
P. Zalewski

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Cited 59 times
CMS Physics : Technical Design Report Volume 1: Detector Performance and Software
DOI: 10.1080/14992020400022561
Cited 31 times
Effects of impulse noise on transiently evoked otoacoustic emission in soldiers Efectos del ruido impulsivo sobre las emisiones otoacústicas evocadas por transitorios en soldados
The aim of the study was to assess the effects of exposure to impulse noise on TEOAE, as compared to PTA. The study comprised 92 soldiers, subjected to impulse noise during military service. The control group consisted of secondary school students, not exposed to noise. Extended high frequency PTA, and TEOAE were recorded before and after one year of military service. The total level of noise and spectrum analysis were performed for all kinds of weapons, separately.The highest levels of noise for weapons were related to frequencies from 1.6–16 kHz. After military service significant deterioration of hearing was observed on average by 6 dB exclusively at the frequencies of 10 and 12 kHz. TEOAE reduction was registered predominantly at frequencies of 2, 3 and 4 kHz, with the greatest decrease at 2 kHz (p<0.02). The control group did not show any significant audiometric changes as well as TEOAE during the time of experiment.
DOI: 10.1016/s0385-8146(00)00086-9
Cited 35 times
Tinnitus suppression by electrical promontory stimulation (EPS) in patients with sensorineural hearing loss
Almost 10-15% of the population suffer from chronic tinnitus. There are clinical indications that a 'pathological sound' may be induced by any level of the auditory pathways. Theraupeutical difficulties and many hypotheses about tinnitus and places from which they originate might indicate various methods of treatment. Electrostimulation tinnitus suppression was achieved by many authors from 22 (Graham, Hazell) to 87% (Portman). The aim of our study was to define the usefulness of electrostimulation in treatment of persistent noise induced cochlear lesion tinnitus (group I - 43 men) and compare the results with the non noise induced tinnitus group II (68 patients).Otolaryngological and audiological examination of the patients was made before and after electrostimulation, and at 90 days. The stimulation system consisted of a prototype tinnitus suppressor, the active platino-iridium needle electrode and silver surface electrode located on the forehead. Transtympanal electrical stimulation was performed using positive polarity direct current. Parameters of electrical impulse were individually different and depended on tinnitus parameters and patients sensation. The current levels ranged from 20 to 600 microA and frequency ranged from 60 to 10000 Hz. Average time of EPS was 60 s.The control examination 90 days after stimulation in group I showed subjective improvement in 18 (41.9%) patients, 22 (51.2%) did not notice any change and tinnitus deteriorated in 3 (6.9%) of the patients. In the comparative group II improvement was occurred in 34 (50%) persons including 2 (17.6%) in whom tinnitus was abolished, in 30 (44.1%) tinnitus was unchanged and 4 (0.6%) became worse. In both groups our method did not have a destructive influence on hearing. Electrical stimulation to relieve tinnitus has been used for nearly 200 years, but it is unclear how electrical stimulation works to suppress tinnitus.In our opinion electrical stimulation by using positive DC changes the spontaneous activity of cochlear nerve fibres. According to our results it is suggested that the mechanism of beneficial effects is due to increased microcirculation in part of the auditory pathways. Poorer results in patients with noise induced tinnitus could be explained by greater damage of the cochlea outer hair cells. In our opinion EPS could be a method of treatment for persistent tinnitus in cases which fail to respond to other methods.
Cited 19 times
Evaluation of Transient and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions before and after shooting practice.
Firearms are a common source of impulse noise that may potentially damage a hearing organ. It is not easy to predict soldiers' personal susceptibility to noise exposure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate of the transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) and distortion-product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) before and after shooting and compare it with conventional pure tone audiometry. Standard pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, TEOAE and DPOAE measurements were recorded before and 10-15 minutes after shooting. Ten male soldiers (20 ears) were exposed to impulse noise from automatic gunfire (15 single rounds of live ammunition). They did not use any earplugs. The reduction in amplitude of the TEOAE after shooting was 3.1 and 5.1 as SPL for 3 and 4 kHz respectively for the right ear and 4.3 dB SPL for 1 kHz and 0.6 dB SPL at 2 kHz for the left ear. The greatest reduction in DPOAE occurred at frequencies of 1.0 kHz (3.8dB SPL) and 3.0 kHz (2.9 dB SPL) for the left ear. There were no differences in the audiometric thresholds before and after shooting. Emissions appear to be more sensitive for monitoring early cochlear changes after shooting, than pure tone audiometry.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.07.099
Cited 10 times
First measurements of the performance of the Barrel RPC system in CMS
During the summer 2006, a first integrated test of a part of the CMS experiment was performed at CERN collecting a data sample of several millions of cosmic rays events. A fraction of the Resistive Plate Chambers system was successfully operated. Results on the RPC performance are reported.
Cited 15 times
Histopathological verification of clinical indications to partial inferior turbinectomy.
Surgical treatment in cases where disturbances of the nasal patency causes changes in the nasal inferior turbinates is controversial. The authors performed light- and electron microscopy and morphometric examinations of the mucous membrane of the nasal inferior turbinates obtained after partial inferior turbinectomy in patients with vasomotor and perennial allergic rhinitis and compensation hypertrophy of the nasal inferior turbinate accompanied by nasal deviation of the septum. In specimens obtained from patients with vasomotor rhinitis, a small number of glands and fibrosis of the lamina propria was observed. In specimens obtained from perennial allergic rhinitis patients, plenty of glands and large oedema was observed. In the group with compensatory hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate, normal glands and fibred areas around the vessels were observed. The largest histopathological changes of degeneration and hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa were observed in vasomotor rhinitis patients. Histopathological examination of nasal mucosa slides confirmed the usefulness of a partial inferior turbinectomy, but only in vasomotor rhinitis patients.
Cited 14 times
Application of process integration methods to retrofit design for Polish sugar factories.
La consommation annuelle totale d'energie primaire dans l'industrie sucriere polonaise est de l'ordre de 800 000 t d'equivalent charbon (29 300 kJ/kg). La consommation specifique moyenne d'energie se monte a 330 kWh/t betteraves traitees, ce qui est de loin superieur a d'autres pays de l'U.E. et le niveau des emissions atmospheriques accompagnant cette production d'energie est plus eleve que ce que justifierait l'etat de developpement de l'industrie sucriere. Une reduction de 26 % dans la consommation specifique d'energie a ete realisee au cours de la periode 1990-1997 et la tendance a l'economie d'energie se poursuit. La planification des ameliorations techniques destinees a reduir l'energie devrait donc etre precedee par la fixation d'objectifs realistes correspondant a un compromis entre la valeur de l'economie d'energie realisable et le cout des investissements necessaires. La fixation des objectifs peut etre renforcee par les methodes d'integration de processus et en particulier par l'analyse ,,Pinch. Un projet realise sous le nom de PHARE Multi-country Energy Program a ete consacre aux besoins de l'industrie sucriere polonaise. Avec la collaboration d'un personnel provenant de l'industrie et des milieux scientifiques il a ete possible de developper une methodologie de reconstruction qui s'est averee efficace pour resoudre les probleme caracteristiques de l'industrie sucriere. Deux exemples pris dans l'industrie, analyses dans le cadre du projet PHARE l'ont demontre. Pour une sucrerie travaillant 4300 t/j et utilisant 4,3 kg equivalent charbon/100 kg bett. on a projete un renouvellement du schema de l'energie incluant la station d'evaporation et les echangeurs de chaleur avec une augmentation simultanee de la capacite a 6000 t/j. On traite aussi d'un autre cas comprenant l'analyse d'une transformation couteuse de l'usine dans le cadre d'une etude de faisabilite. Dans les deux cas, on fait des recommandations pour l'amelioration de la recuperation de calories par l'installation d'un echangeur de chaleur a plaques supplementaire. La valeur optimale de la difference minimale de temperature a ete fixee a 2 °K.
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.0802.3672
Cited 9 times
Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry
This collection of studies on new physics at the LHC constitutes the report of the supersymmetry working group at the Workshop `Physics at TeV Colliders', Les Houches, France, 2007. They cover the wide spectrum of phenomenology in the LHC era, from alternative models and signatures to the extraction of relevant observables, the study of the MSSM parameter space and finally to the interplay of LHC observations with additional data expected on a similar time scale. The special feature of this collection is that while not each of the studies is explicitely performed together by theoretical and experimental LHC physicists, all of them were inspired by and discussed in this particular environment.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2019711
Cited 5 times
TRIDAQ systems in HEP experiments at LHC accelerator
The paper describes Trigger and Data Acquisition (TRIDAQ) systems of accelerator experiments for High Energy Physics. The background for physics research comprises assumptions of the Standard Model theory with basic extensions. On this basis, a structure of particle detector system is described, with emphasis on the following functional blocks: Front-End Electronics, Trigger and DAQ systems. The described solutions are used in the LHC experiments: ATLAS, ALICE, CMS and LHCb. They are also used in other accelerator experiments. Data storage and processing functionality is divided into two hardware systems: Trigger and Data Acquisition, that are dependent on each other. High input data rate impose relevant choices for the architecture and parameters of both systems. The key parameters include detailed system structure and its overall latency. Trigger structure is defined by the physics requirements and the storage capability of DAQ system. Both systems are designed to achieve the highest possible space and time resolution for particle detection. Trigger references are reviewed [1-43] as well as chosen accelerator research efforts origination in this country [44-83].
Cited 3 times
Search for GMSB NLSPs at LHC
NLSP - LSP decays could have dramatic influence on SUSY phenomenology at LHC. NLSP could have significant lifetime and could be charged. In at least two scenarios detectors must be used in a special way. They were not optimized for detection of heavy (semi)stable charged particles and decaying in flight (neutral or charged) NLSPs. During the last decade both ATLAS and CMS collaboration have developed strategies which allow for effective search within such scenarios.
Cited 3 times
Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particle with 100 pb 1 and 1 fb 1 at CMS experiment
The CMS detector can be used to search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles (HSCPs) which might signal physics beyond the Standard Model. Such particles can be distinguished from Standard Model particles by exploiting their unique signature: a low velocity, , associated with a high momentum of order a few hundred GeV/c. In this note four models predicting different types of HSCP are described and used as benchmarks for a proposed search strategy. Two techniques to measure of such particles using the Silicon Tracker and the Barrel Muon Drift Tube detectors are reviewed, and results based on full simulation of the CMS detector are presented. These include the expected performance and resolutions which could be obtained using the first data from CMS at the LHC. The measurement of using other sub-detectors —the Endcap Muon Cathode Strip Chambers and the Electromagnetic Calorimeter— is also investigated. The HSCP mass regions explored for integrated luminosities of 100 pb 1 and 1 fb 1 are shown.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2032247
Heavy stable charged particles search by RPC system at CMS detector at LHC accelerator at CERN
A paper describes a possibility of upgrading trigger RPC system at CMS detector for research of Heavy Stable Charged Particles (HSCPs). An experiment for the High Energy Physics (HEP) is located at CERN at the world's biggest accelerator complex mostly aimed to the research of particles and forces described in Standard Model (SM) theory. The SM explains the structure of matter but omits some important factors as the Gravity. There are three main branches of the New Physics that expand the SM: supersymmetry (SUSY), technicolors and additional dimentions. The SUSY provides the hipotetic HSCPs existence. Algorithms for search of those particles are implemented as a FPGA firmware in the RPC trigger system. Proposed methods expand the functionality of the existing trigger firmware. They are supposed to implement the simultaneous HSCPs and muons identification. The proposed solutions increase the trigger time resolution that is the important element of the system competitiveness to the other systems of the CMS detector. They also enable distinction between the particles produced inside the detector as the result of the collisions and the particles generated outside the detector that fly back through it. Such generation can be the result of the HSCP the reaction with rocks surrounding the detector cavern. The described methods are supposed to provide the selective trigger for the data most wanted for the HEP experiments research that could introduce the experimental science to the Great Unification.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.06.092
Resistive Plate Chambers performance with Cosmic Rays in the CMS experiment
The Resistive Plate Chambers [M. Abbrescia, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 550 (2005) 116] are used in the CMS experiment [CMS Collaboration, The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC 2008, J. Inst. 3 (2008) S08004] as a dedicated muon trigger both in barrel and endcap system. About 4000m2 of double gap RPCs have been produced and have been installed in the experiment since more than one and half Years. The full barrel system and a fraction of the endcaps have been monitored to study dark current behaviour and system stability, and have been extensively commissioned with Cosmic Rays collected by the full CMS experiment.
DOI: 10.1117/12.568879
Cited 3 times
&lt;title&gt;Data transfer simulation for the RPC muon trigger of the CMS experiment&lt;/title&gt;
Proton-proton collisions in the LHC accelerator will occur every 25 ns. The muon trigger of the CMS experiment will have to analyze data from 200 000 channels of RPC chambers every bunch crossing. Special compression algorithm has been developed to transmit the data from the chambers to the trigger electronics through optical fibers. The data flow has been simulated, and the data loss estimate is presented.
[Influence of steroid therapy local injection of steroidal in the region of the stylomastoid foramen and physiotherapy on the recovery of stapedial reflex in patients with facial nerve paralysis].
There are much more publications which informates about positive effects of advisability propose steroid's cure in patients with facial nerve palsy. The aim of the studies was to evaluate the influence of steroidal and physical treatment on the recovery of stapedial reflex and of functions of the damaged nerve. The studies were performed on 37 patients with palsy of facial nerve. Taking into account the stapedial reflex (before the beginning of the treatment) and local injection of steroidal in the region of the stylomastoid foramen, the patients were divided into two groups: I group--21 persons with lacking stapedial reflex, who were not given steroid, II group--16 persons with lacking stapedial reflex who received steroid. Evaluation of results of treatment was performed by means of the Pietruski, House and Brackmann scales, registration of stapedial reflex and accommodation coefficient. The results indicate that local steroid in palsy facial nerve is the treatment of choice in cases of intratemporal branches injury (lack of stapedial reflex) and shortens of duration of stapedial reflex and the nerve function recovery.
Nieinwazyjna ocena struktury tkanek skóry oraz analiza składu ciała osób z rozpoznaniem zmian cellulitowych - analiza przypadku
Cited 4 times
Ghosts Buster for the RPC Based Muon Trigger
Search for GMSB NLSPs at LHC
NLSP - LSP decays could have dramatic influence on SUSY phenomenology at LHC. NLSP could have significant lifetime and could be charged. In at least two scenarios detectors must be used in a special way. They were not optimized for detection of heavy (semi)stable charged particles and decaying in flight (neutral or charged) NLSPs. During the last decade both ATLAS and CMS collaboration have developed strategies which allow for effective search within such scenarios.
[Personal long-term reproducibility of the TEOAE time-frequency distributions].
The TEOAE signal is relatively short and content changes in time. Due to the fact that signal is very short (20 ms) a special approach must be applied for the analysis of this nonstationarity. Usually the spectral estimation in TEOAE is based on procedures directly employing the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Because TEOAE signal is non stationary the classical Fourier analysis is not adequate for this signal. The aim of our study was the personal comparison of the TEOAE spectograms by using Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) before and after one year period. Material consisted of 152 men (304 ears) in the age between 18-19 year with good quality OAE. After one year period the comparison of WVD spectrograms showed the highest similarity in the 274 ears (90%), less in the 24 (8%) and in 6 (2%) similarity was not noticed. Personal similarity of the spectrum TEOAE and differences between individual people's ears despite a long time, give a proof about individual architecture of outer hearing cell and maybe useful in the biometrics as a ear-print.
[Analysis of vascular vertigo due to cervical spondylosis and vertebro-basilar insufficiency based on sex and age in clinical materials].
According to examination of 97 patients with vascular vertigo the dependence on vertigo to vertebral spondylosis and insufficiency vertebro-basilar artery was showed. Vertebral degeneration was noticed in 70.1%, basilar artery insufficiency in 42.3% of the patients. In 75.6% of the patients there was noticed both of above symptoms. Rotary test showed labyrinth asymmetry in 41.2% and in caloric test 50.5% of the patients.
DOI: 10.5506/aphyspolb.46.2155
Searches for Physics/Particles Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC
This is a brief review of the theoretical status of Higgs production at the LHC in the Standard Model, with an emphasis on the recent developments and computations.In particular, I focus on both inclusive and differential cross sections for the dominant production mode in the Standard Model, where the theoretical uncertainties induced by the different interplays between top-and bottom-quark effects in the gluon-fusion scattering amplitude are discussed.
Badania identyfikacyjne właściwości cieplnych materiału konstrukcyjnego lotniczego silnika turbinowego
The End of Erdogan-omics
Narkomania i narkotyki. Społeczne i zdrowotne skutki uzależnienia od narkotyków. Historia i teraźniejszość
DOI: 10.31338/uw.9788323517603.pp.38-39
Daya Bay – najefektywniejszy eksperyment neutrinowy
DOI: 10.31338/uw.9788323517603.pp.151-153
Sprawdź swoją intuicję fizyczną
DOI: 10.31338/uw.9788323517603.pp.56-58
Mamy to! Czyli co?
DELPHI Software CD
DOI: 10.31338/uw.9788323517603.pp.108-110
Gigantyczna magnetorezystancja
DOI: 10.31338/uw.9788323517603.pp.154-156
Milenijne szaleństwo
[Clinical and immunohistoenzymatic investigations in patients with vasomotor and perennial allergic rhinitis].
The aim of our study was evaluation of the results of clinical examination in patients with vasomotor and perennial allergic rhinitis and assessment of number of blood vessels, nerve fibres and mast cells on the basis of immunohistoenzymatic examination. There were 42 patients examined aged from 18 to 50 and divided into three groups: I--16 patients with vasomotor rhinitis and II--14 patients with perennial allergic rhinitis and III--12 patients (control) with nasal septum deviation. On the basis of the patient's history data, clinical otorhinolaryngologic examination and active anterior rhinomanometry the patients were qualified to bilateral inferior turbinectomy. The nasal mucosa removed during surgery underwent immunohistoenzymatic examination using the monoclonal antibody against the tryptase of mast cells (MCT company, DAKO), the endothelin of blood vessels (EC - DAKO) and the neurospecific enolase (NSE - DAKO). In examined groups of patients with vasomotor and perennial allergic rhinitis and control group similar escalation of clinical symptoms expressed by means of points index were stated. In immunohistoenzymatic studies the differences in mean number of blood vessels and nerve fibres between examined groups were not statistically significant, however statistically significant difference concerned higher number of mast cells patients with vasomotor rhinitis in comparison to perennial allergic rhinitis.
[Histopathological verifications clinical indications in the inferior turbinoplasty].
Surgical treatment in cases of disturbances of nasal patency caused changes in the nasal inferior turbinates are controversial. The authors performed the microscopic (light microscope) and morphometric examinations of mucous membrane of the nasal inferior turbinates obtained after inferior turbinoplasty in patients with vasomotor and perennial allergic rhinitis and compensation hypertrophy of nasal inferior turbinate accompanied of nasal deviation septum. Analysing of morphologic changes in mucous membrane of the nasal inferior turbinates verified of clinic indications to inferior turbinoplasty.
[Evaluation of oxygen free radical generation and antioxidative enzymatic activity in blood of patients with carcinoma of the larynx (preliminary report)].
The aim of the study were the evaluation of generation of oxygen free radical and antioxidative enzymatic activity in blood of patients with carcinoma of larynx (7 persons, aged 48-68) in comparison with healthy persons (15, aged 21-28). The superoxide anion generation of blood granulocytes described by the rate of the reducted cytochrom C at rest and after stimulation with opsonized zymosan according to Bellavite et al. were measured. The enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase in blood (method of Misra and Fridovich), catalase (method of Beers and Sizer) and malonyl dialdehyde (method of Placer et al.). The obtained data pointed at the growth of generation of oxygen free radical in blood (at rest and after stimulation with opsonized zymosan) of patients with carcinoma of larynx in comparison with the healthy ones. At the same patients with carcinoma of larynx observed at significant reduction of antioxidative enzymatic activity against the oxygen species generation in blood and significant growth of peroxidation lipids and disturbances of function of cells the human body.
DOI: 10.5506/aphyspolb.42.1699
One of the key physics goals of the LHCb experiment at the LHC is the measurement of mixing induced CP violation in decays of B s → J/ψφ.The interference between mixing and decay gives rise to a CP-violating phase, φ J/ψφ s .Assuming a proper-time resolution and tagging performance as observed in simulated data, together with an expected luminosity of 1 fb -1 by the end of 2011, LHCb is expected to be able to measure φ J/ψφ s with an error of 0.07 rad.
Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty działań profilaktycznych podejmowanych na terenie województwa świętokrzyskiego na przykładzie realizacji programu "Bezpieczne Świętokrzyskie"
DOI: 10.2478/eletel-2013-0051
TRIDAQ Systems in HEP Experiments at LHC Accelerator
Laser range measurement filtration for PNDS purposes
Jak dotrzeć do klientów z zagranicy
[Oxygen-derived free radicals of granulocytes in the blood of patients with chronic inflammation of the middle ear and palatine tonsils].
The evaluation of oxygen species generation in blood granulocytes of patients with chronic inflammation of middle ear and palatine tonils. There were 38 patients tested (10 with chronic inflammation of palatine tonsil, 18 with chronic inflammation of middle ear and 10 healthy ones). There were statistically significant differences between the superoxide anion generation in patients with chronic inflammation of palatine tonsil and middle ear in comparison with to the healthy ones.
[The effect of neck rotation on auditory evoked brainstem potentials in patients with degenerative cervical spine changes].
Using the neck rotation test during recording of auditory brainstem evoked potentials the authors examined 60 subjects aged 16-60 years, including 20 healthy ones and 40 with cervical spondylarthrosis. The Neuromatic 2000 C Dantec device was used. Half the patients with cervical spine changes had also receptive hearing damage of low degree. The study demonstrated that neck rotation affected the latency time of the analysed waves I and II. The time was significantly prolonged in the patients with spondylarthrosis. The authors believe that simultaneous prolongation of the mean latency between waves I-III suggests worse compensation of circulation in patients, especially in the initial part of the auditory pathway. The authors think that the neck rotation test could be used in the study of brainstem auditory evoked potentials as a challenge test.
[Administration of the cervical torsion test by the examination of Doppler's blood flows in vertebral arteries and basilar artery in patients with degenerative cervical spine changes].
Using the neck rotation test during examination of Doppler's blood flows in vertebral arteries and basilar artery, the authors examined 60 subjects aged 16-60 years, including 20 healthy ones and 40 with cervical spondylarthrosis. The Transpect-TCD was used. Half the patients with cervical spine changes had also receptive hearing damage of low degree. The study demonstrated that neck rotation affected of patological Doppler's blood flows in one or in both vertebral arteries at 50% patients with cervical spondylarthrosis, but without clinical symptoms, and at 70% patients with cervical spondylarthrosis and clinical symptoms. The neck rotation test can have diagnostic significance by examination of sufficiency in vertebrobasilar system, or qualitative significance to microsurgical treatment.
[Otoacoustic emission examinations in soldiers before and after shooting].
Firearms are a common source of impulse noise that may potentially damage hearing organ. The purpose of this study was evaluation of the click evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) and distortion-product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) before and after shooting and comparison with conventional pure tone audiometry. Standard pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, TEOAE and DPOAE were made before and 10-15 minutes after shooting. Ten male soldiers (20 ears) were exposed to impulse noise from automatic gunfire (15 single rounds of live ammunition). They did not use any earplugs. The reduction amplitude of the TEOAE after shooting was found especially for the frequency 3,4 kHz for the right ear and 1 and 2 kHz for the left ear. The DPOAE greatest reduction concerned frequency 2,5 and 4 kHz for the left ear. All our shooters were right-handed and probably the asymmetrical effect resulted from the shooting posture. Any differences existing between the audiometric threshold before and after shooting were not noticed. Clinical experience with OAE indicates that it may play a role as a screening method for the soldiers exposed to noise and as a tool for monitoring early changes in cochlea. Emissions seem to be more sensitive for monitoring early cochlear changes after shooting than pure tone audiometry.
[Antioxidant enzymatic activity in blood of patients with chronic hypertrophy of the maxillary sinuses and larynx and the carcinoma of the larynx].
The aim of the work was the examinations of antioxidant enzymatic activity in blood of patients with chronic hypertrophic of maxillary sinusitis (15 patients) and laryngitis (10 patients), and carcinoma of larynx (7 patients) in comparison with healthy persons (15). The enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase in blood (method of Misra and Fridovich), katalase (method of Beers and Sizer) and malonyl dialdehyde (method of Placer) were evaluated. The obtained results pointed at significant reduction of antioxidant enzymatic activity against the oxygen species generation in blood of patients with chronic hypertrophic of maxillary sinusits and laryngitis and mainly with the carcinoma of larynx (in comparison with healthy persons). At the same patients observed the significant growth of peroxydation lipoid and disturbances of function of cells the human body.
[The case of giant pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland with the malignancy features].
The aim of the study was showed the case of patient aged 41 years, treated in the Otolaryngology Department of Military Medical Academy because of giant pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland with the malignancy features. After performed of the BAC of tumour, the CT of neck and the scintigraphy of salivary glands the patient qualified for operation. The tumour resected with capsule and the superficial lobe of the left parotid gland, conservating of function of the facial nerve. The histopathologic examination proved the mucoepidermoid carcinoma in the pleomorphic adenoma didn't infiltrate of capsule. After oncologic consultation the patient had not of complementary radiotherapy, because the operation was radical and the carcinoma had a low radiosensitivity. The above mentioned case confirms of the reports, that the pleomorphic adenoma can undergo of malignancy changes, however the gigantic tumour doesn't write off possibility of operating success.
Higgs at LEP
Elektroniczny system trygera mionowego RPC w eksperymencie CMS dla akceleratora LHC
Electronic system of the RPC Muon Trigger in CMS experiment at LHC accelerator (Elektroniczny system trygera mionowego RPC w eksperymencie CMS akceleratora LHC
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.9903
Celem artykułu jest próba scharakteryzowania zjawiska dezinformacji w sieci, a także opisu wybranych mechanizmów manipulacji w przestrzeni cyfrowej, fake newsów, deepfejków i hejtu w kontekście pandemii COVID-19, kryzysu granicznego z 2021 r. i wojny w Ukrainie oraz zagrożeń jakie ze sobą niosą, w kontekście wzbudzania emocji społecznych i podważania zaufania do instytucji administracji państwowej. Skutki, jakie wywołuje rozpowszechnianie fałszywych informacji w sieci Internet, oddziaływują na życie konkretnych jednostek i przedstawicieli poszczególnych grup społecznych, a także na organizacje, a nawet państwa.
[Clinical studies of Olbas oil tolerance and its effect on nasal mucosa in healthy volunteers].
The aim of the study was the clinical examinations of the tolerance and effect of Olbas oil on nasal mucosa in healthy volunteers during permanent 4 weeks administration. 23 healthy volunteers both sexes in the age between 20-50 were investigated. This investigations consisted of: history data, general and otorhinolaryngological examination, with particular evaluation of nasal mucosa, anterior rhinomanometry, olfactometry, saccharin translocation time, microbiological cultures, histamine nasal provocation test. Besides, each patient has follow up self evaluating chart of symptoms and adverse effect from the eyes, nose, pharynx and others. All the examined persons showed a very good tolerance of Olbas oil after 28 days of inhalation.
[Treatment of persistent tinnitus with electric stimulation of the ear].
[Treatment results of acoustic trauma].
20 patients aged from 18 to 42 treated in the past few years because of acoustic trauma. Together the investigations concerned 24 years. Therapeutic schema comprised intravenous infusion--Sermion (Nicergoline--amp. a 4 mg) or Cavinton (Vinpocetine--amp. a 10 mg) 1 amp.--twice a day for 10 days. The treatment of 60% of the patients started in the first week after the trauma occurred, of 20% in the second week and the remaining 20% later on after 15 days when the trauma took place. The obtained results of treatment both of improvement of hearing (79.2%) and tinnitus (66.6%), support the necessity of treatment of acoustic trauma independently from the time that passed after trauma had occurred. Better results of audiometric improvement of hearing (54.2%) and tinnitus disappearance (50%) were obtained in the patients whose treatment started in the first week after trauma. The improvement of hearing and tinnitus disappearance was more observed in patients after treatment by using Sermion than Cavinton.
DOI: 10.22323/1.347.0071
Exotics and BSM in ATLAS and CMS (non DM searches)
Search for new physics Beyond Standard Model (BSM) is one of the major goals of the ATLAS and the CMS experiments at the LHC.Search for phenomena other than motivated by mainstream supersymmetry is commonly referred to as exotica.Analyses directly related to search for dark matter particles was scheduled for other talks.What remains could be subdivided into searches for promptly decaying particles and for long lived once.Few representative examples of such analyses finished by ATLAS and CMS collaboration by the summer of 2018 are presented.No significant excess of signal event over predicted background was found in any analysis.More and more stringent exclusion limits are presented.
Rola Policji w kształtowaniu bezpieczeństwa lokalnego na przykładzie powiatu i miasta Kielce
DOI: 10.15632/ml2020/187-199
Analiza własności aerodynamicznych samolotu Su-22 z rakietą systemu wynoszenia ładunków na niską orbitę okołoziemską
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki numerycznych analiz aerodynamicznych zespołu składającego się z samolotu-platformy Su-22M4 oraz rakiety do wynoszenia obiektów na niską orbitę. Przeprowadzono serię obliczeń dla różnych prędkości lotu.Wyniki wykazały, że zespół zachowuje w sposób zadowalający stateczność podłużną oraz dobre charakterystyki przeciągnięcia dla wysokich kątów natarcia w całym badanym zakresie, a wpływ prędkości jest niższy od tego wywołanego samą obecnością rakiety kosmicznej. Wyniki zaprezentowano w formie wykresów i map barwnych pola przepływu na powierzchni badanych brył uzupełnionych o obraz linii prądu.
Międzynarodowa współpraca polskiej policji w świetle teorii dóbr publicznych
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.0710.2647
Search for GMSB NLSPs at LHC
NLSP - LSP decays could have dramatic influence on SUSY phenomenology at LHC. NLSP could have significant lifetime and could be charged. In at least two scenarios detectors must be used in a special way. They were not optimized for detection of heavy (semi)stable charged particles and decaying in flight (neutral or charged) NLSPs. During the last decade both ATLAS and CMS collaboration have developed strategies which allow for effective search within such scenarios.
[The effect of degenerative cervical spine lesions and blood flow velocity in vertebrobasilar system in Doppler measurement].
The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of degenerative lesions of cervical vertebrae on blood flow velocity in the vertebrobasilar system measured by means of Doppler phenomenon using Transpect--TCD device according to generally accepted principles. The study was carried out in 20 healthy controls and 40 individuals with these lesions (aged 16-60 years). It was found that blood flow velocity in this arterial system is highly variable individually. In patients with degenerative changes pathological reduction of this velocity was found in this system which is an unquestionable evidence of the influence of these lesions on blood flow in vertebral arteries.
Niezrealizowane dotąd koncepcje ergonomiczne w technice rolniczej
[Rhabdomyosarcoma embryonale of the middle ear at 55-year-old women].
The study presents extremely rare of the middle ear rhabdomyosarcoma embryonale at 55-year women. Authors showed untypical clinical process and own suspect of neoplasm illness. In difficult cases of the middle ear chronic granulomatosis, classical HE histological method maybe not enough and should be extended as an immunohistochemical examination.
Searches for Neutral Higgs Bosons in Extended Models
Jet propulsion systems for small unmanned aerial vehicles
Michael Imhof - Historistisches Fachwerk. Zur Architekturgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland, Grossbritanien, Frankreich, Osterreich, der Schweiz und den USA
Searches for Higgs Bosons in a general Two Higgs Doublet Model
Higgs bosons produced at LEP in association with a Z boson or in pairs are searched for over a wide mass range, using analyses relying on b-quark tagging. The data set analysed covers both the LEP 1 and LEP 2 energy range. All results presented herein are preliminary.
[Tumors of external ear canal. Case reports].
The authors described two rare cases of tumors of the external auditory meatus. All patients were male 40 and 51 years old. The tumors were removed via external auditory canal approach and extraauricle approach with successful.
[Speech understanding in patients after stapedectomy (early results)].
The authors report a comparison the parameters of the speech audiometry (SRT, SDS) and the hearing level before and after stapedectomy in patients to and over 50 years of age. 87 patients (107 ears) with otosclerosis were undergoing stapedectomies on the local anaesthesia via a transcanal approach. Control examination was performed 21-30 days postoperatively on average. Average improvement of the hearing level for the speech frequency (PTA) was better in patients to 50 years of age (29.5 dB) than in group over 50 years of age (26.5 dB). Parameters of speech audiometry (SRT and SDS) post stapedectomy were better in patients over 50 years of age.
[Comparative assessment of the state of hearing organs in selected vocational and secondary schools in Lódź].
[Embolization of the internal maxillary artery. Pre-operative procedure in naso-pharyngeal fibroma].
[Assessment and analysis of the acoustic environment of soldiers exposed to impulse noise].
The aim of the study was to assess the acoustic environment of soldiers attending a one year basic military service. The study material comprised 13 types of weapons used by this group of soldiers. During the target practice, the following parameters were measured separately for the right ear and the left ear: equivalent sound pressure level A (LA eq, Te); maximum sound pressure level A (LA F max) and peak sound pressure level C (LC peak). The measurements covered several single shots or a shot series. In addition, a spectroanalysis in 1/3-octave band frequency of 40-50,000 Hz, was conducted. There were following values of measurements in the direct vicinity of the ears: LA eq, Te fell within the range of 106.2-119.5 dB (mean, 112.2 dB) for the right ear and 104.2 dB-118.4 dB (mean, 113.2 dB) for the left ear; LA F max within the range of 124.5-132.3 dB (mean, 128.3 dB) for the right ear and 116.3-135.1 dB (mean, 128.1 dB) for the left ear; LC pcak within the range of 151.8-156.5 dB (mean, 154.8 dB/155 dB) for the right ear and 151.9-156.2 dB (mean, 155.4 dB) for the left ear. In the noise spectrum, components of audible frequencies predominated, 160-300 Hz (mainly for high caliber weapon); 1600-6300 Hz for the right ear and 2500-4000 Hz for the left peak (small caliber weapons); 6300-16,000 and ultrasonic 25,000-50,000 Hz. No significant differences were found in the measurements of the right ear and the left ear.
[Branchiogenic laryngeal cyst].
[Current and retrospective problems of treatment of occupational hearing loss of the cochlear type].
The prevalence of occupational hearing impairment constantly increases, thus there are more and more people who become deaf and disabled from carrying on their jobs and normal social contacts. The technical efforts aimed at limiting exposure to noise, as well as medical prophylactic activities are not efficient enough. Therefore the authors analyse the possibilities of occupational hearing impairment treatment. Pharmacologic preparations likely to affect the temporary and permanent threshold shift, are considered. Within operative treatment, microsurgical technique of implanting microelectrodes to the cochlea is presented, basing on the authors' experiments with 4 patients op]erated and rehabilitated with this method.
[Hemangioma cavernosum of the naso-oro-laryngeal part of the pharynx].
[Maxillary artery embolization in a case of juvenile fibroma].
[Suture of the pharynx after laryngectomy by the Garcia-Hormaeche-Portmann procedure].
[Influence of training on the reactions of the vestibular apparatus in response to Coriolis force].
[Head phantoms for exercises in posterior tamponade of the nose].
[The value of exploratory anterior tympanotomy in differentiating causes of conductive hearing loss and assessment of their treatment results].
The aim of examination was value of exploratory anterior tympanotomy in differentiation causes of conductives hearing loss and assessment of results treatment. Materials of examinations determined 34 patients aged 15-66 years, treated in 1995-2000 years, who qualified to exploratory anterior tympanotomy in aim decision of cause of conductives hearing loss. Among of examined were 14 patients with suspicion of otosclerosis (41.2%), 12 patients with unclear etiology of hypoacusis (35.3) and 8 patients with deterioration of hearing after stapedectomy (23.5%). Preoperative diagnostic embraced: a history, otolaryngologic examination, full audiologic examination and chosen cases of radiologic assessment of temporal bone by computer tomography. After perioperative decision cause of conductive hypoacousis were performed of operations of improved hearing and comprised of average hearing loss by CPT and PTA pre- and postoperative treatment. After performed of exploratory tympanotomy there vere stated following causes of conductive hypoacusis: otosclerosis (61.8%), separated of prosthesis after stapedectomy (14.7%) synechia of prosthesis with tympanic membrane (8.8%) and in singles causes of ossicular synechia in tympanic cavum (5.9%), tympanosclerosis (5.9%) and vitium of middle ear (2.9%). The best of hearing improvement after repairment operations of conductive system were obtained in cases of stapedectomy, exchange of prosthesis after stapedectomy, reconstruction of system by TORP prosthesis, however smaller improvement after operations of synechias of stapes prosthesis with surroundings and postoperation of tympanosclerosis.
The RPC muon trigger system for CMS experiment on LHC collider
[Clinical evaluation of Olbas oil effect on nasal mucosa in acute rhinitis patients during common cold].
The aim of the study was the clinical evaluation of the effect of Olbas oil on nasal mucosa in patients with acute rhinitis during common cold. 15 patients with 2-3 days history of acute rhinitis during common cold, both sexes, in the age between 23-47 were investigated. All the examinations were done before using, after the first inhalation, and after 7 days of Olbas oil administration. The investigation before using Olbas oil was comprised of: history data, general and otorhinolaryngological examination with particular evaluation of nasal mucosa, anterior rhinomanometry, saccharin translocation time, olfactometry, microbiological cultures, histamine nasal provocation test. At the end, after 7 days of Olbas oil inhalation 3 times a day for 4 minutes 4 drops of Olbas oil applied into a handkerchief, all the test were done again, as at the beginning. The study showed a good of the effect of Olbas oil on nasal mucosa in patients with acute rhinitis during common cold.
[The evaluation of granulocyte function before and after surgical treatment in patients with chronic inflammation of the middle ear and palatine tonsils].
The aim examinations was the evaluation of granulocytes (PMNL) pre- and postsurgical treatment in patients with chronic inflammation of middle ear and palatine tonsils. The examined 40 persons and divided into three groups: I--18 patients with chronic inflammation of middle ear, II--10 ones with chronic tonsillitis and III--12 healthy persons. There were evaluated: "in vivo" and "in vitro" migration, bactericidal index and absorption of S. aureus labeled 14C isotope (phagocytic index) in the own modification. Preoperative treatment in patients with chronic inflammation of middle ear and palatine tonsils in comparison to the healthy were noticed: characteristic increase of the migration area, the MIF liberation and the phagocytic index, decrease in the bactericidal index (but more in group II). After a year postsurgical treatment the function of granulocytes in patients of group II was more similar to the healthy than in group I.
[A graphical method for the assessment of the sensitivity of the vestibular system (author's transl)].
The authors present a graphical method for the assessment of the sensitivity of the vestibular system. With the aid of this method it is possible, with a high degree of probability, to exclude the existence of disturbances (80%) or confirm the presence of disease.
[Technical problems of implanting microelectrodes into the cochlea (preliminary report)].
[Selected immunological studies of chronic purulent and hypertrophic otolaryngological diseases].
The aim of this work was the comparison of selected immunological parameters in patients with chronic purulent and hypertrophic otorhinolaryngological diseases who were to be operated on. The patients were divided into two groups: 1-31 patients aged 17-58 with chronic purulent otorhinolaryngological diseases. The following immunological parameters were carried out: rheumatoid factor (RF), immunoglobulins IgG, IgM, IgA, proteinogram including the level of albumin, globulin alpha1, alpha2, beta and gamma. In chronic purulent otorhinolaryngological diseases the characteristic features are the reduction of the level of globulin alpha1 (67.7%) and gamma (35.5%), while in hypertrophic cases globulin alpha1, and beta--91.7% each.
[Correlation between vestibulospinal and vestibulo-ocular reflexes following caloric stimulation].
[Salivary gland tumor in authors' material].
The aim this work was to analyze the operated salivary gland tumors, taking into consideration the age and the sex of the patients. From 1980 to 1996 74 patients were operated including 40 women and 34 men, aged 21-78. Out of those 74 salivary gland tumors which were operated, conservative operation was carried out in 62 patients (85.2%) while in 11 patients (14.8%) it was radical operation. Most of the patients who underwent the operation were at the age between 31 and 60 (77.1%). In most cases--77.2% we had to do with mixed tumor of parotid gland and in 4% of submaxillary gland. Postsurgery complications in the from of complete facial paralysis were shown in 14.8% of the patients.
[A prognostic value of of stapedius reflex and accommodation coefficient in patients with Bell's palsy].
At 25 patients with Bell's palsy every 7 days stapedius reflex (SR), accommodation coefficient as well as improvement of mimical facial movements were examined. At 5 patients SR was noticed before treatment, at 13 after 14 days, at 4 after 21 and at 3 after 28 days since disease beginning. There was significant correlation between return SR and improvement of mimical facial movements, but there wasn't correlation between SR and accommodation coefficient.
DOI: 10.1016/0168-9002(95)01159-5
Production rates and lifetimes of b-baryons
Recent DELPHI results concerning the production rates and lifetimes of b-baryons are reviewed. The average lifetime of the b-baryon is measured to be (1.19−0.13+0.15) ps. The first observation of the Ξb baryon together with a measurement of its lifetime is reported.
[Our observations on the effect of mechanical injuries on the activation of the otospongiosis process].
[Evaluation of granulocyte (PMNL) function in patients with chronic inflammation of the middle ear and palatine tonsils].
The evaluation of granulocytes function (PMN) in patients with chronic inflammation of middle ear and palatine tonsils. There were 39 people examined and divided into: 28 patients with chronic inflammation of middle ear and palatine tonsil, 11 healthy persons. The function of granulocytes in patients with chronic inflammation of middle ear and palatine tonsil were changed more in comparison with the healthy people.
DOI: 10.1159/000313096
Die Morphologie des Circulus arteriosus cerebri beim Meerschweinchen unter normalen Verhältnissen und nach experimenteller Ischämie
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Morphologie des Circulus arteriosus der Arteria cerebri beim Meerschweinchen unter normalen VerhÄltnissen und nach einseitiger Reizung oder einer Ligatur der Arteria vertebralis zu beschreiben. 35 Meerschweinchen wurden in 3 Gruppen eingeteilt, von welchen eine die Kontrollgruppe (nach der Analgesie) bildete. In der zweiten Gruppe (B) wurde nach einem Haut- und Nackenmuskelschnitt die rechte oder linke Arteria cervicalis freigelegt, dann in das Foramen transversum des zweiten Hals-wirbels ein den Plexus periarterialis reizender GefÄssklip eingefÜhrt. In der dritten Gruppe (C) hingegen wurde einseitig das GefÁsslumen der Arteria vertebralis durch eine Ligatur vollstÄndig verschlossen. Die Eingriffe am Meerschweinchen wurden in allgemeiner AnÄsthesie mit Katalar in der Dosis von 100mg/kg und Phenanthyl in der Dosis von 0,1 ml/kg des KÖrpergewichts durchgefÜhrt. FÜr die Analyse wurden schliesslich 30 Meerschweinchen (je 10 in jeder Gruppe) ausgewÄhlt. Am 50. Tag nach dem Eingriff und nach einer letalen Äthernarkose der Meerschweinchen, haben wir in die Arterien Über den Aortenbogen Kallocryl injiziert. Bei der Meerschweinchengruppe C (nach einseitiger Ligatur der Arteria vertebralis) wurde wÄhrend der anatomischen Untersuchungen beobachtet, dass die Arteriendiameter des Cerebrum und Cerebellum an der Seite dieser Arterienligatur viel breiter als an der gegenÜberliegenden sind. Es wurde auch ein reiches GefÁssnetz der Rami ad pontem (zum Truncus cerebri) beschrieben. Auf Grund der gegenwÄrtigen Literaturangaben als auch der eigenen Untersuchungsergebnisse kann festgestellt werden, dass die in dieser Arbeit an der Arteria vertebralis des Meerschweinchens durchgefÜhrten Eingriffe in den Grundvoraussetzungen dem experimentellen Modell der sogenannten «Migraine cervicale» entsprechen kÖnnen. Die Erarbeitung eines idealen Versuchsmodells der «Migraine cervicale» ist nicht mÖglich, weil die Ätiologie dieses Syndroms sehr kompliziert ist.
DOI: 10.1159/000313210
Diagnostische Auswertung des Halsdrehtests bei der Doppler-Untersuchung der Arteriae vertebrales et basilaris
Bei 60 Patienten zwischen 16 und 60 Jahren wurden die Auswirkungen des Halsdrehtests auf die StrÖmungsgeschwindigkeiten in den Aa. vertebrales und der A. basilaris untersucht. 20 der Patienten waren gesund, wÄhrend die Übrigen 40 Patienten Degenerationserscheinungen der HalswirbelsÄule (HWS) aufwiesen und zur HÄlfte Innenohrsymptome zeigten. Die StrÖmungsge-schwindigkeit wurde mit Hilfe eines transkraniellen Doppler-GerÄts von Medosonics gemessen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der Halsdrehtest bei den Patienten mit HWS-Schaden die Durchblutung einer oder beider Aa. vertebrales beeinflusst. Dies trifft bei 50% der symptomfreien und 70% der symptomatischen Patienten mit HWS-Schaden zu. Der Halsdrehtest kann bei der Bestimmung der LeistungsfÁhigkeit des genannten arteriellen Systems von grosser Bedeutung sein und die Notwendigkeit einer mikrochirurgischen Behandlung anzeigen.
DOI: 10.1159/000312864
Anatomische Grundlagen zur selektiven Blockade der Sympathikusf asern für die Behandlung otolaryngologischer Krankheiten
Ziel unserer Untersuchungen war die Erarbeitung der Morphologie des Halssympathikus im Hinblick auf eine selektive Blockade der über die Arteria vertebralis zum Innenohr führenden sympathischen Fasern. Die Untersuchungen wurden an 40 Erwachsenen beiderlei Geschlechts im Alter zwischen 30 und 60 Jahren und an 10 menschlichen Feten mit einer Scheitel-Steiss-Länge von 180 bis 290 mm (während der anatomisch-pathologischen Sektion) durchgeführt. Aufgrund der anatomischen Befunde wird eine neue selektive Blockade der postganglionären Fasern (zum Innenohr) durch die Blockade des Vertebralganglions oder des Plexus periarterialis der Arteria vertebralis (beim Fehlen dieses Ganglions) vorgeschlagen. Die Blockadetechnik erfordert einen Nadeleinstich im Kreuzungsbereich zwischen der waagrechten Linie, die bei Frauen durch den inferioren und bei Männern durch den superioren Rand des Ringknorpels verläuft, mit der Linie, die der mediale Rand des Musculus sternocleidomastoideus bildet (etwa 2,5 cm von der Mittellinie entfernt).
[A rare case of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the larynx and trachea].
[15-year study in using the Garcia-Hormaeche-Portmann purse string suture for laryngectomy with personal modification].
[The generation of oxygen free radicals in blood in patients with hypertrophy of paranasal sinuses and larynx].
The evaluated of oxygen specious generation in blood granulocytes of patients with hypertrophy of paranasal sinuses and larynx. There were 33 patients tested (13 with hypertrophy of paranasal sinuses, 10 with hypertrophy of larynx and 10 healthy). The superoxide anion generation of peripheral blood granulocytes described by the rate of the reduced cytochrome C at rest and after stimulation with opsonized zymosan according to Bellavite were measured. There were statistically significant differences between the superoxide anion generation in patients with hypertrophy of paranasal sinuses and larynx in comparison with the healthy ones.
[The evaluation of granulocyte (PMNL) function of patients with chronic hypertrophy of larynx and paranasal sinuses].
The evaluation of granulocytes function (PMNL) at patients with chronic hypertrophy of larynx and paranasal sinuses. There were 40 people examined and divided into: 10 patients with hypertrophy of larynx, 13 patients with hypertrophy of paranasal sinuses and 17 healthy people. There were evaluated: emission of chemiluminescence (CL), absorption of isotope (phagocytic index) in our modification migration in vivo and in vitro and the bacteriotoxic index. The function of granulocytes in patients with hypertrophy of larynx and paranasal sinuses were changed more in comparison with the healthy people.
[Evaluation of the ear and vestibular apparatus depending on the anatomy of the cervical spine].
Function of the acoustic organ and the vestibular organ in correlation from radiograph of cervical spinal column was examined in 102 patients aged 20-68 years, of both sexes. The obtained results of audiometric and electronystagmographic investigations have shown that the greatest disorders of function of the acoustic organ and the vestibular organ was at the patients with osteophytes and discopathy in cervical spinal column. Impaired hearing and vestibular disorders was observed also at the patients with normal radiograph of cervical spinal column. The authors have thought that the above deviations can be caused by irritation even the discreet degeneration of cervical spinal column, which ones conduct to increased tension of sympathetic system.
[On primarily bifocal laryngeal carcinoma and bronchogenic cyst of the neck].
The authors discuss a problem of rarely occurring bifocal carcinomas with the presentation of their own case of laryngeal carcinoma and branchiogenic cyst of the neck. They pay attention to histopathologic features underlying the diagnosis of branchiogenic cyst carcinoma and to the necessity of oncologic alertness in tumors of these kinds.
[Our experiences in the treatment of conductive hearing loss].
[Value of caloric tests in cases of non-reaction of the vestibular organs to the pendulum test].
[Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties in tumors of neck and pharynx encountered in clinical cases].
The authors show case of lateral cervical cyst and carcinoma of the tonsil in woman 50 years, paying attention to large diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. After operation of the lateral cervical cyst on the left side, metastasis of tumor followed, which was operated (after negative result of the thin-needle biopsy method) and histopathological examination of the tumor didn't prove atypical cells. In a few month after operation there followed tumorous infiltration in region angle of mandibula and in tonsillar region on the side and performed the thin-needle biopsy method showed planoepithelial carcinoma of the tonsil with transitional cells, which infiltrated the lingua, fundus of the oris and lymphonodes of the neck. Next the patient was sent to further treatment in the Oncological Hospital in Lodz. In connexion with advanced of the carcinoma, the using treatment (radiotherapy Co--60 and chemotherapy) was only the palliative treatment and prolongated life of the patient about 3 years.