
Silvia Goy López

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DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2023.168103
The Analytical Method algorithm for trigger primitives generation at the LHC Drift Tubes detector
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment prepares its Phase-2 upgrade for the high-luminosity era of the LHC operation (HL-LHC). Due to the increase of occupancy, trigger latency and rates, the full electronics of the CMS Drift Tube (DT) chambers will need to be replaced. In the new design, the time bin for the digitization of the chamber signals will be of around 1 ns, and the totality of the signals will be forwarded asynchronously to the service cavern at full resolution. The new backend system will be in charge of building the trigger primitives of each chamber. These trigger primitives contain the information at chamber level about the muon candidates position, direction, and collision time, and are used as input in the L1 CMS trigger. The added functionalities will improve the robustness of the system against ageing. An algorithm based on analytical solutions for reconstructing the DT trigger primitives, called Analytical Method, has been implemented both as a software C++ emulator and in firmware. Its performance has been estimated using the software emulator with simulated and real data samples, and through hardware implementation tests. Measured efficiencies are 96 to 98% for all qualities and time and spatial resolutions are close to the ultimate performance of the DT chambers. A prototype chain of the HL-LHC electronics using the Analytical Method for trigger primitive generation has been installed during Long Shutdown 2 of the LHC and operated in CMS cosmic data taking campaigns in 2020 and 2021. Results from this validation step, the so-called Slice Test, are presented.
Cited 16 times
Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada
La lectura detenida de Intersecciones deja una sensacion de extraneza placentera: un texto en castellano que aborda en profundidad el concepto de interseccionalidad, todavia una rara avis en textos politologicos y una quasi recien llegada a los estudios de genero y feministas desarrollados en Espana. Esta herramienta analitica se aplica al estudio de las sexualidades no normativas con el fin de explicar como la experiencia de las personas esta demarcada por repartos desiguales de poder en base a la participacion de fracturas como el genero, el estatus socioeconomico, el estatus de migrante, la diversidad funcional o la etnia. Este libro contribuye de manera innovadora en nuestro pais a la literatura en materia de interseccionalidad en —al menos— cuatro facetas. En primer lugar, la brillante Introduccion al texto proporciona una diseccion y evolucion del concepto mismo. Platero define interseccionalidad como la herramienta analitica que nos permite estudiar “como diferentes fuentes estructurales de desigualdad mantienen relaciones reciprocas” (2012: 26). Bien puede entenderse que la interseccionalidad es un nuevo concepto para describir una vieja cuestion en la teorizacion de la relacion entre diferentes formas de desigualdad social (Walby, 2007: 450). Ya Emma Goldman relata en sus memorias como la necesidad de la revolucion en pos de la emancipacion obrera estaba intimamente enlazada con la emancipacion de las mujeres, dado que la experiencia de las mujeres obreras y las estructuras conformadoras de la sociedad de clases no podian encararse como independientes (citado en Hancock, 2007: 63). Ahora bien, sera a partir de los anos ochenta en el contexto del feminismo estadounidense cuando se sistematice la necesidad de entender como los
DOI: 10.33620/fc.2173-9218.(2023).02
Proyecto sobre dispensación excepcional en el Principado de Asturias
RESUMENLa farmacia comunitaria (FC) se enfrenta a diario con situaciones que impiden la dispensación adecuada del medicamento, poniendo en riesgo la continuidad de los tratamientos por parte de los pacientes, lo cual se traduce en problemas relacionados con los medicamentos (PRM).A través de este estudio piloto realizado en el Principado de Asturias, se ha querido cuantificar el número de incidencias de este tipo relacionadas con aquellos aspectos de la prescripción que podrían ser fácilmente subsanadas por el farmacéutico comunitario a través de intervenciones sencillas en el momento de la dispensación.Se llevó a cabo un estudio en diez farmacias de esta comunidad autónoma en el horario de apertura habitual a lo largo de quince días laborables.La muestra incluyó un total de 32.331 envases dispensados.En él se registraron 406 incidencias susceptibles de dispensación excepcional.La tasa de incidencia total alcanza el 1,26 % de las dispensaciones, lo que extrapolando al total de dispensaciones realizadas en Asturias durante el mes de octubre de 2020 daría una cifra de 27.030 dispensaciones totales susceptibles de dispensación excepcional.La tasa de incidencia total fue inferior en la farmacia urbana (1,03 %) frente a la semiurbana y rural (1,37 % y 1,39 %).La mayor parte de los casos (59,4 %) afectó a pacientes con aportación individual a la Seguridad Social correspondiente al 10 % (TSI2) y la edad media del paciente fue de 60,8 años.En cuanto al nivel asistencial, el 79 % de los casos corresponde a recetas de atención primaria (AP).El tipo más habitual de incidencia es "potencial interrupción por prescripción no activa en el momento de la dispensación (superado el margen de 10 días)" con una tasa de incidencia del 0,61 % de las dispensaciones, lo que supondría un total de 13.181 prescripciones susceptibles de dispensación excepcional por este tipo de incidencia.En cuanto al ahorro económico, se comprobó que 63 de los 406 casos hubiesen requerido necesariamente una consulta médica y el 30 % de ellos sería de pacientes en activo.Por lo tanto, los restantes 343 casos, que podrían resolverse a través de dispensación excepcional por parte del farmacéutico comunitario, significarían un ahorro de más de 4.000 consultas y de cerca de 200.000 euros entre costes directos e indirectos si se permitiese la intervención del farmacéutico. Project on exceptional dispensation in the Principality of Asturias
DOI: 10.3390/ani12223178
Cited 3 times
Use of Olive Pulp for Gestating Iberian Sow Feeding: Influence on Performance, Health Status Indicators, and Fecal Microbiota
Olive pulp (Olea europaea) inclusion in the diet of Iberian sows (Sus scrofa) is interesting due to fiber and bioactive compounds content and because both productions are located in the same area. The aim of this trial was to study the effect of olive pulp inclusion at 100 g/kg in Iberian sow’s diet on performance, immunoglobulin and serum parameters, antioxidant status, and fecal microbiota. Forty multiparous Iberian sows (body weight (BW) = 149.6 ± 20.2 kg) were assigned either a control diet (CON) or an experimental diet (PUL) with olive pulp at 100 g/kg. The BW and backfat thickness in sows were measured at post-insemination days 42 and 107, and litter performance was measured on the farrowing day. Blood and fecal samples were collected at gestation day 107. In piglets, blood was sampled when they were 10 days old for immunoglobulin analysis. Albumin, total protein, triglyceride, creatinine, urea, glucose, and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity in serum were higher (p < 0.05) in PUL sows than in CON sows. The Enterobacteriaceae, Bifidobacterium spp., and Lactobacillus spp. fecal counts were increased (p < 0.05) with olive pulp supplementation compared with the CON sow group. Olive pulp added to gestating Iberian sow’s diet at 100 g/kg has beneficial effects on the fecal microbiota and antioxidant status, without penalizing other gestation parameters.
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1801.08085
Cited 4 times
The Temple University Hospital Seizure Detection Corpus
We introduce the TUH EEG Seizure Corpus (TUSZ), which is the largest open source corpus of its type, and represents an accurate characterization of clinical conditions. In this paper, we describe the techniques used to develop TUSZ, evaluate their effectiveness, and present some descriptive statistics on the resulting corpus.
DOI: 10.1021/ja00160a006
Cited 8 times
Scanning tunneling microscopy of dimeric and polymeric products of electroreduced [Re(CO)3(4-vinyl,4'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine)Cl]
ADVERTISEMENT RETURN TO ISSUEPREVArticleNEXTScanning tunneling microscopy of dimeric and polymeric products of electroreduced [Re(CO)3(4-vinyl,4'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine)Cl]Shelly R. Snyder, Henry S. White, Silvia Lopez, and Hector D. AbrunaCite this: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 4, 1333–1337Publication Date (Print):February 1, 1990Publication History Published online1 May 2002Published inissue 1 February 1990https://doi.org/10.1021/ja00160a006RIGHTS & PERMISSIONSArticle Views137Altmetric-Citations10LEARN ABOUT THESE METRICSArticle Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days.Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon will load a page at altmetric.com with additional details about the score and the social media presence for the given article. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Share Add toView InAdd Full Text with ReferenceAdd Description ExportRISCitationCitation and abstractCitation and referencesMore Options Share onFacebookTwitterWechatLinked InReddit PDF (2 MB) Get e-Alerts Get e-Alerts
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.09.164
CMS Detector Performance during LHC Run 1 and projections for Run 2
The performance of CMS detector during LHC Run 1 is presented. Excellent results regarding the CMS detector triggering capabilities and its performance for tracking and vertexing, particle identification, reconstruction and energy measurement, as well as jet and E̸→T reconstruction have been obtained. Planned detector improvements for next LHC running period are also discussed.
DOI: 10.33620/fc.2173-9218.(2023).10
Prospective observational study of the impact of problems accessing treatment such as risk factors for adherence and persistence. Pilot study
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.09.270
Precision tests of the Standard Model with Kaon decays at CERN
Effects of new physics in flavor could be found both in Flavor Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) processes and in Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) modes. The former offer the possibility to deeply test the standard model in a clean environment, while the latter are sensitive to contribution from several models beyond the standard model. In the Kaon sector both FCNC and LFV will be investigated in the NA62 experiment. In addition the kaons sector is an ideal place where to look for new particles and tiny effects, in the region of hundreds of MeV/c2. In this paper prospects for exotic searches in NA62 will be presented, together with recent results from NA48/2 and NA62-RK on LFV kaon decays modes.
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927616010072
Electrospray Deposition of Nanoparticles on TEM Grids
Un estudio sobre la noción de función constante
En este trabajo de investigacion se realizo un estudio respecto a las formas de pensamiento que movilizan estudiantes de primer ano de universidad cuando se les situa en un ambiente de discusion relativo a un conocimiento matematico particular, en este caso, funcion constante. En especifico, intereso identificar la relacion existente entre las dificultades manifiestas en estudiantes para incorporar a la funcion constante como tal, con las dificultades sui generis manifestadas por algunos pensadores matematicos de antano.
DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.108747
Irradiation aging of the CMS Drift Tube muon detector
During the High Luminosity LHC, the Drift Tube chambers installed in the CMS detector need to operate with an integrated dose ten times higher than expected at the LHC due to the increase in integrated luminosity from 300 fb-1 to 3000 fb-1. Irradiations have been performed to assess the performance of the detector under such conditions and to characterize the radiation aging of the detector. The presented analysis focuses on the behaviour of the high voltage currents and the dose measurements needed to extrapolate the results to High Luminosity conditions, using data from the photon irradiation campaign at GIF++ in 2016 as well as the efficiency analysis from the irradiation campaign started in 2017. Although the single-wire loss of high voltage gain observed of 70% is very high, the muon reconstruction efficiency is expected to decrease less than 20% during the full duration of High Luminosity LHC in the areas under highest irradiation.
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1408.0585
Recent NA48/2 and NA62 results
The NA48/2 Collaboration at CERN has accumulated and analysed unprecedented statistics of rare kaon decays in the $K_{e4}$ modes: $K_{e4}(+-)$ ($K^\pm \to π^+ π^- e^\pm ν$) and $K_{e4}(00)$ ($K^\pm \to π^0 π^0 e^\pm ν$) with nearly one percent background contamination. It leads to the improved measurement of branching fractions and detailed form factor studies. New final results from the analysis of 381 $K^\pm \to π^\pm γγ$ rare decay candidates collected by the NA48/2 and NA62 experiments at CERN are presented. The results include a decay rate measurement and fits to Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) description.
ChPT tests at the NA48 and NA62 experiments at CERN
The NA48/2 Collaboration at CERN has accumulated unprecedented statistics of rare kaon decays in the Ke4 modes: Ke4(+-) ($K^\pm \to \pi^+ \pi^- e^\pm \nu$) and Ke4(00) ($K^\pm \to \pi^0 \pi^0 e^\pm \nu$) with nearly one percent background contamination. The detailed study of form factors and branching rates, based on these data, has been completed recently. The results brings new inputs to low energy strong interactions description and tests of Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) and lattice QCD calculations. In particular, new data support the ChPT prediction for a cusp in the $\pi^0\pi^0$ invariant mass spectrum at the two charged pions threshold for Ke4(00) decay. New final results from an analysis of about 400 $K^\pm \to \pi^\pm \gamma \gamma$ rare decay candidates collected by the NA48/2 and NA62 experiments at CERN during low intensity runs with minimum bias trigger configurations are presented. The results include a model-independent decay rate measurement and fits to ChPT description.
Neutral pion form factor measurement at NA62
La intervención psicomotriz, facilitadora en el proceso de separación
First observation of K± → π±π0e+e- decay at NA48
Directiva Ecodiseño y equipos de biomasa
La biomasa, protagonista de la financiación climática
Proyectos CLIMA: mayor dotación económica en 2015
Todo sobre el programa Pareer Crece
Nuevos requisitos de Ecodiseño para calderas y estufas de biomasa
El RD 56/2016 sobre eficiencia energética y sus implicaciones
Searches for Lepton number violation and resonances in the K± → π μμ decays at the NA48/2 experiment
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1601.08014
ChPT tests at the NA48 and NA62 experiments at CERN
The NA48/2 Collaboration at CERN has accumulated unprecedented statistics of rare kaon decays in the Ke4 modes: Ke4(+-) ($K^\pm \to \pi^+ \pi^- e^\pm \nu$) and Ke4(00) ($K^\pm \to \pi^0 \pi^0 e^\pm \nu$) with nearly one percent background contamination. The detailed study of form factors and branching rates, based on these data, has been completed recently. The results brings new inputs to low energy strong interactions description and tests of Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) and lattice QCD calculations. In particular, new data support the ChPT prediction for a cusp in the $\pi^0\pi^0$ invariant mass spectrum at the two charged pions threshold for Ke4(00) decay. New final results from an analysis of about 400 $K^\pm \to \pi^\pm \gamma \gamma$ rare decay candidates collected by the NA48/2 and NA62 experiments at CERN during low intensity runs with minimum bias trigger configurations are presented. The results include a model-independent decay rate measurement and fits to ChPT description.
DOI: 10.30972/crn.1717189
La política federal de vivienda desde su implementación en el Gran Resistencia
&lt;p&gt;Este libro presenta una investigación realizada por los integrantes del equipo de investigación del Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Vivienda de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la UNNE, cuyo objeto fue el estudio de la Política Federal de Vivienda, a partir de su implementación durante el período 2003- 2007 en el Área Metropolitana Gran Resistencia (AMGR).&lt;/p&gt;
Biología de Sistemas
Fil: Boltovskoy, Demetrio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas; Argentina
Biomasa inteligente en la ciudad del futuro
Convocatoria europea ENERMASS
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927617010145
Electrospray as a Sample Preparation Tool for Electron Microscopic Investigations: Toward Quantitative Evaluation of Nanoparticles
Journal Article Electrospray as a Sample Preparation Tool for Electron Microscopic Investigations: Toward Quantitative Evaluation of Nanoparticles Get access Johannes Mielke, Johannes Mielke Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, Germany Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Pavla Dohänyosovä, Pavla Dohänyosovä RAMEM S. A., C/ Sambara 33, 28027. Madrid. Spain Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Philipp Müller, Philipp Müller BASF SE, Material Physics Research, 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Silvia Lopez, Silvia Lopez RAMEM S. A., C/ Sambara 33, 28027. Madrid. Spain Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Vasile-Dan Hodoroaba Vasile-Dan Hodoroaba Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, Germany Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 23, Issue S1, 1 July 2017, Pages 1896–1897, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927617010145 Published: 04 August 2017
DOI: 10.22323/1.282.0636
Model independent measurement of the leptonic kaon decay K+- -&gt;mu+- nu e+ e- with the NA48/2 experiment
A measurement of the branching ratio of the rare leptonic kaon decay K ± → µ ± ν µ e + e -is presented using data collected by the NA48/2 experiment in 2003 and 2004.The measurement is performed in the region M ee > 140 MeV/c 2 .In this particular region low energy QCD contributions become important and can be calculated in the framework of Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT).From a total number of 1.56 × 10 11 recorded kaon decays, the branching ratio is measured to be B K ± → µ ± ν µ e + e -|M ee > 140 MeV /c 2 = (7.8± 0.2) × 10 -8 .
DOI: 10.3360/dis.2008.56
PDFs in Electroweak Processes at the LHC
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2201.00407
Aprendizaje de los números complejos usando diferentes sistemas de cálculo simbólico y un sistema de evaluación en línea en formación inicial de profesores
En este art\'iculo se estudi\'o el trabajo matem\'atico personal de 15 profesores en formaci\'on inicial, en primer a\~no de una universidad p\'ublica en Chile, a partir de dos tareas sobre n\'umeros complejos. Estas tareas se plantearon en un CAA (Moodlle - Wiris) y se propuso resolverlas utilizando distintos CAS, como GeoGebra, Symbolab, Photomath y Wolfram Alpha entre otros. Se observaron dificultades y potencialidades en el trabajo matem\'atico de los estudiantes. En las dificultades, se observ\'o que los estudiantes ten\'ian problemas para interpretar la informaci\'on de los CAS y del feedback del CAA debido a que los conocimientos matem\'aticos previos no eran lo suficientemente solidos para hacerlo. En las potencialidades, se observ\'o que distintas caracter\'isticas de la tarea, junto con la articulaci\'on de dos o m\'as artefactos permiti\'o a los estudiantes darle significado a los objetos matem\'aticos involucrados. In this article we studied the personal mathematical work of 15 teachers in initial training, in the first year of a public university in Chile, based on two tasks on complex numbers. These tasks were presented in a CAA (Moodlle - Wiris) and it was proposed to solve them using different CAS, such as GeoGebra, Symbolab, Photomath and Wolfram Alpha, among others. Difficulties and potentialities were observed in the mathematical work of the students. In the difficulties, it was observed that the students had problems interpreting the information from the CAS and the AAC feedback because their previous mathematical knowledge was not solid enough to do so. In the potentialities, it was observed that different characteristics of the task, together with the articulation of two or more artifacts allowed students to give meaning to the mathematical objects involved.
DOI: 10.7560/325162-002
Esta también es una práctica de comunalidad.Como todos los textos, éste también fue escrito junto con y a partir del trabajo imaginativo de otros, justo en el horizonte de esa mutua pertenencia al lenguaje que nos vuelve a veces, con suerte, parte de un estar-en-común que es crítico y festivo.Aquí también, pues, su devoción
DOI: 10.1159/000528207
Integrative and Collaborative Approach in the Chronic Management of Obesity in Primary and Tertiary Care Setting: Vall Hebron-SAP Muntanya Healthcare Route
In the context of obesity pandemic, the health care providers involved in the primary care should have a significant role. Several guidelines for the management of obesity in primary care were proposed recently. In general lines, these guidelines include recommendation on the baseline assessment, therapy, and algorithm for referral to specialized obesity clinic and follow-up. Nevertheless, at present, there is no guideline or protocol that continuously and bidirectionally links the two settings: primary care and specialized obesity clinic.We present a model of continuous, bilateral, and integrative interaction between primary care units and reference tertiary care setting in the chronic management of obesity that is already implemented in a public health system.The novelty of our algorithm is that incorporates the support and continuous communication with the specialized obesity clinic of the tertiary care setting from the beginning in the management of a patient with obesity, in a bidirectional manner.This kind of bidirectional and continuous collaboration will help engage health care providers in the management of obesity, optimize efforts, shorten the time until proper intervention, personalize the approach and, finally, save costs for the health system.
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv36k5c46.21
Measurements of the Xi0 lifetime and the anti-Xi0 / Xi0 flux ratio in a neutral beam
arXiv : A firmware oriented trigger algorithm for CMS Drift Tubes in HL-LHC
A full replacement of the existing muon trigger system in the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector is planned for operating at the maximum instantaneous luminosities of about $5-7.5\times10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ expected in HL-LHC (High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider). In this plan, the new on-detector electronics that is being designed for the DT (Drift Tubes) detector will read out all the chamber information at its maximum time resolution. A new trigger system, based on the highest performing FPGAs, is being designed and will be capable of providing precise muon reconstruction and bunch crossing identification. An algorithm easily portable to an FPGA architecture has been designed to implement the new trigger primitive information from the DT detector. This algorithm reconstructs muon segments from single-wire DT hits, which contain a time uncertainty of 400 ns due to the drift time in the cell. This algorithm provides the maximum resolution achievable by the DT chambers and brings the hardware system closer to the offline performance capabilities. The results of the simulation and of the first implementations in the new electronics test bench will be shown.
5 años de Canal Clima
Field Transport of Nano- and Micro-Particles in Granular Media Show Highest Mobility for Nano- to Micro-Size Transition Particles and Hyperexponential Distribution from Source for all Sizes
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1910.14332
A firmware oriented trigger algorithm for CMS Drift Tubes in HL-LHC
A full replacement of the existing muon trigger system in the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector is planned for operating at the maximum instantaneous luminosities of about $5-7.5\times10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ expected in HL-LHC (High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider). In this plan, the new on-detector electronics that is being designed for the DT (Drift Tubes) detector will read out all the chamber information at its maximum time resolution. A new trigger system, based on the highest performing FPGAs, is being designed and will be capable of providing precise muon reconstruction and bunch crossing identification. An algorithm easily portable to an FPGA architecture has been designed to implement the new trigger primitive information from the DT detector. This algorithm reconstructs muon segments from single-wire DT hits, which contain a time uncertainty of 400 ns due to the drift time in the cell. This algorithm provides the maximum resolution achievable by the DT chambers and brings the hardware system closer to the offline performance capabilities. The results of the simulation and of the first implementations in the new electronics test bench will be shown.
Se pueden secuenciar las actitudes
High precision study of CP-violating charge asymmetry in K+- ---> 3pi+- decays by the NA-48/2 experiment at CERN
High precision search for direct CP-violation in K+- ---> pi+- pi0 pi0 decays by the NA-48/2 experiment at CERN
Study of the K to pi pi0 gamma decays at the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS
L'experience NA48/2 au CERN SPS a accumule une grande quantite de desintegrations K en pi pi0 gamma, permettant d'etudier ce canal avec une grande precission. Deux amplitudes contribuent a ces desintegrations. La partie dominante correspond au Bremstrahlung Interne (IB) dans le canal K en pi pi0, la deuxieme partie a l'Emission Directe (DE) du photon au vertex faible par un etat intermediaire de la desintegration. Les transitions radiatives les plus simples sont de types dipole electrique (E1) et magnetique (M1). Les amplitudes de type E peuvent interferer avec les amplitudes de type IB. La violation de CP et des effets non prevues par le Modele Standard peuvent apparaitre dans le terme de interference (INT). Dans ce travail un sous ensemble des donnees a ete analyse. Environ 120000 desintegrations, avec une contamination de bruit de fond negligeable, ont ete reconstruites dans les ranges 0. 2 < W < 0. 9 et T<80 MeV. La mauvaise selection du photon impair est inferieur au pour mille pour toutes les composantes de la desintegration. Un ajustement par maximum de vraisemblance des contributions IB, DE et INT a la distribution experimentale W permet de determiner les contributions relatives de DE et INT par rapport a IB. La stabilite des resultats avec la variation des coupures de selection et plusieurs sources d'incertitudes systematiques ont ete etudiees.
DOI: 10.1080/02147033.1992.10821037
Construcción racional y autónoma de valores y habilidades sociales
La enseñanza de las habilidades sociales requiere el uso de diversas técnicas y procedimiento. En este artículo se relacionan las más directamente implicadas en un currículum de educación moral orientado hacia el desarrollo de la autonomía. Se propone una actividad para el primer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Además, se ofrecen prototipos de actividades para otros tramos educativos.
DOI: 10.1080/02147033.1992.10821040
Autorregulación y desarrollo de capacidades que incrementan la coherencia entre juicio y acción
AbstractEl desarrollo de las competencias autorreguladoras de la persona adquiere una especial importancia cuando se trata de incrementar la coherencia entre juicio y acción. En este artículo se analizan los conceptos de autorregulación y autocontrol así como las diferentes consideraciones que puedan ayudar a su contextualización en el aula. Se propone una actividad para el primer ciclo de Educación Primaria.ResumenUna de las dimensiones más importantes de la acción pedagógica en el ámbito de la educación moral, se debe orientar al desarrollo de competencias y conductas que supongan un alto nivel de autorregulación y autocontrol en el alumno/a. El desarrollo de estas capacidades puede suponer una mayor coherencia entre juicio y acción, entre pensamiento y conducta, ya que la finalidad de las mismas es que la persona reflexione sobre su conducta y establezca pautas de acción para mejorarla.Es necesaria la formación de la personas de manera que esten capacitadas para regular, de forma autónoma, su conducta y su actuación en el entorno donde viven, a la vez que están preparadas para presentar conductas singulares, basadas en criterios personales.PALABRAS CLAVE: Educación moralcompetencias de autorregulaciónautocontrolactividades escolares