (6,8%; range 0–16%) (p = 0.001). The increased percentage of perforin-expressing CD8+ T-cells coincided with a decrease in viral load with a median interval between maximum viral load and maximum level of perforin-expression of 0,4 weeks (range 0.1–7.1). We conclude that perforin-expression in CD8 + T-cells may be a marker for effective antiviral T-cell reconstitution early after HSCT in children.
The Remarkable Resistance Of ARPE-19 Cells To Oxidative Stress May Result From High Basal Levels Of Iron-binding Proteins And Their Autophagy
The Oxidative Stress-resistance Of Arpe-19 Cells May Be A Function Of High Basal Levels Of Iron-binding Proteins
H2DCF Oxidation Seems to be Dependent on Free Iron and Cytochrome C as Studied in ARPE-19 Cells
DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2010.2232.x
Why are retinal pigment epithelial cells so resistant to oxidative stress?
Purpose The functional integrity of postmitotic retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is crucial for photoreceptor survival, and RPE malfunction is considered an important factor behind age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Although RPE cells daily phagocytose large amounts of fatty acid-rich distal photoreceptor material, their lysosomal accumulation of lipofuscin (LF) is nevertheless slow. Only late in life do humans have LF-loaded RPE cells, which then not only have a reduced capacity to endocytose photoreceptor material but also are less capable of keeping up with normal autophagy. The latter activity is important for normal turnover of the cell’s own components. Methods ARPE-19 cells in culture were evaluated with respect to lysosomal stability at oxidative stress. Redox-active iron, autophagic activity (evaluation of LC3-I and LC3-II protein), and anti-oxidative proteins were assayed using cytochemistry (Sulphide-Silver Method), electron spin resonance (ESR) and western blotting for a variety of stress proteins. Results The lysosomal compartment of the ARPE-19 cells was found remarkably resistant to oxidative stress. The SSM and ESR methods suggested low lysosomal amounts of redox-active iron and no enhanced autophagy following oxidative stress. The normal autophagy rate was higher than in other professional scavengers. Conclusion The found low amount of lysosomal redox-active iron explains the slow formation of lipofuscin over time and the remarkable stability that ARPE-19 cells and their lysosomes show even under severe oxidative stress. The molecular mechanisms behind this phenomenon may be an unusual capacity to quickly export low mass iron from lysosomes to the cytosol and/or a high normal degree of autophagy of iron-binding stress proteins.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2008.12.1314
The Type IV Mucolipidosis-Associated Protein TRPML1 is an Endolysosomal Iron Release Channel
TRPML1 (mucolipin-1/MCOLN1) is predicted to be an intracellular late endosomal and lysosomal ion channel protein belonging to the mucolipin subfamily of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) proteins. Mutations in the human TRPML1 gene cause mucolipidosis type IV disease (ML4). ML4 patients exhibit motor impairment, mental retardation, retinal degeneration, and iron-deficiency anemia. Since aberrant iron metabolism may cause neural and retinal degeneration, it may be a primary cause of ML4 phenotypes. In most mammalian cells, release of iron from endosomes and lysosomes following iron uptake via endocytosis of Fe3+-bound transferrin receptors, or following lysosomal degradation of ferritin-Fe complexes and autophagic ingestion of iron-containing macromolecules, is the major source of cellular iron. The Divalent Metal Transporter protein (DMT1) is the only endosomal Fe2+ transporter currently known and is highly expressed in erythroid precursors, but genetic studies suggest the existence of a DMT1-independent endosomal/lysosomal Fe2+ transport protein. Here, by measuring radiolabeled iron uptake, monitoring the levels of cytosolic and intra-lysosomal iron and directly patch-clamping the late endosomal/lysosomal membrane, we show that TRPML1 functions as a Fe2+ permeable channel in late endosomes and lysosomes. ML4 mutations are shown to impair TRPML1's ability to permeate Fe2+ at varying degrees, which correlate well with the disease severity. A comparison of TRPML1−/− ML4 and control skin fibroblasts showed a reduction of cytosolic Fe2+ levels, an increase of intra-lysosomal Fe2+ levels, and an accumulation of lipofuscin-like molecules in TRPML1−/− cells. We propose that TRPML1 mediates a mechanism by which Fe2+ is released from late endosomes/lysosomes. Our results suggest that impaired iron transport may contribute to both hematological and degenerative symptoms of ML4 patients.
DOI: 10.2210/pdb3o2u/pdb
S. cerevisiae Ubc12
Oxidative Stress-Induced Apoptosis in ARPE-19 Cells Involves Lysosomal Rupture but Requires Intense Stress and Is Not Appreciably Alleviated by Iron Chelators
The H2DCF-DA Technique Shows Mainly the Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in ARPE-19 Cells
Role of lysosomal iron in oxidative stress-induced cell death.
Lysosomal redox-active iron is important for oxidative stress-induced DNA damage