
G. Martı́nez

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DOI: 10.1088/0954-3899/32/10/001
Cited 452 times
ALICE: Physics Performance Report, Volume II
ALICE is a general-purpose heavy-ion experiment designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark–gluon plasma in nucleus–nucleus collisions at the LHC. It currently involves more than 900 physicists and senior engineers, from both the nuclear and high-energy physics sectors, from over 90 institutions in about 30 countries.
DOI: 10.1016/s0168-9002(02)00557-0
Cited 56 times
Electrical characteristics of silicon pixel detectors
Prototype sensors for the ATLAS silicon pixel detector have been electrically characterized. The current and voltage characteristics, charge-collection efficiencies, and resolutions have been examined. Devices were fabricated on oxygenated and standard detector-grade silicon wafers. Results from prototypes which examine p-stop and standard and moderated p-spray isolation are presented for a variety of geometrical options. Some of the comparisons relate unirradiated sensors with those that have received fluences relevant to LHC operation.
DOI: 10.1029/2022je007547
Cited 3 times
Wind and Turbulence Observations With the Mars Microphone on Perseverance
Abstract We utilize SuperCam's Mars microphone to provide information on wind speed and turbulence at high frequencies on Mars. To do so, we first demonstrate the sensitivity of the microphone signal level to wind speed, yielding a power law dependence. We then show the relationship between the microphone signal level and pressure, air and ground temperatures. A calibration function is constructed using Gaussian process regression (a machine learning technique) taking the microphone signal and air temperature as inputs to produce an estimate of the wind speed. This provides a high rate wind speed estimate on Mars, with a sample every 0.01 s. As a result, we determine the fast fluctuations of the wind at Jezero crater which highlights the nature of wind gusts over the Martian day. To analyze the turbulent behavior of this wind speed estimate, we calculate its normalized standard deviation, known as gustiness. To characterize the behavior of this high frequency turbulent intensity at Jezero crater, correlations are shown between the evaluated gustiness statistic and pressure drop rates/sizes, temperature and energy fluxes. This has implications for future atmospheric models on Mars, taking into account turbulence at the finest scales.
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118200
Cited 3 times
Measurements of sound propagation in Mars' lower atmosphere
Acoustics has become extraterrestrial and Mars provides a new natural laboratory for testing sound propagation models compared to those ones on Earth. Owing to the unique combination of a microphone and two sound sources, the Ingenuity helicopter and the SuperCam laser-induced sparks, the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover payload enables the in situ characterization of unique sound propagation properties of the low-pressure CO2-dominated Mars atmosphere. In this study, we show that atmospheric turbulence is responsible for a large variability in the sound amplitudes from laser-induced sparks. This variability follows the diurnal pattern of turbulence. In addition, acoustic measurements acquired over one Martian year reveal a variation of the sound intensity by a factor of 1.8 from a constant source due to the seasonal cycle of pressure and temperature that significantly modifies the acoustic impedance and shock-wave formation. Finally, we show that the evolution of the Ingenuity tones and laser spark amplitudes with distance is consistent with one of the existing sound absorption models, which is a key parameter for numerical simulations applied to geophysical experiments on CO2-rich atmospheres. Overall, these results demonstrate the potential of sound propagation to interrogate the Mars environment and will therefore help in the design of future acoustic-based experiments for Mars or other planetary atmospheres such as Venus and Titan.
DOI: 10.1029/2022je007458
Cited 3 times
Diurnal Cycle of Rapid Air Temperature Fluctuations at Jezero Crater: Probability Distributions, Exponential Tails, Scaling, and Intermittency
Abstract We study the diurnal cycle of rapid thermal fluctuations observed by the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer, onboard the Perseverance rover at Jezero Crater, as a function of local time and season. In this context, rapid refers to periods between 15 min and half a second. Some insight is also provided into wind fluctuations that are the base for most of the existing theories on turbulent flows. The results expand the observations from previous Mars missions, namely Viking, Mars Pathfinder, and Phoenix, and they add to our knowledge of near‐surface fluctuations on Mars. (a) Probability distribution functions of the fluctuations are determined and found to have exponential tails. This means that models that represent the interaction within the environment and with the surface as a stochastic forcing need to account for the sudden events responsible for the exponential tails. (b) Power density spectra are calculated and show several dynamical regimes with different slopes associated to forcing, an intermediate regime, and a higher frequency regime. All change with time of the day. The results imply that the fastest regime is not a universal scenario for the temperature fluctuations near the surface. (c) The scale dependence of the fluctuations confirms the existence of intermittent outbursts associated to the slower fluctuations, possibly associated to the larger scale structures, and explains why the spectral density slopes do not follow Kolmogorov's law. Understanding the role of larger scale structures would help refine scaling theories of the near‐surface Martian atmosphere and its interactions with the surface.
DOI: 10.1029/2023je008041
Cited 3 times
Mineralogical Investigation of Mg‐Sulfate at the Canaima Drill Site, Gale Crater, Mars
Abstract For the first time on Mars, the crystalline magnesium‐sulfate mineral starkeyite (MgSO 4 ‧4H 2 O) was definitively identified using the CheMin X‐ray diffraction instrument at Gale crater. At the Canaima drill site, starkeyite along with amorphous MgSO 4 ‧ n H 2 O are among the “polyhydrated Mg‐sulfates” interpreted in orbital reflectance spectra. Mg‐sulfates are good climate indicators as they are very responsive to changes in temperature and relative humidity. We hypothesize that, through evaporation, Mg‐sulfates formed at the end of brine evolution when ion concentrations became saturated and precipitated on the surface or near sub‐surface as either epsomite or meridianiite. These minerals were subsequently dehydrated later to starkeyite and amorphous MgSO 4 ‧ n H 2 O in response to a drier Mars. At Canaima, starkeyite is stable and would form during the warmer Mars summers. Due to very slow kinetics at the low Mars winter temperatures, starkeyite and amorphous MgSO 4 ‧ n H 2 O would be resistant to recrystallize to more hydrous forms and thus likely persist year‐round. During the course of analyses, starkeyite transforms into amorphous MgSO 4 ‧ n H 2 O inside the rover body due to the elevated temperature and greatly reduced relative humidity compared to the martian surface at the Canaima drill site. It is possible that crystalline sulfate minerals existed in earlier samples measured by CheMin but altered inside the rover before they could be analyzed. Starkeyite is most likely prevalent in the subsurface, whereas both starkeyite and amorphous MgSO 4 ‧ n H 2 O are likely present on the surface as starkeyite could partially transform into amorphous MgSO 4 ‧ n H 2 O due to direct solar heating.
DOI: 10.1016/s0375-9474(97)00191-7
Cited 42 times
Hard photons and neutral pions as probes of hot and dense nuclear matter
The dynamics of heavy-ion collisions is studied in an energy domain in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. The early history of the collision is analyzed from the theoretical and experimental point of view in which the message conveyed by bremsstrahlung photons and neutral pions is exploited. The Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model and the Dubna Cascade Model, both based on similar principles but each adopting different computation technics, are briefly described and their respective predictions are discussed. In particular the emission pattern of bremsstrahlung photons is discussed. The photon production has been measured in the systems 86Kr+58Ni at 60A MeV, 181Ta+197Au at 40A MeV and 208Pb+197Au at 30A MeV and energy spectra, angular distributions and two-photon correlations have been analyzed. We find that bremsstrahlung photons are emitted from two distinct sources that can be correlated with nuclear-matter density oscillations. The properties of photon emission are discussed in terms of collective properties of nuclear matter. The high energy tail of the photon spectrum is interpreted by π0 and Δ decay but predominantly by radiative capture of pions. The π0 absorption in the nuclear medium is further analyzed by examining their emission pattern.
DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(95)00236-e
Cited 40 times
Bremsstrahlung photons as a probe of hot nuclei
Aside from the dominant production of hard photons in first-chance p-n collisions, a significant hard-photon production in a later stage of heavy-ion reactions is predicted by the BUU theory. These thermal hard photons are emitted from a nearly thermalized source and still originate from bremsstrahlung produced in individual p-n collisions. The calculations predict that the production of the thermal hard photons is strongly correlated with the incompressibility of nuclear matter. Tentative experimental evidence for their production is found in the hard-photon energy spectra measured in the systems 86Kr + natNi at 60.0A MeV, 181Ta+197Au at 39.5 MeV and 208Pb+197Au at 29.5A MeV.
DOI: 10.1029/2023je007785
Twilight Mesospheric Clouds in Jezero as Observed by MEDA Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS)
Abstract The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer instrument, on board NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, includes a number of sensors to characterize the Martian atmosphere. One of these sensors is the Radiation and Dust Sensor (RDS) that measures the solar irradiance at different wavelengths and geometries. We analyzed the RDS observations made during twilight for the period between sol 71 and 492 of the mission (Ls 39°–262°, Mars Year 36) to characterize the clouds over the Perseverance rover site. Using the ratio between the irradiance at zenith at 450 and 750 nm, we inferred that the main constituent of the detected high‐altitude aerosol layers was ice from Ls = 39°–150° (cloudy period), and dust from Ls 150°–262°. A total of 161 twilights were analyzed in the cloudy period using a radiative transfer code and we found: (a) signatures of clouds/hazes in the signals in 58% of the twilights; (b) most of the clouds had altitudes between 40 and 50 km, suggesting water ice composition, and had particle sizes between 0.6 and 2 µm; (c) the cloud activity at sunrise is slightly higher that at sunset, likely due to the differences in temperature; (d) the time period with more cloud detections and with the greatest cloud opacities is during Ls 120°–150°; and (e) a notable decrease in the cloud activity around aphelion, along with lower cloud altitudes and opacities. This decrease in cloud activity indicates lower concentrations of water vapor or cloud condensation nuclei (dust) around this period in the Martian mesosphere.
DOI: 10.1029/2022je007607
Nocturnal Turbulence at Jezero Crater as Determined From MEDA Measurements and Modeling
Abstract Mars 2020 Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) instrument data acquired during half of a Martian year ( L s 13°–180°), and modeling efforts with the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) and the Mars Climate Database (MCD) enable the study of the seasonal evolution and variability of nocturnal atmospheric turbulence at Jezero crater. Nighttime conditions in Mars's Planetary Boundary Layer are highly stable because of strong radiative cooling that efficiently inhibits convection. However, MEDA nighttime observations of simultaneous rapid fluctuations in horizontal wind speed and air temperatures suggest the development of nighttime turbulence in Jezero crater. Mesoscale modeling with MRAMS also shows a similar pattern and enables us to investigate the origins of this turbulence and the mechanisms at play. As opposed to Gale crater, less evidence of turbulence from breaking mountain wave activity was found in Jezero during the period studied with MRAMS. On the contrary, the model suggests that nighttime turbulence at Jezero crater is explained by increasingly strong wind shear produced by the development of an atmospheric bore‐like disturbance at the nocturnal inversion interface. These atmospheric bores are produced by downslope winds from the west rim undercutting a strong low‐level jet aloft from ∼19:00 to 01:00 LTST and from ∼01:00 LTST to dawn when undercutting weak winds aloft. The enhanced wind shear leads to a reduction in the Richardson number and an onset of mechanical turbulence. Once the critical Richardson Number is reached ( Ri ∼ <0.25), shear instabilities can mix warmer air aloft down to the surface.
DOI: 10.1029/2023je007880
Perseverance MEDA Atmospheric Pressure Observations—Initial Results
Abstract The Mars2020 Perseverance Rover landed successfully on the Martian surface on the Jezero Crater floor (18.44°N, 77.45°E) at Martian solar longitude, L s , ∼5° in February 2021. Since then, it has produced highly valuable environmental measurements with a versatile scientific payload including the MEDA (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer) suite of environmental sensors. One of the MEDA systems is the PS pressure sensor system, which weighs 40 g and has an estimated absolute accuracy of better than 3.5 Pa and a resolution of 0.13 Pa. We present initial results from the first 414 sols of Martian atmospheric surface pressure observations by the PS, whose performance was found to meet its specifications. Observed sol‐averaged atmospheric pressures follow an anticipated pattern of pressure variation in the course of the advancing season and are consistent with data from other landing missions. The observed daily pressure amplitude varies by ∼2%–5 % of the sol‐averaged pressure, with absolute amplitude 10–35 Pa in an approximately direct relationship with airborne dust. During a regional dust storm, which began at L s ∼ 135°, the daily pressure amplitude roughly doubled. The daily pressure variations were found to be remarkably sensitive to the seasonal evolution of the atmosphere. In particular, analysis of the daily pressure signature revealed diagnostic information likely related to the regional scale structure of the atmosphere. Comparison of Perseverance pressure observations with data from other landers reveals the global scale seasonal behavior of Mars' atmosphere.
DOI: 10.3233/jifs-219345
An efficient algorithm for irregular pattern nesting based on genetic algorithm and greedy strategy
Within various industrial settings, such as shipping, aeronautics, woodworking, and footwear, there exists a significant challenge: optimizing the extraction of sections from material sheets, a process known as “nesting”, to minimize wasted surface area. This paper investigates efficient solutions to complex nesting problems, emphasizing rapid computation over ultimate precision. We introduce a dual-approach methodology that couples both a greedy technique and a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm is instrumental in determining the optimal sequence for placing sections, ensuring each is located in its current best position. A specialized representation system is devised for both the sections and the material sheet, promoting streamlined computation and tangible results. By balancing speed and accuracy, this study offers robust solutions for real-world nesting challenges within a reduced computational timeframe.
DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(95)00237-f
Cited 31 times
Density oscillations in systems of colliding heavy ions observed via hard-photon interferometry measurements
We have analyzed hard-photon intensity correlations measured in the systems 86Kr+natNi at 60.0A MeV and 181Ta+197Au at 39.5A MeV assuming that hard photons are emitted from two distinct sources in space-time. We confirm the existence of the Bose-Einstein correlation between independent hard photons and attribute the origin of the two sources to the density oscillations of nuclear matter generated in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions via the incomplete-fusion reaction mechanism.
DOI: 10.1016/s0370-2693(02)01973-1
Cited 28 times
Thermal bremsstrahlung photons probing the nuclear caloric curve
Hard-photon (E γ > 30 MeV) emission from second-chance nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung collisions in intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions is studied employing a realistic thermal model.Photon spectra and yields measured in several nucleus-nucleus reactions are consistent with an emission from hot nuclear systems with temperatures T ≈ 4-7 MeV.The corresponding caloric curve in the region of excitation energies ≈ 3A-8A MeV shows lower values of T than those expected for a Fermi fluid.
DOI: 10.1016/j.encep.2012.06.004
Cited 14 times
L’anorexie mentale à la lumière du fonctionnement neurocognitif : nouvelles perspectives théoriques et thérapeutiques
L’anorexie mentale est un trouble psychiatrique grave, pour lequel on ne dispose que de peu de stratégies thérapeutiques validées. Le style sociocognitif particulier de ces sujets a été décrit dès les années 1960 : un style concret avec des difficultés d’abstraction. Des évaluations neuropsychologiques permettent désormais de mieux le définir, mettant en évidence une attention excessive aux détails, une flexibilité mentale défaillante, ainsi qu’une perception et une expression émotionnelles altérées, en dépit de performances globales comparables à celles de la population générale. La neuro-imagerie apporte également des arguments dans le sens d’anomalies morphologiques et fonctionnelles de structures corticales et sous-corticales, impliquant en particulier les circuits fronto-striatothalamiques. Au vu de ces données récentes, qui demandent à être davantage étudiées, ce profil pose la question d’une analogie avec les troubles neurodéveloppementaux, et la remédiation cognitive déjà proposée dans certains d’entre eux apparaît alors comme une voie thérapeutique innovante. Anorexia nervosa is a serious psychiatric disorder, for which very few validated therapeutic strategies exist. The specific sociocognitive style of anorexic patients has already been described in the 1960s: it involves a concrete style with abstraction difficulties. Current neuropsychological tests have contributed to a more precise definition of these difficulties. Contrary to common beliefs, these patients’ intellectual performances are not superior to those of the general population. However, detailed comparisons of profiles on the Weschler Scales suggest difficulties in synthesizing information and better abilities in concrete problem solving. The dominant hypothesis concerning the attentional dimension is the existence of a weakness in central coherence, resulting in superior detail processing and a weakness in global integration. This trend appears to be stable even after the normalization of nutritional status. The impairment of set-shifting abilities leads to rigidity, expressed by inflexibility and perseveration, both in reasoning and behaviour. This reduced cognitive flexibility appears to persist after recovery, and may constitute a familial trait. In addition, this likely endophenotype seems to be independent from obsessional traits. Alexithymia is frequently described in anorexic individuals. It is the verbal description of feelings which seems to be particularly impaired. It may explain underlying difficulties in empathy. Indeed, these subjects have lower scores on emotional tests drawn from the theory of mind. These cognitive abnormalities are well documented in pervasive developmental disorders. Evidence from neuroimaging suggests abnormalities in cortical and subcortical structures, involving the temporal and orbito-frontal lobes. Various functional hypotheses are formulated, involving fronto-striatothalamic circuits, amygdala or insula. Pervasive developmental disorders are over-represented among anorexic subjects in comparison to the general population. Conversely, restrictive and selective eating disorders are more frequent among individuals presenting an autistic spectrum disorder. In view of the common cognitive and neuroanatomical data that are found in anorexia nervosa and neurodevelopmental disorders, we adhere to the hypothesis that anorexia nervosa may be similar to a neurodevelopmental disorder. Clinical observations suggest that this hypothesis may be especially relevant in the early forms of anorexia nervosa. These cognitive data confirm the potential relevance of new therapeutic modalities such as cognitive remediation. Initial results from its application to anorexia nervosa seem promising. A review of the recent literature highlights the possible existence of a developmental impairment of cortical and subcortical structures, associated with specific abnormalities in cognitive development such as a weakness in central coherence, reduced set-shifting ability and poor social skills. On this basis, cognitive remediation may be a promising therapeutic innovation.
DOI: 10.1016/0168-9002(95)00525-0
Cited 26 times
Identification of photons and particles in the segmented electromagnetic calorimeter TAPS
The algorithms devellped for the identification of one and two hard-photon events detected with TAPS are presented. After a presentation of the energy and time calibrations, the identification of single module events and the shower reconstruction, special emphasis is given to the rejection of the background generated by cosmic rays, π0 decay and e± conversion pairs. The effect of discontinuous showers is also discussed. The method was tested on data taken with TAPS at GANIL for heavy-ion collisions at energies of several tens of A MeV.
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/16/05/p05008
Cited 8 times
Performance of the CMS Zero Degree Calorimeters in pPb collisions at the LHC
Abstract The two Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDCs) of the CMS experiment are located at ± 140 m from the collision point and detect neutral particles in the |η| > 8.3 pseudorapidity region. This paper presents a study on the performance of the ZDC in the 2016 pPb run. The response of the detectors to ultrarelativistic neutrons is studied using in-depth Monte Carlo simulations. A method of signal extraction based on template fits is presented, along with a dedicated calibration procedure. A deconvolution technique for the correction of overlapping collision events is discussed.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.70.904
Cited 22 times
Investigation of pion absorption in heavy-ion induced subthreshold<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">π</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>production
We present results from an experimental study of reabsorption effects in subthreshold π0 production in the reaction Xe129+197Au at 44 MeV/nucleon. Within the picture of pion generation in nucleon-nucleon scattering we deduce, from our data and from a comparison with the systematics of production cross sections available for lighter reaction systems, information on the π0 absorption length in nuclear matter. For the π0 kinetic-energy range ≃5–100 MeV the energy-averaged λabs and its momentum dependence are obtained, and compared with optical-model calculations.Received 27 July 1992DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.904©1993 American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.87.022701
Cited 21 times
Evidence for Thermal Equilibration in Multifragmentation Reactions Probed with Bremsstrahlung Photons
The production of nuclear bremsstrahlung photons ( ${E}_{\ensuremath{\gamma}}&gt;30\mathrm{MeV}$) has been studied in inclusive and exclusive measurements in four heavy-ion reactions at $60A\mathrm{MeV}$. The measured photon spectra, angular distributions, and multiplicities indicate that a significant fraction of the hard photons is emitted in secondary nucleon-nucleon collisions from a thermally equilibrated system. The observation of the thermal component in multifragment ${}^{36}\mathrm{Ar}{+}^{197}\mathrm{Au}$ reactions suggests that the breakup of the thermalized source produced in this system occurs on a rather long time scale.
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7173
Daily and Seasonal Behaviour of Fast Pressure Fluctuations at Jezero Crater
Pressure measurements by the MEDA sensor on board Perseverance Rover show oscillations in a wide range of temporal scales, from the seasonal evolution of average pressure to rapid fluctuations on the scale of a few seconds. In this work, we profit from an entire Martian Year of pressure measurements to analyse the seasonal and daily evolution of rapid fluctuations, a signature of atmospheric turbulence.&amp;#160; We find that during the full Martian year, fluctuations are enhanced at convective hours of the day, but the intensity of fluctuations is modulated through the seasons. At nighttime, the first half of the Martian years is characterized by an almost complete absence of fluctuations with an especially calm period in the early morning, while bursts of fluctuation become common in the dusty season. We also analyse the change of the daily pattern induced by regional dust storms at Jezero. We study the power spectra of the fluctuations to try to infer information about different turbulent regimes at the surface layer and their dependence on local time and season. Finally, we explore possible correlations with the dust load of the atmosphere and the temperature gradients, and we look at the origin of nighttime bursts of turbulence.
DOI: 10.22541/essoar.168500355.59581586/v1
Perseverance MEDA Atmospheric Pressure Observations - Initial Results
The Mars2020 Perseverance Rover landed successfully on the Martian surface on the Jezero Crater floor (18.44°N, 77.45°E) at Martian solar longitude, $L_s$, $\sim$5 in February 2021. Since then it has produced highly valuable environmental measurements with a versatile scientific payload including the MEDA (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer) suite of environmental sensors. One of the MEDA systems is the PS pressure sensor system which weighs 40 grams and has an estimated absolute accuracy of better than 3.5 Pa and a resolution of 0.13 Pa. We present initial results from the first 414 sols of Martian atmospheric surface pressure observations by the PS whose performance was found to meet its specifications. Observed sol-averaged atmospheric pressures follow an anticipated pattern of pressure variation in the course of the advancing season and are consistent with data from other landing missions. The observed diurnal pressure amplitude varies by $\sim$2-5 \% of the sol-averaged pressure, with absolute amplitude 10-35 Pa in an approximately direct relationship with airborne dust. During a regional dust storm, which began at $L_s~135^\circ$ the diurnal pressure amplitude roughly doubles. The diurnal pressure variations were found to be remarkably sensitive to the seasonal evolution of the atmosphere. In particular analysis of the diurnal pressure signature revealed diagnostic information likely related to the regional scale structure of the atmosphere. Comparison of Perseverance pressure observations to data from other landers reveals the global scale seasonal behaviour of Mars’ atmosphere.
DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(94)90586-x
Cited 21 times
Impact parameter dependence of hard photon production in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions
Hard photon production was investigated in the system 68Kr+natNi at 60 A MeV for a wide range of impact parameters. The parameters characteristic of hard photon emission such as source velocities, angular distributions and energy spectra were studied from peripheral to central collisions. The energy spectrum is seen to be strongly dependent on the centrality of the collision reflecting both a static and dynamic momentum distribution of the nucleons inside the collision zone.
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/7/05/c05012
Cited 9 times
MONSTER: a time of flight spectrometer for β-delayed neutron emission measurements
The knowledge of the β-decay properties of nuclei contributes decisively to our understanding of nuclear phenomena: the β-delayed neutron emission of neutron rich nuclei plays an important role in the nucleosynthesis r-process and constitutes a probe for nuclear structure of very neutron rich nuclei providing information about the high energy part of the full beta strength (Sβ) function. In addition, β-delayed neutrons are essential for the control and safety of nuclear reactors. In order to determine the neutron energy spectra and emission probabilities from neutron precursors a MOdular Neutron time-of-flight SpectromeTER (MONSTER) has been proposed for the DESPEC experiment at the future FAIR facility. The design of MONSTER and status of its construction are reported in this work.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.56.r2920
Cited 18 times
Contribution of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>and η Dalitz decays to the dilepton invariant-mass spectrum in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:math>GeV heavy-ion collisions
The Dalitz-decay contributions of π0 and η mesons to the di-electron invariant-mass spectrum at 1A GeV have been obtained from a systematics of inclusive meson production cross sections measured for the collision systems 12C+natC and 40Ar,40Ca+natCa in the bombarding-energy range of 0.8–2.0 A GeV. These results are compared with the recently published di-electron mass spectra of the DLS collaboration. Systematic errors and angular-distribution effects are discussed. We conclude that the low-mass part of the DLS data cannot be explained by the Dalitz decays of light neutral mesons only.Received 9 September 1997DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.56.R2920©1997 American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1016/s0082-0784(85)80542-7
Cited 16 times
Three-dimensional steady parabolic calculations of large scale methane turbulent diffusion flames to predict flare radiation under cross-wind conditions
Results obtained during a program geared to the development of a computer code to predict flare radiation in off-shore platforms are presented. Emphasis is put on the novel features included in this diffusion flame model viz:oi)a pseudo stream function formulation of the three dimensional parabolic flow structure which describes strong cross-wind flare interactions.ii)an improved radiation model where the “equivalent emitting body” approach is developed to adequately describe radiation fluxes coming out of the flame and,iii)an improved soot production and oxidation model to take care of the soot contribution to the emitted radiative fluxes. Turbulent combustion is modelled via the k-ω technique coupled with Magnussen's turbulent rate of mixing approach. a pseudo stream function formulation of the three dimensional parabolic flow structure which describes strong cross-wind flare interactions. an improved radiation model where the “equivalent emitting body” approach is developed to adequately describe radiation fluxes coming out of the flame and, an improved soot production and oxidation model to take care of the soot contribution to the emitted radiative fluxes. Turbulent combustion is modelled via the k-ω technique coupled with Magnussen's turbulent rate of mixing approach. A short description of the developed numerical solution procedures is given with emphasis on the self consistency of the boundary condition formulations. Comparisons are shown between large scale experimental flare data (obtained for round methane gas flares) and calculated results. A±15% accuracy is obtained for methane flow rates ranging from 0.8 up to 15 kg/sec (gas exit velocities not superior to 300 m/sec) under both quiet and windy air conditions. Temperature and soot concentration profiles are presented under windy conditions to illustrate how weak aerodynamic interactions may generate very drastic changes on received radiative fluxes, especially for down-wind located targets.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.88.122302
Cited 16 times
Suppression of Soft Nuclear Bremsstrahlung in Proton-Nucleus Collisions
Photon energy spectra up to the kinematic limit have been measured in 190 MeV proton reactions with light and heavy nuclei to investigate the influence of the multiple-scattering process on the photon production. Relative to the predictions of models based on a quasifree production mechanism, a strong suppression of bremsstrahlung is observed in the low-energy region of the photon spectrum. We attribute this effect to the interference of photon amplitudes due to multiple scattering of nucleons in the nuclear medium.
DOI: 10.1016/s0399-077x(76)80132-1
Cited 13 times
Contribution à l'étude épidémiologique des infections à Yersinia enterocolitica
Devant la rareté et, surtout, la dispersion géographique des cas bactériologiquement diagnostiqués d'infection humaine et animale par Yersinia enterocolitica en France, en regard de la situation endémique en Europe, nous nous sommes penchés sur le problème des réservoirs possibles de cette bactérie. Un premier sondage, effectué chez des micromammifères capturés en Alsace et dans le département de l'Indre, avait permis d'isoler Y. enterocolitica chez des rongeurs champêtres et forestiers. Cette observation est à l'origine de l'enquête prospective qui a été menée depuis janvier 1975. Elle a porté sur une étude de la répartition géographique des micromammifères proteurs de Y. enterocolitica et a permis de dépister ce portage dans tous les départements où des captures ont été effectuées (l'Ouest, le Centre, le Nord-Est de la France ; seuls le quart Nord-Ouest et le quart Sud-Est n'ont pas été explorés). Parallèlement à l'étude de la répartition géographique, des captures régulièrement effectuées dans le département de l'Indre et en Alsace ont permis de dresser le bilan des espèces porteuses de souches de Y. enterocolitica et d'apprécier l'incidence saisonnière de ce portage. Y. enterocolitica a également été isolée à partir d'échantillons d'eau d'étangs, dans les mêmes régions que celles où ont été régulièrement capturés des animaux trouvés infectés, ainsi que des poissons d'étangs. Les résultats préliminaires de ce travail ont permis de montrer que, rarement isolée au cours de syndromes infectieux chez l'homme et les animaux domestiques, Y. enterocolitica est largement répandue dans la nature, posant ainsi le problème d'un potentiel infectieux jusqu'alors insoupçonné. Poursuivant les recherches de Y. enterocolitica chez les différents hôtes, nous abordons le problème de la filiation entre infection naturelle des animaux sauvages et du milieu naturel et la maladie infectieuse déclarée. Ceci nous a, d'ores et déjà, permis de dépister chez l'homme, en milieu rural, des porteurs asymptomatiques de souches de Y. enterocolitica apparentées, par leurs caractères bactériologiques, à celles des micromammifères, oiseaux et échantillons d'eaux. Nous posons la question du rôle épidémiologique que joue ce type d'infection inapparente a priori distincte de l'infection s'exprimant par des signes cliniques, par la nature même des souches bactériennes isolées dans l'un et l'autre cas. The authors considering the rarity human and animal isolates of Yersinia enterocolitica in France, compared to the high incidence of this infection in others european countries, searched for the possible reservoir of the bacteria. A preliminary study on small mammals caught in two distant areas (Alsace and Indre) has permit to isolate Y. enterocolitica from the spleen of wild field and wood rodents. These encouraging results led us, since January 1975, to a prospective investigation wich dealt in the first hand with the geographical distribution in France of the small mammals carriers of Y. enterocolitica and with the aspect of the infection in the investigated areas (the West, the Center and the North-West of France) and in the second hand with the census of the different wild species carrying Y. enterocolitica in two areas, the middle-West (Indre) and the East of France (Alsace) where through regular trapping, it was possible to estimate the seasonal incidence of the infection among small mammals. The results show that Y. enterocolitica is frequently present in wild mammals and also in water and fishes. This is perhaps an important, but unknown, source of contamination. The relationship between the infection in healthy carriers and the typical infectious disease due to Y. enterocolitica is questionned. The survey of human in those areas where small mammals carrying Y. enterocolitica were found, has already permit to isolate human strains of Y. enterocolitica similar to those isolated from small mammals caught in the same area. This finding allow us to reconsider the epidemiology of Y. enterocolitica infection in discrimating the wild strains isolated among healthy carriers and the strains commonly isolated during typical syndroms. The difference between those two kinds of strains is in opposition with the idea of direct contamination from one host to another, except if we admit the possibility of changes in the biochemical and serological characters of the strains.
DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2005-10277-9
Cited 12 times
Constraints on the time scale of nuclear breakup from thermal hard-photon emission
Measured hard-photon multiplicities from second-chance nucleon-nucleon collisions are used in combination with a kinetic thermal model to estimate the breakup times of excited nuclear systems produced in nucleus-nucleus reactions at intermediate energies. The obtained nuclear breakup time for the 129Xe + nat Sn reaction at 50 A MeV is Δτ ≈ 100-300 fm/c for all reaction centralities. The lifetime of the radiating sources produced in seven other different heavy-ion reactions studied by the TAPS experiment is consistent with Δτ ≈ 100 fm/c, such relatively long thermal photon emission times do not seemingly support the interpretation of nuclear breakup as due to a fast spinodal process for the heavy nuclear systems studied.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.76.2412
Cited 17 times
Subthreshold Pion Dynamics as a Source for Hard Photons beyond Proton-Neutron Bremsstrahlung in Heavy-Ion Collisions
We report on the first measurement in heavy-ion collisions of hard photons of extremely high energies that extend the photon spectrum to 5 times the beam energy per nucleon. The photon spectrum was measured for the systems ${}^{86}\mathrm{Kr}{+}^{\mathrm{nat}}\mathrm{Ni}$ at $60A\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}\mathrm{MeV}$ and ${}^{181}\mathrm{Ta}{+}^{197}\mathrm{Au}$ at $40A$ MeV. The data are interpreted using the Dubna cascade model. The radiative channel of pion-nucleon interaction $\ensuremath{\pi}+N\ensuremath{\rightarrow}N+\ensuremath{\gamma}$, involving subthreshold pions produced in the nuclear medium, dominates all other processes considered for the production of the very energetic photons. This channel was never considered so far at beam energies below the pion threshold.
DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(95)01342-3
Cited 16 times
Pion reabsorption in heavy-ion collisions interpreted in terms of the Δ capture process
We have measured energy-differential cross sections for π0 production in 36Ar+197Au collisions at 95 MeV/u. From an analysis of spectral features due to pion final-state interactions we have estimated the cross section of the capture process Δ + N → N + N in the center-of-mass energy range s≃2.05−2.25 GeV. Within the frame of BUU calculations, our results support the extension of the detailed-balance principle to broad-width resonances.
DOI: 10.1016/s0370-1573(96)00037-3
Cited 15 times
Two-photon correlations: from Young experiments to heavy-ion collision dynamics
Two-photon correlations are discussed within the formalism of Hanbury-Brown and Twiss interferometry and Bose-Einstein correlations. The technique is presented as a universal tool to study the properties of any boson source — light sources such as stars, or photon and meson sources in the early phase of heavy-ion collisions. The formalism is developed starting from optics and quantum statistics and is finally adapted to the dynamics of heavy-ion collisions. Emphasis is put on the experimental methods derived to display the interference between photons from nuclear reactions. The influence of one-dimensional projections and the detector response on the interpretation of the source properties are discussed. The method is illustrated using experimental data, available only in the intermediate (several tens of A MeV) energy domain. The observed interference signal is interpreted, guided by dynamical phase-space calculations, in terms of source size and reaction dynamics. It is found that photons are emitted as brief light flashes, the relative intensity of which can be linked via model calculations to the incompressibility modulus of nuclear matter. At ultrarelativistic energies, two-photon correlations are presented as a tool to observe the phase transition towards the quark-gluon plasma.
DOI: 10.1007/s002880050096
Cited 15 times
J/ $\psi$ and $\psi^\prime$ production in hadronic ${\rm Z}^0$ decays
The production of J/psi mesons in Z(0) decays is studied using 3.6 million hadronic events recorded by the OPAL detector at LEP. The inclusive Z(0) to J/psi and b-quark to J/psi branching ratios are measured from the total yield of J/psi mesons, identified from their decays into lepton pairs. The J/psi momentum distribution is used to study the fragmentation of b-quarks. The production rate of psi' mesons, identified from their decays into a J/psi and a pi(+)pi(-) pair, is measured as well. The following results are obtained:Br(Z(0)-->J/psi X) = (3.9 +/- 0.2 +/- 0.3). 10(-3) and Br(Z(0)-->psi' X) = (1.6 +/- 0.3 +/- 0.2). 10(-3),where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. Finally the J/psi sample is used to reconstruct exclusive b-hadron decays and calculate the corresponding b-hadron branching ratios and masses.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.85.1404
Cited 11 times
Coherent Bremsstrahlung in the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mi /><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi /><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">p</mml:mi></mml:math>System at<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>50</mml:mn><mml:mi /><mml:mi>MeV</mml:mi><mml:mi>/</mml:mi><mml:mi>nucleon</mml:mi></mml:math>
Photons originating from coherent bremsstrahlung have been measured over a large dynamic range for the reaction of 200 MeV alpha particles with protons. At low photon energies the bremsstrahlung spectrum exhibits the classical behavior with an approximate 1/E(gamma) shape. At higher photon energies there is a pronounced contribution from capture into the unbound ground state and first excited state of 5Li. These results allow one, for the first time, to test theoretical models for a consistent description of bremsstrahlung and radiative capture in a complex system. Calculations predict both features qualitatively but fail to account for their relative importance.
DOI: 10.1109/iscas.1998.703888
Cited 11 times
Programmable current mode Hebbian learning neural network using programmable metallization cell
The design and performance of a Hebbian learning based neural network is presented in this work. In situ analog learning was employed, thus computing the synaptic weight changes continuously during the normal operation of the artificial neural network (ANN). The complexity of a synapse is minimized by using a novel device called the Programmable Metallization Cell (PMC). Simulations with circuits with three PMCs per synapse showed that appropriate learning behaviour was obtained at the synaptic level.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.83.1538
Cited 11 times
Deep-Subthreshold<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">η</mml:mi></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">π</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>Production Probing Pion Dynamics in the Reaction<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi…
We report on a measurement of subthreshold η and π0 mesons in the reaction Ar+Ca at 180A MeV. We find that the ratio of the η to π0 meson-production cross section is more than a factor of 20 smaller than the one expected from threshold-energy scaling of meson production. In addition, the multiplicity of high mt π0 increases faster with the centrality of the reaction than the multiplicity of the bulk of π0 mesons. This behavior is explained by the rescattering of π mesons in nuclear matter at the origin of most energetic particles.Received 25 June 1998DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.83.1538©1999 American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1016/s0168-9002(97)00742-0
Cited 10 times
Energy dependence of damage to Si PIN diodes exposed to β radiation
Abstract The radiation damage to Si PIN diodes such as used in the OPAL SiW luminometer was studied. It was found that the increase in leakage current after exposure to bursts of 500 MeV electrons is >0.2 × 103 times higher than after the exposure of an equivalent dose of electrons emitted from a Strontium β source. Highly-energetic electrons produce a similar amount of damage to silicon as do protons or neutrons.
DOI: 10.1016/s0370-2693(99)00851-5
Cited 10 times
Photon production in heavy-ion collisions close to the pion threshold
We report on a measurement of hard photons (Eγ>30 MeV) in the reaction Ar+Ca at 180A MeV at an energy in which photons from the decay of π° mesons are dominating. Simultaneous measurement with the TAPS spectrometer of the photon spectrum and photon-photon coincidences used for the identification of π° enabled the subtraction of π° contribution. The resulting photon spectrum exhibits an exponential shape with an inverse slope of E0=(53±2(stat)−5+8(syst)) MeV. The photon multiplicity equal to (1.21±0.03(stat)+0.3−0.2(syst))·10−2 is roughly one order of magnitude larger than the value extrapolated from existing systematics. This enhancement of the hard photon production is attributed to a strong increase in the contribution of secondary np collisions to the total photon yield. We conclude that, on average, the number of np collisions which contribute to the hard photon production is 7 times larger than the number of first chance np collisions in the reaction Ar+Ca at 180A MeV.
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.76.1425
Cited 10 times
Importance of One- and Two-Body Dissipation at Intermediate Energies Studied by Hard Photons
Hard photons were measured in coincidence with projectilelike fragments in peripheral reactions of ${}^{36}\mathrm{Ar}+{}^{159}\mathrm{Tb}$ at $E/A\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}44\mathrm{MeV}$. The probability for hard photon production was found to scale linearly with the transferred mass and to depend on the direction of the transfer, thus indicating the relative importance of one- and two-body dissipation in peripheral reactions.
DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(94)90420-0
Cited 9 times
Investigation of polar and azimuthal distributions of subthreshold pions at intermediate energies
We present data on π0 emission coincident with projectile-like fragments from 36Ar + 197Au and 36Ar + 12C reactions at 95 MeV/u. The pion polar and azimuthal distributions, obtained for different impact parameters, are interpreted in terms of strong final-state interactions. We propose to exploit pion shadowing as a probe of the competition between attractive and repulsive forces in nucleus-nucleus collisions.
DOI: 10.1016/s0370-2693(97)00937-4
Cited 8 times
Exclusive πo- and η-meson production in 40Ar + natCa at 800A MeV
The impact-parameter dependence of πo- and η-meson production is reported for the system 40Ar+natCa at a beam energy of 800A MeV. Scaling of the meson abundances with the transverse mass is observed. The experimental results are compared to calculations within the BUU model.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.118
Cited 3 times
Efficiency of finding muon track trigger primitives in CMS cathode strip chambers
In the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, muon detection in the forward direction is accomplished by cathode strip chambers (CSC). These detectors identify muons, provide a fast muon trigger, and give a precise measurement of the muon trajectory. There are 468 six-plane CSCs in the system. The efficiency of finding muon trigger primitives (muon track segments) was studied using 36 CMS CSCs and cosmic ray muons during the Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC) exercise conducted by the CMS experiment in 2006. In contrast to earlier studies that used muon beams to illuminate a very small chamber area (<0.01m2), results presented in this paper were obtained by many installed CSCs operating in situ over an area of ≈23m2 as a part of the CMS experiment. The efficiency of finding two-dimensional trigger primitives within six-layer chambers was found to be 99.93±0.03%. These segments, found by the CSC electronics within 800 ns after the passing of a muon through the chambers, are the input information for the Level-1 muon trigger and, also, are a necessary condition for chambers to be read out by the Data Acquisition System.
DOI: 10.1007/bf02960221
I Moderni Sistemi di Ricezione Radiotelegrafica
DOI: 10.59590/upsjb/fd.derecho/tesis/3828
La discriminación de las personas con discapacidad durante la pandemia del COVID 19, lima, 2020
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivos conocer que actos de discriminación han enfrentado las personas con discapacidad durante la pandemia del COVID 19 en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana durante el año 2020, así como analizar las políticas públicas emanadas por el Estado durante la emergencia sanitaria, determinar en qué medida se han respetados los derechos de las personas con discapacidad y comprobar si las medidas de protección influyen en la vulneración a sus derechos en especial a la no discriminación. El método utilizado es el descriptivo ya que mediante la realización de un cuestionario se pudo obtener información en tiempo real de la muestra seleccionada. En relación a los resultados se tiene que mediante la elaboración de un cuestionario conformado por 15 preguntas se pudo obtener respuestas de 37 personas con discapacidad residentes en el distrito de San Bartolo, las cuales mediante la página de Facebook de dicha institución, pudieron acceder a él y de acuerdo a ello se pudo evidenciar que la gran mayoría de personas encuestadas consideran que durante la pandemia del COVID 19 quedaron invisibilizados ante la sociedad y que a raíz de ello su salud se agravo más. Finalmente en cuanto a las conclusiones se pudieron determinar los actos de discriminación que sufrieron las personas con discapacidad, como fueron el acceso inadecuado de los servicios de salud, desigualdad y deficiente atención médica, así mismo se analizaron las políticas públicas de salud emanadas por el Estado en relación a dicho grupo vulnerable durante la pandemia evidenciando que sus derechos no fueron respetados y se determinó que las medidas de protección decretadas influyeron en la vulneración del derecho a la no discriminación y desigualdad .
DOI: 10.22541/essoar.169081536.62566330/v1
Observations of Effects of Global Dust Storms on Water Vapor in the Southern Polar Region of Mars.
Martian Global Dust Storms (GDS) can significantly affect the water cycle in the lower atmosphere (0-40 km). We compare the evolution of water vapor abundances, dust opacity and surface temperatures in the Southern Polar Region (SPR) during GDS years of MY25, MY28 and MY34 relative to years without GDS. During all GDS years, the vapor abundances decrease in the lower atmosphere in the SPR following the storm. Our results suggest that this decrease could be the result of vapor moving to higher altitudes and not being available for poleward transport in the lower atmosphere.
DOI: 10.59590/upsjb/fcs.med.hum/tesis/3332
Índice neutrófilo linfocito como predictor de preeclampsia en gestantes del Hospital San José de Chincha en el periodo comprendido entre junio del 2019 a mayo del 2020
Objetivo: Determinar si el índice neutrófilo linfocito es un predictor de preeclampsia en gestantes del hospital San José de Chincha en el periodo comprendido entre junio del 2019 a mayo del 2020. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio analítico, observacional, casos y controles, corte transversal, retrospectivo de pruebas diagnósticas, con un nivel de investigación cuatro (Nivel explicativo) que evaluó 281 gestantes, 67 con diagnóstico definitivo de Preeclampsia y 214 gestantes normales, evaluándose el índice neutrófilo linfocito (INL) en ambos grupos. Para poder medir la capacidad predictora del INL se utilizó el análisis de Curvas ROC. Resultados: Se determinó una sensibilidad de 95.52% y una especificidad de 89.25% para INL, con valor predictivo positivo de 73.56% y valor predictivo negativo de 98.45%; obteniendo un punto de corte de 3.95. Con una prevalencia de 23.84% se demuestra que el INL es una herramienta importante donde la probabilidad de presentar pre-eclampsia se incrementa en un 73.56%. Conclusiones: Es importante destacar el papel potencial que representan los neutrófilos en los procesos inflamatorios y de disfunción vascular, los valores de INL son una herramienta importante que representa al pronóstico de la condición clínica demostrando altos valores de sensibilidad y especificidad para el diagnóstico de pre-eclampsia en gestantes del Hospital San José de Chincha en el periodo comprendido entre junio del 2019 a mayo del 2020.
DOI: 10.59730/rer.v10n49a2
Las celdas solares han dado respuesta en la solución de crisis energética global y el desarrollo de estas en el efecto fotoeléctrico han permitido atender necesidades específicas de sectores específicos (Nkuissi, et.al., 2020). En la actualidad existe un gran debate sobre el costo-beneficio de fabricación de las celdas solares, ya que es conocido que la posibilidad de producir una celda solar de Si policristalino puede generar residuos ambientales derivados de los precursores en su fabricación, sin embargo, no son las únicas celdas solares, cómo por ejemplo se cuentan con las celdas Grätzel (que llevan el nombre de su inventor) las cuales proponen materiales y métodos de síntesis más amigables con el medio ambiente.
DOI: 10.1111/trf.159_17554
P‐BB‐55 | Lower Cost of Monitoring Leukocyte Reduction QC of Platelets with No Sampling
TransfusionVolume 63, Issue S5 p. 128A-128A SUPPLEMENT ARTICLE P-BB-55 | Lower Cost of Monitoring Leukocyte Reduction QC of Platelets with No Sampling G. Martinez, G. Martinez LifeSouth Community Blood Centers; Inc.Search for more papers by this authorC. Lough, C. Lough LifeSouth Community Blood Centers; Inc.Search for more papers by this authorK. Anderson, K. Anderson LifeSouth Community Blood Centers; Inc.Search for more papers by this author G. Martinez, G. Martinez LifeSouth Community Blood Centers; Inc.Search for more papers by this authorC. Lough, C. Lough LifeSouth Community Blood Centers; Inc.Search for more papers by this authorK. Anderson, K. Anderson LifeSouth Community Blood Centers; Inc.Search for more papers by this author First published: 12 October 2023 https://doi.org/10.1111/trf.159_17554Read the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat No abstract is available for this article. Volume63, IssueS5October 2023Pages 128A-128A RelatedInformation
DOI: 10.1029/2023je008016
Effects of Global Dust Storms on Water Vapor in the Southern Polar Region of Mars
Abstract Martian global dust storms (GDS) can significantly affect the water cycle in the lower atmosphere (0−40 km). We compare the evolution of water vapor abundances, dust opacity and surface temperatures in the Southern Polar Region (SPR) during GDS years of MY25, MY28, and MY34 relative to years without GDS. During all GDS years, the vapor abundances decrease in the lower atmosphere in the SPR following the storm. Our results suggest that this decrease could be the result of disruption of the southward transport of vapor by atmospheric circulation. Alternatively, the decrease in vapor abundances could be caused by decreased desorption of vapor from the subsurface.
DOI: 10.15741/revbio.10.e1510
Percepción, conocimiento y preferencia de consumo de producto carnico producido con bienestar animal en estudiantes veterinarios
El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la percepción, conocimiento y preferencia de consumo en los estudiantes veterinarios sobre el producto cárnico producido mediante las cinco libertades del bienestar animal. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 244 estudiantes de Veterinaria. Se aplicó una encuesta mediante un formulario virtual con escala tipo Likert. Se efectuó un análisis de componentes principales con rotación Varimax. El a de Cronbach fue de 0,96 y la validez de contenido fue de 0,85. La prueba esfericidad de Bartlett fue significativa (p &lt; 0,0001). Participaron el 48 % de estudiantes. No se observaron diferencias en función del género o área laboral de interés, pero si por núcleo de formación. La carne de pollo fue la más consumida, pero sí el precio por kilogramo fuera similar, la preferencia del consumo de carne tendría la siguiente jerarquía: bovina &gt; pollo &gt; porcina &gt; pescado &gt; ovina &gt; caprina &gt; pavo. El 46 % tuvo una percepción positiva del Bienestar Animal como atributo a incorporar en la carne, durante el proceso de producción. El 77 % consideró positiva la incorporación de Bienestar Animal en el proceso de etiquetado. El 82 % tuvo un alto conocimiento sobre este sistema. En conclusión, el cuestionario presenta validez y fiabilidad para replicarse en estudios similares. Los estudiantes prefieren carne con BA, perciben y poseen conocimientos sobre la carne producida.
DOI: 10.1016/s0168-9002(97)00525-1
Cited 7 times
Topology analysis for the identification of energetic photons in a segmented electromagnetic calorimeter
We present a novel method to identify energetic photons detected in a segmented electromagnetic calorimeter. It is based on topology analysis of electromagnetic showers which develop in the detector following the impact of photons. This approach supplements standard methods for the most energetic photons detected in a given experiment and for which the limited statistics does not permit to define the parameters of the pulse-shape analysis. The method is tested on photons with energies above Eγ>250 MeV produced in the reaction Ar+Ca at 180 A MeV and detected with the TAPS multidetector.
DOI: 10.1016/s0168-9002(98)00683-4
Cited 6 times
Detection of charged pions and protons in the segmented electromagnetic calorimeter TAPS
We present the characteristics of the segmented BaF2 calorimeter TAPS for the measurement of charged pions and protons. The method of particle identification exploits the relation between the kinetic energy of a particle, its mass and the time-of-flight required to reach the detector. The detection efficiency is calculated using GEANT-GCALOR simulations. The analysis method is applied in the reaction 40Ar+natCa at 0.8A GeV. The simultaneous detection of charged pions and protons can be used to search for correlated pairs signalling the de-excitation of the Δ(1232) resonance.
DOI: 10.56294/sctconf2022328
Folleto complementario sobre: Medio ambiente y salud
Introducción: el enfoque de prevención en la medicina se imparte desde 1962, después de la "Reforma Universitaria Revolucionaria”, que se ha profundizado y desarrollado en los diferentes planes de estudio. En el nuevo modelo de formación del Médico General, durante su currículo propio, se imparten varios cursos que tiene como elemento esencial el proceso salud enfermedad y el medio ambiente. Objetivo: elaborar un folleto complementario sobre Medio ambiente y Salud, para ser utilizado en los cursos propios del plan E, que reciben los estudiantes de medicina. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y longitudinal durante el curso 2020-2021, se empleó el método dialéctico-materialista, teóricos con la revisión documental, actualizada del tema en revistas, libros de autores cubanos y bibliografía básica de las asignaturas de Medicina General Integral y de Salud Pública, el análisis histórico-lógico, quedó una estructura de introducción, cinco capítulos y bibliografía. Resultados: el folleto cuenta con una introducción y cinco capítulos: I- el ambiente y se repercusión en salud; II-control del medio ambiente comunitario; III- factores que influyen en la salud; IV- educación para la salud, técnicas empleadas en el control del medio ambiente y V- vigilancia ambiental; además de un acápite de Bibliografía, incluye fotos e imágenes sobre factores que dañan el medio ambiente. Conclusiones: el folleto de Medio ambiente y salud es necesario para estudiantes y profesores de la carrera de medicina; responde al currículo propio del Plan E; le da salida a la estrategia curricular Salud Pública y Medio ambiente, a la tarea vida.
DOI: 10.1007/s100500070057
Cited 4 times
Observation of Δ+→ pπ0 decay in heavy-ion collisions
DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.54.2783
Cited 4 times
Comment on ‘‘Analysis of hard two-photon correlations measured in heavy-ion reactions at intermediate energies’’
In a recent Rapid Communication [Phys. Rev. C {bold 53}, R553 (1996)] experimental hard-photon correlations have been compared to Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) calculations. It is concluded that the data are best described with a single photon source at the beginning of the reaction and that photons coming from the late evolution of the system are just an artifact of the BUU approach. In this Comment we discuss some arguments used by the authors and their conclusions, and demonstrate that BUU calculations, properly compared to data, are consistent with the previously established interpretation of hard photons being emitted from two distinct sources. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}
DOI: 10.1016/s0375-9474(00)88546-2
Cited 4 times
Coherent bremsstrahlung in α + p reactions at 50 MeV/nucleon
Bremsstrahlung emitted in the α + p reaction at 50 MeV/nucleon was studied using a 200 MeV α-particle beam and a liquid hydrogen target. Double-differential photon cross sections were measured over a wide range of angles and energies. Coherent bremsstrahlung was found to be strong for all photon energies. The cross section is enhanced at the highest photon energies and is characteristic of direct capture to the unbound 5Li ground and first excited state. With direct capture as a limiting case of coherent bremsstrahlung a consistent reaction picture can be obtained.
DOI: 10.1016/s0375-9474(99)85022-2
Cited 4 times
Recent results from the WA98 experiment
Recent results of the WA98 experiment with Pb induced reactions at 158. A GeV are presented. The scaling properties of the transverse energy and the charged particle multiplicity at midrapidity with the number of participants is studied. Neutral pion spectra are compared to hydrodynamical parameterizations. The analysis of collective flow at target rapidity and at midrapidity is presented. The status of the study of direct photons and the search for isospin fluctuations is discussed.
DOI: 10.1007/s10582-000-0046-5
Cited 3 times
Thermal hard-photons probing multifragmentation in nuclear collisions around the fermi energy
Hard-photon (E γ>30 MeV) emission originating from photon-neutron bremsstrahlung collisions is investigated in four different heavy-ion reactions at intermediate bombarding energies (36Ar+197Au, 107Ag, 58Ni, 12C at 60 A MeV) coupling the TAPS photon spectrometer with two charged-particle multidetectors covering more than 80% of the solid angle. The hard-photon spectra of the three heavier targets result from the combination of two distinct exponential distributions with different slope parameters, a results which deviates from the behaviour expected for hard-photon production just in first-chance proton-neutron collisions. The thermal origin of the steeper bremsstrahlung component is confirmed by the characteristics of its slope and angular distribution. Such thermal hard-photons convey undisturbed information of the thermodynamical state of hot and excited nuclear systems undergoing multifragmentation.
DOI: 10.1142/9789812819093_0151
The RICH detector of the AMS-02 experiment: status and physics prospects
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), whose final version AMS-02 is to be installed on the International Space Station (ISS) for at least 3 years, is a detector designed to measure charged cosmic ray spectra with energies up to the TeV region and with high energy photon detection capability up to a few hundred GeV. It is equipped with several subsystems, one of which is a proximity focusing RICH detector with a dual radiator (aerogel+NaF) that provides reliable measurements for particle velocity and charge. The assembly and testing of the AMS RICH is currently being finished and the full AMS detector is expected to be ready by the end of 2008. The RICH detector of AMS-02 is presented. Physics prospects are briefly discussed.
DOI: 10.1016/s0370-2693(01)01084-x
Hard photon and neutral pion production in cold nuclear matter
The production of hard photons and neutral pions in 190 MeV proton induced reactions on C, Ca, Ni, and W targets has been for the first time concurrently studied. Angular distributions and energy spectra up to the kinematical limit are discussed and the production cross-sections are presented. From the target mass dependence of the cross-sections the propagation of pions through nuclear matter is analyzed and the production mechanisms of hard photons and primordial pions are derived. It is found that the production of subthreshold particles proceeds mainly through first chance nucleon–nucleon collisions. For the most energetic particles the mass scaling evidences the effect of multiple collisions.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2004.12.032
Deep subthreshold production in 36Ar+ 197Au collisions
We present in this paper transverse momentum and rapidity distributions of π0-mesons measured in 36Ar+197Au collisions at 25A and 35AMeV beam energies with the TAPS spectrometer at the KVI AGOR accelerator. pt spectra are consistent with thermal-like emission of π0-mesons with temperature parameters considerably lower than other available data at the same beam energies. Rapidity distributions point to the contribution of two different π0 production mechanisms.
DOI: 10.1016/s0370-2693(97)00004-x
Two-slit interference of bremsstrahlung photons from heavy-ion reactions
The detailed structure of the hard-photon source created in intermediate-energy heavy-ion reactions is deduced from the analysis of intensity interference measurements. In analogy with the pattern observed in two-slit experiments at visible wavelengths and the correlation function measured for binary stars in astronomy, we find that the data favour the scenario where two nuclear fragments radiate simultaneously during the recompression of the system.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2014.09.282
Signes neurologiques mineurs et contrôle moteur : ce qu’ils nous apprennent sur la schizophrénie, ses mécanismes et ses frontières
Les signes neurologiques mineurs (SNM) sont des marqueurs aujourd’hui bien reconnus dans la schizophrénie, présents à un moindre degré chez les apparentés. Leur signification et leur spécificité reste néanmoins incertaines. Des aspects méthodologiques pourraient expliquer certaines de ces incertitudes (échelles variables selon les publications, méthodes de cotation sensible ou non au changement, types de signes pris en comptes etc) [1]. Les corrélats des SNM peuvent apporter des éléments de réponses sur leur origine et leur signification. Nous avons ainsi montré que la SNM sont associés à une moindre performance cognitive, à plus d’erreurs dans les tâches oculomotrices, notamment dans des tâches de saccades adaptatives [2], ainsi à une altération du circuit préfronto cérébelleux [3], suggérant un dysfonctionnement cérébelleux. Par ailleurs, nous avons également montré que les patients ayant des SNM ont une altération de la morphologie corticale, avec une moindre gyrification corticale, témoignant de l’origine développementale des SNM [4]. Enfin, nous avons montré récemment que les SNM sont plus marqués chez les sujets présentant un début des troubles précoces, avant l’adolescence (avant 15 ans), comparés à ceux présentant un trouble débutant à l’âge adulte, suggérant à nouveau que les SNM sont les marqueurs d’une forme à charge développementale plus importante. L’association des SNM avec un âge de début précoce et des anomalies structurales touchant en particulier les circuits cérébelleux, suggère que les SNM pourraient permettre d’identifier un sous-type de schizophrénie précoce, et interroge sur un continuum avec les troubles du spectre autistique.
Accordo – Un progetto di cooperazione franco-italiana per la gestione durevole dei massicci forestali transfrontalieri
Accordo : le azioni pilota per promuovere lo sviluppo delle foreste- Esperienza nel Pays de Haute-Provence
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2011.02.110
Measurement of forward jets, forward energy flow and diffractive events with CMS
Abstract We report on a first measurement of forward jet production and forward energy flow in pp collisions up to highest energies of s = 7 TeV . Inclusive spectra of jets are presented with p t > 20 GeV in the region of 3 | η | 5 . The energy flow in the forward region is measured for minimum bias events and for events with a high p t dijet in the central region. In addition, the absence of energy deposition in the forward region is used to observe diffractive events. We compare our results with predictions from Monte Carlo event generators including a simulation of multi-parton scattering.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neurenf.2013.07.003
« La psychose de l’adolescent et du jeune adulte », sous le regard croisé pédopsychiatrie – psychiatrie adulte
En psychiatrie adulte, certains adolescents présentent une symptomatologie psychotique associée à une histoire marquée par des dysfonctionnements patents dans l’enfance, tels que des difficultés d’apprentissage associées à des troubles du comportement. Ces enfants et leurs familles consultent dès le plus jeune âge de nombreux praticiens, sont évalués, voire suivis par différentes équipes mais demeurent néanmoins dans un questionnement et une errance diagnostique. À l’âge adulte, leurs prises en charge apparaissent d’autant plus délicates pour les équipes soignantes et peu efficientes (aggravation de la symptomatologie clinique, mauvaise réponse ou intolérance aux antipsychotiques, comorbidité de troubles des apprentissages entravant le parcours scolaire et la réintégration socioprofessionnelle, difficultés interpersonnelles etc.). Nos échanges réguliers avec les équipes de pédopsychiatrie nous permettent actuellement de dégager une démarche diagnostique et thérapeutique pour ces jeunes adultes présentant une telle symptomatologie. En effet, ces tableaux cliniques complexes de « psychoses de l’adolescent » doivent être envisagés dans la continuité d’un développement atypique au terme de l’enfance. Il s’agit pour ces patients d’investir plus finement et de manière pluridisciplinaire la période développementale – de la petite enfance jusqu’à l’émergence de la symptomatologie psychotique – en analogie avec ce qui est fait pour l’enfant. Cette relecture sémiologique de l’ensemble des symptômes, que nous illustrons ici par la présentation d’un cas clinique, peut ainsi permettre de repenser le diagnostic et de proposer une prise en charge complète et efficiente, dans une perspective de réhabilitation psychosociale. Adolescents referred to general psychiatry services sometimes present a psychotic state occurring in the outcome of learning skills impairments existing since the early childhood, behavioural disorders and emotional disturbances. These young patients and their families are usually wandering between numerous practitioners, but very often, their questions about diagnosis remain unanswered. These patients are a real challenge for a team specialized in adult psychiatry: the therapeutic strategies are difficult to define and often poorly efficient (poor response or side effects with antipsychotics, comorbidity of learning disorders that hampers schooling as well as social and occupational reinstatement etc.). These complex “adolescents psychoses” can be viewed in the continuum of an atypical development, in order to elaborate an harmonious, consistent and efficient care program. Our close partnership with child psychiatry practitioners enables us to elaborate an original diagnostic and therapeutic approach in adult psychiatry. For these patients, we conduct a comprehensive and multidisciplinary investigation of the neurodevelopmental period – since early childhood until the emergence of the first psychotic symptoms – in an analogy with what is done in children. We present here the clinical case of a young woman for whom the semiological review of all the symptoms and the neuropsychological evaluation allowed to rethink the diagnosis since a first diagnosis of schizophrenia to a pervasive development disorder and more particularly a Gerstmann Developpemental Syndrom. The latter associates the classical tetrad of the lesional syndrome (learning calculation impairment, dysgraphia, digital agnosia and right/left indistinction) with others various learning disabilities (constructive dyspraxia, dyslexia, attention disorders etc.) and behavioural disorders. Furthermore, this integrative approach allowed thinking an adapted and efficient care program, which combined a pharmacological treatment (chlorpromazine, mirtazapine et methylphenidate), the resumption of an orthophonic program (to mitigate the linguistic and logico-mathematical difficulties), a psychomotor program and subsequently, a cognitive remediation program for dysexecutive functions done concomitantly to the construction of a psychosocial rehabilitation project.
Quarkonium production in high energyproton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions
We present a brief overview of the most relevant current issues related to quarkonium production in high energy proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions along with some perspectives. After reviewing recent experimental and theoretical results on quarkonium production in pp and pA collisions, we discuss the emerging field of polarization studies. Afterwards, we report on issues related to heavy-quark production, both in pp and pA collisions, complemented by AA collisions. To put the work in broader perpectives, we emphasize the need for new observables to investigate the quarkonium production mechanisms and reiterate the qualities that make quarkonia a unique tool for many investigations in particle and nuclear physics.
L'anorexie mentale à la lumière du fonctionnement neurocognitif : nouvelles perspectives théoriques et thérapeutiques Anorexia nervosa in the light of neurocognitive functioning: New theoretical and therapeutic perspectives
Inventario de la red vial terciaria nacional del Corregimiento de Santa Bárbara Municipio de Pasto Departamento de Nariño.
La alcaldia de Pasto, no cuenta con informacion suficiente y actualizada acerca de la red vial terciaria nacional de sus corregimientos. Es por esto, que se planteo la realizacion de un INVENTARIO DE LA RED VIAL TERCIARIA NACIONAL DEL CORREGIMIENTO DE SAN TA BARBARA MUNICIPIO DE PASTO DEPARTAMENTO DE NARINO, donde se presenta el estado de las vias terciarias y de las obras de infraestructura de drenaje de este corregimiento. En primer lugar se realizo una investigacion de antecedentes del sitio inventariado, sobre la importancia de las vias de este corregimiento, posteriormente se materializo puntos de control por medio de mojones en concreto son su respectiva placa, amarrando coordenadas con un punto de control certificado por el Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi (IGAC), luego se calibro el equipo y se realizo el levantamiento del eje vial del corregimiento con GPS RTK y con los datos obtenidos se elaboro el trabajo de oficina analizando resultados y obteniendo conclusiones pertinentes, para plasmarlos mediante fichas, tablas, graficas y planos. Ademas se realizo el inventario fotografico y filmico con el fin de tener soporte tecnico, el cual se utilizo para identificar las caracteristicas de la via y de las obras de infraestructura y drenaje que la componen.
DOI: 10.1016/0375-9474(94)00691-f
A systematic study of neutral pion squeeze-out at intermediate energies
DOI: 10.1088/0954-3899/35/10/109813
The WA98 Collaboration
DOI: 10.33132/27114260.2161
Beneficio económico y ambiental del uso de la hoja de plátano en artesanía
En este artículo trataremos un problema específico del cultivo de plátano. No se trata de un problema nuevo: los agricultores no tienen conocimiento sobre cómo manejar adecuadamente los residuos de este cultivo y, de esta forma, generan un trío de plagas. El objetivo del trabajo es generar innovación a partir del uso de los desechos naturales hojas de plátano. Las hojas de plátano son amigables con el medio ambiente, y además permiten el máximo aprovechamiento de los residuos agrícolas. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se realizó una recolecta de información en bases de datos académicas. La investigación tenía como eje las innovaciones con hoja de plátano, su utilidad en el mercado y su efectividad. También se consultaron talleres de tejido pues otro objetivo de este trabajo es encontrar usos artesanales para la hoja. Se hizo una encuesta para definir el nivel de aceptación del producto en cuanto a conocimiento y reutilización.
DOI: 10.56294/sctconf2022236
Comportamiento de los factores biopsicosociales en la depresión del adulto mayor en la comunidad
Introducción: la depresión es una enfermedad de alto impacto en la salud pública, que ocasiona alta morbi-mortalidad estimándose que está presente en más de 450 millones de personas en el mundo y que una de cuatro sufrirá algún problema de este tipo a lo largo de su vida, incluyendo al adulto mayor y repercute negativamente en la economía mundial. Objetivo: determinar la influencia de los factores biopsicosociales en el estado depresivo de los adultos mayores en el área de salud Pedro Borrás del municipio Pinar del Río en el período 2020 al 2022. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico prospectivo; el universo conformado por 358 adultos mayores de la comunidad, se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria simple de 142 adultos mayores que presentaron depresión en ese periodo, se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y de la estadística descriptiva, dados en número y porciento. Resultados: la mayoría de la muestra objeto de estudio pertenecían al sexo femenino y al grupo de edad entre 70 y 74 años, predominaron las amas de casas y jubilados; pertenecían a familias pequeñas, los adultos mayores convivían con otros adultos mayores y con nietos a su cuidado; se acentuó más el síntoma con la pandemia COVID-19, refirieron sentirse atendidos por familiares, por lo general consumen medicamentos como ansiolíticos. Conclusiones: el diagnóstico, tratamiento oportuno y personalizado, mediante psicoterapia, grupos de apoyo y tratamiento farmacológico, son las maneras más efectivas y económicas para brindar mejores condiciones de vida a los pacientes que son afligidos por la depresión.
DOI: 10.17877/de290r-7673
Test and Testing Control Platform (TTCP)
Determinación experimental y analítica de las propiedades dinámicas para la Catedral de Mallorca
Se describe un procedimiento para la caracterizaciA³n del comportamiento dinAimico de grandes edificios histA³ricos, asA­ como su aplicaciA³n particular al caso de la estructura de la catedral de Mallorca en EspaA±a. La catedral de Mallorca es una de las estructuras de mayor envergadura construidas en Europa durante la Edad Media y se encuentra ubicada en una zona de sismicidad moderada (Islas Baleares). La caracterizaciA³n del comportamiento dinAimico se ha realizado a partir de la medida de vibraciones ambientales en varios puntos ubicados sobre las capillas, nave principal y naves laterales. Las propiedades medidas experimentalmente fueron utilizadas para calibrar un modelo 3D detallado de la construcciA³n. Ello permitiA³ estimar de forma aproximada algunas de las propiedades mecAinicas de los elementos estructurales (como, en particular, su mA³dulo de deformaciA³n). Tras la calibraciA³n, el modelo estAi siendo utilizado para evaluar el comportamiento y la vulnerabilidad sA­smica del edificio a partir de anAilisis estructurales detallados. An approach to dynamically characterize large historical buildings is presented with its application to the study of Mallorca Cathedral, in the island of Mallorca, Spain. Mallorca Cathedral, one of the largest medieval structures built in Europe, is located in a moderate seismic hazard region (the Balearic Islands). The dynamic characterization of the structure includes a set of ambient vibration measurements in several points on the chapels, principal nave and lateral naves. The dynamic properties of a detailed FEM model where calibrated using the experimental results. This procedure afforded an experimental estimation of some of the mechanical properties of the structural components (such as the stiffness). After the calibration process, the model is now used to carry out a more exhaustive research aimed at evaluating the seismic behavior and vulnerability of the building.
MARSchine Learning: Prediction of Mars Meteorological Variables Using Artificial Neural Networks
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-817892-8.09990-6
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-816363-4.01002-6
List of contributors
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.11907984
Figures and accompanying data for Rivera-Valentin et al. (2020) Nature Astronomy, doi: 10.1038/s41550-020-1080-9. All data is provided as .mat files, which are in the binary data container format that the MATLAB program uses. This file type is also readable by Python. The data files includes '_arrays', which contain the information for the x and y axis of the figures, and '_matrix', which contains the information for the z-axis component of the figures, which are shown in color. <br>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br>%%% Figure1.mat%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br>This file includes:Temperature_array = The information for the x-axis. Temperature is in units of Kelvin. This array contains 100 values. WaterVaporPressure_array = The information for the y-axis. Water vapor pressure is in units of Pascals. This array contains 100 values. WaterActivity_matrix = The information for the x axis. This matrix is a 100 x 100 matrix. Rows correspond to water vapor pressure and columns to temperature. To view this figure in Matlab:[XX, YY] = meshgrid(Temperature_array, WaterVaporPressure_array);surf(XX, YY, WaterActivity_matrix)view(0, 90)shading interp<br>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br>%%% Figure1ED.mat%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%This file includes:Temperature_array = The information for the x-axis. Temperature is in units of Kelvin. This array contains 151 values.WaterVaporPressure_array = The information for the y-axis. Water vapor pressure is in units of Pascals. This array contains 11 values.<br>logfrequency_matrix = The information for the z-axis. This is a 11x151 maxtrix. Values are log10 of total amount of hours the specific water vapor pressure and temperature combination occurs on Mars, as simulated by MarsWRF using a 5°x5° map. <br>[XX, YY] = meshgrid(Temperature_array, WaterVaporPressure_array);surf(XX, YY, WaterActivity_matrix)view(0, 90)shading interp<br>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br>%%% All other .mat files%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%All other .mat files, for Figures 2, 3, and Extended Data Figure 4, include:Latitude_array = Information for the y-axis. Latitude is from -60° to 60°. This is an array with 25 values. Longitude_array = Information for the x-axis. Longitude is from -180° to 180°. This is an array with 72 values. Data_Matrix = Information for the z-axis, which in the Figures are shown in color. These matrices are 25x72 with columns corresponding to longitude and rows to latitude. To view the data in Matlab:[XX, YY] = meshgrid(Longitude_array, Latitude_array);surf(XX, YY, Data_Matrix)shading interpview(0, 90)<br><br>
DOI: 10.1016/0168-9002(96)00543-8
Identification of hydrogen isotopes with the BaF2 electromagnetic calorimeter TAPS
The mass spectrum of hydrogen isotope was deduced from the kinetic energy and time-of-flight (TOF) measured with the segmented electromagnetic calorimeter TAPS. The reactions studied were Kr + Ni at 60A MeV and Ar + Ca at 180A MeV. Proper corrections for the energy lost by charged particles in passive absorbers between the target and the scintillator are essential to improve greatly the mass resolution. Extension of the capabilities of TAPS to identify light charged particles allows one to study correlations between photons or neutral pions and charged particles.
DOI: 10.1016/0375-9474(94)00689-k
Hard photons as a probe to study dissipation mechanisms
The probability for Bremsstrahlung has been measured as function of the mass of the projectile-like fragment in peripheral reactions of 36Ar + 159Tb at 44 MeV/nucleon. The Bremsstrahlung probability is found to depend on the amount of mass transferred and the direction of the transfer.
DOI: 10.1007/bfb0008664
Simulation Numerique D'une Flamme de Diffusion Turbulente de Grande Dimension en Presence de Vent Traversier Pour la Prediction du Champ de Rayonnement Emis
Constraints on the time-scale of nuclear breakup from thermal hard-photon emission
Measured hard photon multiplicities from second-chance nucleon-nucleon collisions are used in combination with a kinetic thermal model, to estimate the break-up times of excited nuclear systems produced in nucleus-nucleus reactions at intermediate energies. The obtained nuclear break-up time for the $^{129}${Xe} + $^{nat}${Sn} reaction at 50{\it A} MeV is $\Delta$$\tau$ $\approx$ 100 -- 300 fm/$c$ for all reaction centralities. The lifetime of the radiating sources produced in seven other different heavy-ion reactions studied by the TAPS experiment are consistent with $\Delta$$\tau$ $\approx$ 100 fm/$c$, such relatively long thermal photon emission times do not support the interpretation of nuclear breakup as due to a fast spinodal process for the heavy nuclear systems studied.
Three-pion interferometry results from central Pb + Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c
Three-Pion Interferometry Results from Central Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 A GeV/c M.M. Aggarwal, 1 A. Agnihotri, 2 Z. Ahammed, 3 A.L.S. Angelis, 4 V. Antonenko, 5 V. Arefiev, 6 V. Astakhov, 6 V. Avdeitchikov, 6 T.C. Awes, 7 P.V.K.S. Baba, 8 S.K. Badyal, 8 C. Barlag, 9 S. Bathe, 9 B. Batiounia, 6 T. Bernier, 10 K.B. Bhalla, 2 V.S. Bhatia, 1 C. Blume, 9 R. Bock, 11 E.-M. Bohne, 9 Z. B¨ r¨ cz, 9 D. Bucher, 9 o o 12 H. B¨ sching, 9 L. Carlen, 13 V. Chalyshev, 6 S. Chattopadhyay, 3 R. Cherbatchev, 5 T. Chujo, 14 A. Buijs, u 9 A.C. Das, 3 M.P. Decowski, 18 H. Delagrange, 10 V. Djordjadze, 6 P. Donni, 4 I. Doubovik, 5 A. Claussen, S. Dutt, 8 M.R. Dutta Majumdar, 3 K. El Chenawi, 13 S. Eliseev, 15 K. Enosawa, 14 P. Foka, 4 S. Fokin, 5 M.S. Ganti, 3 S. Garpman, 13 O. Gavrishchuk, 6 F.J.M. Geurts, 12 T.K. Ghosh, 16 R. Glasow, 9 S. K.Gupta, 2 B. Guskov, 6 H. ˚ .Gustafsson, 13 H. H.Gutbrod, 10 R. Higuchi, 14 I. Hrivnacova, 15 M. Ippolitov, 5 H. Kalechofsky, 4 A R. Kamermans, 12 K.-H. Kampert, 9 K. Karadjev, 5 K. Karpio, 17 S. Kato, 14 S. Kees, 9 C. Klein-B¨ sing, 9 o 9 B. W. Kolb, 11 I. Kosarev, 6 I. Koutcheryaev, 5 T. Kr¨ mpel, 9 A. Kugler, 15 P. Kulinich, 18 S. Knoche, u M. Kurata, 14 K. Kurita, 14 N. Kuzmin, 6 I. Langbein, 11 A. Lebedev, 5 Y.Y. Lee, 11 H. L¨ hner, 16 L. Luquin, 10 o 19 V. Manko, 5 M. Martin, 4 G. Mart´ 10 A. Maximov, 6 G. Mgebrichvili, 5 Y. Miake, 14 D.P. Mahapatra, inez, 8 G.C. Mishra, 19 Y. Miyamoto, 14 B. Mohanty, 19 M.-J. Mora, 10 D. Morrison, 20 D. S. Mukhopadhyay, 3 Md.F. Mir, H. Naef, 4 B. K. Nandi, 19 S. K. Nayak, 10 T. K. Nayak, 3 S. Neumaier, 11 A. Nianine, 5 V. Nikitine, 6 S. Nikolaev, 5 P. Nilsson, 13 S. Nishimura, 14 P. Nomokonov, 6 J. Nystrand, 13 F.E. Obenshain, 20 A. Oskarsson, 13 I. Otterlund, 13 M. Pachr, 15 S. Pavliouk, 6 T. Peitzmann, 9 V. Petracek, 15 W. Pinganaud, 10 F. Plasil, 7 U. von Poblotzki, 9 M.L. Purschke, 11 J. Rak, 15 R. Raniwala, 2 S. Raniwala, 2 V.S. Ramamurthy, 19 N.K. Rao, 8 F. Retiere, 10 K. Reygers, 9 G. Roland, 18 L. Rosselet, 4 I. Roufanov, 6 C. Roy, 10 J.M. Rubio, 4 H. Sako, 14 S.S. Sambyal, 8 R. Santo, 9 S. Sato, 14 H. Schlagheck, 9 H.-R. Schmidt, 11 Y. Schutz, 10 G. Shabratova, 6 T.H. Shah, 8 I. Sibiriak, 5 T. Siemiarczuk, 17 D. Silvermyr, 13 B.C. Sinha, 3 N. Slavine, 6 K. S¨ derstr¨ m, 13 o o N. Solomey, 4 S.P. Sorensen, 7,20 P. Stankus, 7 G. Stefanek, 17 P. Steinberg, 18 E. Stenlund, 13 D. St¨ ken, 9 u M. Sumbera, 15 T. Svensson, 13 M.D. Trivedi, 3 A. Tsvetkov, 5 L. Tykarski, 17 J. Urbahn, 11 E.C.v.d. Pijll, 12 N.v. Eijndhoven, 12 G.J.v. Nieuwenhuizen, 18 A. Vinogradov, 5 Y.P. Viyogi, 3 A. Vodopianov, 6 S. V¨ r¨ s, 4 o o B. Wyslouch, 18 K. Yagi, 14 Y. Yokota, 14 G.R. Young 7 (WA98 collaboration) University of Panjab, Chandigarh 160014, India University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004, Rajasthan, India 3 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta 700 064, India 4 University of Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva 4,Switzerland 5 RRC Kurchatov Institute, RU-123182 Moscow, Russia 6 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, RU-141980 Dubna, Russia 7 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6372, USA 8 University of Jammu, Jammu 180001, India 9 University of M¨ nster, D-48149 M¨ nster, Germany u u 10 SUBATECH, Ecole des Mines, Nantes, France
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.nucl-ex/0202027
Thermal bremsstrahlung probing the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition
We present the results of the analysis of the hard photon production in the $^{129}${Xe}+$^{\rm nat}${Sn} at 50{\it A} MeV system studied in the GANIL E300 experiment. The energy and angular hard photon distributions confirm the existence of a thermal component which follows the recently measured thermal bremsstrahlung systematics. Exploiting the performances of our complete detection system, consisting of TAPS and 3 charged particle multidetectors, we have also measured the hard photon multiplicity as a function of the charged particle multiplicity.
Thermal Bremsstrahlung Probing the Nuclear Liquid-Gas Phase Transition
Subthreshold photons in heavy-ion reactions at intermediate energies
In the present talk, I discuss about the properties of the energetic photons produced in heavy-ion reactions. I show that they are sensitive to the maximum density reached in the first stage of the nuclear reaction. Then, the existence of a thermal contribution to the photon differential cross-section is discussed. These photons are sensitive to the properties of the Equation-of-State, to the dynamics of the reaction and represent a new thermometer of heated nuclear matter. I finally describe the future experiments planified at KVI and GANIL.
Elliptic flow of $\eta$ and $\pi^{0}$ Mesons in Heavy-Ion Collisions at 2 AGeV
Azimuthal distributions of $\eta$ and $\pi^{0}$ mesons emitted at midrapidity in collisions of 1.9 AGeV $^{58}$Ni+$^{58}$Ni and 2 AGeV $^{40}$Ca+$^{nat}$Ca are studied as a function of the number of projectile-like spectator nucleons. The observed anisotropy corresponds to a negative elliptic flow signal for $\eta$ mesons, indicating a preferred emission perpendicular to the reaction plane. In contrast, only small azimuthal anisotropies are observed for $\pi^{0}$ mesons. This may indicate that $\eta$ mesons freeze out earlier from the fire ball than pions.
Azimuthal Anisotropy of $\eta$ and $\pi^{0}$ Mesons in Heavy-Ion Collisions at 2 AGeV
Azimuthal distributions of $\eta$ and $\pi^{0}$ mesons emitted at midrapidity in collisions of 1.9 AGeV $^{58}$Ni+$^{58}$Ni and 2 AGeV $^{40}$Ca+$^{nat}$Ca are studied as a function of the number of projectile-like spectator nucleons. The observed anisotropy corresponds to a negative elliptic flow signal for $\eta$ mesons, indicating a preferred emission perpendicular to the reaction plane. The effect is smallest in peripheral Ni+Ni collisions. In contrast, for $\pi^{0}$ mesons, elliptic flow is observed only in peripheral Ni+Ni collisions, changing from positive to negative sign with increasing pion transverse momentum.
Search for pair produced leptoquarks in $e^{+} e^{-}$ interactions at $S^{(1/2)}$ approximately = 183-GeV
Thermal Bremsstrahlung in heavy-ion reactions at Fermi energies
Exclusive and meson production in Ar + Ca at 800 MeV
A high-precision study of the neutral Z boson resonance at OPAL
Upper limit on the tau-neutrino mass from tau --> 3 h tau-neutrino decays
DOI: 10.1117/12.161374
&lt;title&gt;Studies of the activation background in CsI(Tl) detectors&lt;/title&gt;
CsI scintillation crystals are widely used as detection in (gamma) -ray astronomy observations. In the MeV energy region, one of the most important background sources in CsI is the (beta) decays induced in the crystal by cosmic ray protons and their secondaries. One recent idea for reducing this background is to use discrete detector arrays to reject the large amount of localized (beta) decay events. Two experiments were carried out with 1 cm<SUP>3</SUP> CsI crystals bombarded with energetic proton beams and fast/thermal neutrons, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of this method in pixelated (1 cm<SUP>3</SUP>) CsI detectors. The ratio of the number of decays resulting in single site and multiple site events was found to be less than 1 in the energy band above 400 keV for the proton induced spallation background, while it is above 8 for the neutron induced background. The combined result indicates that more than 80% of the induced radioactive decays in the energy band between 200 keV and 2 MeV are single site events, and thus their rejection by the use of discrete CsI arrays will significantly improve the sensitivity of the detector.
Analisis de la situacion de las enfermedades diarreicas agudas en el hospital pediatrico docente de centro Habana, 1970-1983
Breve description du service en ce qui concerne les ressources humaines et les lits dont il dispose. On souligne la triple fonction qu'il developpe, a savoir d'assistance, d'enseignement et de recherche. On analyse les donnees du mouvement hospitalier de ce service ce qui montre une augmentation des admissions, de 126,3% et des sorties de 127%. Les deces ont diminue de 71,4%
Bremsstrahlung properties in 129 Xe + 197 Au reactions at 44 MeV/Nucleon = setting of Taps