
Renaud Legouis

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DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(91)90193-3
Cited 644 times
The candidate gene for the X-linked Kallmann syndrome encodes a protein related to adhesion molecules
Kallmann syndrome associates hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia and is probably due to a defect in the embryonic migration of olfactory and GnRH-synthesizing neurons. The Kallmann gene had been localized to Xp22.3. In this study 67 kb of genomic DNA, corresponding to a deletion interval containing at least part of the Kallmann gene, were sequenced. Two candidate exons, identified by multiparameter computer programs, were found in a cDNA encoding a protein of 679 amino acids. This candidate gene (ADMLX) is interrupted in its 3' coding region in the Kallmann patient, in which the proximal end of the KAL deletion interval was previously defined. A 5' end deletion was detected in another Kallmann patient. The predicted protein sequence shows homologies with the fibronectin type III repeat. ADMLX thus encodes a putative adhesion molecule, consistent with the defect of embryonic neuronal migration.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1211878
Cited 424 times
Postfertilization Autophagy of Sperm Organelles Prevents Paternal Mitochondrial DNA Transmission
In sexual reproduction of most animals, the spermatozoon provides DNA and centrioles, together with some cytoplasm and organelles, to the oocyte that is being fertilized. Paternal mitochondria and their genomes are generally eliminated in the embryo by an unknown degradation mechanism. We show that, upon fertilization, a Caenorhabditis elegans spermatozoon triggers the recruitment of autophagosomes within minutes and subsequent paternal mitochondria degradation. Whereas the nematode-specific sperm membranous organelles are ubiquitinated before autophagosome formation, the mitochondria are not. The degradation of both paternal structures and mitochondrial DNA requires an LC3-dependent autophagy. Analysis of fertilized mouse embryos shows the localization of autophagy markers, which suggests that this autophagy event is evolutionarily conserved to prevent both the transmission of paternal mitochondrial DNA to the offspring and the establishment of heteroplasmy.
DOI: 10.1038/35017046
Cited 179 times
LET-413 is a basolateral protein required for the assembly of adherens junctions in Caenorhabditis elegans
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.89.17.8190
Cited 171 times
X chromosome-linked Kallmann syndrome: stop mutations validate the candidate gene.
Kallmann syndrome represents the association of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with anosmia. This syndrome is from a defect in the embryonic migratory pathway of gonadotropin-releasing hormone synthesizing neurons and olfactory axons. A candidate gene for the X chromosome-linked form of the syndrome was recently isolated by using a positional cloning strategy based on deletion mapping in the Xp22.3 region. With the PCR, two exons of this candidate gene were amplified on the genomic DNAs from 18 unrelated patients affected with the X chromosome-linked Kallmann syndrome. Three different base transitions--all leading to a stop codon--and one single-base deletion responsible for a frameshift were identified. We thus conclude that the candidate gene is the actual KAL gene responsible for the X chromosome-linked Kallmann syndrome. Furthermore, unilateral renal aplasia in two unrelated patients carrying a stop mutation indicates that the KAL gene is itself responsible for this Kallmann syndrome-associated anomaly. The gene is, therefore, also involved in kidney organogenesis. Additional neurologic symptoms in Kallmann patients are also discussed.
DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2013.11.022
Cited 119 times
The C. elegans LC3 Acts Downstream of GABARAP to Degrade Autophagosomes by Interacting with the HOPS Subunit VPS39
The formation of the autophagic vesicles requires the recruitment of ubiquitin-like Atg8 proteins to the membrane of nascent autophagosomes. Seven Atg8 homologs are present in mammals, split into the LC3 and the GABARAP/GATE-16 families, whose respective functions are unknown. Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we investigated the functions of the GABARAP and the LC3 homologs, LGG-1 and LGG-2, in autophagosome biogenesis. Both LGG-1 and LGG-2 localize to the autophagosomes but display partially overlapping patterns. During allophagy, a developmentally stereotyped autophagic flux, LGG-1 acts upstream of LGG-2 to allow its localization to autophagosomes. LGG-2 controls the maturation of LGG-1-positive autophagosomes and facilitates the tethering with the lysosomes through a direct interaction with the VPS-39 HOPS complex subunit. Genetic analyses sustain a sequential implication of LGG-1, LGG-2, RAB-7, and HOPS complex to generate autolysosomes. The duplications of Atg8 in metazoans thus allowed the acquisition of specialized functions for autophagosome maturation.
DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2014.1003478
Cited 103 times
Guidelines for monitoring autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans.
The cellular recycling process of autophagy has been extensively characterized with standard assays in yeast and mammalian cell lines. In multicellular organisms, numerous external and internal factors differentially affect autophagy activity in specific cell types throughout the stages of organismal ontogeny, adding complexity to the analysis of autophagy in these metazoans. Here we summarize currently available assays for monitoring the autophagic process in the nematode C. elegans. A combination of measuring levels of the lipidated Atg8 ortholog LGG-1, degradation of well-characterized autophagic substrates such as germline P granule components and the SQSTM1/p62 ortholog SQST-1, expression of autophagic genes and electron microscopy analysis of autophagic structures are presently the most informative, yet steady-state, approaches available to assess autophagy levels in C. elegans. We also review how altered autophagy activity affects a variety of biological processes in C. elegans such as L1 survival under starvation conditions, dauer formation, aging, and cell death, as well as neuronal cell specification. Taken together, C. elegans is emerging as a powerful model organism to monitor autophagy while evaluating important physiological roles for autophagy in key developmental events as well as during adulthood.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03359-8
Cited 103 times
Multicolor two-photon imaging of endogenous fluorophores in living tissues by wavelength mixing
Abstract Two-photon imaging of endogenous fluorescence can provide physiological and metabolic information from intact tissues. However, simultaneous imaging of multiple intrinsic fluorophores, such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(phosphate) (NAD(P)H), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and retinoids in living systems is generally hampered by sequential multi-wavelength excitation resulting in motion artifacts. Here, we report on efficient and simultaneous multicolor two-photon excitation of endogenous fluorophores with absorption spectra spanning the 750–1040 nm range, using wavelength mixing. By using two synchronized pulse trains at 760 and 1041 nm, an additional equivalent two-photon excitation wavelength at 879 nm is generated, and achieves simultaneous excitation of blue, green and red intrinsic fluorophores. This method permits an efficient simultaneous imaging of the metabolic coenzymes NADH and FAD to be implemented with perfect image co-registration, overcoming the difficulties associated with differences in absorption spectra and disparity in concentration. We demonstrate ratiometric redox imaging free of motion artifacts and simultaneous two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) of NADH and FAD in living tissues. The lifetime gradients of NADH and FAD associated with different cellular metabolic and differentiation states in reconstructed human skin and in the germline of live C. Elegans are thus simultaneously measured. Finally, we present multicolor imaging of endogenous fluorophores and second harmonic generation (SHG) signals during the early stages of Zebrafish embryo development, evidencing fluorescence spectral changes associated with development.
DOI: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2017.08.014
Cited 84 times
ESCRT and autophagies: Endosomal functions and beyond
ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery has been initially identified for its role during endocytosis, which allows membrane proteins and lipids to be degraded in the lysosome. ESCRT function is required to form intraluminal vesicles permitting internalization of cytosolic components or membrane embedded cargoes and promoting endosome maturation. ESCRT machinery also contributes to multiple key cell mechanisms in which it reshapes membranes. In addition, ESCRT actively participates in different types of autophagy processes for degrading cytosolic components, such as endosomal microautophagy and macroautophagy. During macroautophagy, ESCRT promotes formation of multivesicular bodies, which can fuse with autophagosomes to generate amphisomes. This latter fusion probably brings to autophagosomes key membrane molecules necessary for the subsequent fusion with lysosomes. Interestingly, during macroautophagy, ESCRT proteins could be involved in non-canonical functions such as vesicle tethering or phagophore membrane sealing. Additionally, ESCRT subunits could directly interact with key autophagy related proteins to build a closer connection between endocytosis and autophagy pathways.
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.114.12.2265
Cited 160 times
Assembly of<i>C. elegans</i>apical junctions involves positioning and compaction by LET-413 and protein aggregation by the MAGUK protein DLG-1
Specialised subapical junctions play a critical role in maintaining epithelial cell polarity and tissue integrity, and provide a platform for intracellular signalling. Here we analyse the roles of C. elegans genes let-413 and dlg-1, a homologue of Drosophila lethal discs large, in the assembly of the C. elegans apical junction (CeAJ), and provide the first characterisation of this structure. We have identified dlg-1 as an essential gene in an RNA interference screen against C. elegans homologues of genes encoding proteins involved in tight or septate junction formation. We show that DLG-1 colocalises with the junctional protein JAM-1 at CeAJs in a unit distinct from HMP-1/alpha-catenin, and apical to the laterally localised LET-413. Loss of dlg-1 activity leads to JAM-1 mislocalisation and the disappearance of the electron-dense component of the CeAJs, but only mild adhesion and polarity defects. In contrast, loss of let-413 activity leads to the formation of basally extended discontinuous CeAJs and strong adhesion and polarity defects. Interestingly, in LET-413-deficient embryos, CeAJ markers are localised along the lateral membrane in a manner resembling that observed in wild-type embryos at the onset of epithelial differentiation. We conclude that the primary function of LET-413 is to correctly position CeAJ components at a discrete subapical position. Furthermore, we propose that DLG-1 is required to aggregate JAM-1 and other proteins forming the electron-dense CeAJ structure. Our data suggest that epithelial adhesion is maintained by several redundant systems in C. elegans.
DOI: 10.1038/sj.embor.7400006
Cited 146 times
Basolateral targeting by leucine‐rich repeat domains in epithelial cells
The asymmetric distribution of proteins to basolateral and apical membranes is an important feature of epithelial cell polarity. To investigate how basolateral LAP proteins (LRR (for leucine‐rich repeats) and PDZ (for PSD‐95/Discs‐large/ZO‐1), which play key roles in cell polarity, reach their target membrane, we carried out a structure–function study of three LAP proteins: Caenorhabditis elegans LET‐413, human Erbin and human Scribble (hScrib). Deletion and point mutation analyses establish that their LRR domain is crucial for basolateral membrane targeting. This property is specific to the LRR domain of LAP proteins, as the non‐LAP protein SUR‐8 does not localize at the basolateral membrane of epithelial cells, despite having a closely related LRR domain. Importantly, functional studies of LET‐413 in C. elegans show that although its PDZ domain is dispensable during embryogenesis, its LRR domain is essential. Our data establish a novel paradigm for protein localization by showing that a subset of LRR domains direct subcellular localization in polarized cells.
DOI: 10.1083/jcb.200302151
Cited 144 times
The <i>Caenorhabditis elegans vab-10</i> spectraplakin isoforms protect the epidermis against internal and external forces
Morphogenesis of the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo is driven by actin microfilaments in the epidermis and by sarcomeres in body wall muscles. Both tissues are mechanically coupled, most likely through specialized attachment structures called fibrous organelles (FOs) that connect muscles to the cuticle across the epidermis. Here, we report the identification of new mutations in a gene known as vab-10, which lead to severe morphogenesis defects, and show that vab-10 corresponds to the C. elegans spectraplakin locus. Our analysis of vab-10 reveals novel insights into the role of this plakin subfamily. vab-10 generates isoforms related either to plectin (termed VAB-10A) or to microtubule actin cross-linking factor plakins (termed VAB-10B). Using specific antibodies and mutations, we show that VAB-10A and VAB-10B have distinct distributions and functions in the epidermis. Loss of VAB-10A impairs the integrity of FOs, leading to epidermal detachment from the cuticle and muscles, hence demonstrating that FOs are functionally and molecularly related to hemidesmosomes. We suggest that this isoform protects against forces external to the epidermis. In contrast, lack of VAB-10B leads to increased epidermal thickness during embryonic morphogenesis when epidermal cells change shape. We suggest that this isoform protects cells against tension that builds up within the epidermis.
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.109.7.1749
Cited 112 times
Initial characterization of anosmin-1, a putative extracellular matrix protein synthesized by definite neuronal cell populations in the central nervous system
The KAL gene is responsible for the X-chromosome linked form of Kallmann's syndrome in humans. Upon transfection of CHO cells with a human KAL cDNA, the corresponding encoded protein, KALc, was produced. This protein is N-glycosylated, secreted in the cell culture medium, and is localized at the cell surface. Several lines of evidence indicate that heparan-sulfate chains of proteoglycan(s) are involved in the binding of KALc to the cell membrane. Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to the purified KALc were generated. They allowed us to detect and characterize the protein encoded by the KAL gene in the chicken central nervous system at late stages of embryonic development. This protein is synthesized by definite neuronal cell populations including Purkinje cells in the cerebellum, mitral cells in the olfactory bulbs and several subpopulations in the optic tectum and the striatum. The protein, with an approximate molecular mass of 100 kDa, was named anosmin-1 in reference to the deficiency of the sense of smell which characterizes the human disease. Anosmin-1 is likely to be an extracellular matrix component. Since heparin treatment of cell membrane fractions from cerebellum and tectum resulted in the release of the protein, we suggest that one or several heparan-sulfate proteoglycans are involved in the binding of anosmin-1 to the membranes in vivo.
DOI: 10.4161/auto.6.5.12252
Cited 84 times
The autophagosomal protein LGG-2 acts synergistically with LGG-1 in dauer formation and longevity in <i>C. elegans</i>
Autophagy has an important function in degrading cytoplasmic components to maintain cellular homeostasis, but is also required during development. The formation of the autophagic vesicles requires the recruitment of the Atg8 ubiquitin-like proteins to the membrane of the nascent autophagosomes. Atg8 is a highly conserved gene which has been duplicated during metazoan evolution. In this report we have investigated, in the nematode C. elegans, the functions and localizations of the two Atg8p homologues LGG-2 and LGG-1. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that LGG-2 is more closely related to the human protein LC3 than LGG-1. LGG-1 but not LGG-2 is able to functionally complement the atg8 mutant yeast. The C-terminal glycine residue of LGG-2 is essential for post-translational modification and localization to the autophagosomes. During C. elegans development the two proteins share a similar expression pattern and localization but LGG-2 is more abundant in the neurons. Using genetic tools to either reduce or increase the autophagic flux we show that both LGG-2 and LGG-1 are addressed to the autophagosomal/lysosomal degradative system. We also demonstrate that the localization of both proteins is modified in several physiological processes when autophagy is induced, namely during diapause "dauer" larval formation, starvation and aging. Finally, we demonstrate that both LGG-2 and LGG-1 act synergistically and are involved in dauer formation and longevity of the worm.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0854.2005.00309.x
Cited 71 times
CeVPS‐27 is an Endosomal Protein Required for the Molting and the Endocytic Trafficking of the Low‐Density Lipoprotein Receptor‐Related Protein 1 in <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>
Class E vacuolar protein-sorting (Vps) proteins were first described in yeast as being involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis and multivesicular body formation. Inactivation by RNA interference of the class E VPS genes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans revealed heterogeneous phenotypes. We have further characterized the role of the essential gene Cevps-27, ortholog of human hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate, during the development of C. elegans. Use of green fluorescent protein fusion constructs and antibody staining revealed that Cevps-27 localizes to endosomal membranes. It is widely expressed but enriched in epithelial cells. Cevps-27 mutants presented enlarged endosomal structures and an accumulation of autophagic vesicles as revealed by electron microscopy and the analysis of the autophagic marker LGG-1. Cevps-27 animals arrested at L2-L3 molt with an inability to degrade their old cuticle. This molting phenotype was more severe when Cevps-27 worms were grown on suboptimal concentrations of cholesterol. Furthermore, defective endocytic trafficking of the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) was also observed in Cevps-27 mutants. These results indicate that CeVPS-27 is required for endosomal and autophagic pathways in C. elegans and plays a crucial role in the control of molting through LRP-1 internalization and cholesterol traffic.
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.091702
Cited 48 times
Induction of autophagy in ESCRT mutants is an adaptive response for cell survival in <i>C. elegans</i>
Endosomes and autophagosomes are two vesicular compartments involved in the degradation and recycling of cellular material. They both undergo a maturation process and finally fuse with the lysosome. In mammals, the convergence between endosomes and autophagosomes is a multistep process that can generate intermediate vesicles named amphisomes. Using knockdowns and mutants of the ESCRT machinery (ESCRT-0-ESCRT-III, ATPase VPS-4) and the autophagic pathway (LGG-1, LGG-2, ATG-7, TOR), we analyzed in vivo the functional links between endosomal maturation and autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans. We report here that, despite a strong heterogeneity of their developmental phenotypes, all ESCRT mutants present an accumulation of abnormal endosomes and autophagosomes. We show that this accumulation of autophagosomes is secondary to the formation of enlarged endosomes and is due to the induction of the autophagic flux and not a blockage of fusion with lysosomes. We demonstrate that the induction of autophagy is not responsible for the lethality of ESCRT mutants but has a protective role on cellular degradation. We also show that increasing the basal level of autophagy reduces the formation of enlarged endosomes in ESCRT mutants. Together, our data indicate that the induction of autophagy is a protective response against the formation of an abnormal vesicular compartment.
DOI: 10.4161/auto.19242
Cited 42 times
In most animals, during oocyte fertilization the spermatozoon provides DNA and centrioles together with some cytoplasm and organelles, but paternal mitochondria are generally eliminated in the embryo. Using the model animal C. elegans we have shown that paternal organelle degradation is dependent on the formation of autophagosomes a few minutes after fertilization. This macroautophagic process is preceded by an active ubiquitination of some spermatozoon-inherited organelles. Analysis of fertilized mouse embryos suggests that this autophagy event is evolutionarily conserved.
DOI: 10.3390/cells6030027
Cited 38 times
Approaches for Studying Autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans
Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is an intracellular degradative process, well conserved among eukaryotes. By engulfing cytoplasmic constituents into the autophagosome for degradation, this process is involved in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Autophagy induction triggers the formation of a cup-shaped double membrane structure, the phagophore, which progressively elongates and encloses materials to be removed. This double membrane vesicle, which is called an autophagosome, fuses with lysosome and forms the autolysosome. The inner membrane of the autophagosome, along with engulfed compounds, are degraded by lysosomal enzymes, which enables the recycling of carbohydrates, amino acids, nucleotides, and lipids. In response to various factors, autophagy can be induced for non-selective degradation of bulk cytoplasm. Autophagy is also able to selectively target cargoes and organelles such as mitochondria or peroxisome, functioning as a quality control system. The modification of autophagy flux is involved in developmental processes such as resistance to stress conditions, aging, cell death, and multiple pathologies. So, the use of animal models is essential for understanding these processes in the context of different cell types throughout the entire lifespan. For almost 15 years, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has emerged as a powerful model to analyze autophagy in physiological or pathological contexts. This review presents a rapid overview of physiological processes involving autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans, the different assays used to monitor autophagy, their drawbacks, and specific tools for the analyses of selective autophagy.
DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201909139
Cited 22 times
Autophagy facilitates mitochondrial rebuilding after acute heat stress via a DRP-1–dependent process
Acute heat stress (aHS) can induce strong developmental defects in Caenorhabditis elegans larva but not lethality or sterility. This stress results in transitory fragmentation of mitochondria, formation of aggregates in the matrix, and decrease of mitochondrial respiration. Moreover, active autophagic flux associated with mitophagy events enables the rebuilding of the mitochondrial network and developmental recovery, showing that the autophagic response is protective. This adaptation to aHS does not require Pink1/Parkin or the mitophagy receptors DCT-1/NIX and FUNDC1. We also find that mitochondria are a major site for autophagosome biogenesis in the epidermis in both standard and heat stress conditions. In addition, we report that the depletion of the dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP-1) affects autophagic processes and the adaptation to aHS. In drp-1 animals, the abnormal mitochondria tend to modify their shape upon aHS but are unable to achieve fragmentation. Autophagy is induced, but autophagosomes are abnormally elongated and clustered on mitochondria. Our data support a role for DRP-1 in coordinating mitochondrial fission and autophagosome biogenesis in stress conditions.
DOI: 10.1038/35017119
Cited 71 times
Collective nomenclature for LAP proteins
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.90.6.2461
Cited 65 times
Expression of the KAL gene in multiple neuronal sites during chicken development.
The human KAL gene is responsible for the X chromosome-linked Kallmann syndrome. A partial cDNA sequence from the chicken KAL homologue was determined and used to study expression of the KAL gene, by in situ hybridization, during chicken development, from day 6 of incubation. The KAL gene is mainly expressed in neurons of the central nervous system during the second half of embryonic life. High levels of transcript were detected in mitral neurons of the olfactory bulbs, in striatal neurons, in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum, in retinal neurons, and in isolated neurons of the brainstem and spinal cord. No expression was observed in glial cells. A low level of expression was observed in some mesenchymal derivatives. In the adult, expression is maintained or increased in several neuronal populations, especially in optic tectum and striatum. A possible role for the KAL protein in synaptogenesis at these stages is discussed. These results in the chicken embryo help to elucidate the mechanisms of anosmia and gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, which define Kallmann syndrome. In addition, most of the occasional symptoms described in Kallmann syndrome patients, such as cerebellar ataxia, abnormal ocular movements, abnormal spatial visual attention, mirror movements, and renal aplasia, could be ascribed to malfunction of areas that, in the chicken, express the KAL gene.
DOI: 10.1042/bc20090145
Cited 45 times
Developmental and cellular functions of the ESCRT machinery in pluricellular organisms
ESCRTs (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) were first discovered in yeast and are known to be required in the biogenesis of the MVB (multivesicular body). Most ESCRT research has been carried out in vitro using models such as yeast and mammalian cells in culture. The role of the ESCRTs genes in endosome maturation is conserved from yeast to mammals, but little is known about their function during development in multicellular organisms. Since ESCRTs play a leading role in regulating some cell signalling pathways by addressing receptors to the lysosome, it appears important to monitor ESCRT functions in multicellular models. The present review summarizes recent research on the developmental and cellular functions of the ESCRT in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Mus musculus or Arabidopsis thaliana.
DOI: 10.1364/optica.6.000385
Cited 25 times
High-speed polarization-resolved third-harmonic microscopy
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DOI: 10.1242/dev.01146
Cited 50 times
PAR-3 is required for epithelial cell polarity in the distal spermatheca of C. elegans
PAR-3 is localized asymmetrically in epithelial cells in a variety of animals from Caenorhabditis elegans to mammals. Although C. elegans PAR-3 is known to act in early blastomeres to polarize the embryo, a role for PAR-3 in epithelial cells of C. elegans has not been established. Using RNA interference to deplete PAR-3 in developing larvae, we discovered a requirement for PAR-3 in spermathecal development. Spermathecal precursor cells are born during larval development and differentiate into an epithelium that forms a tube for the storage of sperm. Eggs must enter the spermatheca to complete ovulation. PAR-3-depleted worms exhibit defects in ovulation. Consistent with this phenotype, PAR-3 is transiently expressed and localized asymmetrically in the developing somatic gonad, including the spermathecal precursor cells of L4 larvae. We found that the defect in ovulation can be partially suppressed by a mutation in IPP-5, an inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase, indicating that one effect of PAR-3 depletion is disruption of signaling between oocyte and spermatheca. Microscopy revealed that the distribution of AJM-1, an apical junction marker, and apical microfilaments are severely affected in the distal spermatheca of PAR-3-depleted worms. We propose that PAR-3 activity is required for the proper polarization of spermathecal cells and that defective ovulation results from defective distal spermathecal development.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2008.11.025
Cited 37 times
Increased IP3/Ca2+ signaling compensates depletion of LET-413/DLG-1 in C. elegans epithelial junction assembly
The let-413/scribble and dlg-1/discs large genes are key regulators of epithelial cell polarity in C. elegans and other systems but the mechanism how they organize a circumferential junctional belt around the apex of epithelial cells is not well understood. We report here that IP(3)/Ca(2+) signaling is involved in the let-413/dlg-1 pathway for the establishment of epithelial cell polarity during the development in C. elegans. Using RNAi to interfere with let-413 and dlg-1 gene functions during post-embryogenesis, we discovered a requirement for LET-413 and DLG-1 in the polarization of the spermathecal cells. The spermatheca forms an accordion-like organ through which eggs must enter to complete the ovulation process. LET-413- and DLG-1-depleted animals exhibit failure of ovulation. Consistent with this phenotype, the assembly of the apical junction into a continuous belt fails and the PAR-3 protein and microfilaments are no longer localized asymmetrically. All these defects can be suppressed by mutations in IPP-5, an inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase and in ITR-1, an inositol triphosphate receptor, which both are supposed to increase the intracellular Ca(2+) level. Analysis of embryogenesis revealed that IP(3)/Ca(2+) signaling is also required during junction assembly in embryonic epithelia.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2009.07200.x
Cited 36 times
Glutathione transferases kappa 1 and kappa 2 localize in peroxisomes and mitochondria, respectively, and are involved in lipid metabolism and respiration in <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>
To elucidate the function of kappa class glutathione transferases (GSTs) in multicellular organisms, their expression and silencing were investigated in Caenorhabditis elegans. In contrast with most vertebrates, which possess only one GST kappa gene, two distinct genes encoding GSTK-1 and GSTK-2 are present in the C. elegans genome. The amino acid sequences of GSTK-1 and GSTK-2 share around 30% similarity with the human hGSTK1 sequence and, like the human transferase, GSTK-1 contains a C-terminal peroxisomal targeting sequence. gstk-1 and gstk-2 genes show distinct developmental and tissue expression patterns. We show that GSTK-2 is localized in the mitochondria and expressed mainly in the pharynx, muscles and epidermis, whereas GSTK-1 is restricted to peroxisomes and expressed in the intestine, body wall muscles and epidermis. In order to determine the potential role(s) of GST kappa genes in C. elegans, specific silencing of the gstk-1 and gstk-2 genes was performed by an RNA interference approach. Knockdown of gstk-1 or gstk-2 had no apparent effect on C. elegans reproduction, development, locomotion or lifespan. By contrast, when biological functions (oxygen consumption and lipid metabolism) related to peroxisomes and/or mitochondria were investigated, we observed a significant decrease in respiration rate and a lower concentration of the monounsaturated fatty acid cis-vaccenic acid (18:1omega7) when worms were fed on bacteria expressing RNA interference targeting both gstk-1 and gstk-2. These results demonstrate that GST kappa, although not essential for the worm's life, may be involved in energetic and lipid metabolism, two functions related to mitochondria and peroxisomes.
DOI: 10.1364/boe.2.002837
Cited 31 times
Combined third-harmonic generation and four-wave mixing microscopy of tissues and embryos
Nonlinear microscopy can be used to probe the intrinsic optical properties of biological tissues. Using femtosecond pulses, third-harmonic generation (THG) and four-wave mixing (FWM) signals can be efficiently produced and detected simultaneously. Both signals probe a similar parameter, i.e. the real part of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility χ((3)). However THG and FWM images result from different phase matching conditions and provide complementary information. We analyze this complementarity using calculations, z-scan measurements on water and oils, and THG-FWM imaging of cell divisions in live zebrafish embryos. The two signals exhibit different sensitivity to sample size and clustering in the half-wavelength regime. Far from resonance, THG images reveal spatial variations |Δχ((3))(-3ω;ω,ω,ω)| with remarkable sensitivity while FWM directly reflects the distribution of χ((3))(-2ω(1) + ω(2);ω(1), -ω(2), ω(1)). We show that FWM images provide χ((3)) maps useful for proper interpretation of cellular THG signals, and that combined imaging carries additional structural information. Finally we present simultaneous imaging of intrinsic THG, FWM, second-harmonic (SHG) and two-photon-excited fluorescence (2PEF) signals in live Caenorhabditis elegans worms illustrating the information provided by multimodal nonlinear imaging of unstained tissue.
DOI: 10.1016/s0925-4773(99)00222-1
Cited 45 times
Characterization of the two zebrafish orthologues of the KAL-1 gene underlying X chromosome-linked Kallmann syndrome
The gene underlying X chromosome-linked Kallmann syndrome, KAL-1, has been identified for several years, yet its role in development is still poorly understood. In order to take advantage of the zebrafish as a model in developmental genetics, we isolated the two KAL-1 orthologues, kal1.1 and kal1.2, in this species. Comparison of deduced protein sequences with the human one shows 75.5 and 66.5% overall homology, respectively. The most conserved domains are the whey acidic protein-like domain and the first of four fibronectin-like type III repeats. However, kal1.2 putative protein lacks the basic C-terminal domain (20 residues) found in kal1.1 and KAL-1. The expressions of kal1.1 and kal1.2 were studied in the embryo between 6 and 96 hours post fertilization using whole-mount in situ hybridization. Although a few structures express both genes, kal1.1 and kal1.2 expression patterns are largely non-overlapping. Taken together, these patterns match fairly well those previously reported for human KAL-1 and chicken kal1. As regards the olfactory system, kal1.1 is expressed, from 37 h.p.f. onward, in the presumptive olfactory bulbs, whereas kal1.2 transcript is only detected, from 48 h.p.f., in the epithelium of the nasal cavity. The relevance of the zebrafish as an animal model for studying both the function of KAL-1 in normal development and the developmental failure leading to the olfactory defect in Kallmann syndrome, is discussed.
DOI: 10.1210/jcem.76.4.8473391
Cited 43 times
Xp22.3 deletions in isolated familial Kallmann's syndrome.
Several familial cases of Kallmann's syndrome (KS) have been reported, among which the X-chromosome-linked mode of inheritance is the most frequent. The gene responsible for the X-linked KS has been localized to the terminal part of the X-chromosome short arm (Xp22.3 region), immediately proximal to the steroid sulfatase gene responsible for X-linked ichthyosis. Large deletions of this region have been previously shown in patients affected with both X-linked ichthyosis and KS. We report here the search for Xp22.3 deletions in 20 unrelated males affected with isolated X-linked KS. Only 2 deletions were found using Southern blot analysis, indicating that large deletions are uncommon in patients affected with KS alone. Both deletions were shown to include the entire KAL gene responsible for X-linked KS. The patients carrying these deletions exhibit additional clinical anomalies, which are discussed: unilateral renal aplasia, unilateral absence of vas deferens, mirror movements, and sensory neural hearing loss.
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m111.254037
Cited 28 times
Caenorhabditis elegans Evolves a New Architecture for the Multi-aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Complex
MARS is an evolutionary conserved supramolecular assembly of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases found in eukaryotes. This complex was thought to be ubiquitous in the deuterostome and protostome clades of bilaterians because similar complexes were isolated from arthropods and vertebrates. However, several features of the component enzymes suggested that in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a species grouped with arthropods in modern phylogeny, this complex might not exist, or should display a significantly different structural organization. C. elegans was also taken as a model system to study in a multicellular organism amenable to experimental approaches, the reason for existence of these supramolecular entities. Here, using a proteomic approach, we have characterized the components of MARS in C. elegans. We show that this organism evolved a specific structural organization of this complex, which contains several bona fide components of the MARS complexes known so far, but also displays significant variations. These data highlight molecular evolution events that took place after radiation of bilaterians. Remarkably, it shows that expansion of MARS assembly in metazoans is not linear, but is the result of additions but also of subtractions along evolution. We then undertook an experimental approach, using inactivation of the endogenous copy of methionyl-tRNA synthetase by RNAi and expression of transgenic variants, to understand the role in complex assembly and the in vivo functionality, of the eukaryotic-specific domains appended to aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. We show that rescue of the worms and assembly of transgenic variants into MARS rest on the presence of these appended domains.
DOI: 10.1006/geno.1993.1360
Cited 38 times
Characterization of the Chicken and Quail Homologues of the Human Gene Responsible for the X-Linked Kallmann Syndrome
The human KAL gene, responsible for the X-linked Kallmann syndrome, was isolated previously. Southern blot analysis using human cDNA probes detected cross-hybridization with DNA from several organisms, including chicken and quail. The entire coding sequences of chicken and quail KAL cDNAs were determined. A comparison of these cDNAs with the human KAL cDNA reveals an overall identity of 73 and 72%, respectively. This results in 76 and 75% identity at the protein level. The highest conservation was found in the WAP four-disulfide core motif and in two of the four fibronectin type III repeats reported in the human protein. These results further support the hypothesis that the KAL protein is an extracellular matrix component with anti-protease and adhesion functions.
DOI: 10.1042/bc20090025
Cited 25 times
The ESCRT‐III protein CeVPS‐32 is enriched in domains distinct from CeVPS‐27 and CeVPS‐23 at the endosomal membrane of epithelial cells
Within the endocytic pathway, the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery is essential for the biogenesis of MVBs (multivesicular bodies). In yeast, ESCRTs are recruited at the endosomal membrane and are involved in cargo sorting into intralumenal vesicles of the MVBs.In the present study, we characterize the ESCRT-III protein CeVPS-32 (Caenorhabditis elegans vacuolar protein sorting 32) and its interactions with CeVPS-27, CeVPS-23 and CeVPS-4. In contrast with other CevpsE (class E vps) genes, depletion of Cevps-32 is embryonic lethal with severe defects in the remodelling of epithelial cell shape during organogenesis. Furthermore, Cevps-32 animals display an accumulation of enlarged early endosomes in epithelial cells and an accumulation of autophagosomes. The CeVPS-32 protein is enriched in epithelial tissues and in residual bodies during spermatid maturation. We show that CeVPS-32 and CeVPS-27/Hrs (hepatocyte-growth-factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate) are enriched in distinct subdomains at the endosomal membrane. CeVPS-27-positive subdomains are also enriched for the ESCRT-I protein CeVPS-23/TSG101 (tumour susceptibility gene 101). The formation of CeVPS-27 subdomains is not affected by the depletion of CeVPS-23, CeVPS-32 or the ATPase CeVPS-4.Our results suggest that the formation of membrane subdomains is essential for the maturation of endosomes.
DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2018.1512452
Cited 17 times
Autophagy mediates phosphatidylserine exposure and phagosome degradation during apoptosis through specific functions of GABARAP/LGG-1 and LC3/LGG-2
Phagocytosis and macroautophagy/autophagy are 2 processes involved in lysosome-mediated clearance of extracellular and intracellular components, respectively. Recent studies have identified the recruitment of the autophagic protein LC3 during phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses in what is now called LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP). LAP is a distinct process from autophagy but it relies on some members of the autophagy pathway to allow efficient degradation of the phagocytosed cargo. We investigated whether both LC3/LGG-2 and GABARAP/LGG-1 are involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses during embryonic development of Caenorhabditis elegans. We discovered that both LGG-1 and LGG-2 are involved in the correct elimination of apoptotic corpses, but that they have different functions. lgg-1 and lgg-2 mutants present a delay in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells but genetic analyses indicate that LGG-1 and LGG-2 act upstream and downstream of the engulfment pathways, respectively. Moreover, LGG-1 and LGG-2 display different cellular localizations with enrichment in apoptotic corpses and phagocytic cells, respectively. For both LGG-1 and LGG-2, subcellular localization is vesicular and dependent on UNC-51/ULK1, BEC-1/BECN1 and the lipidation machinery, indicating that their functions during phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses mainly rely on autophagy. Finally, we show that LGG-1 is involved in the exposure of the 'eat-me signal' phosphatidylserine at the surface of the apoptotic cell to allow its recognition by the phagocytic cell, whereas LGG-2 is involved in later steps of phagocytosis to allow efficient cell corpse clearance by mediating the maturation/degradation of the phagosome.
DOI: 10.1002/bies.202100271
Cited 7 times
The strange case of Drp1 in autophagy: Jekyll and Hyde?
There is a debate regarding the function of Drp1, a GTPase involved in mitochondrial fission, during the elimination of mitochondria by autophagy. A number of experiments indicate that Drp1 is needed to eliminate mitochondria during mitophagy, either by reducing the mitochondrial size or by providing a noncanonical mitophagy function. Yet, other convincing experimental results support the conclusion that Drp1 is not necessary. Here, we review the possible functions for Drp1 in mitophagy and autophagy, depending on tissues, organisms and stresses, and discuss these apparent discrepancies. In this regard, it appears that the reduction of mitochondria size is often required for mitophagy but not always in a Drp1-dependent manner. Finally, we speculate on Drp1-independent mitochondrial fission mechanism that may take place during mitophagy and on noncanonical roles, which Drp1 may play such as modulating organelle contact sites dynamic during the autophagosome formation.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.85748
LGG-1/GABARAP lipidation is not required for autophagy and development in Caenorhabditis elegans
The ubiquitin-like proteins Atg8/LC3/GABARAP are required for multiple steps of autophagy, such as initiation, cargo recognition and engulfment, vesicle closure and degradation. Most of LC3/GABARAP functions are considered dependent on their post-translational modifications and their association with the autophagosome membrane through a conjugation to a lipid, the phosphatidyl-ethanolamine. Contrarily to mammals, C. elegans possesses single homologs of LC3 and GABARAP families, named LGG-2 and LGG-1. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we inhibited the conjugation of LGG-1 to the autophagosome membrane and generated mutants that express only cytosolic forms, either the precursor or the cleaved protein. LGG-1 is an essential gene for autophagy and development in C. elegans, but we discovered that its functions could be fully achieved independently of its localization to the membrane. This study reveals an essential role for the cleaved form of LGG-1 in autophagy but also in an autophagy-independent embryonic function. Our data question the use of lipidated GABARAP/LC3 as the main marker of autophagic flux and highlight the high plasticity of autophagy.
DOI: 10.1016/s0378-1119(01)00700-4
Cited 36 times
Epithelial biology: lessons from Caenorhabditis elegans
Epithelial cells are essential and abundant in all multicellular animals where their dynamic cell shape changes orchestrate morphogenesis of the embryo and individual organs. Genetic analysis in the simple nematode Caenorhabditis elegans provides some clues to the mechanisms that are involved in specifying epithelial cell fates and in controlling specific epithelial processes such as junction assembly, trafficking or cell fusion and cell adhesion. Here we review recent findings concerning C. elegans epithelial cells, focusing in particular on epithelial polarity, and transcriptional control.
DOI: 10.4161/cib.21522
Cited 19 times
Need an ESCRT for autophagosomal maturation?
Several reports in fly, nematode and mammalian cells have revealed that the inactivation of endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) blocks the endosomal maturation but also leads to the increased number of autophagosomal structures. In this review we compare these data and conclude that the way ESCRT mutations affect the relationships between autophagosomes and endosomes cannot be generalized but depends on the studied species. We propose that the effect of ESCRT mutations on autophagy is directly dependent of the level of interaction between autophagosomes and endosomes. In particular, the formation of amphisomes during autophagosomal maturation could be the key point to explain the differences observed between species. These observations highlight the importance of multiple model organisms to decipher the complexity of relationships between such dynamic vesicles.
DOI: 10.1002/pro.529
Cited 19 times
Methionyl‐tRNA synthetase from <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>: A specific multidomain organization for convergent functional evolution
Methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) is a multidomain protein that specifically binds tRNAMet and catalyzes the synthesis of methionyl-tRNAMet. The minimal, core enzyme found in Aquifex aeolicus is made of a catalytic domain, which catalyzes the aminoacylation reaction, and an anticodon-binding domain, which promotes tRNA-protein association. In eukaryotes, additional domains are appended in cis or in trans to the core enzyme and increase the stability of the tRNA-protein complexes. Eventually, as observed for MetRS from Homo sapiens, the C-terminal appended domain causes a slow release of aminoacyl-tRNA and establishes a limiting step in the global aminoacylation reaction. Here, we report that MetRS from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans displays a new type of structural organization. Its very C-terminal appended domain is related to the oligonucleotide binding-fold-based tRNA-binding domain (tRBD) recovered at the C-terminus of MetRS from plant, but, in the nematode enzyme, this domain is separated from the core enzyme by an insertion domain. Gel retardation and tRNA aminoacylation experiments show that MetRS from nematode is functionally related to human MetRS despite the fact that their appended tRBDs have distinct structural folds, and are not orthologs. Thus, functional convergence of human and nematode MetRS is the result of parallel and convergent evolution that might have been triggered by the selective pressure to invent processivity of tRNA handling in translation in higher eukaryotes.
DOI: 10.4161/auto.29745
Cited 16 times
Human GABARAP can restore autophagosome biogenesis in a<i>C. elegans lgg-1</i>mutant
We recently described in C. elegans embryos, the acquisition of specialized functions for orthologs of yeast Atg8 (e.g., mammalian MAP1LC3/LC3) in allophagy, a selective and developmentally regulated autophagic process. During the formation of double-membrane autophagosomes, the ubiquitin-like Atg8/LC3 proteins are recruited to the membrane through a lipidation process. While at least 6 orthologs and paralogs are present in mammals, C. elegans only possesses 2 orthologs, LGG-1 and LGG-2, corresponding to the GABARAP-GABARAPL2/GATE-16 and the MAP1LC3 families, respectively. During allophagy, LGG-1 acts upstream of LGG-2 and is essential for autophagosome biogenesis, whereas LGG-2 facilitates their maturation. We demonstrated that LGG-2 directly interacts with the HOPS complex subunit VPS-39, and mediates the tethering between autophagosomes and lysosomes, which also requires RAB-7. In the present addendum, we compared the localization of autophagosomes, endosomes, amphisomes, and lysosomes in vps-39, rab-7, and lgg-2 depleted embryos. Our results suggest that lysosomes interact with autophagosomes or endosomes through a similar mechanism. We also performed a functional complementation of an lgg-1 null mutant with human GABARAP, its closer homolog, and showed that it localizes to autophagosomes and can rescue LGG-1 functions in the early embryo.
DOI: 10.1016/j.mad.2020.111266
Cited 13 times
Mitophagy during development and stress in C. elegans
Mitochondria is a key cellular organelle, which is tightly supervised by multiple oversight cellular mechanisms regulating mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondria maintenance and/or elimination. Selective autophagy of mitochondria, id est mitophagy, is one of the cellular mechanisms controlling mitochondria homeostasis. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has recently emerged as a powerful model organism to study the roles and functions of mitophagy. We present here the current knowledge on cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the selective elimination of mitochondria by autophagy in C. elegans in the context of developmental processes, aging and adaptive responses to various stresses.
DOI: 10.1006/geno.1993.1004
Cited 29 times
Characterization and Chromosomal Assignment of a Human cDNA Encoding a Protein Related to the Murine 102-kDa Cadherin-Associated Protein (α-Catenin)
We report the characterization of a human cDNA encompassing the complete coding region of a 945-residue putative protein (CAP-R) 80% identical to the recently described murine 102-kDa alpha-catenin (CAP102). The CAP-R protein mostly differs from CAP102 by the presence of a 48-residue insert. This insert exhibits similarity with a segment of the type 1 neurofibromatosis gene product. The analysis of a publicly available human "expressed sequence tag" collection revealed the existence of another human cDNA more closely related (89% identical) to CAP102. This strongly suggests that CAP-R is not the human homologue of the murine 102-kDa alpha-catenin but a new closely related gene of the vinculin family. This is further supported by the computed mutation rates falling outside the range observed for mammalian orthologous genes. Using in situ hybridization, the CAP-R gene could be mapped to the p11.1-p12 region of human chromosome 2 and to the homologous B3-D region of mouse chromosome 6.
DOI: 10.1038/sj.embor.embor7400006
Cited 25 times
Basolateral targeting by leucine-rich repeat domains in epithelial cells
The asymmetric distribution of proteins to basolateral and apical membranes is an important feature of epithelial cell polarity. To investigate how basolateral LAP proteins (LRR (for leucine-rich repeats) and PDZ (for PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1), which play key roles in cell polarity, reach their target membrane, we carried out a structure-function study of three LAP proteins: Caenorhabditis elegans LET-413, human Erbin and human Scribble (hScrib). Deletion and point mutation analyses establish that their LRR domain is crucial for basolateral membrane targeting. This property is specific to the LRR domain of LAP proteins, as the non-LAP protein SUR-8 does not localize at the basolateral membrane of epithelial cells, despite having a closely related LRR domain. Importantly, functional studies of LET-413 in C. elegans show that although its PDZ domain is dispensable during embryogenesis, its LRR domain is essential. Our data establish a novel paradigm for protein localization by showing that a subset of LRR domains direct subcellular localization in polarized cells.
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.178467
Cited 12 times
The ESCRT-II proteins are involved in shaping the sarcoplasmic reticulum
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubules and cisternae localized in close association with the contractile apparatus, and regulates Ca(2+)dynamics within striated muscle cell. The sarcoplasmic reticulum maintains its shape and organization despite repeated muscle cell contractions, through mechanisms which are still under investigation. The ESCRT complexes are essential to organize membrane subdomains and modify membrane topology in multiple cellular processes. Here, we report for the first time that ESCRT-II proteins play a role in the maintenance of sarcoplasmic reticulum integrity inC. elegans ESCRT-II proteins colocalize with the sarcoplasmic reticulum marker ryanodine receptor UNC-68. The localization at the sarcoplasmic reticulum of ESCRT-II and UNC-68 are mutually dependent. Furthermore, the characterization of ESCRT-II mutants revealed a fragmentation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum network, associated with an alteration of Ca(2+)dynamics. Our data provide evidence that ESCRT-II proteins are involved in sarcoplasmic reticulum shaping.
DOI: 10.1093/nar/19.19.5453
Cited 25 times
A dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the Kallmann locus (Xp22.3)
Journal Article A dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the Kallmann locus (Xp22.3) Get access P.-M.G Bouloux, P.-M.G Bouloux Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar J.-P. Hardelin, J.-P. Hardelin 2Unite de Generique Moleculaire Humaine, Institut PasteurParis, France Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar P. Munroe, P. Munroe Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar J.M.W. Kirk, J.M.W. Kirk 1Department of Endocrinology, St Barthoomew's HospitalLondon Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar R. Legouis, R. Legouis 2Unite de Generique Moleculaire Humaine, Institut PasteurParis, France Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar J. Levilliers, J. Levilliers 2Unite de Generique Moleculaire Humaine, Institut PasteurParis, France Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar J. Hazan, J. Hazan 2Unite de Generique Moleculaire Humaine, Institut PasteurParis, France Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar J. Weissenbach, J. Weissenbach 2Unite de Generique Moleculaire Humaine, Institut PasteurParis, France Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar C. Petit C. Petit 2Unite de Generique Moleculaire Humaine, Institut PasteurParis, France Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 19, Issue 19, 11 October 1991, Page 5453, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/19.19.5453 Published: 11 October 1991
DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.11.019
Cited 12 times
Tools and methods to analyze autophagy in C. elegans
For a long time, autophagy has been mainly studied in yeast or mammalian cell lines, and assays for analyzing autophagy in these models have been well described. More recently, the involvement of autophagy in various physiological functions has been investigated in multicellular organisms. Modification of autophagy flux is involved in developmental processes, resistance to stress conditions, aging, cell death and multiple pathologies. So, the use of animal models is essential to understand these processes in the context of different cell types and during the whole life. For ten years, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has emerged as a powerful model to analyze autophagy in physiological or pathological contexts. In this article, we present some of the established approaches and the emerging tools available to monitor and manipulate autophagy in C. elegans, and discuss their advantages and limitations.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11417-z
Cited 5 times
Exploring selective autophagy events in multiple biologic models using LC3-interacting regions (LIR)-based molecular traps
Autophagy is an essential cellular pathway that ensures degradation of a wide range of substrates including damaged organelles or large protein aggregates. Understanding how this proteolytic pathway is regulated would increase our comprehension on its role in cellular physiology and contribute to identify biomarkers or potential drug targets to develop more specific treatments for disease in which autophagy is dysregulated. Here, we report the development of molecular traps based in the tandem disposition of LC3-interacting regions (LIR). The estimated affinity of LC3-traps for distinct recombinant LC3/GABARAP proteins is in the low nanomolar range and allows the capture of these proteins from distinct mammalian cell lines, S. cerevisiae and C. elegans. LC3-traps show preferences for GABARAP/LGG1 or LC3/LGG2 and pull-down substrates targeted to proteaphagy and mitophagy. Therefore, LC3-traps are versatile tools that can be adapted to multiple applications to monitor selective autophagy events in distinct physiologic and pathologic circumstances.
DOI: 10.4161/worm.20848
Cited 8 times
Autophagy in endosomal mutants
The endosomal and autophagic pathways are essential for the degradation and renewal of cellular components. After a complex maturation process, both pathways converge to their final destination, the lysosome. A close link between these two pathways was described along the last decade, notably through the analysis of ESCRT mutants. Although in mammals ESCRT mutants are unable to complete autophagic maturation due to the lack of fusion with the endolysosomal system, the role of ESCRT in the autophagic process still remains an open issue. Using C. elegans, we recently showed that blockage of the endosomal maturation triggers the induction of autophagic activity in ESCRT mutant.(1) This increase of autophagic flux is an attempt to correct cellular defects and promote the survival of mutant animals.
DOI: 10.1016/0753-3322(94)90139-2
Cited 17 times
Isolation and characterization of the gene responsible for the X chromosome-linked Kallmann syndrome
Kallmann de Morsier Syndrome is defined by the association of an hypogonadism with an anosmia. The hypogonadism is due to a deficiency of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone). Olfactory bulbs and tracts are under-developed in the patients. Embryological studies have indicated that the migration of GnRH neurons and the axonal extension of olfactory neurons, which both originate in the olfactory epithelium during embryogenesis, were impaired in a fetus affected by X-linked Kallmann Syndrome. By a positional cloning strategy, we have isolated the KAL gene, responsible for the X-linked form of the disease. The gene consists of 14 exons. A highly homologous pseudogene on the Y chromosome has been characterized. The KAL gene encodes a putative secreted protein of 680 amino acids, which contains four fibronectin type III repeats and a four disulphide core motif. The former motif is usually associated with adhesion function. The latter has been described in protein with antiprotease activity. We have isolated the chicken KAL homologue and studied its expression by in situ hybridization during late embryonic development. The gene is expressed in various neuronal populations of the central nervous system, including mitral cells of the olfactory bulbs. We suggested that the KAL protein might be involved in late neuronal differentiation.
DOI: 10.1007/bf00190105
Cited 16 times
Early expression of the KAL gene during embryonic development of the chick
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-397926-1.00006-8
Cited 5 times
Interactions Between Endosomal Maturation and Autophagy
Endocytosis and autophagy are key vesicular pathways involved in degradation and recycling of cellular material. Both degradative pathways finally fuse with lysosome but are indeed interconnected at several levels. In particular, the fusion between endosomes and autophagosomes can generate intermediate vesicles named amphisomes. We analyzed the physiological and developmental roles of the ESCRT machinery in a model organism, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and showed that the blockage of the endosomal maturation triggers the induction of autophagic activity. This chapter describes several methods for studying endocytosis, autophagy, and their interconnection in C. elegans. A series of genetic, biochemical, and microscopy analyses has been used to study at the cellular and developmental levels, the cross talks between autophagy and endocytosis.
DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2014.06.030
Cited 3 times
The C. elegans LC3 Acts Downstream of GABARAP to Degrade Autophagosomes by Interacting with the HOPS Subunit VPS39
(Developmental Cell 28, 43–55; January 13, 2014) The original version of the text omitted information regarding a collaboration that enabled the initial observation of an interaction between LGG-2 and VPS-39. Because this observation formed the basis for the subsequent investigation and the logic of the paper, the article has now been updated online with corrections clarifying the issue, in relation to both the results and the funding sources for the work. The authors apologize for the omission of this information. The C. elegans LC3 Acts Downstream of GABARAP to Degrade Autophagosomes by Interacting with the HOPS Subunit VPS39Manil-Ségalen et al.Developmental CellDecember 26, 2013In BriefAtg8 ubiquitin-like proteins are essential to autophagy, but relative paralog contributions to the process are unclear. Examining Caenorhabditis elegans Atg8 homologs LGG-1 and LGG-2, Manil-Ségalen et al. demonstrate that these proteins have distinct functions. LGG-1 directs LGG-2 localization for autophagosome maturation and lysosomal tethering via a direct interaction with VPS-39. Full-Text PDF Open Archive
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8873-0_18
Cited 3 times
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy to Analyze LC3 Proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans Embryo
In this chapter, we present a protocol to perform correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) on Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. We use a specific fixation method which preserves both the GFP fluorescence and the structural integrity of the samples. Thin sections are first analyzed by light microscopy to detect GFP-tagged proteins, then by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to characterize the ultrastructural anatomy of cells. The superimposition of light and electron images allows to determine the subcellular localization of the fluorescent protein. We have used this method to characterize the roles of autophagy in the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells in C. elegans embryos. We analyzed in apoptotic cell and phagocytic cell the localization of the two homologs of LC3/GABARAP proteins, namely, LGG-1 and LGG-2.
DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2021.1953821
Cited 3 times
A DRP-1 dependent autophagy process facilitates rebuilding of the mitochondrial network and modulates adaptation capacity in response to acute heat stress during C. elegans development
Temperature variations induce stressful conditions that challenge the ability of organisms to maintain cell homeostasis. The intensity and duration of heat stress affect cell response very differently, ranging from a beneficial effect - hormesis - to necrotic cell death. There is a strong interplay between the cell response to heat shock and macroautophagy/autophagy, which is induced to cope with stress. Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we developed a new paradigm to study adaptation to acute non-lethal heat-stress (aHS) during development. We found that aHS results in transient fragmentation of mitochondria, decreased cellular respiration, and delayed development. Moreover, an active autophagy flux associated with mitophagy events is triggered in many tissues, enables the rebuilding of the mitochondrial network and modulates the adaptive plasticity of the development, showing that the autophagic response is protective for C. elegans. Using genetic and cellular approaches, we showed that mitochondria are a major site for autophagosome biogenesis in the epidermis, under both standard and heat-stress conditions. We determined that DRP-1 (Dynamin-Related Protein 1) involved in mitochondrial fission, is an important player for the autophagy process and the adaptation to aHS. Our study suggests that DRP-1 is involved in coordinating mitochondrial fission and autophagosome biogenesis during stress.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2016.11.1033
An Efficient Multicolor Two-Photon Imaging of Endogenous Fluorophores in Living Tissues by Wavelength Mixing
Two-photon imaging of endogenous fluorescence can provide important physiological and metabolic information from intact tissues in a label-free and non-invasive way. However, imaging of multiple intrinsic fluorophores, such as NADH, FAD, retinoids and porphyrins in living systems is generally hampered by sequential multi-wavelength excitation resulting in long acquisition times and motion artifacts. We report an efficient and simultaneous multicolor two-photon excitation of endogenous fluorophores with absorption spectra spanning the 700-1040nm range, using wavelength mixing. By using two synchronized pulse trains at two different wavelengths, an additional “virtual” two-photon excitation wavelength is generated, and simultaneous excitation of blue, green and red endogenous fluorophores is achieved. This method permits fast and reliable simultaneous imaging of the metabolic coenzymes NADH and FAD to being implemented, overcoming the difficulties associated with their difference in absorption spectra and disparity in concentration. We achieve efficient ratiometric redox imaging and simultaneous efficient two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) of NADH and FAD in living tissues. Lifetime gradients of NADH and FAD associated with different cellular metabolic and differentiation states were measured in both reconstructed human skins and live C. elegans worms. Finally, we perform hyperspectral imaging of endogenous fluorophores during early zebrafish development.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.85748.sa2
Author response: LGG-1/GABARAP lipidation is not required for autophagy and development in Caenorhabditis elegans
DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2023.2249393
Membrane localization of LGG-1/GABARAP is dispensable for autophagy in <i>C. elegans</i>
Most of the functions of LC3/GABARAP in macroautophagy/autophagy are considered to depend on their association with the phagophore membrane through a conjugation to a lipid. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we inhibited the conjugation of LGG-1, the single homolog of GABARAP in C. elegans. Mutants that express only cytosolic forms revealed an essential role for the cleaved form of LGG-1 in autophagy but also in an autophagy-independent embryonic function.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b01158
SAFER, an Analysis Method of Quantitative Proteomic Data, Reveals New Interactors of the <i>C. elegans</i> Autophagic Protein LGG-1
Affinity purifications followed by mass spectrometric analysis are used to identify protein–protein interactions. Because quantitative proteomic data are noisy, it is necessary to develop statistical methods to eliminate false-positives and identify true partners. We present here a novel approach for filtering false interactors, named "SAFER" for mass Spectrometry data Analysis by Filtering of Experimental Replicates, which is based on the reproducibility of the replicates and the fold-change of the protein intensities between bait and control. To identify regulators or targets of autophagy, we characterized the interactors of LGG1, a ubiquitin-like protein involved in autophagosome formation in C. elegans. LGG-1 partners were purified by affinity, analyzed by nanoLC–MS/MS mass spectrometry, and quantified by a label-free proteomic approach based on the mass spectrometric signal intensity of peptide precursor ions. Because the selection of confident interactions depends on the method used for statistical analysis, we compared SAFER with several statistical tests and different scoring algorithms on this set of data. We show that SAFER recovers high-confidence interactors that have been ignored by the other methods and identified new candidates involved in the autophagy process. We further validated our method on a public data set and conclude that SAFER notably improves the identification of protein interactors.
DOI: 10.1051/medsci/20173303009
Les multiples facettes de l’autophagie au cours du développement
Autophagy is a cellular process that allows degradation by the lysosome of cytoplasmic components such as proteins or organelles. Many studies that used model organisms, showed that autophagy plays an important role in multiple developmental processes like degradation of mitochondria of spermatozoids after fertilization, fetal growth or resistance to nutrient starvation. It is also essential to programmed cell death. The involvement of autophagy in these processes may be related to the production of energy resources in conditions of stress or autophagy can selectively degrade specific proteins during development.
DOI: 10.1364/microscopy.2018.mf2a.2
Multicolor Two-photon Imaging of Endogenous Fluorophores in Living Tissues by Wavelength Mixing
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The ESCRT-II proteins are involved in shaping the sarcoplasmic reticulum in C. elegans.
DOI: 10.1051/medsci/2022074
L’autophagie facilite la reconstruction du réseau mitochondrial après un stress thermique chez le nématode <i>C. elegans</i>
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2859-1_14
Analysis of ATG8 Family Members Using LC3-Interacting Regions (LIR)-Based Molecular Traps
The ATG8 family of proteins regulates the autophagy process from the autophagosome maturation and cargo recruitment up to degradation. Autophagy dysfunction is involved in the development of multiple diseases. The LC3 interacting region (LIR)-based molecular traps have been designed to isolate endogenous ATG8 proteins and their interactors in order to facilitate the study of selective autophagy events. Here, we summarize protocols describing LC3 traps and sample preparation as well as adaptations for the analysis of ATG8 proteins in different biological models. This protocol was optimized to prepare affinity columns, reduce background, and improve the protein recovery to be analyzed by immunodetection with antibodies recognizing proteins of interest.
DOI: 10.15252/rc.2023159510
Author Reply to Peer Reviews of LGG-1/GABARAP lipidation is not required for autophagy and development in C. elegans
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7029185
Autophagy mediates phosphatidylserine exposure and phagosome degradation during apoptosis through specific functions of GABARAP/LGG-1 and LC3/LGG-2
Phagocytosis and macroautophagy/autophagy are 2 processes involved in lysosome-mediated clearance of extracellular and intracellular components, respectively. Recent studies have identified the recruitment of the autophagic protein LC3 during phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses in what is now called LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP). LAP is a distinct process from autophagy but it relies on some members of the autophagy pathway to allow efficient degradation of the phagocytosed cargo. We investigated whether both LC3/LGG-2 and GABARAP/LGG-1 are involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses during embryonic development of <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>. We discovered that both LGG-1 and LGG-2 are involved in the correct elimination of apoptotic corpses, but that they have different functions. <i>lgg-1</i> and <i>lgg-2</i> mutants present a delay in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells but genetic analyses indicate that LGG-1 and LGG-2 act upstream and downstream of the engulfment pathways, respectively. Moreover, LGG-1 and LGG-2 display different cellular localizations with enrichment in apoptotic corpses and phagocytic cells, respectively. For both LGG-1 and LGG-2, subcellular localization is vesicular and dependent on UNC-51/ULK1, BEC-1/BECN1 and the lipidation machinery, indicating that their functions during phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses mainly rely on autophagy. Finally, we show that LGG-1 is involved in the exposure of the ‘eat-me signal’ phosphatidylserine at the surface of the apoptotic cell to allow its recognition by the phagocytic cell, whereas LGG-2 is involved in later steps of phagocytosis to allow efficient cell corpse clearance by mediating the maturation/degradation of the phagosome.
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9492-2_4
Subcellular Localization of ESCRT-II in the Nematode C. elegans by Correlative Light Electron Microscopy
In this chapter, we report a protocol to perform correlative light electron microscopy (CLEM) on adult Caenorhabditis elegans. We use a specific fixation protocol, which preserves both the GFP fluorescence and the structural integrity of the samples. Thin sections are first analyzed by light microscopy to detect GFP-tagged proteins and, subsequently, with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to characterize the ultrastructural anatomy of cells. The superimposition of light and electron images allows determining the subcellular localizationProteinlocalization of the fluorescent protein. We used CLEM to characterize the subcellular localization of the C. elegans ESCRT-II component VPS-36. VPS-36 protein localizationProteinlocalization in C. elegans muscle cellMuscle cell is strongly correlated with the sarcoplasmic reticulum network. Together with genetic evidences, the CLEM data support a role for ESCRT-II proteins in sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane shapingMembraneshaping.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2527209
Fast P-THG microscopy for the characterization of biomaterials
DOI: 10.1364/ntm.2019.nt3c.5
Fast polarization-resolved third harmonic generation microscopy for the characterization of biomaterials
We present a fast P-THG microscope where polarization states are switched between image lines using an EOM. We show that fast P-THG is ideally suited for characterizing materials anisotropy in dynamic biological environments.
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9492-2_23
Correction to: The ESCRT Complexes
This book was inadvertently published with incorrect affiliations for both the editors. Earlier it was:
DOI: 10.1101/2021.10.05.462725
LGG-1/GABARAP lipidation is dispensable for autophagy and development in<i>C .elegans</i>
Abstract The ubiquitin-like proteins Atg8/LC3/GABARAP are required for multiple steps of autophagy such as initiation, cargo recognition and engulfment, vesicle closure and degradation. Most of LC3/GABARAP functions are considered dependent on their post-translational modifications and addressing to membranes through a conjugation to a lipid, the phosphatidylethanolamine. Contrarily to mammals, C. elegans possesses single homologs of LC3 and GABARAP families, named LGG-2 and LGG-1. Using site directed mutagenesis, we inhibited the conjugation of LGG-1 to the autophagosomal membrane and generated mutants that express only cytosolic forms, either the precursor or the cleaved protein. LGG-1 is an essential gene for autophagy and development in C. elegans , but we discovered that its functions could be fully achieved independently of its localization to the membrane. This study reveals an essential role for the cleaved form of LGG-1 in autophagy but also in an autophagy independent embryonic function. Our data question the use of the lipidated GABARAP/LC3 as the main marker of autophagic flux and highlight the high plasticity of autophagy.
DOI: 10.4267/10608/1410
Séquençage du génome de C. elegans : les éclats du ver.
DOI: 10.1016/0924-4204(96)83385-3
Approche moléculaire de la pathogénie d'un deficit héréditaire de l'olfaction : Le syndrome de Kallmann de Morsier lie au chromosome X
Le syndrome de Kallmann de Morsier associe une anosmie (deficit de l'olfaction) a un hypogonadisme. L'hypogonadisme est dû a un deficit en GnRH, hormone hypothalamique qui contrôle via l'hypophyse le développement pubertaire des gonades. L'anosmie s'accompagne de l'aplasie des bulbes olfactifs. Nous avons isolé en 1991 le gene KAL, responsable de la forme liée au chromosome X de ce syndrome. L'analyse des sites d'expression du gene et de la localisation de la protéine dans le système nerveux central chez l'embryon de poulet, suggère que le deficit de l'olfaction qui caractérise la maladie serait la consequence d'une anomalie primitive du développement des bulbes olfactifs.
DOI: 10.1016/0924-4204(96)83380-4
Les mécanismes de transduction du signal olfactif
La detection des odeurs au niveau de la muqueuse olfactive débute par l'interaction des molecules odorantes avec des récepteurs spécifiques localisés dans la membrane ciliaire des neurones olfactifs. La fixation des molecules aux récepteurs déclenche une cascade de reactions aboutissant finalement a une réponse électrique du neurone olfactif. Durant les 5 dernières années, la caractérisation de plusieurs composants spécifiques des neurones olfactifs a permis l'accélération de la comprehension des mécanismes de transduction du signal olfactif. Les données récentes dans de nombreuses espèces montrent l'existence de plusieurs voies de transduction, indiquant une complexité importante du système.
Le syndrome de kallmann lie au chromosome x : isolement du gene responsable et etude de son expression au cours du developpement
Ce manuscrit presente dans une premiere partie l'anatomie et le developpement du systeme olfactif. La deuxieme partie decrit les resultats que nous avons obtenus concernant le gene responsable du syndrome de kallmann lie au chromosome x. Le syndrome de kallmann de morsier associe un hypogonadisme et une anosmie (absence d'odorat). L'hypogonadisme est du a un deficit en une neurohormone, la gonadoliberine (gnrh), et l'anosmie s'accompagne d'une absence des bulbes olfactifs. Des etudes embryologiques ont montre que les axones des neurones olfactifs et les neurones synthetisant la gnrh empruntent une voie de migration commune pendant l'embryogenese. Ce processus de migration serait perturbe chez les individus atteints du syndrome. La maladie atteint un garcon sur dix mille et une fille sur cinquante mille. En 1991, nous avons isole, par une demarche de clonage positionnel, le gene kal, responsable de la forme de la maladie liee au chromosome x. Ce gene coderait pour une proteine de 680 residus, qui comporte un peptide signal mais aucun domaine d'ancrage membranaire. Le tiers amino-terminal de la proteine est riche en cysteines et comprend un motif caracterise par 4 ponts disulfures, d'abord decrit dans la proteine wap (whey acidic protein), puis dans plusieurs proteines possedant une activite inhibitrice de proteases a serine. Les deux tiers carboxy-terminaux sont composes de 4 motifs de type iii de la fibronectine. Cet element repete est present dans de nombreuses molecules intervenant dans l'adherence cellulaire. Nous avons donc emis l'hypothese que la proteine kal serait un composant de la matrice extracellulaire possedant deux activites: inhibition de proteases et adherence cellulaire. Afin d'identifier les sites d'expression du gene au cours du developpement, nous avons isole l'homologue du gene kal chez le poulet, puis nous avons etudie par hybridation in situ l'expression du gene kal au cours de l'embryogenese du poulet. Cette etude a fait apparaitre deux vagues d'expression: une phase precoce et transitoire, qui concerne un grand nombre de structures derivees des trois feuillets embryonnaires et une phase tardive restreinte a certaines populations neuronales, dont les cellules mitrales du bulbe olfactif avec lesquelles les neurones olfactifs font relais. Ainsi, la proteine kal pourrait jouer un role dans la morphogenese, puis dans certains aspects de la differenciation neuronale, en particulier la mise en place et/ou le maintien de certaines connexions synaptiques. Dans le systeme olfactif la proteine pourrait etre necessaire a la formation des synapses entre neurones olfactifs et cellules mitrales. L'absence de proteine kal fonctionnelle chez les patients atteints du syndrome de kallmann, entrainerait la degenerescence des nerfs olfactifs et du bulbe olfactif, qui expliquerait l'anosmie. L'impossibilite pour les neurones synthetisant la gnrh d'utiliser les nerfs olfactifs comme support de migration expliquerait quant a elle, le deficit hormonal