
Mehmet Toner

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DOI: 10.1038/nature06385
Cited 3,268 times
Isolation of rare circulating tumour cells in cancer patients by microchip technology
Viable tumour-derived epithelial cells (circulating tumour cells or CTCs) have been identified in peripheral blood from cancer patients and are probably the origin of intractable metastatic disease. Although extremely rare, CTCs represent a potential alternative to invasive biopsies as a source of tumour tissue for the detection, characterization and monitoring of non-haematologic cancers. The ability to identify, isolate, propagate and molecularly characterize CTC subpopulations could further the discovery of cancer stem cell biomarkers and expand the understanding of the biology of metastasis. Current strategies for isolating CTCs are limited to complex analytic approaches that generate very low yield and purity. Here we describe the development of a unique microfluidic platform (the 'CTC-chip') capable of efficient and selective separation of viable CTCs from peripheral whole blood samples, mediated by the interaction of target CTCs with antibody (EpCAM)-coated microposts under precisely controlled laminar flow conditions, and without requisite pre-labelling or processing of samples. The CTC-chip successfully identified CTCs in the peripheral blood of patients with metastatic lung, prostate, pancreatic, breast and colon cancer in 115 of 116 (99%) samples, with a range of 5-1,281 CTCs per ml and approximately 50% purity. In addition, CTCs were isolated in 7/7 patients with early-stage prostate cancer. Given the high sensitivity and specificity of the CTC-chip, we tested its potential utility in monitoring response to anti-cancer therapy. In a small cohort of patients with metastatic cancer undergoing systemic treatment, temporal changes in CTC numbers correlated reasonably well with the clinical course of disease as measured by standard radiographic methods. Thus, the CTC-chip provides a new and effective tool for accurate identification and measurement of CTCs in patients with cancer. It has broad implications in advancing both cancer biology research and clinical cancer management, including the detection, diagnosis and monitoring of cancer.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222878110
Cited 2,542 times
Genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human inflammatory diseases
A cornerstone of modern biomedical research is the use of mouse models to explore basic pathophysiological mechanisms, evaluate new therapeutic approaches, and make go or no-go decisions to carry new drug candidates forward into clinical trials. Systematic studies evaluating how well murine models mimic human inflammatory diseases are nonexistent. Here, we show that, although acute inflammatory stresses from different etiologies result in highly similar genomic responses in humans, the responses in corresponding mouse models correlate poorly with the human conditions and also, one another. Among genes changed significantly in humans, the murine orthologs are close to random in matching their human counterparts (e.g., R(2) between 0.0 and 0.1). In addition to improvements in the current animal model systems, our study supports higher priority for translational medical research to focus on the more complex human conditions rather than relying on mouse models to study human inflammatory diseases.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1228522
Cited 2,137 times
Circulating Breast Tumor Cells Exhibit Dynamic Changes in Epithelial and Mesenchymal Composition
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of adherent epithelial cells to a migratory mesenchymal state has been implicated in tumor metastasis in preclinical models. To investigate its role in human cancer, we characterized EMT in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from breast cancer patients. Rare primary tumor cells simultaneously expressed mesenchymal and epithelial markers, but mesenchymal cells were highly enriched in CTCs. Serial CTC monitoring in 11 patients suggested an association of mesenchymal CTCs with disease progression. In an index patient, reversible shifts between these cell fates accompanied each cycle of response to therapy and disease progression. Mesenchymal CTCs occurred as both single cells and multicellular clusters, expressing known EMT regulators, including transforming growth factor (TGF)-β pathway components and the FOXC1 transcription factor. These data support a role for EMT in the blood-borne dissemination of human breast cancer.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.07.013
Cited 1,940 times
Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters Are Oligoclonal Precursors of Breast Cancer Metastasis
Circulating tumor cell clusters (CTC clusters) are present in the blood of patients with cancer but their contribution to metastasis is not well defined. Using mouse models with tagged mammary tumors, we demonstrate that CTC clusters arise from oligoclonal tumor cell groupings and not from intravascular aggregation events. Although rare in the circulation compared with single CTCs, CTC clusters have 23- to 50-fold increased metastatic potential. In patients with breast cancer, single-cell resolution RNA sequencing of CTC clusters and single CTCs, matched within individual blood samples, identifies the cell junction component plakoglobin as highly differentially expressed. In mouse models, knockdown of plakoglobin abrogates CTC cluster formation and suppresses lung metastases. In breast cancer patients, both abundance of CTC clusters and high tumor plakoglobin levels denote adverse outcomes. Thus, CTC clusters are derived from multicellular groupings of primary tumor cells held together through plakoglobin-dependent intercellular adhesion, and though rare, they greatly contribute to the metastatic spread of cancer.
DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa0800668
Cited 1,567 times
Detection of Mutations in<i>EGFR</i>in Circulating Lung-Cancer Cells
The use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors to target the epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR) in patients with non–small-cell lung cancer is effective but limited by the emergence of drug-resistance mutations. Molecular characterization of circulating tumor cells may provide a strategy for noninvasive serial monitoring of tumor genotypes during treatment.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1012539107
Cited 1,480 times
Isolation of circulating tumor cells using a microvortex-generating herringbone-chip
Rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) present in the bloodstream of patients with cancer provide a potentially accessible source for detection, characterization, and monitoring of nonhematological cancers. We previously demonstrated the effectiveness of a microfluidic device, the CTC-Chip, in capturing these epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM)-expressing cells using antibody-coated microposts. Here, we describe a high-throughput microfluidic mixing device, the herringbone-chip, or “HB-Chip,” which provides an enhanced platform for CTC isolation. The HB-Chip design applies passive mixing of blood cells through the generation of microvortices to significantly increase the number of interactions between target CTCs and the antibody-coated chip surface. Efficient cell capture was validated using defined numbers of cancer cells spiked into control blood, and clinical utility was demonstrated in specimens from patients with prostate cancer. CTCs were detected in 14 of 15 (93%) patients with metastatic disease (median = 63 CTCs/mL, mean = 386 ± 238 CTCs/mL), and the tumor-specific TMPRSS2-ERG translocation was readily identified following RNA isolation and RT-PCR analysis. The use of transparent materials allowed for imaging of the captured CTCs using standard clinical histopathological stains, in addition to immunofluorescence-conjugated antibodies. In a subset of patient samples, the low shear design of the HB-Chip revealed microclusters of CTCs, previously unappreciated tumor cell aggregates that may contribute to the hematogenous dissemination of cancer.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0704958104
Cited 1,472 times
Continuous inertial focusing, ordering, and separation of particles in microchannels
Under laminar flow conditions, when no external forces are applied, particles are generally thought to follow fluid streamlines. Contrary to this perspective, we observe that flowing particles migrate across streamlines in a continuous, predictable, and accurate manner in microchannels experiencing laminar flows. The migration is attributed to lift forces on particles that are observed when inertial aspects of the flow become significant. We identified symmetric and asymmetric channel geometries that provide additional inertial forces that bias particular equilibrium positions to create continuous streams of ordered particles precisely positioned in three spatial dimensions. We were able to order particles laterally, within the transverse plane of the channel, with >80-nm accuracy, and longitudinally, in regular chains along the direction of flow. A fourth dimension of rotational alignment was observed for discoidal red blood cells. Unexpectedly, ordering appears to be independent of particle buoyant direction, suggesting only minor centrifugal contributions. Theoretical analysis indicates the physical principles are operational over a range of channel and particle length scales. The ability to differentially order particles of different sizes, continuously, at high rates, and without external forces in microchannels is expected to have a broad range of applications in continuous bioparticle separation, high-throughput cytometry, and large-scale filtration systems.
DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201010021
Cited 981 times
Circulating tumor cells: approaches to isolation and characterization
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) shed from primary and metastatic cancers are admixed with blood components and are thus rare, making their isolation and characterization a major technological challenge. CTCs hold the key to understanding the biology of metastasis and provide a biomarker to noninvasively measure the evolution of tumor genotypes during treatment and disease progression. Improvements in technologies to yield purer CTC populations amenable to better cellular and molecular characterization will enable a broad range of clinical applications, including early detection of disease and the discovery of biomarkers to predict treatment responses and disease progression.
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3005616
Cited 946 times
Inertial Focusing for Tumor Antigen–Dependent and –Independent Sorting of Rare Circulating Tumor Cells
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are shed into the bloodstream from primary and metastatic tumor deposits. Their isolation and analysis hold great promise for the early detection of invasive cancer and the management of advanced disease, but technological hurdles have limited their broad clinical utility. We describe an inertial focusing-enhanced microfluidic CTC capture platform, termed "CTC-iChip," that is capable of sorting rare CTCs from whole blood at 10(7) cells/s. Most importantly, the iChip is capable of isolating CTCs using strategies that are either dependent or independent of tumor membrane epitopes, and thus applicable to virtually all cancers. We specifically demonstrate the use of the iChip in an expanded set of both epithelial and nonepithelial cancers including lung, prostate, pancreas, breast, and melanoma. The sorting of CTCs as unfixed cells in solution allows for the application of high-quality clinically standardized morphological and immunohistochemical analyses, as well as RNA-based single-cell molecular characterization. The combination of an unbiased, broadly applicable, high-throughput, and automatable rare cell sorting technology with generally accepted molecular assays and cytology standards will enable the integration of CTC-based diagnostics into the clinical management of cancer.
DOI: 10.1038/nbt712
Cited 865 times
Neutrophil chemotaxis in linear and complex gradients of interleukin-8 formed in a microfabricated device
DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.13.14.1883
Cited 849 times
Effect of cell–cell interactions in preservation of cellular phenotype: cocultivation of hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cells
Heterotypic cell interaction between parenchymal cells and nonparenchymal neighbors has been reported to modulate cell growth, migration, and/or differentiation. In both the developing and adult liver, cell-cell interactions are imperative for coordinated organ function. In vitro, cocultivation of hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cells has been used to preserve and modulate the hepatocyte phenotype. We summarize previous studies in this area as well as recent advances in microfabrication that have allowed for more precise control over cell-cell interactions through 'cellular patterning' or 'micropatterning'. Although the precise mechanisms by which nonparenchymal cells modulate the hepatocyte phenotype remain unelucidated, some new insights on the modes of cell signaling, the extent of cell-cell interaction, and the ratio of cell populations are noted. Proposed clinical applications of hepatocyte cocultures, typically extracorporeal bioartificial liver support systems, are reviewed in the context of these new findings. Continued advances in microfabrication and cell culture will allow further study of the role of cell communication in physiological and pathophysiological processes as well as in the development of functional tissue constructs for medical applications.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1253533
Cited 799 times
Ex vivo culture of circulating breast tumor cells for individualized testing of drug susceptibility
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are present at low concentrations in the peripheral blood of patients with solid tumors. It has been proposed that the isolation, ex vivo culture, and characterization of CTCs may provide an opportunity to noninvasively monitor the changing patterns of drug susceptibility in individual patients as their tumors acquire new mutations. In a proof-of-concept study, we established CTC cultures from six patients with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Three of five CTC lines tested were tumorigenic in mice. Genome sequencing of the CTC lines revealed preexisting mutations in the PIK3CA gene and newly acquired mutations in the estrogen receptor gene (ESR1), PIK3CA gene, and fibroblast growth factor receptor gene (FGFR2), among others. Drug sensitivity testing of CTC lines with multiple mutations revealed potential new therapeutic targets. With optimization of CTC culture conditions, this strategy may help identify the best therapies for individual cancer patients over the course of their disease.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1134929
Cited 694 times
Multifunctional Encoded Particles for High-Throughput Biomolecule Analysis
High-throughput screening for genetic analysis, combinatorial chemistry, and clinical diagnostics benefits from multiplexing, which allows for the simultaneous assay of several analytes but necessitates an encoding scheme for molecular identification. Current approaches for multiplexed analysis involve complicated or expensive processes for encoding, functionalizing, or decoding active substrates (particles or surfaces) and often yield a very limited number of analyte-specific codes. We present a method based on continuous-flow lithography that combines particle synthesis and encoding and probe incorporation into a single process to generate multifunctional particles bearing over a million unique codes. By using such particles, we demonstrate a multiplexed, single-fluorescence detection of DNA oligomers with encoded particle libraries that can be scanned rapidly in a flow-through microfluidic channel. Furthermore, we demonstrate with high specificity the same multiplexed detection using individual multiprobe particles.
DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2014.044
Cited 644 times
Microfluidic, marker-free isolation of circulating tumor cells from blood samples
The ability to isolate and analyze rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) has the potential to further our understanding of cancer metastasis and enhance the care of cancer patients. In this protocol, we describe the procedure for isolating rare CTCs from blood samples by using tumor antigen-independent microfluidic CTC-iChip technology. The CTC-iChip uses deterministic lateral displacement, inertial focusing and magnetophoresis to sort up to 10⁷ cells/s. By using two-stage magnetophoresis and depletion antibodies against leukocytes, we achieve 3.8-log depletion of white blood cells and a 97% yield of rare cells with a sample processing rate of 8 ml of whole blood/h. The CTC-iChip is compatible with standard cytopathological and RNA-based characterization methods. This protocol describes device production, assembly, blood sample preparation, system setup and the CTC isolation process. Sorting 8 ml of blood sample requires 2 h including setup time, and chip production requires 2-5 d.
DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.3404
Cited 628 times
A microfluidic device for label-free, physical capture of circulating tumor cell clusters
Cancer cells metastasize through the bloodstream either as single migratory circulating tumor cells (CTCs) or as multicellular groupings (CTC clusters). Existing technologies for CTC enrichment are designed to isolate single CTCs, and although CTC clusters are detectable in some cases, their true prevalence and significance remain to be determined. Here we developed a microchip technology (the Cluster-Chip) to capture CTC clusters independently of tumor-specific markers from unprocessed blood. CTC clusters are isolated through specialized bifurcating traps under low-shear stress conditions that preserve their integrity, and even two-cell clusters are captured efficiently. Using the Cluster-Chip, we identified CTC clusters in 30-40% of patients with metastatic breast or prostate cancer or with melanoma. RNA sequencing of CTC clusters confirmed their tumor origin and identified tissue-derived macrophages within the clusters. Efficient capture of CTC clusters will enable the detailed characterization of their biological properties and role in metastasis.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aab0917
Cited 619 times
RNA-Seq of single prostate CTCs implicates noncanonical Wnt signaling in antiandrogen resistance
Prostate cancer is initially responsive to androgen deprivation, but the effectiveness of androgen receptor (AR) inhibitors in recurrent disease is variable. Biopsy of bone metastases is challenging; hence, sampling circulating tumor cells (CTCs) may reveal drug-resistance mechanisms. We established single-cell RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) profiles of 77 intact CTCs isolated from 13 patients (mean six CTCs per patient), by using microfluidic enrichment. Single CTCs from each individual display considerable heterogeneity, including expression of AR gene mutations and splicing variants. Retrospective analysis of CTCs from patients progressing under treatment with an AR inhibitor, compared with untreated cases, indicates activation of noncanonical Wnt signaling (P = 0.0064). Ectopic expression of Wnt5a in prostate cancer cells attenuates the antiproliferative effect of AR inhibition, whereas its suppression in drug-resistant cells restores partial sensitivity, a correlation also evident in an established mouse model. Thus, single-cell analysis of prostate CTCs reveals heterogeneity in signaling pathways that could contribute to treatment failure.
DOI: 10.1146/annurev.bioeng.7.011205.135108
Cited 594 times
Accurate, fast, and affordable analysis of the cellular component of blood is of prime interest for medicine and research. Yet, most often sample preparation procedures for blood analysis involve handling steps prone to introducing artifacts, whereas analysis methods commonly require skilled technicians and well-equipped, expensive laboratories. Developing more gentle protocols and affordable instruments for specific blood analysis tasks is becoming possible through the recent progress in the area of microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip-type devices. Precise control over the cell microenvironment during separation procedures and the ability to scale down the analysis to very small volumes of blood are among the most attractive capabilities of the new approaches. Here we review some of the emerging principles for manipulating blood cells at microscale and promising high-throughput approaches to blood cell separation using microdevices. Examples of specific single-purpose devices are described together with integration strategies for blood cell separation and analysis modules.
DOI: 10.1146/annurev.bioeng.2.1.227
Cited 576 times
Microengineering of Cellular Interactions
Tissue function is modulated by an intricate architecture of cells and biomolecules on a micrometer scale. Until now, in vitro cellular interactions were mainly studied by random seeding over homogeneous substrates. Although this strategy has led to important discoveries, it is clearly a nonoptimal analog of the in vivo scenario. With the incorporation--and adaptation--of microfabrication technology into biology, it is now possible to design surfaces that reproduce some of the aspects of that architecture. This article reviews past research on the engineering of cell-substrate, cell-cell, and cell-medium interactions on the micrometer scale.
DOI: 10.1089/ten.2006.12.3307
Cited 543 times
Engineering Complex Tissues
This article summarizes the views expressed at the third session of the workshop "Tissue Engineering—The Next Generation," which was devoted to the engineering of complex tissue structures. Antonios Mikos described the engineering of complex oral and craniofacial tissues as a "guided interplay" between biomaterial scaffolds, growth factors, and local cell populations toward the restoration of the original architecture and function of complex tissues. Susan Herring, reviewing osteogenesis and vasculogenesis, explained that the vascular arrangement precedes and dictates the architecture of the new bone, and proposed that engineering of osseous tissues might benefit from preconstruction of an appropriate vasculature. Jennifer Elisseeff explored the formation of complex tissue structures based on the example of stratified cartilage engineered using stem cells and hydrogels. Helen Lu discussed engineering of tissue interfaces, a problem critical for biological fixation of tendons and ligaments, and the development of a new generation of fixation devices. Rita Kandel discussed the challenges related to the re-creation of the cartilage-bone interface, in the context of tissue engineered joint repair. Frederick Schoen emphasized, in the context of heart valve engineering, the need for including the requirements derived from "adult biology" of tissue remodeling and establishing reliable early predictors of success or failure of tissue engineered implants. Mehmet Toner presented a review of biopreservation techniques and stressed that a new breakthrough in this field may be necessary to meet all the needs of tissue engineering. David Mooney described systems providing temporal and spatial regulation of growth factor availability, which may find utility in virtually all tissue engineering and regeneration applications, including directed in vitro and in vivo vascularization of tissues. Anthony Atala offered a clinician's perspective for functional tissue regeneration, and discussed new biomaterials that can be used to develop new regenerative technologies.
DOI: 10.1016/0142-9612(96)85562-1
Cited 536 times
Long-term storage of tissues by cryopreservation: critical issues
The technique of cryopreservation (maintenance of biological samples in a state of ‘suspended animation’ at cryogenic temperatures), its potential use in tissue engineering applications and current obstacles to the development of effective cryopreservation methods for tissues are reviewed. A didactic overview of the principles of cryobiology and the methodology of cryopreservation is given, with emphasis on the processes of injury to cells during freezing and thawing, and how these are related to the physicochemical and biophysical changes occurring during cryopreservation. Critical issues relevant to the application of cryopreservation methods to tissues are then addressed, including heat and mass transfer limitations in these bulk systems, intrinsic differences between isolated and cultured cells, and mechanisms of freezing injury unique to tissue systems.
DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1097-4636(199702)34:2<189::aid-jbm8>3.0.co;2-m
Cited 524 times
Controlling cell interactions by micropatterning in co-cultures: Hepatocytes and 3T3 fibroblasts
The repair or replacement of damaged tissues using in vitro strategies has focused on manipulation of the cell environment by modulation of cell-extracellular matrix interactions, cell-cell interactions, or soluble stimuli. Many of these environmental influences are easily controlled using macroscopic techniques; however, in co-culture systems with two or more cell types, cell-cell interactions have been difficult to manipulate precisely using similar methods. Although microfabrication has been widely utilized for the spatial control of cells in culture, these methods have never been adapted to the simultaneous co-cultivation of more than one cell type. We have developed a versatile technique for micropatterning of two different cell types based on existing strategies for surface modification with aminosilanes linked to biomolecules and the manipulation of serum content of cell culture media. This co-culture technique allowed manipulation of the initial cellular microenvironment without variation of cell number. Specifically, we were able to control the level of homotypic interaction in cultures of a single cell type and the degree of heterotypic contact in co-cultures over a wide range. This methodology has potential applications in tissue engineering, implant biology, and developmental biology, both in the arena of basic science and optimization of function for technological applications.
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3000403
Cited 488 times
Isolation and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells from Patients with Localized and Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Automated imaging of prostate-specific cancer cells from the blood provides a measure of circulating tumor cell half-life after tumor resection.
DOI: 10.1038/72608
Cited 478 times
Intracellular trehalose improves the survival of cryopreserved mammalian cells
DOI: 10.1039/b916199f
Cited 468 times
Microfluidic isolation and transcriptome analysis of serum microvesicles
Microvesicles (exosomes) shed from both normal and cancerous cells may serve as means of intercellular communication. These microvesicles carry proteins, lipids and nucleic acids derived from the host cell. Their isolation and analysis from blood samples have the potential to provide information about state and progression of malignancy and should prove of great clinical importance as biomarkers for a variety of disease states. However, current protocols for isolation of microvesicles from blood require high-speed centrifugation and filtration, which are cumbersome and time consuming. In order to take full advantage of the potential of microvesicles as biomarkers for clinical applications, faster and simpler methods of isolation will be needed. In this paper, we present an easy and rapid microfluidic immunoaffinity method to isolate microvesicles from small volumes of both serum from blood samples and conditioned medium from cells in culture. RNA of high quality can be extracted from these microvesicles providing a source of information about the genetic status of tumors to serve as biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.102.094503
Cited 467 times
Particle Segregation and Dynamics in Confined Flows
Nonlinearity in finite-Reynolds-number flow results in particle migration transverse to fluid streamlines, producing the well-known ``tubular pinch effect'' in cylindrical pipes. Here we investigate these nonlinear effects in highly confined systems where the particle size approaches the channel dimensions. Experimental and numerical results reveal distinctive dynamics, including complex scaling of lift forces with channel and particle geometry. The unique behavior described in this Letter has broad implications for confined particulate flows.
DOI: 10.1039/b805456h
Cited 457 times
Controlled encapsulation of single-cells into monodisperse picolitre drops
Encapsulation of cells within picolitre-size monodisperse drops provides new means to perform quantitative biological studies on a single-cell basis for large cell populations. Variability in the number of cells per drop due to stochastic cell loading is a major barrier to these techniques. We overcome this limitation by evenly spacing cells as they travel within a high aspect-ratio microchannel; cells enter the drop generator with the frequency of drop formation.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.08.029
Cited 454 times
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Identifies Extracellular Matrix Gene Expression by Pancreatic Circulating Tumor Cells
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are shed from primary tumors into the bloodstream, mediating the hematogenous spread of cancer to distant organs. To define their composition, we compared genome-wide expression profiles of CTCs with matched primary tumors in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer, isolating individual CTCs using epitope-independent microfluidic capture, followed by single-cell RNA sequencing. CTCs clustered separately from primary tumors and tumor-derived cell lines, showing low-proliferative signatures, enrichment for the stem-cell-associated gene Aldh1a2, biphenotypic expression of epithelial and mesenchymal markers, and expression of Igfbp5, a gene transcript enriched at the epithelial-stromal interface. Mouse as well as human pancreatic CTCs exhibit a very high expression of stromal-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, including SPARC, whose knockdown in cancer cells suppresses cell migration and invasiveness. The aberrant expression by CTCs of stromal ECM genes points to their contribution of microenvironmental signals for the spread of cancer to distant organs.
DOI: 10.1038/nature11217
Cited 441 times
RNA sequencing of pancreatic circulating tumour cells implicates WNT signalling in metastasis
Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) shed into blood from primary cancers include putative precursors that initiate distal metastases. Although these cells are extraordinarily rare, they may identify cellular pathways contributing to the blood-borne dissemination of cancer. Here, we adapted a microfluidic device for efficient capture of CTCs from an endogenous mouse pancreatic cancer model and subjected CTCs to single-molecule RNA sequencing, identifying Wnt2 as a candidate gene enriched in CTCs. Expression of WNT2 in pancreatic cancer cells suppresses anoikis, enhances anchorage-independent sphere formation, and increases metastatic propensity in vivo. This effect is correlated with fibronectin upregulation and suppressed by inhibition of MAP3K7 (also known as TAK1) kinase. In humans, formation of non-adherent tumour spheres by pancreatic cancer cells is associated with upregulation of multiple WNT genes, and pancreatic CTCs revealed enrichment for WNT signalling in 5 out of 11 cases. Thus, molecular analysis of CTCs may identify candidate therapeutic targets to prevent the distal spread of cancer.
DOI: 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-121813-120704
Cited 429 times
Inertial Focusing in Microfluidics
When Segré and Silberberg in 1961 witnessed particles in a laminar pipe flow congregating at an annulus in the pipe, scientists were perplexed and spent decades learning why such behavior occurred, finally understanding that it was caused by previously unknown forces on particles in an inertial flow. The advent of microfluidics opened a new realm of possibilities for inertial focusing in the processing of biological fluids and cellular suspensions and created a field that is now rapidly expanding. Over the past five years, inertial focusing has enabled high-throughput, simple, and precise manipulation of bodily fluids for a myriad of applications in point-of-care and clinical diagnostics. This review describes the theoretical developments that have made the field of inertial focusing what it is today and presents the key applications that will make inertial focusing a mainstream technology in the future.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1216166
Cited 385 times
Asymmetry and Aging of Mycobacterial Cells Lead to Variable Growth and Antibiotic Susceptibility
Cells use both deterministic and stochastic mechanisms to generate cell-to-cell heterogeneity, which enables the population to better withstand environmental stress. Here we show that, within a clonal population of mycobacteria, there is deterministic heterogeneity in elongation rate that arises because mycobacteria grow in an unusual, unipolar fashion. Division of the asymmetrically growing mother cell gives rise to daughter cells that differ in elongation rate and size. Because the mycobacterial cell division cycle is governed by time, not cell size, rapidly elongating cells do not divide more frequently than slowly elongating cells. The physiologically distinct subpopulations of cells that arise through asymmetric growth and division are differentially susceptible to clinically important classes of antibiotics.
DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3889
Cited 374 times
The promise of organ and tissue preservation to transform medicine
The ability to replace organs and tissues on demand could save or improve millions of lives each year globally and create public health benefits on par with curing cancer. Unmet needs for organ and tissue preservation place enormous logistical limitations on transplantation, regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and a variety of rapidly advancing areas spanning biomedicine. A growing coalition of researchers, clinicians, advocacy organizations, academic institutions, and other stakeholders has assembled to address the unmet need for preservation advances, outlining remaining challenges and identifying areas of underinvestment and untapped opportunities. Meanwhile, recent discoveries provide proofs of principle for breakthroughs in a family of research areas surrounding biopreservation. These developments indicate that a new paradigm, integrating multiple existing preservation approaches and new technologies that have flourished in the past 10 years, could transform preservation research. Capitalizing on these opportunities will require engagement across many research areas and stakeholder groups. A coordinated effort is needed to expedite preservation advances that can transform several areas of medicine and medical science.
DOI: 10.1021/ac702283m
Cited 371 times
Equilibrium Separation and Filtration of Particles Using Differential Inertial Focusing
Rapid separation and filtration of particles in solution has a wide range of applications including blood cell separation, ultrasound contrast agent preparation, and purification of fermentation products. However, current techniques that provide quick processing rates are high in complexity. We present a rapid microfluidic filtration technology capable of separating particles based on size, with purities from 90 to 100% and high-volume throughputs of 1 mL/min. Data for separation of rigid particles, deformable emulsions, and platelets from whole blood are presented. The system is based upon differential inertial focusing of particles of varying sizes and allows continuous separation based only on intrinsic hydrodynamic forces developed in a flow through an asymmetrically curved channel. A theoretical description of the underlying forces is developed, and in combination with data determining a size cutoff for separation, a semiempirical relationship describing how channel geometry is related to this cutoff is shown. Cascading separations in series is shown to be useful for increasing purity and yield. This type of microfluidic system can filter deformable particles, is largely independent of particle density, and can provide throughputs typical of macroscale filtration in a compact format, enabling applications in blood filtration and particle concentration.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1524448113
Cited 371 times
Clusters of circulating tumor cells traverse capillary-sized vessels
Significance Metastasis is responsible for 90% of cancer-related deaths and is driven by tumor cells circulating in blood. However, it is believed that only individual tumor cells can reach distant organs because multicellular clusters are too large to pass through narrow capillaries. Here, we collected evidence by examining clusters in microscale devices, computational simulations, and animals, which suggest that this assumption is incorrect, and that clusters may transit through capillaries by unfolding into single-file chains. This previously unidentified cell behavior may explain why previous experiments reported that clusters were more efficient at seeding metastases than equal numbers of single tumor cells, and has led to a strategy that, if applied clinically, may reduce the incidence of metastasis in patients.
DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.10.13.8940293
Cited 369 times
Effect of extracellular matrix topology on cell structure, function, and physiological responsiveness: hepatocytes cultured in a sandwich configuration
Extracellular matrix (ECM) geometry is an important modulator of cell polarity and function. For example, 3-dimensional matrices often more effectively induce differentiated cell function than traditional 2-dimensional substrates. The effect of ECM topology can be investigated in a controlled fashion using a technique whereby cells cultured on a single surface are overlaid with a second layer of ECM, thereby creating a ”sandwich” configuration. Confluent monolayers of epithelial or endothelial cells overlaid in this fashion often reorganize into structures that are reminiscent of their native tissue. In the case of hepatocytes, the overlay causes a dramatic reorganization of the cytoskeleton, adoption of in vivo-like morphology and polarity, and expression of a wide array of liver-specific functions. In this short review, we use the sandwiched hepato- cyte culture system to illustrate the effect of ECM geometry on cellular function. Pertinent studies are summarized in the context of defining the parallels, strengths, and limitations of this culture system as an in vitro model to study the physiology and morphogenesis of liver tissue. We also explore some of its potential uses as a model to study liver pharmacology and toxicology, and for the development of liver preservation techniques and liver-assist devices.—Berthiaume, F., Moghe, P. V., Toner, M., Yarmush, M. L. Effect of extracellular matrix topology on cell structure, function, and physiological responsiveness: hepatocytes cultured in a sandwich configuration. FASEB J. 10, 1471—1484 (1996)
DOI: 10.1146/annurev-physiol-012110-142203
Cited 351 times
LEA Proteins During Water Stress: Not Just for Plants Anymore
Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are extremely hydrophilic proteins that were first identified in land plants. Intracellular accumulation is tightly correlated with acquisition of desiccation tolerance, and data support their capacity to stabilize other proteins and membranes during drying, especially in the presence of sugars like trehalose. Exciting reports now show that LEA proteins are not restricted to plants; multiple forms are expressed in desiccation-tolerant animals from at least four phyla. We evaluate here the expression, subcellular localization, biochemical properties, and potential functions of LEA proteins in animal species during water stress. LEA proteins are intrinsically unstructured in aqueous solution, but surprisingly, many assume their native conformation during drying. They are targeted to multiple cellular locations, including mitochondria, and evidence supports that LEA proteins stabilize vitrified sugar glasses thought to be important in the dried state. More in vivo experimentation will be necessary to fully unravel the multiple functional properties of these macromolecules during water stress.
DOI: 10.1063/1.345670
Cited 347 times
Thermodynamics and kinetics of intracellular ice formation during freezing of biological cells
A physicochemical model based on the modified classical heterogeneous nucleation theory was proposed to analyze the ice formation inside biological cells during freezing. According to this model, intracellular ice formation (IIF) may be catalyzed either by the plasma membrane via the effects of the external ice on the plasma membrane, called surface-catalyzed nucleation (SCN), or by the intracellular particles, called volume-catalyzed nucleation (VCN), depending on the freezing conditions. The model for IIF was coupled with the model describing the kinetics of water transport to predict the thermodynamic state of the cytoplasm. A method to estimate the nucleation frequency from the observed probability of nucleation was suggested. This method was based on the assumption that each cell has the same heteronucleating particles with identical properties to alter the nucleation kinetics in an identical way. This allowed the correlation of the experimental probability of IIF with the nucleation rate. It was suggested that the uncertainties in the experimental conditions could be minimized if cells were cooled at rapid rates to prevent water transport during freezing. The model was applied to mouse oocytes at metaphase II. Correlation of the theory with the experimental kinetics of the cumulative fraction of IIF revealed preexponentional factors of 3.56×108 (m2 s)−1 and 1.84×1050 (m3 s)−1, and exponential factors of 4.6×109 and 1.08×1012 K5 for SCN and VCN, respectively. The contact angle between the internal surface of the plasma membrane and the ice cluster for SCN, θ, was determined to be 35° for freezing in isotonic solutions (285 mosm) increasing linearly to 47° in hypertonic solutions (1035 mosm). SCN was active between ∼−5 and −20 °C in the presence of external ice. It is suggested that the presence of external ice alters the plasma membrane through its chemical, electrical, mechanical, ionic, and thermal effects, to make it an energetically favorable site for heterogeneous nucleation. For VCN, lower and upper limits for θ and R were found to be 60°&amp;lt;θ&amp;lt;100° and 10−7&amp;lt;R&amp;lt;4×10−7 cm, respectively. VCN was active between ∼−30 and −35 °C.
DOI: 10.1038/nnano.2014.261
Cited 345 times
Advancing the speed, sensitivity and accuracy of biomolecular detection using multi-length-scale engineering
This article reviews the different strategies and devices that combine nanoscale and microscale materials to bring about faster, more sensitive and reliable diagnostic results in clinical medicine. Rapid progress in identifying disease biomarkers has increased the importance of creating high-performance detection technologies. Over the last decade, the design of many detection platforms has focused on either the nano or micro length scale. Here, we review recent strategies that combine nano- and microscale materials and devices to produce large improvements in detection sensitivity, speed and accuracy, allowing previously undetectable biomarkers to be identified in clinical samples. Microsensors that incorporate nanoscale features can now rapidly detect disease-related nucleic acids expressed in patient samples. New microdevices that separate large clinical samples into nanocompartments allow precise quantitation of analytes, and microfluidic systems that utilize nanoscale binding events can detect rare cancer cells in the bloodstream more accurately than before. These advances will lead to faster and more reliable clinical diagnostic devices.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2013.04.009
Cited 342 times
Malaria-Infected Erythrocyte-Derived Microvesicles Mediate Cellular Communication within the Parasite Population and with the Host Immune System
Humans and mice infected with different Plasmodium strains are known to produce microvesicles derived from the infected red blood cells (RBCs), denoted RMVs. Studies in mice have shown that RMVs are elevated during infection and have proinflammatory activity. Here we present a detailed characterization of RMV composition and function in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Proteomics profiling revealed the enrichment of multiple host and parasite proteins, in particular of parasite antigens associated with host cell membranes and proteins involved in parasite invasion into RBCs. RMVs are quantitatively released during the asexual parasite cycle prior to parasite egress. RMVs demonstrate potent immunomodulatory properties on human primary macrophages and neutrophils. Additionally, RMVs are internalized by infected red blood cells and stimulate production of transmission stage parasites in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, RMVs mediate cellular communication within the parasite population and with the host innate immune system.
DOI: 10.1038/nature19328
Cited 341 times
HER2 expression identifies dynamic functional states within circulating breast cancer cells
Patient-derived circulating tumour cells are used to characterize the dynamics and underlying plasticity of HER2 expression in non-HER2-amplified breast tumours. These authors characterize circulating tumour cells from patients with advanced estrogen-receptor-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer and find that they can interconvert between two different states. One subpopulation acquires HER2 expression, displays activation of multiple RTK signalling pathways and is highly proliferative. A second population lacks HER2 expression but has elevated Notch1 levels. The HER2-negative population is less proliferative; it is highly resistant to cytotoxic agents but sensitive to Notch1 inhibitors. The rapid interconversion between proliferative and drug-resistant circulating tumour cell subpopulations raises the possibility that simultaneous combination therapy may be of clinical value. Circulating tumour cells in women with advanced oestrogen-receptor (ER)-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative breast cancer acquire a HER2-positive subpopulation after multiple courses of therapy1,2. In contrast to HER2-amplified primary breast cancer, which is highly sensitive to HER2-targeted therapy, the clinical significance of acquired HER2 heterogeneity during the evolution of metastatic breast cancer is unknown. Here we analyse circulating tumour cells from 19 women with ER+/HER2− primary tumours, 84% of whom had acquired circulating tumour cells expressing HER2. Cultured circulating tumour cells maintain discrete HER2+ and HER2− subpopulations: HER2+ circulating tumour cells are more proliferative but not addicted to HER2, consistent with activation of multiple signalling pathways; HER2− circulating tumour cells show activation of Notch and DNA damage pathways, exhibiting resistance to cytotoxic chemotherapy, but sensitivity to Notch inhibition. HER2+ and HER2− circulating tumour cells interconvert spontaneously, with cells of one phenotype producing daughters of the opposite within four cell doublings. Although HER2+ and HER2− circulating tumour cells have comparable tumour initiating potential, differential proliferation favours the HER2+ state, while oxidative stress or cytotoxic chemotherapy enhances transition to the HER2− phenotype. Simultaneous treatment with paclitaxel and Notch inhibitors achieves sustained suppression of tumorigenesis in orthotopic circulating tumour cell-derived tumour models. Together, these results point to distinct yet interconverting phenotypes within patient-derived circulating tumour cells, contributing to progression of breast cancer and acquisition of drug resistance.
DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-15-1031
Cited 316 times
Detection of T790M, the Acquired Resistance <i>EGFR</i> Mutation, by Tumor Biopsy versus Noninvasive Blood-Based Analyses
The T790M gatekeeper mutation in the EGFR is acquired by some EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) as they become resistant to selective tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). As third-generation EGFR TKIs that overcome T790M-associated resistance become available, noninvasive approaches to T790M detection will become critical to guide management.As part of a multi-institutional Stand-Up-To-Cancer collaboration, we performed an exploratory analysis of 40 patients with EGFR-mutant tumors progressing on EGFR TKI therapy. We compared the T790M genotype from tumor biopsies with analysis of simultaneously collected circulating tumor cells (CTC) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA).T790M genotypes were successfully obtained in 30 (75%) tumor biopsies, 28 (70%) CTC samples, and 32 (80%) ctDNA samples. The resistance-associated mutation was detected in 47% to 50% of patients using each of the genotyping assays, with concordance among them ranging from 57% to 74%. Although CTC- and ctDNA-based genotyping were each unsuccessful in 20% to 30% of cases, the two assays together enabled genotyping in all patients with an available blood sample, and they identified the T790M mutation in 14 (35%) patients in whom the concurrent biopsy was negative or indeterminate.Discordant genotypes between tumor biopsy and blood-based analyses may result from technological differences, as well as sampling different tumor cell populations. The use of complementary approaches may provide the most complete assessment of each patient's cancer, which should be validated in predicting response to T790M-targeted inhibitors.
DOI: 10.1039/b612966h
Cited 315 times
A microfluidic device for practical label-free CD4+ T cell counting of HIV-infected subjects
Practical HIV diagnostics are urgently needed in resource-limited settings. While HIV infection can be diagnosed using simple, rapid, lateral flow immunoassays, HIV disease staging and treatment monitoring require accurate counting of a particular white blood cell subset, the CD4+ T lymphocyte. To address the limitations of current expensive, technically demanding and/or time-consuming approaches, we have developed a simple CD4 counting microfluidic device. This device uses cell affinity chromatography operated under differential shear flow to specifically isolate CD4+ T lymphocytes with high efficiency directly from 10 microlitres of unprocessed, unlabeled whole blood. CD4 counts are obtained under an optical microscope in a rapid, simple and label-free fashion. CD4 counts determined in our device matched measurements by conventional flow cytometry among HIV-positive subjects over a wide range of absolute CD4 counts (R2 = 0.93). This CD4 counting microdevice can be used for simple, rapid and affordable CD4 counting in point-of-care and resource-limited settings.
DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.cd-12-0222
Cited 258 times
Androgen Receptor Signaling in Circulating Tumor Cells as a Marker of Hormonally Responsive Prostate Cancer
Abstract Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is initially effective in treating metastatic prostate cancer, and secondary hormonal therapies are being tested to suppress androgen receptor (AR) reactivation in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Despite variable responses to AR pathway inhibitors in CRPC, there are no reliable biomarkers to guide their application. Here, we used microfluidic capture of circulating tumor cells (CTC) to measure AR signaling readouts before and after therapeutic interventions. Single-cell immunofluorescence analysis revealed predominantly “AR-on” CTC signatures in untreated patients, compared with heterogeneous (“AR-on, AR-off, and AR-mixed”) CTC populations in patients with CRPC. Initiation of first-line ADT induced a profound switch from “AR-on” to “AR-off” CTCs, whereas secondary hormonal therapy in CRPC resulted in variable responses. Presence of “AR-mixed” CTCs and increasing “AR-on” cells despite treatment with abiraterone acetate were associated with an adverse treatment outcome. Measuring treatment-induced signaling responses within CTCs may help guide therapy in prostate cancer. Significance: Acquired resistance to first-line hormonal therapy in prostate cancer is heterogeneous in the extent of AR pathway reactivation. Measurement of pre- and posttreatment AR signaling within CTCs may help target such treatments to patients most likely to respond to second-line therapies. Cancer Discov; 2(11); 995–1003. ©2012 AACR. Read the Commentary on this article by Pantel and Alix-Panabières, p. 974. This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 961
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02261-1
Cited 251 times
Engineered nanointerfaces for microfluidic isolation and molecular profiling of tumor-specific extracellular vesicles
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) carry RNA, DNA, proteins, and lipids. Specifically, tumor-derived EVs have the potential to be utilized as disease-specific biomarkers. However, a lack of methods to isolate tumor-specific EVs has limited their use in clinical settings. Here we report a sensitive analytical microfluidic platform (EVHB-Chip) that enables tumor-specific EV-RNA isolation within 3 h. Using the EVHB-Chip, we achieve 94% tumor-EV specificity, a limit of detection of 100 EVs per μL, and a 10-fold increase in tumor RNA enrichment in comparison to other methods. Our approach allows for the subsequent release of captured tumor EVs, enabling downstream characterization and functional studies. Processing serum and plasma samples from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients, we can detect the mutant EGFRvIII mRNA. Moreover, using next-generation RNA sequencing, we identify genes specific to GBM as well as transcripts that are hallmarks for the four genetic subtypes of the disease.
DOI: 10.1016/j.trecan.2015.07.006
Cited 228 times
En Route to Metastasis: Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
Blood-borne metastasis accounts for the vast majority of cancer-related deaths and it is fueled by the generation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from a primary tumor deposit. Recent technological advances have made it possible to characterize human CTCs as they travel within the bloodstream. CTCs are found both as single cells and as clusters of cells held together by intercellular junctions. Although less prevalent, CTC clusters appear to have greater metastatic potential than single CTCs in the circulation. Both may exhibit shifts in expression of epithelial and mesenchymal markers, which may show dynamic changes during cancer progression. In this review we discuss recent insights into the biological properties of individual and clustered cancer cells in the circulation.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b12236
Cited 225 times
Enhanced Isolation and Release of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Nanoparticle Binding and Ligand Exchange in a Microfluidic Chip
The detection of rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood of cancer patients has the potential to be a powerful and noninvasive method for examining metastasis, evaluating prognosis, assessing tumor sensitivity to drugs, and monitoring therapeutic outcomes. In this study, we have developed an efficient strategy to isolate CTCs from the blood of breast cancer patients using a microfluidic immune-affinity approach. Additionally, to gain further access to these rare cells for downstream characterization, our strategy allows for easy detachment of the captured CTCs from the substrate without compromising cell viability or the ability to employ next generation RNA sequencing for the identification of specific breast cancer genes. To achieve this, a chemical ligand-exchange reaction was engineered to release cells attached to a gold nanoparticle coating bound to the surface of a herringbone microfluidic chip (NP-HBCTC-Chip). Compared to the use of the unmodified HBCTC-Chip, our approach provides several advantages, including enhanced capture efficiency and recovery of isolated CTCs.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aay0939
Cited 225 times
Deregulation of ribosomal protein expression and translation promotes breast cancer metastasis
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are shed into the bloodstream from primary tumors, but only a small subset of these cells generates metastases. We conducted an in vivo genome-wide CRISPR activation screen in CTCs from breast cancer patients to identify genes that promote distant metastasis in mice. Genes coding for ribosomal proteins and regulators of translation were enriched in this screen. Overexpression of RPL15, which encodes a component of the large ribosomal subunit, increased metastatic growth in multiple organs and selectively enhanced translation of other ribosomal proteins and cell cycle regulators. RNA sequencing of freshly isolated CTCs from breast cancer patients revealed a subset with strong ribosome and protein synthesis signatures; these CTCs expressed proliferation and epithelial markers and correlated with poor clinical outcome. Therapies targeting this aggressive subset of CTCs may merit exploration as potential suppressors of metastatic progression.
DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.cd-14-0471
Cited 207 times
Brain Tumor Cells in Circulation Are Enriched for Mesenchymal Gene Expression
Abstract Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly aggressive brain cancer characterized by local invasion and angiogenic recruitment, yet metastatic dissemination is extremely rare. Here, we adapted a microfluidic device to deplete hematopoietic cells from blood specimens of patients with GBM, uncovering evidence of circulating brain tumor cells (CTC). Staining and scoring criteria for GBM CTCs were first established using orthotopic patient-derived xenografts (PDX), and then applied clinically: CTCs were identified in at least one blood specimen from 13 of 33 patients (39%; 26 of 87 samples). Single GBM CTCs isolated from both patients and mouse PDX models demonstrated enrichment for mesenchymal over neural differentiation markers compared with primary GBMs. Within primary GBMs, RNA in situ hybridization identified a subpopulation of highly migratory mesenchymal tumor cells, and in a rare patient with disseminated GBM, systemic lesions were exclusively mesenchymal. Thus, a mesenchymal subset of GBM cells invades the vasculature and may proliferate outside the brain. Significance: GBMs are locally invasive within the brain but rarely metastasize to distant organs, exemplifying the debate over “seed” versus “soil.” We demonstrate that GBMs shed CTCs with invasive mesenchymal characteristics into the circulation. Rare metastatic GBM lesions are primarily mesenchymal and show additional mutations absent in the primary tumor. Cancer Discov; 4(11); 1299–1309. ©2014 AACR. See related commentary by Seoane and De Mattos-Arruda, p. 1259 This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 1243
DOI: 10.1063/1.3681228
Cited 195 times
Inertial focusing dynamics in spiral microchannels
This report details a comprehensive study of inertial focusing dynamics and particle behavior in low aspect ratio (h/w ∼ 1/1 to 1/8) spiral microchannels. A continuum of particle streak behavior is shown with longitudinal, cross-sectional, and velocity resolution, yielding a large analyzed parameter space. The dataset is then summarized and compared to prior results from both straight microchannels and other low aspect ratio spiral microchannel designs. Breakdown of focusing into a primary and secondary fluorescent streak is observed in the lowest aspect ratio channels at high average downstream velocities. Streak movement away from the theoretically predicted near inner wall equilibrium position towards the center of the channel at high average downstream velocities is also detailed as a precursor to breakdown. State diagrams detail the overall performance of each device including values of the required channel lengths and the range of velocities over which quality focusing can be achieved.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1206653109
Cited 192 times
Critical role for lysyl oxidase in mesenchymal stem cell-driven breast cancer malignancy
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent progenitor cells with the ability to differentiate into multiple mesoderm lineages in the course of normal tissue homeostasis or during injury. We have previously shown that MSCs migrate to sites of tumorigenesis, where they become activated by cancer cells to promote metastasis. However, the molecular and phenotypic attributes of the MSC-induced metastatic state of the cancer cells remained undetermined. Here, we show that bone marrow-derived human MSCs promote de novo production of lysyl oxidase (LOX) from human breast carcinoma cells, which is sufficient to enhance the metastasis of otherwise weakly metastatic cancer cells to the lungs and bones. We also show that LOX is an essential component of the CD44-Twist signaling axis, in which extracellular hyaluronan causes nuclear translocation of CD44 in the cancer cells, thus triggering LOX transcription by associating with its promoter. Processed and enzymatically active LOX, in turn, stimulates Twist transcription, which mediates the MSC-triggered epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of carcinoma cells. Surprisingly, although induction of EMT in breast cancer cells has been tightly associated with the generation of cancer stem cells, we find that LOX, despite being critical for EMT, does not contribute to the ability of MSCs to promote the formation of cancer stem cells in the carcinoma cell populations. Collectively, our studies highlight a critical role for LOX in cancer metastasis and indicate that the signaling pathways controlling stroma-induced EMT are distinct from pathways regulating the development of cancer stem cells.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5120
Cited 180 times
Inertio-elastic focusing of bioparticles in microchannels at high throughput
Controlled manipulation of particles from very large volumes of fluid at high throughput is critical for many biomedical, environmental and industrial applications. One promising approach is to use microfluidic technologies that rely on fluid inertia or elasticity to drive lateral migration of particles to stable equilibrium positions in a microchannel. Here, we report on a hydrodynamic approach that enables deterministic focusing of beads, mammalian cells and anisotropic hydrogel particles in a microchannel at extremely high flow rates. We show that on addition of micromolar concentrations of hyaluronic acid, the resulting fluid viscoelasticity can be used to control the focal position of particles at Reynolds numbers up to Re≈10,000 with corresponding flow rates and particle velocities up to 50 ml min(-1) and 130 m s(-1). This study explores a previously unattained regime of inertio-elastic fluid flow and demonstrates bioparticle focusing at flow rates that are the highest yet achieved.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-01150-3
Cited 162 times
Microfluidic Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters by Size and Asymmetry
Circulating tumor cell clusters (CTC clusters) are potent initiators of metastasis and potentially useful clinical markers for patients with cancer. Although there are numerous devices developed to isolate individual circulating tumor cells from blood, these devices are ineffective at capturing CTC clusters, incapable of separating clusters from single cells and/or cause cluster damage or dissociation during processing. The only device currently able to specifically isolate CTC clusters from single CTCs and blood cells relies on the batch immobilization of clusters onto micropillars which necessitates long residence times and causes damage to clusters during release. Here, we present a two-stage continuous microfluidic chip that isolates and recovers viable CTC clusters from blood. This approach uses deterministic lateral displacement to sort clusters by capitalizing on two geometric properties: size and asymmetry. Cultured breast cancer CTC clusters containing between 2-100 + cells were recovered from whole blood using this integrated two-stage device with minimal cluster dissociation, 99% recovery of large clusters, cell viabilities over 87% and greater than five-log depletion of red blood cells. This continuous-flow cluster chip will enable further studies examining CTC clusters in research and clinical applications.
DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.cd-17-0935
Cited 159 times
Genomic and Functional Fidelity of Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient-Derived Xenografts
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patient-derived xenografts (PDX) can be generated from biopsies or circulating tumor cells (CTC), though scarcity of tissue and low efficiency of tumor growth have previously limited these approaches. Applying an established clinical-translational pipeline for tissue collection and an automated microfluidic platform for CTC enrichment, we generated 17 biopsy-derived PDXs and 17 CTC-derived PDXs in a 2-year timeframe, at 89% and 38% efficiency, respectively. Whole-exome sequencing showed that somatic alterations are stably maintained between patient tumors and PDXs. Early-passage PDXs maintain the genomic and transcriptional profiles of the founder PDX. In vivo treatment with etoposide and platinum (EP) in 30 PDX models demonstrated greater sensitivity in PDXs from EP-naïve patients, and resistance to EP corresponded to increased expression of a MYC gene signature. Finally, serial CTC-derived PDXs generated from an individual patient at multiple time points accurately recapitulated the evolving drug sensitivities of that patient's disease. Collectively, this work highlights the translational potential of this strategy.Significance: Effective translational research utilizing SCLC PDX models requires both efficient generation of models from patients and fidelity of those models in representing patient tumor characteristics. We present approaches for efficient generation of PDXs from both biopsies and CTCs, and demonstrate that these models capture the mutational landscape and functional features of the donor tumors. Cancer Discov; 8(5); 600-15. ©2018 AACR.This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 517.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-11119-x
Cited 141 times
Monolithic Chip for High-throughput Blood Cell Depletion to Sort Rare Circulating Tumor Cells
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are a treasure trove of information regarding the location, type and stage of cancer and are being pursued as both a diagnostic target and a means of guiding personalized treatment. Most isolation technologies utilize properties of the CTCs themselves such as surface antigens (e.g., epithelial cell adhesion molecule or EpCAM) or size to separate them from blood cell populations. We present an automated monolithic chip with 128 multiplexed deterministic lateral displacement devices containing ~1.5 million microfabricated features (12 µm-50 µm) used to first deplete red blood cells and platelets. The outputs from these devices are serially integrated with an inertial focusing system to line up all nucleated cells for multi-stage magnetophoresis to remove magnetically-labeled white blood cells. The monolithic CTC-iChip enables debulking of blood samples at 15-20 million cells per second while yielding an output of highly purified CTCs. We quantified the size and EpCAM expression of over 2,500 CTCs from 38 patient samples obtained from breast, prostate, lung cancers, and melanoma. The results show significant heterogeneity between and within single patients. Unbiased, rapid, and automated isolation of CTCs using monolithic CTC-iChip will enable the detailed measurement of their physicochemical and biological properties and their role in metastasis.
DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.cd-19-1500
Cited 123 times
The Lipogenic Regulator SREBP2 Induces Transferrin in Circulating Melanoma Cells and Suppresses Ferroptosis
Circulating tumor cells (CTC) are shed by cancer into the bloodstream, where a viable subset overcomes oxidative stress to initiate metastasis. We show that single CTCs from patients with melanoma coordinately upregulate lipogenesis and iron homeostasis pathways. These are correlated with both intrinsic and acquired resistance to BRAF inhibitors across clonal cultures of BRAF-mutant CTCs. The lipogenesis regulator SREBP2 directly induces transcription of the iron carrier Transferrin (TF), reducing intracellular iron pools, reactive oxygen species, and lipid peroxidation, thereby conferring resistance to inducers of ferroptosis. Knockdown of endogenous TF impairs tumor formation by melanoma CTCs, and their tumorigenic defects are partially rescued by the lipophilic antioxidants ferrostatin-1 and vitamin E. In a prospective melanoma cohort, presence of CTCs with high lipogenic and iron metabolic RNA signatures is correlated with adverse clinical outcome, irrespective of treatment regimen. Thus, SREBP2-driven iron homeostatic pathways contribute to cancer progression, drug resistance, and metastasis. SIGNIFICANCE: Through single-cell analysis of primary and cultured melanoma CTCs, we have uncovered intrinsic cancer cell heterogeneity within lipogenic and iron homeostatic pathways that modulates resistance to BRAF inhibitors and to ferroptosis inducers. Activation of these pathways within CTCs is correlated with adverse clinical outcome, pointing to therapeutic opportunities.This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 521.
DOI: 10.1038/s41587-019-0223-y
Cited 117 times
Supercooling extends preservation time of human livers
The inability to preserve vascular organs beyond several hours contributes to the scarcity of organs for transplantation1,2. Standard hypothermic preservation at +4 °C (refs. 1,3) limits liver preservation to less than 12 h. Our group previously showed that supercooled ice-free storage at -6 °C can extend viable preservation of rat livers4,5 However, scaling supercooling preservation to human organs is intrinsically limited because of volume-dependent stochastic ice formation. Here, we describe an improved supercooling protocol that averts freezing of human livers by minimizing favorable sites of ice nucleation and homogeneous preconditioning with protective agents during machine perfusion. We show that human livers can be stored at -4 °C with supercooling followed by subnormothermic machine perfusion, effectively extending the ex vivo life of the organ by 27 h. We show that viability of livers before and after supercooling is unchanged, and that after supercooling livers can withstand the stress of simulated transplantation by ex vivo normothermic reperfusion with blood.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2006388117
Cited 111 times
Ultrahigh-throughput magnetic sorting of large blood volumes for epitope-agnostic isolation of circulating tumor cells
Significance Isolation of sufficient numbers of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in cancer patients could provide an alternative to invasive tumor biopsies, providing multianalyte cell-based biomarkers that are not available from current plasma circulating tumor DNA sequencing. Given the average prevalence at one CTC per billion blood cells, very large blood volumes must be screened to provide enough CTCs for reliable clinical applications. By creating an ultrahigh-throughput magnetic sorter, we demonstrate the efficient removal of leukocytes from near whole blood volume equivalents. Combined with leukapheresis to initially concentrate blood mononuclear cells, this LP CTC-iChip platform will enable noninvasive sampling of cancer cells in sufficient numbers for clinical applications, ranging from real-time pharmacokinetic monitoring of drug response to tissue-of-origin determination in early-stage cancer screening.
DOI: 10.1002/1097-4636(200011)52:2<346::aid-jbm14>3.0.co;2-h
Cited 329 times
Microfabricated elastomeric stencils for micropatterning cell cultures
Here we present an inexpensive method to fabricate microscopic cellular cultures, which does not require any surface modification of the substrate prior to cell seeding. The method utilizes a reusable elastomeric stencil (i.e., a membrane containing thru holes) which seals spontaneously against the surface. The stencil is applied to the cell-culture substrate before seeding. During seeding, the stencil prevents the substrate from being exposed to the cell suspension except on the hole areas. After cells are allowed to attach and the stencil is peeled off, cellular islands with a shape similar to the holes remain on the cell-culture substrate. This solvent-free method can be combined with a wide range of substrates (including biocompatible polymers, homogeneous or nonplanar surfaces, microelectronic chips, and gels), biomolecules, and virtually any adherent cell type.
DOI: 10.1002/bit.1071
Cited 316 times
Effects of oxygenation and flow on the viability and function of rat hepatocytes cocultured in a microchannel flat‐plate bioreactor
The goal of this study was to investigate the viability and synthetic function of rat hepatocytes cocultured with 3T3-J2 fibroblasts in a small-scale microchannel flat-plate bioreactor with and without an internal membrane oxygenator under flow. Bioreactor channel heights ranged between 85 and 500 microm and medium flow rates ranged between 0.06 and 4.18 mL/min. The results showed that the bioreactor without the oxygenator resulted in significantly decreased viability and function of hepatocytes, whereas hepatocytes in the bioreactor with internal membrane oxygenator were able to maintain their viability and function. The shear stress calculations showed that, at lower wall shear stresses (0.01 to 0.33 dyn/cm(2)), hepatocyte functions, measured as albumin and urea synthesis rates, were as much as 2.6- and 1.9-fold greater, respectively, than those at higher wall shear stresses (5 to 21 dyn/cm(2)). Stable albumin and urea synthesis rates for 10 days of perfusion were also demonstrated in the bioreactor with internal membrane oxygenator. These results are relevant in the design of hepatocyte bioreactors and the eventual scaling-up to clinical devices.
DOI: 10.1021/ac0256235
Cited 308 times
A Microfabrication-Based Dynamic Array Cytometer
We have developed a microfabricated device for use in parallel luminescent single-cell assays that can sort populations upon the basis of dynamic functional responses to stimuli. This device is composed of a regular array of noncontact single-cell traps. These traps use dielectrophoresis to stably confine cells and hold them against disrupting fluid flows. Using quantitative modeling, we have designed traps with a novel asymmetric extruded-quadrupole geometry. This new trap can be physically arrayed and electrically addressed, enabling our cytometer. Situating an array of these traps in a microchannel, we have introduced cells into the array and demonstrated observation of fluorescent dynamic responses followed by sorting. Such a device has potential for use in investigating functional processes, as revealed by temporal behavior, in large numbers of single cells.
DOI: 10.1021/bp980036j
Cited 293 times
Microfabrication of Hepatocyte/Fibroblast Co-cultures: Role of Homotypic Cell Interactions
Cell−cell interactions are important in embryogenesis, in adult physiology and pathophysiology of many disease processes. Co-cultivation of parenchymal and mesenchymal cells has been widely utilized as a paradigm for the study of cell−cell interactions in vitro. In addition, co-cultures of two cell types provide highly functional tissue constructs for use in therapeutic or investigational applications. The inherent complexity of such co-cultures creates difficulty in characterization of cell−cell interactions and their effects on function. In the present study, we utilize conventional “randomly distributed” co-cultures of primary rat hepatocytes and murine 3T3-J2 fibroblasts to investigate the role of increasing fibroblast density on hepatic function. In addition, we utilize microfabrication techniques to localize both cell populations in patterned configurations on rigid substrates. This technique allowed the isolation of fibroblast number as an independent variable in hepatic function. Notably, homotypic hepatocyte interactions were held constant by utilization of similar hepatocyte patterns in all conditions, and the heterotypic interface (region of contact between cell populations) was also held constant. Co-cultures were probed for synthetic and metabolic markers of liver-specific function. The data suggest that fibroblast number plays a role in modulation of hepatocellular response through homotypic fibroblast interactions. The response to changes in fibroblast number are distinct from those attributed to increased contact between hepatocytes and fibroblasts. This approach will allow further elucidation of the complex interplay between two cell types as they form a functional model tissue in vitro or as they interact in vivo to form a functional organ.
DOI: 10.1021/bp980037b
Cited 263 times
Cellular Micropatterns on Biocompatible Materials
We present a method to produce micropatterns of cells on tissue culture substrates. A network of deep elastomeric microchannels defining the desired pattern is sealed onto the surface of interest, and a protein template is created by injecting sub-milliliter quantities of protein solution into the microchannels. Protein adsorbs only on the areas that were exposed to the microflow. After the channels are flushed and the elastomer is removed, cells attach only on the protein template. Micropatterns of collagen or fibronectin were used to selectively adhere cells on various biomedical polymers and on heterogeneous or microtextured substrates. Since the bare substrate areas remain apt for seeding other, more adhesive cell types such as fibroblasts, we were able to create micropatterned co-cultures. Our method allows for inexpensive patterning of a rich assortment of biomolecules, cells, and surfaces under physiological conditions.
DOI: 10.1021/ac051856v
Cited 248 times
Liver-Specific Functional Studies in a Microfluidic Array of Primary Mammalian Hepatocytes
Nearly half a billion dollars in resources are lost each time a drug candidate is withdrawn from the market by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for reasons of liver toxicity. The number of late-phase drug developmental failures due to liver toxicity could potentially be reduced through the use of hepatocyte-based systems capable of modeling the response of in vivo liver tissue to toxic insults. With this article, we report progress toward the goal of realizing an array of primary hepatocytes for use in high-throughput liver toxicity studies. Described herein is the development of a 64 (8 × 8) element array of microfluidic wells capable of supporting micropatterned primary rat hepatocytes in coculture with 3T3-J2 fibroblasts. Each of the wells within the array was continuously perfused with medium and oxygen in a nonaddressable format. The key features of the system design and fabrication are described, including the use of two microfluidic perfusion networks to provide the coculture with an independent and continuous supply of cell culture medium and oxygen. Also described are the fabrication techniques used to selectively pattern hepatocytes and 3T3-J2 fibroblasts within the wells of the array. The functional studies used to demonstrate the synthetic and metabolic capacity of the array are outlined in this article. These studies demonstrate that the hepatocytes contained within the array are capable of continuous, steady-state albumin synthesis (78.4 μg/day, σ = 3.98 μg/day, N = 8) and urea production (109.8 μg/day, σ = 11.9 μg/day, N = 8). In the final section of the article, these results are discussed as they relate to the final goal of this research effort, the development of an array of primary hepatocytes for use in physiologically relevant toxicology studies.
DOI: 10.1021/la035129b
Cited 241 times
Surface Engineering with Poly(ethylene glycol) Photolithography to Create High-Density Cell Arrays on Glass
This manuscript presents a microfabrication-derived approach for controlling mammalian cell−surface interactions. Poly(ethylene glycol)-diacrylate (PEG-DA) was patterned, in a process analogous to photolithography, to manufacture high-density arrays of micrometer-scale PEG hydrogel wells on glass. Individual wells consisted of PEG walls and glass attachment pads; thus, as a result of the biological inertness of PEG, microwell patterning created a highly ordered biointerface with modulating-cell or protein-repellent properties. Fabricated hydrogel microstrucures proved very effective in guiding and confining adhesion of transformed 3T3 fibroblasts and primary rat hepatocytes to defined regions on the glass substrate. PEG-patterned glass surfaces were selectively modified with collagen (type I) to induce hepatocyte attachment. Localization of the fluorescein-conjugated collagen within the glass attachment pads of PEG hydrogel microwells was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Further surface analysis was performed by tapping mode atomic force microscopy conducted within individual PEG wells. Protein-modified regions inside the wells had a root-mean-square roughness of 1.13 ± 0.03 nm compared to 0.7 ± 0.04 nm for alkylsilane-treated regions lacking protein. The cell occupancy of 96.7 ± 1.9% within the arrays of 30 × 30 μm individual wells was demonstrated for 3T3 fibroblasts. At the same time, cells remained effectively isolated in the individual PEG microwells. Primary hepatocytes attached and became fully confluent within the collagen-coated PEG after 24 h of incubation. Each 30 × 30 μm well contained one to three hepatocytes. Cells patterned on the surface remained viable after 24 h of incubation.
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.181.12.8677
Cited 221 times
Rapid Appearance of Resolvin Precursors in Inflammatory Exudates: Novel Mechanisms in Resolution
Abstract Resolution of inflammation is essential. Although supplementation of ω-3 fatty acids is widely used, their availability at sites of inflammation is not known. To this end, a multidisciplinary approach was taken to determine the relationship of circulating ω-3 to inflammatory exudates and the generation of resolution signals. In this study, we monitored resolvin precursors in evolving exudates, which initially paralleled increases in edema and infiltrating neutrophils. We also prepared novel microfluidic chambers to capture neutrophils from a drop of blood within minutes that permitted single-cell monitoring. In these, docosahexaenoic acid-derived resolvin D1 rapidly stopped neutrophil migration, whereas precursor docosahexaenoic acid did not. In second organ injury via ischemia-reperfusion, resolvin metabolically stable analogues were potent organ protectors reducing neutrophils. Together, these results indicate that circulating ω-3 fatty acids rapidly appear in inflammatory sites that require conversion to resolvins that control excessive neutrophil infiltration, protect organs, and foster resolution.
DOI: 10.1016/0142-9612(96)85576-1
Cited 215 times
Culture matrix configuration and composition in the maintenance of hepatocyte polarity and function
Several extracellular matrix (ECM) configurations involving type I collagen and Matrigel were examined for their ability to support differentiated function and polarity of cultured adult rat hepatocytes. Collagen sandwich- and Matrigel-based cultures yielded superior and comparable albumin secretion for at least 2 weeks. In collagen sandwich, hepatocytes were polygonal, and formed multicellular arrays. Collagen sandwich was also found to promote in vivo-like polarization of F-actin, cell adhesion molecules (E-cadherin), and lateral (Na+, K+-ATPase, glucose transporter) and apical (dipeptidyl peptidase, aminopeptidase) membrane polarity markers, but not the expression of the gap junction protein connexin 32 and the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. In contrast, hepatocytes cultured in or on Matrigel were more rounded and formed aggregates. Matrigel-based cultures also elicited detectable levels of connexin and EGF receptor and an altered distribution of F-actin, E-cadherin, and apical and lateral membrane proteins. Composite sandwich configurations containing collagen I and Matrigel restored markers lacking in the collagen sandwich, and showed a variable morphology and membrane polarity. Hepatocyte polarity could thus be manipulated by the overall ECM composition. Furthermore, in composite sandwich cultures, these manipulations can be effected largely independent of changes in hepatocyte morphology and albumin secretion.
DOI: 10.1006/cryo.2000.2244
Cited 213 times
Literature Review: Supplemented Phase Diagram of the Trehalose–Water Binary Mixture
Trehalose is of great interest in many fields, including freeze-drying, cryoprotection, and anhydrobiosis. Although data for the trehalose-water supplemented phase diagram have previously appeared in the literature, the data have been widely scattered and reported in several units. In this study, literature data for the binary trehalose-water system were collected and analyzed. The literature data were found to be reasonably consistent, with substantial agreement on the melting points for water, trehalose, and trehalose dihydrate and the glass transition temperature of water. There was also good agreement for the solubility, freezing, and glass transition curves. However, there was no general agreement on the glass transition temperature of pure trehalose. Additionally, the trehalose-water glass transition curve was modeled using the Gordon-Taylor equation, with a value for k of 5.2. The collected data in this report will be of much use in further studies of the protective abilities of trehalose.
DOI: 10.1021/ac0518710
Cited 213 times
Universal Microfluidic Gradient Generator
The study of cellular responses to chemical gradients in vitro would greatly benefit from experimental systems that can generate precise and stable gradients comparable to chemical nonhomogeneities occurring in vivo. Recently, microfluidic devices have been demonstrated for linear gradient generation for biological applications with unmatched accuracy and stability. However, no systematic approach exists at this time for generating other gradients of target spatial configuration. Here we demonstrate experimentally and provide mathematical proof for a systematic approach to generating stable gradients of any profile by the controlled mixing of two starting solutions.
DOI: 10.1039/b612516f
Cited 211 times
A high-throughput microfluidic real-time gene expression living cell array
The dynamics of gene expression are fundamental to the coordination of cellular responses. Measurement of temporal gene expression patterns is currently limited to destructive low-throughput techniques such as northern blotting, reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and DNA microarrays. We report a scalable experimental platform that combines microfluidic addressability with quantitative live cell imaging of fluorescent protein transcriptional reporters to achieve real-time characterization of gene expression programs in living cells. Integrated microvalve arrays control row-seeding and column-stimulation of 256 nanoliter-scale bioreactors to create a high density matrix of stimulus–response experiments. We demonstrate the approach in the context of hepatic inflammation by acquiring ∼5000 single-time-point measurements in each automated and unattended experiment. Experiments can be assembled in hours and perform the equivalent of months of conventional experiments. By enabling efficient investigation of dynamic gene expression programs, this technology has the potential to make significant impacts in basic science, drug development, and clinical medicine.
DOI: 10.1039/b908595e
Cited 210 times
Spontaneous migration of cancer cells under conditions of mechanical confinement
Journal Article Spontaneous migration of cancer cells under conditions of mechanical confinement Get access Daniel Irimia, Daniel Irimia BioMEMS Resource Center, Center for Engineering in Medicine and Surgical Services, Massachusetts General Hospital, Shriners Hospital for Children, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02129, USA E-mail: dirimia@hms.harvard.edu Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Mehmet Toner Mehmet Toner BioMEMS Resource Center, Center for Engineering in Medicine and Surgical Services, Massachusetts General Hospital, Shriners Hospital for Children, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02129, USA Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Integrative Biology, Volume 1, Issue 8-9, September 2009, Pages 506–512, https://doi.org/10.1039/b908595e Published: 16 July 2009 Article history Received: 30 April 2009 Accepted: 25 June 2009 Published: 16 July 2009
DOI: 10.1021/ac100387b
Cited 207 times
Particle Focusing in Staged Inertial Microfluidic Devices for Flow Cytometry
Microfluidic inertial focusing has been demonstrated to be an effective method for passively positioning microparticles and cells without the assistance of sheath fluid. Because inertial focusing produces well-defined lateral equilibrium particle positions in addition to highly regulated interparticle spacing, its value in flow cytometry has been suggested. Particle focusing occurs in straight channels and can be manipulated through cross sectional channel geometry by the introduction of curvature. Here, we present a staged channel design consisting of both curved and straight sections that combine to order particles into a single streamline with longitudinal spacing. We have evaluated the performance of these staged inertial focusing channels using standard flow cytometry methods that make use of calibration microspheres. Our analysis has determined the measurement precision and resolution, as a function of flow velocity and particle concentration that is provided by these channels. These devices were found to operate with increasing effectiveness at higher flow rates and particle concentrations, within the examined ranges, which is ideal for high throughput analysis. Further, the prototype flow cytometer equipped with an inertial focusing microchannel matched the resolution provided by a commercial hydrodynamic focusing flow cytometer. Most notably, our analysis indicates that the inertial focusing channels virtually eliminated particle coincidence at the analysis point. These properties suggest a potentially significant role for inertial focusing in the development of inexpensive flow cytometry-based diagnostics and in applications requiring the analysis of high particle concentrations.
DOI: 10.1196/annals.1363.010
Cited 204 times
Cryo‐Injury and Biopreservation
Mammalian cells appear to be naturally tolerant to cold temperatures, but the formation of ice when cells are cooled leads to a variety of damaging effects. The study of cryo-injury, therefore, becomes the study of when and how ice is formed both inside and outside the cell during cooling. Protectant chemicals are used to control or prevent ice formation in many preservation protocols, but these chemical themselves tend to be damaging. Cooling and warming rates also strongly affect the amount and location of ice that is formed. Through careful modification of these parameters successful cold preservation techniques for many cell types have been developed, but there are many more cell types that have defied preservation techniques, and the extension of cell-based techniques to tissues and whole organs has been very limited. There are many aspects to the damaging effects of ice in cells that are still poorly understood. In this brief article we review our current understanding of cellular injury and highlight the aspects of cellular injury during cryopreservation that are still poorly understood.
DOI: 10.1016/s0015-0282(01)02959-4
Cited 201 times
Beneficial effect of microinjected trehalose on the cryosurvival of human oocytes
To determine the effectiveness of trehalose as an intracellular cryoprotectant for the cryopreservation of human oocytes.In vitro comparative study.Clinical and academic research environment at a medical school teaching hospital.Women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).Discarded human oocytes, obtained from IVF patients, were randomly distributed into three groups: control group (no trehalose), extracellular trehalose group (0.5 M extracellular trehalose), and intracellular trehalose group (0.15 M intra- and 0.5 M extracellular trehalose). Trehalose was introduced into oocytes by microinjection. The oocytes in each group were cooled to different temperatures (i.e., -15 degrees C, -30 degrees C, and -60 degrees C) at rate of 1 degrees C/minute and thawed at ambient air temperature. Survival was examined after overnight culture.Survival of human oocytes cryopreserved in the presence and absence of trehalose.The majority of oocytes in the intracellular trehalose group survived cooling to -15 degrees C (63%), -30 degrees C (53%), and -60 degrees C (66%). In contrast, only a small number of oocytes in both the control (13%) and extracellular trehalose group (22%) survived cooling to -15 degrees C, while all oocytes degenerated when cooled to -30 degrees C and -60 degrees C.Small amounts of intracellular trehalose in the absence of any other cryoprotectant provide a significant protection against freeze-associated stresses. Our results suggest that sugars such as trehalose should be considered as intracellular cryoprotectants for cryopreservation of human oocytes.
DOI: 10.1063/1.355959
Cited 192 times
A model of diffusion-limited ice growth inside biological cells during freezing
A theoretical model for predicting the kinetics of ice crystallization inside cells during cryopreservation was developed, and applied to mouse oocytes, by coupling separate models of (1) water transport across the cell membrane, (2) ice nucleation, and (3) crystal growth. The instantaneous cell volume and cytosol composition during continuous cooling in the presence of glycerol were predicted using the water transport model. Classical nucleation theory was used to predict ice nucleation rates, and a nonisothermal diffusion-limited crystal-growth model was used to compute the resulting crystallization kinetics. The model requires knowledge of the nucleation rate parameters Ω and κ, as well as the viscosity η of a water-NaCl-glycerol solution as a function of both the composition and temperature of the solution. These dependences were estimated from data available in the literature. Cell-specific biophysical parameters were obtained from previous studies on mouse oocytes. A sensitivity analysis showed that the model was most sensitive to the values of κ and η. The coupled model was used to study the effect of cooling rate and initial glycerol concentration on intracellular crystal growth. The extent of crystallization, as well as the crystal size distribution, were predicted as functions of time. For rapid cooling at low to intermediate glycerol concentrations, the cells crystallized completely, while at high concentrations of glycerol, partial or total vitrification was observed. As expected, the cooling rate necessary for vitrification dropped with increasing glycerol concentration; when cells initially contained ∼7.5 M glycerol, vitrification was achieved independent of cooling rate. For slow cooling protocols, water transport significantly affected the results. At glycerol concentrations greater than ∼3 M, the final intracellular ice content decreased with increasing glycerol concentration at a fixed cooling rate. In this regime, the cooling rate at which a critical amount of ice was formed increased as more glycerol was used. When less than ∼3 M glycerol was initially present in the cell, an increase in glycerol concentration was predicted to cause an increase in the final intracellular ice content at a given cooling rate. In this regime, the critical cooling rate decreased with increasing glycerol concentration. These predictions clarify previous empirical observations of slow freezing phenomena.
DOI: 10.1016/s0006-3495(93)81319-5
Cited 181 times
Nucleation and growth of ice crystals inside cultured hepatocytes during freezing in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide
A three-part, coupled model of cell dehydration, nucleation, and crystal growth was used to study intracellular ice formation (IIF) in cultured hepatocytes frozen in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Heterogeneous nucleation temperatures were predicted as a function of DMSO concentration and were in good agreement with experimental data. Simulated freezing protocols correctly predicted and explained experimentally observed effects of cooling rate, warming rate, and storage temperature on hepatocyte function. For cells cooled to -40 degrees C, no IIF occurred for cooling rates less than 10 degrees C/min. IIF did occur at faster cooling rates, and the predicted volume of intracellular ice increased with increasing cooling rate. Cells cooled at 5 degrees C/min to -80 degrees C were shown to undergo nucleation at -46.8 degrees C, with the consequence that storage temperatures above this value resulted in high viability independent of warming rate, whereas colder storage temperatures resulted in cell injury for slow warming rates. Cell damage correlated positively with predicted intracellular ice volume, and an upper limit for the critical ice content was estimated to be 3.7% of the isotonic water content. The power of the model was limited by difficulties in estimating the cytosol viscosity and membrane permeability as functions of DMSO concentration at low temperatures.
DOI: 10.1016/s0006-3495(01)76035-3
Cited 179 times
Holding Forces of Single-Particle Dielectrophoretic Traps
<h2>Abstract</h2> We present experimental results and modeling on the efficacy of dielectrophoresis-based single-particle traps. Dielectrophoretic forces, caused by the interaction of nonuniform electric fields with objects, have been used to make planar quadrupole traps that can trap single beads. A simple experimental protocol was then used to measure how well the traps could hold beads against destabilizing fluid flows. These were compared with predictions from modeling and found to be in close agreement, allowing the determination of sub-piconewton forces. This not only validates our ability to model dielectrophoretic forces in these traps but also gives insight into the physical behavior of particles in dielectrophoresis-based traps. Anomalous frequency effects, not explainable by dielectrophoretic forces alone, were also encountered and attributed to electrohydrodynamic flows. Such knowledge can now be used to design traps for cell-based applications.
DOI: 10.1097/jto.0b013e3181989565
Cited 178 times
The CTC-Chip: An Exciting New Tool to Detect Circulating Tumor Cells in Lung Cancer Patients
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are rare cells that originate from a malignancy and circulate freely in the peripheral blood. The ability to capture and study CTCs is an emerging field with implications for early detection, diagnosis, determining prognosis and monitoring of cancer, as well as for understanding the fundamental biology of the process of metastasis. Here, we review the development and initial clinical studies with a novel microfluidic platform for isolating these cells, the CTC-chip, and discuss its potential uses in the study of lung cancer.
DOI: 10.1006/cryo.2001.2360
Cited 175 times
Beneficial Effect of Intracellular Trehalose on the Membrane Integrity of Dried Mammalian Cells
Recently, there has been much interest in using trehalose and other small carbohydrates to preserve mammalian cells in the dried state as an alternative to cryopreservation. Here, we report on the successful preservation of plasma membrane integrity after drying, as a first step toward full preservation of mammalian cells. Trehalose was introduced into cells using a genetically engineered version of α-hemolysin, a pore-forming protein; the cells were then dried and stored for weeks at different temperatures with ∼90% recovery of the intact plasma membrane. We show that protection of the plasma membrane by internal trehalose is dose dependent and estimate the amount of internal trehalose required for adequate protection to be ∼1010 molecules/cell. In addition, a minimal amount of water (∼15 wt%) appears to be necessary. These results show that a key component of mammalian cells can be preserved in a dried state for weeks under mild conditions (−20°C and 5% relative humidity) and thereby suggest new approaches to preserving mammalian cells.
DOI: 10.1163/156856298x00695
Cited 174 times
Probing heterotypic cell interactions: Hepatocyte function in microfabricated co-cultures
Replacement of liver function using extracorporeal bioartificial systems has been attempted with limited success. The instability of the hepatocyte phenotype in vitro has restricted the useful lifetime of these devices. Co-cultivation of hepatocytes with mesenchymal cells is one method that has been widely utilized to stabilize the liver-specific function of isolated cells; however, co-culture has yet to be successfully incorporated in a bioreactor setting. In this study, we probed heterotypic cell interactions in co-cultures of hepatocytes and 3T3 in order to better understand the cellular microenvironment necessary to induce and stabilize liver-specific functions. Using microfabrication and conventional techniques to control the heterotypic interface, the effects of varying degrees of heterotypic interaction on tissue function (albumin and urea synthesis) were examined. Our data indicated maximal induction of liver-specific functions in cultures with maximal initial heterotypic interaction, and that induction of hepatic functions in hepatocytes was increased in the vicinity of fibroblasts as compared to hepatocytes far from the heterotypic interface. Furthermore, our data suggested that heterotypic cell contact is necessary for induction of these functions. These studies will aid in the formation of design criteria for a co-culture based bioartificial liver, as well as provide a useful tool to study the role of heterotypic and homotypic interactions in liver physiology and pathophysiology.
DOI: 10.1039/b511877h
Cited 171 times
Microfluidic system for measuring neutrophil migratory responses to fast switches of chemical gradients
Experimental systems that provide temporal and spatial control of chemical gradients are required for probing into the complex mechanisms of eukaryotic cell chemotaxis. However, no current technique can simultaneously generate stable chemical gradients and allow fast gradient changes. We developed a microfluidic system with microstructured membranes for exposing neutrophils to fast and precise changes between stable, linear gradients of the known chemoattractant Interleukin-8 (IL-8). We observed that rapidly lowering the average concentration of IL-8 within a gradient, while preserving the direction of the gradient, resulted in temporary neutrophil depolarization. Fast reversal of the gradient direction while increasing or decreasing the average concentration also resulted in temporary depolarization. Neutrophils adapted and maintained their directional motility, only when the average gradient concentration was increased and the direction of the gradient preserved. Based on these observations we propose a two-component temporal sensing mechanism that uses variations of chemokine concentration averaged over the entire cell surface and localized at the leading edge, respectively, and directs neutrophil responses to changes in their chemical microenvironment.
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/7/075025
Cited 169 times
Differential inertial focusing of particles in curved low-aspect-ratio microchannels
Microfluidic-based manipulation of particles is of great interest due to the insight it provides into the physics of hydrodynamic forces. Here, we study a particle-size-dependent phenomenon based on differential inertial focusing that utilizes the flow characteristics of curved, low aspect ratio (channel width ≫ height), microfluidic channels. We report the emergence of two focusing points along the height of the channel (z-plane), where different sized particles are focused and ordered in evenly spaced trains at correspondingly different lateral positions within the channel cross-section. We applied the system for continuous ordering and separation of suspension particles.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.03.025
Cited 169 times
Mitochondrial Localization and the Persistent Migration of Epithelial Cancer cells
During cancer cell invasion, faster moving cancer cells play a dominant role by invading further and metastasizing earlier. Despite the importance of these outlier cells, the source of heterogeneity in their migratory behavior remains poorly understood. Here, we show that anterior localization of mitochondria, in between the nucleus and the leading edge of migrating epithelial cancer cells, correlates with faster migration velocities and increased directional persistence. The asymmetry of mitochondrial localization along the axis of migration is absent during spontaneous cell migration on two-dimensional surfaces and only occurs in the presence of chemical attractant cues or in conditions of mechanical confinement. Moreover, perturbing the asymmetric distribution of mitochondria within migrating cells by interfering with mitochondrial fusion (opa-1) or fission (drp-1) proteins, significantly reduces the number of cells with anterior localization of mitochondria and significantly decreases the velocity and directional persistence of the fastest moving cells. We also observed similar changes after perturbing the linkage between mitochondria and microtubules by the knockdown of mitochondrial rhoGTPase-1 (miro-1). Taken together, the changes in migration velocity and directional persistence in cells with anterior-localized mitochondria could account for an order of magnitude differences in invasive abilities between cells from otherwise homogenous cell populations.
DOI: 10.1038/srep03340
Cited 167 times
Particle Focusing in Curved Microfluidic Channels
The decoupled effects of Reynolds and Dean numbers are examined in inertial focusing flows. In doing so, a complex set of inertial focusing behavioral regimes is discovered within curved microfluidic channels over a range of channel Reynolds numbers, curvature ratios and particle confinement ratios. These regimes are characterized by particle migration either towards or away from the center of curvature as the channel Reynolds number is increased. The transition between these two regimes is shown to be a set of conditions where single-point equilibrium position focusing of particles of different sizes is achieved. A mechanism describing the observed motion of particles in such flows is hypothesized incorporating the redistribution of the main flow velocities caused by Dean flow and its effect on the balance forces on suspended particles.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2745
Cited 165 times
Magnetic barcode assay for genetic detection of pathogens
The task of rapidly identifying patients infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in resource-constrained environments remains a challenge. A sensitive and robust platform that does not require bacterial isolation or culture is critical in making informed diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. Here we introduce a platform for the detection of nucleic acids based on a magnetic barcoding strategy. PCR-amplified mycobacterial genes are sequence-specifically captured on microspheres, labelled by magnetic nanoprobes and detected by nuclear magnetic resonance. All components are integrated into a single, small fluidic cartridge for streamlined on-chip operation. We use this platform to detect M. tuberculosis and identify drug-resistance strains from mechanically processed sputum samples within 2.5 h. The specificity of the assay is confirmed by detecting a panel of clinically relevant non-M. tuberculosis bacteria, and the clinical utility is demonstrated by the measurements in M. tuberculosis-positive patient specimens. Combined with portable systems, the magnetic barcode assay holds promise to become a sensitive, high-throughput and low-cost platform for point-of-care diagnostics. Detecting and phenotyping Mycobacterium tuberculosis, especially in resource-limited settings, is important for global tuberculosis control. Here Liong et al. report a point-of-care diagnostic platform based on magnetic barcoding and nuclear magnetic resonance for the detection of mycobacterial nucleic acids.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0914203107
Cited 163 times
MYC regulation of a “poor-prognosis” metastatic cancer cell state
Gene expression signatures are used in the clinic as prognostic tools to determine the risk of individual patients with localized breast tumors developing distant metastasis. We lack a clear understanding, however, of whether these correlative biomarkers link to a common biological network that regulates metastasis. We find that the c-MYC oncoprotein coordinately regulates the expression of 13 different "poor-outcome" cancer signatures. In addition, functional inactivation of MYC in human breast cancer cells specifically inhibits distant metastasis in vivo and invasive behavior in vitro of these cells. These results suggest that MYC oncogene activity (as marked by "poor-prognosis" signature expression) may be necessary for the translocation of poor-outcome human breast tumors to distant sites.
DOI: 10.1021/ac0354241
Cited 163 times
Dynamic Gene Expression Profiling Using a Microfabricated Living Cell Array
We describe the development of a microfluidic platform for continuous monitoring of gene expression in live cells. This optically transparent microfluidic device integrates high-throughput molecular stimulation with nondestructive monitoring of expression events in individual living cells, hence, a living cell array (LCA). Several concentrations of a soluble molecular stimulus are generated in an upstream microfluidic network and used to stimulate downstream reporter cells, each containing a green fluorescence reporter plasmid for a gene of interest. Cellular fluorescence is continuously monitored and quantified to infer the expression dynamics of the gene being studied. We demonstrate this approach by profiling the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB in HeLa S3 cells in response to varying doses of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α. The LCA platform offers a unique opportunity to simultaneously control dynamic inputs and measure dynamic outputs from adherent mammalian cells in a high-throughput fashion. This approach to profiling expression dynamics, in conjunction with complementary techniques such as DNA microarrays, will help provide a more complete picture of the dynamic cellular response to diverse soluble stimuli.
DOI: 10.1039/b512049g
Cited 163 times
Microfluidic diffusive filter for apheresis (leukapheresis)
Apheresis is a procedure used to fractionate whole blood into its individual components. Following fractionation, the desired component is isolated and the remaining blood in many cases is returned to the donor. Leukapheresis is one type of apheresis where leukocytes (white blood cells) are selectively removed. This procedure is commonly used for blood transfusions to remove donor leukocytes from being transferred to the recipient. Apheresis also has several therapeutic applications. In this manuscript we discuss the design, fabrication and testing of a continuous flow diffusive filter, fabricated using simple soft lithographic techniques for depletion of leukocytes. This device employs micro sieves that exploit the size and shape difference between the different cell types to obtain depletion of leukocytes from whole blood. Currently, conventional apheresis methods like centrifugation or fiber mesh filtration are commonly used. A theoretical model was developed to determine the optimal shape of the diffuser to ensure that the volumetric flow through individual sieve elements is equal. This device was designed to serve as a passive device that does not require any external manipulation. Results show that for the given device design, isolation of ∼50% of the inlet erythrocytes (red blood cells), along with depletion of >97% of the inlet leukocytes is possible at a flow rate of 5 µl min−1. Simple modifications to the geometry and dimensions of the sieves can be made to obtain isolation of plasma.
DOI: 10.1039/b405557h
Cited 161 times
Development of a microfabricated cytometry platform for characterization and sorting of individual leukocytes
Organizing leukocytes into high-density arrays makes these cells amenable to rapid optical characterization and subsequent sorting, pointing to clinical and basic science applications. The present paper describes development of a cytometry platform for creating high-density leukocyte arrays and demonstrates retrieval of single cells from the array. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) photolithography was employed to fabricate arrays of microwells composed of PEG hydrogel walls and glass attachment pads 20 µm × 20 µm and 15 µm × 15 µm in size. PEG micropatterned glass surfaces were further modified with cell-adhesive ligands, poly-L-lysine, anti-CD5 and anti-CD19 antibodies, in order to engineer specific cell–surface interactions within the individual wells. Localization of the fluorescently-labeled proteins in the glass attachment pads of PEG microwells was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Glass slides micropatterned with PEG and cell-adhesive ligands were exposed to T-lymphocytes for 30 min. These anchorage-independent cells became selectively captured in the ligand-modified microwells forming high-density cell arrays. Cell occupancy in the microwells was found to be antibody-dependent, reaching 94.6 ± 2.3% for microwells decorated with T-cell specific anti-CD5 antibodies. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) was investigated as a method for sorting cells from the array and retrieval of single selected cells was demonstrated.
DOI: 10.1038/nmat4062
Cited 157 times
Collective and individual migration following the epithelial–mesenchymal transition
During cancer progression, malignant cells in the tumour invade surrounding tissues. This transformation of adherent cells to a motile phenotype has been associated with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Here, we show that EMT-activated cells migrate through micropillar arrays as a collectively advancing front that scatters individual cells. Individual cells with few neighbours dispersed with fast, straight trajectories, whereas cells that encountered many neighbours migrated collectively with epithelial biomarkers. We modelled these emergent dynamics using a physical analogy to phase transitions during binary-mixture solidification, and validated it using drug perturbations, which revealed that individually migrating cells exhibit diminished chemosensitivity. Our measurements also indicate a degree of phenotypic plasticity as cells interconvert between individual and collective migration. The study of multicellular behaviours with single-cell resolution should enable further quantitative insights into heterogeneous tumour invasion.
DOI: 10.1038/nm.3588
Cited 156 times
Supercooling enables long-term transplantation survival following 4 days of liver preservation
Tim Berendsen and colleagues describe an approach for long-term liver preservation based on cryopreservation, supercooling and machine perfusion where rat livers preserved for 4 d remain viable following transplantation. The realization of long-term human organ preservation will have groundbreaking effects on the current practice of transplantation. Herein we present a new technique based on subzero nonfreezing preservation and extracorporeal machine perfusion that allows transplantation of rat livers preserved for up to four days, thereby tripling the viable preservation duration.
DOI: 10.1038/nm.2205
Cited 150 times
Clinical microfluidics for neutrophil genomics and proteomics
Standard methods of neutrophil isolation require skilled personnel, are time consuming and use large blood volumes. Kotz and his colleagues have developed a rapid microfluidic chip-based approach for rapidly isolating neutrophils directly from whole blood with 'on-chip' processing for mRNA and protein isolation. The device, which yields sufficient quantities and purities for downstream genomic or proteomic analysis, was validated in a multicenter clinical study of the immune response to severe trauma and burn injury. Neutrophils have key roles in modulating the immune response. We present a robust methodology for rapidly isolating neutrophils directly from whole blood with 'on-chip' processing for mRNA and protein isolation for genomics and proteomics. We validate this device with an ex vivo stimulation experiment and by comparison with standard bulk isolation methodologies. Last, we implement this tool as part of a near-patient blood processing system within a multi-center clinical study of the immune response to severe trauma and burn injury. The preliminary results from a small cohort of subjects in our study and healthy controls show a unique time-dependent gene expression pattern clearly demonstrating the ability of this tool to discriminate temporal transcriptional events of neutrophils within a clinical setting.
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201404677
Cited 149 times
Tunable Nanostructured Coating for the Capture and Selective Release of Viable Circulating Tumor Cells
A layer-by-layer gelatin nanocoating is presented for use as a tunable, dual response biomaterial for the capture and release of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from cancer patient blood. The entire nanocoating can be dissolved from the surface of microfluidic devices through biologically compatible temperature shifts. Alternatively, individual CTCs can be released through locally applied mechanical stress.
DOI: 10.1039/b704739h
Cited 145 times
Microfabrication-based modulation of embryonic stem cell differentiation
Embryonic stem (ES) cells form spontaneous aggregates during differentiation, and cell-cell communication in the aggregates plays an important role in differentiation. The development of a controlled differentiation scheme for ES cells has been hindered by the lack of a reliable method to produce uniform aggregate sizes. Conventional techniques, such as hanging drop and suspension cultures, do not allow precise control over size of ES cell aggregates. To surmount this problem, we microfabricated adhesive stencils to make mouse ES (mES) cell aggregates of specific sizes ranging from 100 microm to 500 microm in diameter. With this technique, we studied the effect of the initial aggregate size on ES cell differentiation. After 20 days of induction of differentiation, we analyzed the stem cell populations using gene and protein expression assays as well as biochemical functions. Notably, we found that germ layer differentiation depends on the initial size of the ES cell aggregate. Among the ES cell aggregate sizes tested, the aggregates with 300 microm diameter showed similar differentiation profiles of three germ layers as embryoid bodies made using the "hanging drop" technique. The smaller (100 microm) aggregates showed the increased expression of ectodermal markers compared to the larger (500 microm) aggregates, while the 500 microm aggregates showed the increased expression of mesodermal and endodermal markers compared to the 100 microm aggregates. These results indicate that the initial size of the aggregate is an important factor for ES cell differentiation, and can affect germ layer selection as well as the extent of differentiation.
DOI: 10.1039/b705082h
Cited 144 times
Cell detection and counting through cell lysate impedance spectroscopy in microfluidic devices
Cell-based microfluidic devices have attracted interest for a wide range of applications. While optical cell counting and flow cytometry-type devices have been reported extensively, sensitive and efficient non-optical methods to detect and quantify cells attached over large surface areas within microdevices are generally lacking. We describe an electrical method for counting cells based on the measurement of changes in conductivity of the surrounding medium due to ions released from surface-immobilized cells within a microfluidic channel. Immobilized cells are lysed using a low conductivity, hypotonic media and the resulting change in impedance is measured using surface patterned electrodes to detect and quantify the number of cells. We found that the bulk solution conductance increases linearly with the number of isolated cells contributing to solution ion concentration. The method of cell lysate impedance spectroscopy is sensitive enough to detect 20 cells microL(-1), and offers a simple and efficient method for detecting and enumerating cells within microfluidic devices for many applications including measurement of CD4 cell counts in HIV patients in resource-limited settings. To our knowledge, this is the most sensitive approach using non-optical setups to enumerate immobilized cells. The microfluidic device, capable of isolating specific cell types from a complex bio-fluidic and quantifying cell number, can serve as a single use cartridge for a hand-held instrument to provide simple, fast and affordable cell counting in point-of-care settings.
DOI: 10.1002/pd.2079
Cited 139 times
A microfluidics approach for the isolation of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) from the peripheral blood of pregnant women
Abstract Objective Nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) have been identified in maternal circulation and potentially provide a resource for the monitoring and diagnosis of maternal, fetal, and neonatal health and disease. Past strategies used to isolate and enrich for NRBCs are limited to complex approaches that result in low recovery and less than optimal cell purity. Here we report the development of a high‐throughput and highly efficient microfluidic device for isolating rare NRBCs from maternal blood. Material and Methods NRBCs were isolated from the peripheral blood of 58 pregnant women using a microfluidic process that consists of a microfluidic chip for size‐based cell separation and a magnetic device for hemoglobin‐based cell isolation. Results The microfluidic–magnetic combination removes nontarget red blood cells and white blood cells at a very high efficiency (∼99.99%). The device successfully identified NRBCs from the peripheral blood of 58/58 pretermination samples with a mean of 37.44 NRBC/mL (range 0.37–274.36 NRBC/mL). These results were compared with those from previous studies. Conclusion The microfluidic device results in an approximate 10‐ to 20‐fold enrichment of NRBCs over methods described previously. The reliability of isolation and the purity of the NRBC product have the potential to enable the subsequent application of molecular diagnostic assays. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1039/b710524j
Cited 138 times
Polar stimulation and constrained cell migration in microfluidic channels
Asymmetrical delivery of stimuli to moving cells for perturbing spatially-heterogeneous intracellular signaling is an experimental challenge not adequately met by existing technologies. Here, we report a robust microfluidic platform allowing localized treatment of the front and/or back of moving cells which crawl through narrow channels that they completely occlude. The enabling technical element for this study is a novel design for precise, passive balancing of flow inside the microfluidic device by contacting two fluid streams before splitting them again. The microchannels constrain cell morphology and induce qualitative and quantitative changes in neutrophil chemotaxis that mimic cells crawling through tissues.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1617032114
Cited 132 times
An RNA-based signature enables high specificity detection of circulating tumor cells in hepatocellular carcinoma
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are shed into the bloodstream by invasive cancers, but the difficulty inherent in identifying these rare cells by microscopy has precluded their routine use in monitoring or screening for cancer. We recently described a high-throughput microfluidic CTC-iChip, which efficiently depletes hematopoietic cells from blood specimens and enriches for CTCs with well-preserved RNA. Application of RNA-based digital PCR to detect CTC-derived signatures may thus enable highly accurate tissue lineage-based cancer detection in blood specimens. As proof of principle, we examined hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a cancer that is derived from liver cells bearing a unique gene expression profile. After identifying a digital signature of 10 liver-specific transcripts, we used a cross-validated logistic regression model to identify the presence of HCC-derived CTCs in nine of 16 (56%) untreated patients with HCC versus one of 31 (3%) patients with nonmalignant liver disease at risk for developing HCC (P < 0.0001). Positive CTC scores declined in treated patients: Nine of 32 (28%) patients receiving therapy and only one of 15 (7%) patients who had undergone curative-intent ablation, surgery, or liver transplantation were positive. RNA-based digital CTC scoring was not correlated with the standard HCC serum protein marker alpha fetoprotein (P = 0.57). Modeling the sequential use of these two orthogonal markers for liver cancer screening in patients with high-risk cirrhosis generates positive and negative predictive values of 80% and 86%, respectively. Thus, digital RNA quantitation constitutes a sensitive and specific CTC readout, enabling high-throughput clinical applications, such as noninvasive screening for HCC in populations where viral hepatitis and cirrhosis are prevalent.
DOI: 10.1021/ja809256d
Cited 128 times
Stop-Flow Lithography for the Production of Shape-Evolving Degradable Microgel Particles
Microgel particles capable of bulk degradation have been synthesized from a solution of diacrylated triblock copolymer composed of poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(lactic acid) in a microfluidic device using stop-flow lithography (SFL). It has been previously demonstrated that SFL can be used to fabricate particles with precise control over particle size and shape. Here, we have fabricated hydrogel particles of varying size and shape and examined their mass-loss and swelling behavior histologically and mechanically. We report that these features, as well as degradation behavior of the hydrogel particles may be tailored with SFL. By reducing the applied UV dose during fabrication, hydrogel particles can be made to exhibit a distinct deviation from the classical erosion profiles of bulk-degrading hydrogels. At higher UV doses, a saturation in cross-linking density occurs and bulk-degrading behavior is observed. Finally, we synthesized multifunctional composite particles, providing unique features not found in homogeneous hydrogels.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2008.03.005
Cited 126 times
Vitrification by ultra-fast cooling at a low concentration of cryoprotectants in a quartz micro-capillary: A study using murine embryonic stem cells
Conventional cryopreservation protocols for slow-freezing or vitrification involve cell injury due to ice formation/cell dehydration or toxicity of high cryoprotectant (CPA) concentrations, respectively. In this study, we developed a novel cryopreservation technique to achieve ultra-fast cooling rates using a quartz micro-capillary (QMC). The QMC enabled vitrification of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells using an intracellular cryoprotectant concentration in the range used for slowing freezing (1–2 M). The cryoprotectants used included 2 M 1,2-propanediol (PROH, cell membrane permeable) and 0.5 M extracellular trehalose (cell membrane impermeable). More than 70% of the murine ES cells post-vitrification attached with respect to non-frozen control cells, and the proliferation rates of the two groups were similar. Preservation of undifferentiated properties of the pluripotent murine ES cells post-vitrification cryopreservation was verified using three different types of assays: the expression of transcription factor Oct-4, the presentation of the membrane surface glycoprotein SSEA-1, and the elevated expression of the intracellular enzyme alkaline phosphatase. These results indicate that vitrification at a low concentration (2 M) of intracellular cryoprotectants is a viable and effective approach for the cryopreservation of murine embryonic stem cells.
DOI: 10.1039/b803601b
Cited 126 times
‘Living cantilever arrays’ for characterization of mass of single live cells in fluids
The size of a cell is a fundamental physiological property and is closely regulated by various environmental and genetic factors. Optical or confocal microscopy can be used to measure the dimensions of adherent cells, and Coulter counter or flow cytometry (forward scattering light intensity) can be used to estimate the volume of single cells in a flow. Although these methods could be used to obtain the mass of single live cells, no method suitable for directly measuring the mass of single adherent cells without detaching them from the surface is currently available. We report the design, fabrication, and testing of ‘living cantilever arrays’, an approach to measure the mass of single adherent live cells in fluid using silicon cantilever mass sensor. HeLa cells were injected into microfluidic channels with a linear array of functionalized silicon cantilevers and the cells were subsequently captured on the cantilevers with positive dielectrophoresis. The captured cells were then cultured on the cantilevers in a microfluidic environment and the resonant frequencies of the cantilevers were measured. The mass of a single HeLa cell was extracted from the resonance frequency shift of the cantilever and was found to be close to the mass value calculated from the cell density from the literature and the cell volume obtained from confocal microscopy. This approach can provide a new method for mass measurement of a single adherent cell in its physiological condition in a non-invasive manner, as well as optical observations of the same cell. We believe this technology would be very valuable for single cell time-course studies of adherent live cells.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011921
Cited 122 times
Burn Injury Reduces Neutrophil Directional Migration Speed in Microfluidic Devices
Thermal injury triggers a fulminant inflammatory cascade that heralds shock, end-organ failure, and ultimately sepsis and death. Emerging evidence points to a critical role for the innate immune system, and several studies had documented concurrent impairment in neutrophil chemotaxis with these post-burn inflammatory changes. While a few studies suggest that a link between neutrophil motility and patient mortality might exist, so far, cumbersome assays have prohibited exploration of the prognostic and diagnostic significance of chemotaxis after burn injury. To address this need, we developed a microfluidic device that is simple to operate and allows for precise and robust measurements of chemotaxis speed and persistence characteristics at single-cell resolution. Using this assay, we established a reference set of migration speed values for neutrophils from healthy subjects. Comparisons with samples from burn patients revealed impaired directional migration speed starting as early as 24 hours after burn injury, reaching a minimum at 72-120 hours, correlated to the size of the burn injury and potentially serving as an early indicator for concurrent infections. Further characterization of neutrophil chemotaxis using this new assay may have important diagnostic implications not only for burn patients but also for patients afflicted by other diseases that compromise neutrophil functions.