
David Sulzer

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DOI: 10.1126/science.1101738
Cited 1,777 times
Impaired Degradation of Mutant α-Synuclein by Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy
Aberrant alpha-synuclein degradation is implicated in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis because the protein accumulates in the Lewy inclusion bodies associated with the disease. Little is known, however, about the pathways by which wild-type alpha-synuclein is normally degraded. We found that wild-type alpha-synuclein was selectively translocated into lysosomes for degradation by the chaperone-mediated autophagy pathway. The pathogenic A53T and A30P alpha-synuclein mutants bound to the receptor for this pathway on the lysosomal membrane, but appeared to act as uptake blockers, inhibiting both their own degradation and that of other substrates. These findings may underlie the toxic gain-of-function by the mutants.
DOI: 10.1016/s0896-6273(00)80886-7
Cited 1,585 times
Mice Lacking α-Synuclein Display Functional Deficits in the Nigrostriatal Dopamine System
alpha-Synuclein (alpha-Syn) is a 14 kDa protein of unknown function that has been implicated in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease (PD). Here, we show that alpha-Syn-/- mice are viable and fertile, exhibit intact brain architecture, and possess a normal complement of dopaminergic cell bodies, fibers, and synapses. Nigrostriatal terminals of alpha-Syn-/- mice display a standard pattern of dopamine (DA) discharge and reuptake in response to simple electrical stimulation. However, they exhibit an increased release with paired stimuli that can be mimicked by elevated Ca2+. Concurrent with the altered DA release, alpha-Syn-/- mice display a reduction in striatal DA and an attenuation of DA-dependent locomotor response to amphetamine. These findings support the hypothesis that alpha-Syn is an essential presynaptic, activity-dependent negative regulator of DA neurotransmission.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2005.04.003
Cited 1,105 times
Mechanisms of neurotransmitter release by amphetamines: A review
Amphetamine and substituted amphetamines, including methamphetamine, methylphenidate (Ritalin), methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), and the herbs khat and ephedra, encompass the only widely administered class of drugs that predominantly release neurotransmitter, in this case principally catecholamines, by a non-exocytic mechanism. These drugs play important medicinal and social roles in many cultures, exert profound effects on mental function and behavior, and can produce neurodegeneration and addiction. Numerous questions remain regarding the unusual molecular mechanisms by which these compounds induce catecholamine release. We review current issues on the two apparent primary mechanisms--the redistribution of catecholamines from synaptic vesicles to the cytosol, and induction of reverse transport of transmitter through plasma membrane uptake carriers--and on additional drug effects that affect extracellular catecholamine levels, including uptake inhibition, effects on exocytosis, neurotransmitter synthesis, and metabolism.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.07.040
Cited 862 times
Loss of mTOR-Dependent Macroautophagy Causes Autistic-like Synaptic Pruning Deficits
<h2>Summary</h2> Developmental alterations of excitatory synapses are implicated in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Here, we report increased dendritic spine density with reduced developmental spine pruning in layer V pyramidal neurons in postmortem ASD temporal lobe. These spine deficits correlate with hyperactivated mTOR and impaired autophagy. In <i>Tsc2+/−</i> ASD mice where mTOR is constitutively overactive, we observed postnatal spine pruning defects, blockade of autophagy, and ASD-like social behaviors. The mTOR inhibitor rapamycin corrected ASD-like behaviors and spine pruning defects in <i>Tsc2+/</i> mice, but not in <i>Atg7</i><sup>CKO</sup> neuronal autophagy-deficient mice or <i>Tsc2+/−:Atg7</i><sup>CKO</sup> double mutants. Neuronal autophagy furthermore enabled spine elimination with no effects on spine formation. Our findings suggest that mTOR-regulated autophagy is required for developmental spine pruning, and activation of neuronal autophagy corrects synaptic pathology and social behavior deficits in ASD models with hyperactivated mTOR.
DOI: 10.1038/nn.2528
Cited 743 times
Cargo recognition failure is responsible for inefficient autophagy in Huntington's disease
A hallmark of Huntington's disease is the accumulation of polyglutamine-expanded huntingtin (htt) protein in striatal neurons. The removal of cytosolic mutant htt is known to be mediated by the macroautophagy-lysosomal system. Here the authors specifically identify the defective step of autophagy in Huntington's models, in which autophagosomes fail to recognize mutant htt as a cargo destined for degradation. Continuous turnover of intracellular components by autophagy is necessary to preserve cellular homeostasis in all tissues. Alterations in macroautophagy, the main process responsible for bulk autophagic degradation, have been proposed to contribute to pathogenesis in Huntington's disease (HD), a genetic neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded polyglutamine tract in the huntingtin protein. However, the precise mechanism behind macroautophagy malfunction in HD is poorly understood. In this work, using cellular and mouse models of HD and cells from humans with HD, we have identified a primary defect in the ability of autophagic vacuoles to recognize cytosolic cargo in HD cells. Autophagic vacuoles form at normal or even enhanced rates in HD cells and are adequately eliminated by lysosomes, but they fail to efficiently trap cytosolic cargo in their lumen. We propose that inefficient engulfment of cytosolic components by autophagosomes is responsible for their slower turnover, functional decay and accumulation inside HD cells.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.15-05-04102.1995
Cited 645 times
Amphetamine redistributes dopamine from synaptic vesicles to the cytosol and promotes reverse transport
Whether amphetamine acts principally at the plasma membrane or at synaptic vesicles is controversial. We find that d-amphetamine injection into the Planorbis giant dopamine neuron causes robust dopamine release, demonstrating that specific amphetamine uptake is not required. Arguing for action at vesicles, whole-cell capillary electrophoresis of single Planorbis dopamine neurons shows that amphetamine reduces vesicular dopamine, while amphetamine reduces quantal dopamine release from PC12 cells by > 50% per vesicle. Intracellular injection of dopamine into the Planorbis dopamine neuron produces rapid nomifensine-sensitive release, showing that an increased substrate concentration gradient is sufficient to induce release. These experiments indicate that amphetamine acts at the vesicular level where it redistributes dopamine to the cytosol, promoting reverse transport, and dopamine release.
DOI: 10.1038/nature22815
Cited 606 times
T cells from patients with Parkinson’s disease recognize α-synuclein peptides
Genetic studies have shown the association of Parkinson's disease with alleles of the major histocompatibility complex. Here we show that a defined set of peptides that are derived from α-synuclein, a protein aggregated in Parkinson's disease, act as antigenic epitopes displayed by these alleles and drive helper and cytotoxic T cell responses in patients with Parkinson's disease. These responses may explain the association of Parkinson's disease with specific major histocompatibility complex alleles.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.172514599
Cited 552 times
Resistance of α-synuclein null mice to the parkinsonian neurotoxin MPTP
Parkinson's disease (PD) is most commonly a sporadic illness, and is characterized by degeneration of substantia nigra dopamine (DA) neurons and abnormal cytoplasmic aggregates of alpha-synuclein. Rarely, PD may be caused by missense mutations in alpha-synuclein. MPTP, a neurotoxin that inhibits mitochondrial complex I, is a prototype for an environmental cause of PD because it produces a pattern of DA neurodegeneration that closely resembles the neuropathology of PD. Here we show that alpha-synuclein null mice display striking resistance to MPTP-induced degeneration of DA neurons and DA release, and this resistance appears to result from an inability of the toxin to inhibit complex I. Contrary to predictions from in vitro data, this resistance is not due to abnormalities of the DA transporter, which appears to function normally in alpha-synuclein null mice. Our results suggest that some genetic and environmental factors that increase susceptibility to PD may interact with a common molecular pathway, and represent the first demonstration that normal alpha-synuclein function may be important to DA neuron viability.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.21-24-09549.2001
Cited 548 times
Expression of A53T Mutant But Not Wild-Type α-Synuclein in PC12 Cells Induces Alterations of the Ubiquitin-Dependent Degradation System, Loss of Dopamine Release, and Autophagic Cell Death
Alpha-synuclein mutations have been identified in certain families with Parkinson's disease (PD), and alpha-synuclein is a major component of Lewy bodies. Other genetic data indicate that the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system is involved in PD pathogenesis. We have generated stable PC12 cell lines expressing wild-type or A53T mutant human alpha-synuclein. Lines expressing mutant but not wild-type alpha-synuclein show: (1) disruption of the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system, manifested by small cytoplasmic ubiquitinated aggregates and by an increase in polyubiquitinated proteins; (2) enhanced baseline nonapoptotic death; (3) marked accumulation of autophagic-vesicular structures; (4) impairment of lysosomal hydrolysis and proteasomal function; and (5) loss of catecholamine-secreting dense core granules and an absence of depolarization-induced dopamine release. Such findings raise the possibility that the primary abnormality in these cells may involve one or more deficits in the lysosomal and/or proteasomal degradation pathways, which in turn lead to loss of dopaminergic capacity and, ultimately, to death. These cells may serve as a model to study the effects of aberrant alpha-synuclein on dopaminergic cell function and survival.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2007.03.009
Cited 527 times
Multiple hit hypotheses for dopamine neuron loss in Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease arises from genetic and possibly neurotoxic causes that produce massive cell death of the neuromelanin-containing dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra. Loss of these neurons is essential for the diagnostic parkinsonian features. Although many genetic mutations have been suggested as causes or risk factors for Parkinson's disease, the low penetrance of some mutations and the low disease concordance in relatives suggests that there must be interactions between multiple factors. We suggest that 'multiple hits' that combine toxic stress, for example, from dopamine oxidation or mitochondrial dysfunction, with an inhibition of a neuroprotective response, such as loss of function of parkin or stress-induced autophagic degradation, underlie selective neuronal death. We discuss the properties of substantia nigra dopamine neurons that might make them particular targets of such multiple hits.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.222546799
Cited 526 times
The identification of vesicular glutamate transporter 3 suggests novel modes of signaling by glutamate
Quantal release of the principal excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate requires a mechanism for its transport into secretory vesicles. Within the brain, the complementary expression of vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) 1 and 2 accounts for the release of glutamate by all known excitatory neurons. We now report the identification of VGLUT3 and its expression by many cells generally considered to release a classical transmitter with properties very different from glutamate. Remarkably, subpopulations of inhibitory neurons as well as cholinergic interneurons, monoamine neurons, and glia express VGLUT3. The dendritic expression of VGLUT3 by particular neurons also indicates the potential for retrograde synaptic signaling. The distribution and subcellular location of VGLUT3 thus suggest novel modes of signaling by glutamate.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.02.010
Cited 524 times
How Addictive Drugs Disrupt Presynaptic Dopamine Neurotransmission
The fundamental principle that unites addictive drugs appears to be that each enhances synaptic dopamine by means that dissociate it from normal behavioral control, so that they act to reinforce their own acquisition. This occurs via the modulation of synaptic mechanisms that can be involved in learning, including enhanced excitation or disinhibition of dopamine neuron activity, blockade of dopamine reuptake, and altering the state of the presynaptic terminal to enhance evoked over basal transmission. Amphetamines offer an exception to such modulation in that they combine multiple effects to produce nonexocytic stimulation-independent release of neurotransmitter via reverse transport independent from normal presynaptic function. Questions about the molecular actions of addictive drugs, prominently including the actions of alcohol and solvents, remain unresolved, but their ability to co-opt normal presynaptic functions helps to explain why treatment for addiction has been challenging. The fundamental principle that unites addictive drugs appears to be that each enhances synaptic dopamine by means that dissociate it from normal behavioral control, so that they act to reinforce their own acquisition. This occurs via the modulation of synaptic mechanisms that can be involved in learning, including enhanced excitation or disinhibition of dopamine neuron activity, blockade of dopamine reuptake, and altering the state of the presynaptic terminal to enhance evoked over basal transmission. Amphetamines offer an exception to such modulation in that they combine multiple effects to produce nonexocytic stimulation-independent release of neurotransmitter via reverse transport independent from normal presynaptic function. Questions about the molecular actions of addictive drugs, prominently including the actions of alcohol and solvents, remain unresolved, but their ability to co-opt normal presynaptic functions helps to explain why treatment for addiction has been challenging.
DOI: 10.1038/nn.3350
Cited 511 times
Interplay of LRRK2 with chaperone-mediated autophagy
Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most common cause of familial Parkinson's disease. We found LRRK2 to be degraded in lysosomes by chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), whereas the most common pathogenic mutant form of LRRK2, G2019S, was poorly degraded by this pathway. In contrast to the behavior of typical CMA substrates, lysosomal binding of both wild-type and several pathogenic mutant LRRK2 proteins was enhanced in the presence of other CMA substrates, which interfered with the organization of the CMA translocation complex, resulting in defective CMA. Cells responded to such LRRK2-mediated CMA compromise by increasing levels of the CMA lysosomal receptor, as seen in neuronal cultures and brains of LRRK2 transgenic mice, induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons and brains of Parkinson's disease patients with LRRK2 mutations. This newly described LRRK2 self-perpetuating inhibitory effect on CMA could underlie toxicity in Parkinson's disease by compromising the degradation of α-synuclein, another Parkinson's disease-related protein degraded by this pathway.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2015.09.012
Cited 495 times
Interactions of iron, dopamine and neuromelanin pathways in brain aging and Parkinson's disease
There are several interrelated mechanisms involving iron, dopamine, and neuromelanin in neurons. Neuromelanin accumulates during aging and is the catecholamine-derived pigment of the dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra and norepinephrine neurons of the locus coeruleus, the two neuronal populations most targeted in Parkinson's disease. Many cellular redox reactions rely on iron, however an altered distribution of reactive iron is cytotoxic. In fact, increased levels of iron in the brain of Parkinson's disease patients are present. Dopamine accumulation can induce neuronal death; however, excess dopamine can be removed by converting it into a stable compound like neuromelanin, and this process rescues the cell. Interestingly, the main iron compound in dopamine and norepinephrine neurons is the neuromelanin-iron complex, since neuromelanin is an effective metal chelator. Neuromelanin serves to trap iron and provide neuronal protection from oxidative stress. This equilibrium between iron, dopamine, and neuromelanin is crucial for cell homeostasis and in some cellular circumstances can be disrupted. Indeed, when neuromelanin-containing organelles accumulate high load of toxins and iron during aging a neurodegenerative process can be triggered. In addition, neuromelanin released by degenerating neurons activates microglia and the latter cause neurons death with further release of neuromelanin, then starting a self-propelling mechanism of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Considering the above issues, age-related accumulation of neuromelanin in dopamine neurons shows an interesting link between aging and neurodegeneration.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.01.033
Cited 480 times
Interplay between Cytosolic Dopamine, Calcium, and α-Synuclein Causes Selective Death of Substantia Nigra Neurons
The basis for selective death of specific neuronal populations in neurodegenerative diseases remains unclear. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a synucleinopathy characterized by a preferential loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), whereas neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) are spared. Using intracellular patch electrochemistry to directly measure cytosolic dopamine (DA(cyt)) in cultured midbrain neurons, we confirm that elevated DA(cyt) and its metabolites are neurotoxic and that genetic and pharmacological interventions that decrease DA(cyt) provide neuroprotection. L-DOPA increased DA(cyt) in SN neurons to levels 2- to 3-fold higher than in VTA neurons, a response dependent on dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels, resulting in greater susceptibility of SN neurons to L-DOPA-induced neurotoxicity. DA(cyt) was not altered by alpha-synuclein deletion, although dopaminergic neurons lacking alpha-synuclein were resistant to L-DOPA-induced cell death. Thus, an interaction between Ca2+, DA(cyt), and alpha-synuclein may underlie the susceptibility of SN neurons in PD, suggesting multiple therapeutic targets.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1616515114
Cited 462 times
Dopamine release from the locus coeruleus to the dorsal hippocampus promotes spatial learning and memory
Significance Successful completion of daily activities relies on the ability to select the relevant features of the environment to pay attention to and remember. Disruptions of these processes can lead to disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and age-related memory loss. To devise therapeutic strategies, we must understand the neural circuits underlying normal cognition. One important pathway is the signaling of dopamine, a reinforcement-related neurotransmitter, in the hippocampus, a spatial learning and memory center. Surprisingly, the brain region supplying dopamine to the dorsal hippocampus is unclear. This study provides direct evidence that the noradrenergic locus coeruleus coreleases dopamine in the dorsal hippocampus and provides insight into dopamine function in selective attention and spatial learning and memory.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.14-04-02260.1994
Cited 431 times
Methamphetamine neurotoxicity involves vacuolation of endocytic organelles and dopamine-dependent intracellular oxidative stress
Methamphetamine (MA) produces selective degeneration of dopamine (DA) neuron terminals without cell body loss. While excitatory amino acids (EAAs) contribute to MA toxicity, terminal loss is not characteristic of excitotoxic lesions nor is excitotoxicity selective for DA fibers; rather, EAAs may modulate MA-induced DA turnover, suggesting that DA-dependent events play a key role in MA neurotoxicity. To examine this possibility, we used postnatal ventral midbrain DA neuron cultures maintained under continuous EAA blockade. As in vivo, MA caused neurite degeneration but minimal cell death. We found that MA is a vacuologenic weak base that induces swelling of endocytic compartments; MA also induces blebbing of the plasma membrane. However, these morphological changes occurred in MA-treated cultures lacking DA neurons. Therefore, while collapse of endosomal and lysosomal pH gradients and vacuolation may contribute to MA neurotoxicity, this does not explain selective DA terminal degeneration. Alternatively, MA could exert its neurotoxic effects by collapsing synaptic vesicle proton gradients and redistributing DA from synaptic vesicles to the cytoplasm. This could cause the formation of DA-derived free radicals and reactive metabolites. To test whether MA induces oxidative stress within living DA neurons, we used 2,7-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCF), an indicator of intracellular hydroperoxide production. MA dramatically increased the number of DCF-labeled cells in ventral midbrain cultures, which contain about 30% DA neurons, but not in nucleus accumbens cultures, which do not contain DA neurons. In the DA neuron cultures, intracellular DDF labeling was localized to axonal varicosities, blebs, and endocytic organelles. These results suggest that MA redistributes DA from the reducing environment within synaptic vesicles to extravesicular oxidizing environments, thus generating oxygen radicals and reactive metabolites within DA neurons that may trigger selective DA terminal loss.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.97.22.11869
Cited 405 times
Neuromelanin biosynthesis is driven by excess cytosolic catecholamines not accumulated by synaptic vesicles
Melanin, the pigment in hair, skin, eyes, and feathers, protects external tissue from damage by UV light. In contrast, neuromelanin (NM) is found in deep brain regions, specifically in loci that degenerate in Parkinson's disease. Although this distribution suggests a role for NM in Parkinson's disease neurodegeneration, the biosynthesis and function of NM have eluded characterization because of lack of an experimental system. We induced NM in rat substantia nigra and PC12 cell cultures by exposure to l-dihydroxyphenylalanine, which is rapidly converted to dopamine (DA) in the cytosol. This pigment was identical to human NM as assessed by paramagnetic resonance and was localized in double membrane autophagic vacuoles identical to NM granules of human substantia nigra. NM synthesis was abolished by adenoviral-mediated overexpression of the synaptic vesicle catecholamine transporter VMAT2, which decreases cytosolic DA by increasing vesicular accumulation of neurotransmitter. The NM is in a stable complex with ferric iron, and NM synthesis was inhibited by the iron chelator desferrioxamine, indicating that cytosolic DA and dihydroxyphenylalanine are oxidized by iron-mediated catalysis to membrane-impermeant quinones and semiquinones. NM synthesis thus results from excess cytosolic catecholamines not accumulated into synaptic vesicles. The permanent accumulation of excess catechols, quinones, and catechol adducts into a membrane-impermeant substance trapped in organelles may provide an antioxidant mechanism for catecholamine neurons. However, NM in organelles associated with secretory pathways may interfere with signaling, as it delays stimulated neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.3821-06.2006
Cited 386 times
α-Synuclein Overexpression in PC12 and Chromaffin Cells Impairs Catecholamine Release by Interfering with a Late Step in Exocytosis
α-Synuclein (α-syn), a protein implicated in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis, is a presynaptic protein suggested to regulate transmitter release. We explored how α-syn overexpression in PC12 and chromaffin cells, which exhibit low endogenous α-syn levels relative to neurons, affects catecholamine release. Overexpression of wild-type or A30P mutant α-syn in PC12 cell lines inhibited evoked catecholamine release without altering calcium threshold or cooperativity of release. Electron micrographs revealed that vesicular pools were not reduced but that, on the contrary, a marked accumulation of morphologically “docked” vesicles was apparent in the α-syn-overexpressing lines. We used amperometric recordings from chromaffin cells derived from mice that overexpress A30P or wild-type (WT) α-syn, as well as chromaffin cells from control and α-syn null mice, to determine whether the filling of vesicles with the transmitter was altered. The quantal size and shape characteristics of amperometric events were identical for all mouse lines, suggesting that overexpression of WT or mutant α-syn did not affect vesicular transmitter accumulation or the kinetics of vesicle fusion. The frequency and number of exocytotic events per stimulus, however, was lower for both WT and A30P α-syn-overexpressing cells. The α-syn-overexpressing cells exhibited reduced depression of evoked release in response to repeated stimuli, consistent with a smaller population of readily releasable vesicles. We conclude that α-syn overexpression inhibits a vesicle “priming” step, after secretory vesicle trafficking to “docking” sites but before calcium-dependent vesicle membrane fusion.
DOI: 10.1016/0896-6273(90)90339-h
Cited 370 times
Amphetamine and other psychostimulants reduce pH gradients in midbrain dopaminergic neurons and chromaffin granules: A mechanism of action
Rewarding properties of psychostimulants result from reduced uptake and/or increased release of dopamine at mesolimbic synapses. As exemplified by cocaine, many psychostimulants act by binding to the dopamine uptake transporter. However, this does not explain the action of other psychostimulants, including amphetamine. As most psychostimulants are weak bases and dopamine uptake into synaptic vesicles uses an interior-acidic pH gradient, we examined the possibility that psychostimulants might inhibit acidification. Pharmacologically relevant concentrations of amphetamine as well as cocaine and phencyclidine rapidly reduced pH gradients in cultured midbrain dopaminergic neurons. To examine direct effects on vesicles, we used chromaffin granules. The three psychostimulants, as well as fenfluramine, imipramine, and tyramine, reduced the pH gradient, resulting in reduced uptake and increased release of neurotransmitter. Inhibition of acidification by psychoactive amines contributes to their pharmacology and may provide a principal molecular mechanism of action of amphetamine.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.02.012
Cited 367 times
Vesicular Glutamate Transport Promotes Dopamine Storage and Glutamate Corelease In Vivo
Dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) play an important role in the motivational systems underlying drug addiction, and recent work has suggested that they also release the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. To assess a physiological role for glutamate corelease, we disrupted the expression of vesicular glutamate transporter 2 selectively in dopamine neurons. The conditional knockout abolishes glutamate release from midbrain dopamine neurons in culture and severely reduces their excitatory synaptic output in mesoaccumbens slices. Baseline motor behavior is not affected, but stimulation of locomotor activity by cocaine is impaired, apparently through a selective reduction of dopamine stores in the projection of VTA neurons to ventral striatum. Glutamate co-entry promotes monoamine storage by increasing the pH gradient that drives vesicular monoamine transport. Remarkably, low concentrations of glutamate acidify synaptic vesicles more slowly but to a greater extent than equimolar Cl−, indicating a distinct, presynaptic mechanism to regulate quantal size.
DOI: 10.1016/s0896-6273(04)00265-x
Cited 356 times
Heterosynaptic Dopamine Neurotransmission Selects Sets of Corticostriatal Terminals
Dopamine input to the striatum is required for voluntary motor movement, behavioral reinforcement, and responses to drugs of abuse. It is speculated that these functions are dependent on either excitatory or inhibitory modulation of corticostriatal synapses onto medium spiny neurons (MSNs). While dopamine modulates MSN excitability, a direct presynaptic effect on the corticostriatal input has not been clearly demonstrated. We combined optical monitoring of synaptic vesicle exocytosis from motor area corticostriatal afferents and electrochemical recordings of striatal dopamine release to directly measure effects of dopamine at the level of individual presynaptic terminals. Dopamine released by either electrical stimulation or amphetamine acted via D2 receptors to inhibit the activity of subsets of corticostriatal terminals. Optical and electrophysiological data suggest that heterosynaptic inhibition was enhanced by higher frequency stimulation and was selective for the least active terminals. Thus, dopamine, by filtering less active inputs, appears to reinforce specific sets of corticostriatal synaptic connections.
DOI: 10.1038/nn1243
Cited 338 times
Frequency-dependent modulation of dopamine release by nicotine
DOI: 10.1016/j.baga.2016.02.001
Cited 311 times
Striatal dopamine neurotransmission: Regulation of release and uptake
Dopamine (DA) transmission is governed by processes that regulate release from axonal boutons in the forebrain and the somatodendritic compartment in midbrain, and by clearance by the DA transporter, diffusion, and extracellular metabolism. We review how axonal DA release is regulated by neuronal activity and by autoreceptors and heteroreceptors, and address how quantal release events are regulated in size and frequency. In brain regions densely innervated by DA axons, DA clearance is due predominantly to uptake by the DA transporter, whereas in cortex, midbrain, and other regions with relatively sparse DA inputs, the norepinephrine transporter and diffusion are involved. We discuss the role of DA uptake in restricting the sphere of influence of DA and in temporal accumulation of extracellular DA levels upon successive action potentials. The tonic discharge activity of DA neurons may be translated into a tonic extracellular DA level, whereas their bursting activity can generate discrete extracellular DA transients.
DOI: 10.1038/nmeth782
Cited 307 times
Analysis of exocytotic events recorded by amperometry
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.02.020
Cited 296 times
Regulation of Presynaptic Neurotransmission by Macroautophagy
<h2>Summary</h2> mTOR is a regulator of cell growth and survival, protein synthesis-dependent synaptic plasticity, and autophagic degradation of cellular components. When triggered by mTOR inactivation, macroautophagy degrades long-lived proteins and organelles via sequestration into autophagic vacuoles. mTOR further regulates synaptic plasticity, and neurodegeneration occurs when macroautophagy is deficient. It is nevertheless unknown whether macroautophagy modulates presynaptic function. We find that the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin induces formation of autophagic vacuoles in prejunctional dopaminergic axons with associated decreased axonal profile volumes, synaptic vesicle numbers, and evoked dopamine release. Evoked dopamine secretion was enhanced and recovery was accelerated in transgenic mice in which macroautophagy deficiency was restricted to dopaminergic neurons; rapamycin failed to decrease evoked dopamine release in the striatum of these mice. Macroautophagy that follows mTOR inhibition in presynaptic terminals, therefore, rapidly alters presynaptic structure and neurotransmission.
DOI: 10.1172/jci32806
Cited 277 times
Dopamine-modified α-synuclein blocks chaperone-mediated autophagy
Altered degradation of alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease (PD). We have shown that alpha-syn can be degraded via chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), a selective lysosomal mechanism for degradation of cytosolic proteins. Pathogenic mutants of alpha-syn block lysosomal translocation, impairing their own degradation along with that of other CMA substrates. While pathogenic alpha-syn mutations are rare, alpha-syn undergoes posttranslational modifications, which may underlie its accumulation in cytosolic aggregates in most forms of PD. Using mouse ventral medial neuron cultures, SH-SY5Y cells in culture, and isolated mouse lysosomes, we have found that most of these posttranslational modifications of alpha-syn impair degradation of this protein by CMA but do not affect degradation of other substrates. Dopamine-modified alpha-syn, however, is not only poorly degraded by CMA but also blocks degradation of other substrates by this pathway. As blockage of CMA increases cellular vulnerability to stressors, we propose that dopamine-induced autophagic inhibition could explain the selective degeneration of PD dopaminergic neurons.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4633
Cited 262 times
MHC-I expression renders catecholaminergic neurons susceptible to T-cell-mediated degeneration
Subsets of rodent neurons are reported to express major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I), but such expression has not been reported in normal adult human neurons. Here we provide evidence from immunolabel, RNA expression and mass spectrometry analysis of postmortem samples that human catecholaminergic substantia nigra and locus coeruleus neurons express MHC-I, and that this molecule is inducible in human stem cell-derived dopamine (DA) neurons. Catecholamine murine cultured neurons are more responsive to induction of MHC-I by gamma-interferon than other neuronal populations. Neuronal MHC-I is also induced by factors released from microglia activated by neuromelanin or alpha-synuclein, or high cytosolic DA and/or oxidative stress. DA neurons internalize foreign ovalbumin and display antigen derived from this protein by MHC-I, which triggers DA neuronal death in the presence of appropriate cytotoxic T cells. Thus, neuronal MHC-I can trigger antigenic response, and catecholamine neurons may be particularly susceptible to T-cell-mediated cytotoxic attack.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15626-w
Cited 256 times
α-Synuclein-specific T cell reactivity is associated with preclinical and early Parkinson’s disease
Abstract A diagnosis of motor Parkinson’s disease (PD) is preceded by a prolonged premotor phase with accumulating neuronal damage. Here we examined the temporal relation between α-synuclein (α-syn) T cell reactivity and PD. A longitudinal case study revealed that elevated α-syn-specific T cell responses were detected prior to the diagnosis of motor PD, and declined after. The relationship between T cell reactivity and early PD in two independent cohorts showed that α-syn-specific T cell responses were highest shortly after diagnosis of motor PD and then decreased. Additional analysis revealed significant association of α-syn-specific T cell responses with age and lower levodopa equivalent dose. These results confirm the presence of α-syn-reactive T cells in PD and show that they are most abundant immediately after diagnosis of motor PD. These cells may be present years before the diagnosis of motor PD, suggesting avenues of investigation into PD pathogenesis and potential early diagnosis.
DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3124
Cited 255 times
Optogenetics enables functional analysis of human embryonic stem cell–derived grafts in a Parkinson's disease model
Optogenetics helps unravel how neural cell grafts ameliorate symptoms in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Recent studies have shown evidence of behavioral recovery after transplantation of human pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-derived neural cells in animal models of neurological disease1,2,3,4. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying graft function. Here we use optogenetics to modulate in real time electrophysiological and neurochemical properties of mesencephalic dopaminergic (mesDA) neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). In mice that had recovered from lesion-induced Parkinsonian motor deficits, light-induced selective silencing of graft activity rapidly and reversibly re-introduced the motor deficits. The re-introduction of motor deficits was prevented by the dopamine agonist apomorphine. These results suggest that functionality depends on graft neuronal activity and dopamine release. Combining optogenetics, slice electrophysiology and pharmacological approaches, we further show that mesDA-rich grafts modulate host glutamatergic synaptic transmission onto striatal medium spiny neurons in a manner reminiscent of endogenous mesDA neurons. Thus, application of optogenetics in cell therapy can link transplantation, animal behavior and postmortem analysis to enable the identification of mechanisms that drive recovery.
DOI: 10.1002/mds.25095
Cited 232 times
Neuronal vulnerability, pathogenesis, and Parkinson's disease
Although there have been significant advances, pathogenesis in Parkinson's disease (PD) is still poorly understood. Potential clues about pathogenesis that have not been systematically pursued are suggested by the restricted pattern of neuronal pathology in the disease. In addition to dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), a significant number of other central and peripheral neuronal populations exhibit Lewy pathology (LP), phenotypic dysregulation, or frank degeneration in PD patients. Drawing on this literature, there appear to be a small number of risk factors contributing to vulnerability. These include autonomous activity, broad action potentials, low intrinsic calcium-buffering capacity, poorly myelinated long highly branched axons and terminal fields, and use of a monoamine neurotransmitter, often with the catecholamine-derived neuromelanin pigment. Of these phenotypic traits, only the physiological ones appear to provide a reachable therapeutic target at present.
DOI: 10.1111/jnc.14810
Cited 224 times
The physiological role of α‐synuclein and its relationship to Parkinson’s Disease
Abstract The protein α‐synuclein has a central role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD). In this review, we discuss recent results concerning its primary function, which appears to be on cell membranes. The pre‐synaptic location of synuclein has suggested a role in neurotransmitter release and it apparently associates with synaptic vesicles because of their high curvature. Indeed, synuclein over‐expression inhibits synaptic vesicle exocytosis. However, loss of synuclein has not yet been shown to have a major effect on synaptic transmission. Consistent with work showing that synuclein can promote as well as sense membrane curvature, recent analysis of synuclein triple knockout mice now shows that synuclein accelerates dilation of the exocytic fusion pore. This form of regulation affects primarily the release of slowly discharged lumenal cargo such as neural peptides, but presumably also contributes to maintenance of the release site. image This article is part of the Special Issue “Synuclein”.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.10.023
Cited 201 times
iPSC-Derived Dopamine Neurons Reveal Differences between Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been attributed to a combination of genetic and nongenetic factors. We studied a set of monozygotic twins harboring the heterozygous glucocerebrosidase mutation (GBA N370S) but clinically discordant for PD. We applied induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology for PD disease modeling using the twins’ fibroblasts to evaluate and dissect the genetic and nongenetic contributions. Utilizing fluorescence-activated cell sorting, we obtained a homogenous population of “footprint-free” iPSC-derived midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neurons. The mDA neurons from both twins had ∼50% GBA enzymatic activity, ∼3-fold elevated α-synuclein protein levels, and a reduced capacity to synthesize and release dopamine. Interestingly, the affected twin’s neurons showed an even lower dopamine level, increased monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) expression, and impaired intrinsic network activity. Overexpression of wild-type GBA and treatment with MAO-B inhibitors normalized α-synuclein and dopamine levels, suggesting a combination therapy for the affected twin.
DOI: 10.1007/s12640-013-9435-y
Cited 198 times
Neuromelanin of the Human Substantia Nigra: An Update
DOI: 10.1038/s41531-018-0047-3
Cited 190 times
Neuromelanin detection by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and its promise as a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease
The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) occurs after pathogenesis is advanced and many substantia nigra (SN) dopamine neurons have already died. Now that therapies to block this neuronal loss are under development, it is imperative that the disease be diagnosed at earlier stages and that the response to therapies is monitored. Recent studies suggest this can be accomplished by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detection of neuromelanin (NM), the characteristic pigment of SN dopaminergic, and locus coeruleus (LC) noradrenergic neurons. NM is an autophagic product synthesized via oxidation of catecholamines and subsequent reactions, and in the SN and LC it increases linearly during normal aging. In PD, however, the pigment is lost when SN and LC neurons die. As shown nearly 25 years ago by Zecca and colleagues, NM's avid binding of iron provides a paramagnetic source to enable electron and nuclear magnetic resonance detection, and thus a means for safe and noninvasive measure in living human brain. Recent technical improvements now provide a means for MRI to differentiate between PD patients and age-matched healthy controls, and should be able to identify changes in SN NM with age in individuals. We discuss how MRI detects NM and how this approach might be improved. We suggest that MRI of NM can be used to confirm PD diagnosis and monitor disease progression. We recommend that for subjects at risk for PD, and perhaps generally for older people, that MRI sequences performed at regular intervals can provide a pre-clinical means to detect presymptomatic PD.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201811122
Cited 175 times
Dopamine, Oxidative Stress and Protein–Quinone Modifications in Parkinson's and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
Dopamine (DA) is the most important catecholamine in the brain, as it is the most abundant and the precursor of other neurotransmitters. Degeneration of nigrostriatal neurons of substantia nigra pars compacta in Parkinson's disease represents the best-studied link between DA neurotransmission and neuropathology. Catecholamines are reactive molecules that are handled through complex control and transport systems. Under normal conditions, small amounts of cytosolic DA are converted to neuromelanin in a stepwise process involving melanization of peptides and proteins. However, excessive cytosolic or extraneuronal DA can give rise to nonselective protein modifications. These reactions involve DA oxidation to quinone species and depend on the presence of redox-active transition metal ions such as iron and copper. Other oxidized DA metabolites likely participate in post-translational protein modification. Thus, protein-quinone modification is a heterogeneous process involving multiple DA-derived residues that produce structural and conformational changes of proteins and can lead to aggregation and inactivation of the modified proteins.
DOI: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.08.012
Cited 168 times
Parkin and PINK1 Patient iPSC-Derived Midbrain Dopamine Neurons Exhibit Mitochondrial Dysfunction and α-Synuclein Accumulation
Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the selective loss of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra; however, the mechanism of neurodegeneration in PD remains unclear. A subset of familial PD is linked to mutations in PARK2 and PINK1, which lead to dysfunctional mitochondria-related proteins Parkin and PINK1, suggesting that pathways implicated in these monogenic forms could play a more general role in PD. We demonstrate that the identification of disease-related phenotypes in PD-patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived midbrain dopamine (mDA) neurons depends on the type of differentiation protocol utilized. In a floor-plate-based but not a neural-rosette-based directed differentiation strategy, iPSC-derived mDA neurons recapitulate PD phenotypes, including pathogenic protein accumulation, cell-type-specific vulnerability, mitochondrial dysfunction, and abnormal neurotransmitter homeostasis. We propose that these form a pathogenic loop that contributes to disease. Our study illustrates the promise of iPSC technology for examining PD pathogenesis and identifying therapeutic targets.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.03.048
Cited 161 times
Chaperone-mediated autophagy prevents collapse of the neuronal metastable proteome
Components of the proteostasis network malfunction in aging, and reduced protein quality control in neurons has been proposed to promote neurodegeneration. Here, we investigate the role of chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), a selective autophagy shown to degrade neurodegeneration-related proteins, in neuronal proteostasis. Using mouse models with systemic and neuronal-specific CMA blockage, we demonstrate that loss of neuronal CMA leads to altered neuronal function, selective changes in the neuronal metastable proteome, and proteotoxicity, all reminiscent of brain aging. Imposing CMA loss on a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has synergistic negative effects on the proteome at risk of aggregation, thus increasing neuronal disease vulnerability and accelerating disease progression. Conversely, chemical enhancement of CMA ameliorates pathology in two different AD experimental mouse models. We conclude that functional CMA is essential for neuronal proteostasis through the maintenance of a subset of the proteome with a higher risk of misfolding than the general proteome.
DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2018.1509818
Cited 160 times
Mitochondrial dysfunction and mitophagy defect triggered by heterozygous <i>GBA</i> mutations
Heterozygous mutations in GBA, the gene encoding the lysosomal enzyme glucosylceramidase beta/β-glucocerebrosidase, comprise the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson disease (PD), but the mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear. Here, we show that in GbaL444P/WT knockin mice, the L444P heterozygous Gba mutation triggers mitochondrial dysfunction by inhibiting autophagy and mitochondrial priming, two steps critical for the selective removal of dysfunctional mitochondria by autophagy, a process known as mitophagy. In SHSY-5Y neuroblastoma cells, the overexpression of L444P GBA impeded mitochondrial priming and autophagy induction when endogenous lysosomal GBA activity remained intact. By contrast, genetic depletion of GBA inhibited lysosomal clearance of autophagic cargo. The link between heterozygous GBA mutations and impaired mitophagy was corroborated in postmortem brain tissue from PD patients carrying heterozygous GBA mutations, where we found increased mitochondrial content, mitochondria oxidative stress and impaired autophagy. Our findings thus suggest a mechanistic basis for mitochondrial dysfunction associated with GBA heterozygous mutations. Abbreviations: AMBRA1: autophagy/beclin 1 regulator 1; BECN1: beclin 1, autophagy related; BNIP3L/Nix: BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3-like; CCCP: carbonyl cyanide 3-chloroyphenylhydrazone; CYCS: cytochrome c, somatic; DNM1L/DRP1: dynamin 1-like; ER: endoplasmic reticulum; GBA: glucosylceramidase beta; GBA-PD: Parkinson disease with heterozygous GBA mutations; GD: Gaucher disease; GFP: green fluorescent protein; LC3B: microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta; LC3B-II: lipidated form of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta; MitoGreen: MitoTracker Green; MitoRed: MitoTracker Red; MMP: mitochondrial membrane potential; MTOR: mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase; MYC: MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor; NBR1: NBR1, autophagy cargo receptor; Non-GBA-PD: Parkinson disease without GBA mutations; PD: Parkinson disease; PINK1: PTEN induced putative kinase 1; PRKN/PARK2: parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase; RFP: red fluorescent protein; ROS: reactive oxygen species; SNCA: synuclein alpha; SQSTM1/p62: sequestosome 1; TIMM23: translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 23; TOMM20: translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20; VDAC1/Porin: voltage dependent anion channel 1; WT: wild type.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1807983116
Cited 139 times
Neuromelanin-sensitive MRI as a noninvasive proxy measure of dopamine function in the human brain
Neuromelanin-sensitive MRI (NM-MRI) purports to detect the content of neuromelanin (NM), a product of dopamine metabolism that accumulates with age in dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra (SN). Interindividual variability in dopamine function may result in varying levels of NM accumulation in the SN; however, the ability of NM-MRI to measure dopamine function in nonneurodegenerative conditions has not been established. Here, we validated that NM-MRI signal intensity in postmortem midbrain specimens correlated with regional NM concentration even in the absence of neurodegeneration, a prerequisite for its use as a proxy for dopamine function. We then validated a voxelwise NM-MRI approach with sufficient anatomical sensitivity to resolve SN subregions. Using this approach and a multimodal dataset of molecular PET and fMRI data, we further showed the NM-MRI signal was related to both dopamine release in the dorsal striatum and resting blood flow within the SN. These results suggest that NM-MRI signal in the SN is a proxy for function of dopamine neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway. As a proof of concept for its clinical utility, we show that the NM-MRI signal correlated to severity of psychosis in schizophrenia and individuals at risk for schizophrenia, consistent with the well-established dysfunction of the nigrostriatal pathway in psychosis. Our results indicate that noninvasive NM-MRI is a promising tool that could have diverse research and clinical applications to investigate in vivo the role of dopamine in neuropsychiatric illness.
DOI: 10.1038/s41531-020-00123-0
Cited 134 times
COVID-19 and possible links with Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism: from bench to bedside
Abstract This Viewpoint discusses insights from basic science and clinical perspectives on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)/severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the brain, with a particular focus on Parkinson’s disease. Major points include that neuropathology studies have not answered the central issue of whether the virus enters central nervous system neurons, astrocytes or microglia, and the brain vascular cell types that express virus have not yet been identified. Currently, there is no clear evidence for human neuronal or astrocyte expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the major receptor for viral entry, but ACE2 expression may be activated by inflammation, and a comparison of healthy and infected brains is important. In contrast to the 1918 influenza pandemic and avian flu, reports of encephalopathy in COVID-19 have been slow to emerge, and there are so far no documented reports of parkinsonism apart from a single case report. We recommend consensus guidelines for the clinical treatment of Parkinson’s patients with COVID-19. While a role for the virus in causing or exacerbating Parkinson’s disease appears unlikely at this time, aggravation of specific motor and non-motor symptoms has been reported, and it will be important to monitor subjects after recovery, particularly for those with persisting hyposmia.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00303
Cited 121 times
Autoimmunity in Parkinson's Disease: The Role of α-Synuclein-Specific T Cells
Evidence from a variety of studies implicates a role for the adaptive immune system in Parkinson's disease (PD). Similar to multiple sclerosis (MS) patients who display a high number of T cells in the brain attacking oligodendrocytes, PD patients show higher numbers of T cells in the ventral midbrain than healthy, age-matched controls. Mouse models of the disease also show the presence of T cells in the brain. The role of these infiltrating T cells in the propagation of disease is controversial; however, recent studies indicate that they may be autoreactive in nature, recognizing disease-altered self-proteins as foreign antigens. T cells of PD patients can generate an autoimmune response to α-synuclein, a protein that is aggregated in PD. α-Synuclein and other proteins are post-translationally modified in an environment in which protein processing is altered, possibly leading to the generation of neo-epitopes, or self-peptides that have not been identified by the host immune system as non-foreign. Infiltrating T cells may also be responding to such modified proteins. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have shown associations of PD with haplotypes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes, and a polymorphism in a non-coding region that may increase MHC class II in PD patients. We speculate that the inflammation observed in PD may play both pathogenic and protective roles. Future studies on the adaptive immune system in neurodegenerative disorders may elucidate steps in disease pathogenesis and assist with the development of both biomarkers and treatments.
DOI: 10.1038/s41531-021-00203-9
Cited 80 times
Alpha-synuclein research: defining strategic moves in the battle against Parkinson’s disease
With the advent of the genetic era in Parkinson's disease (PD) research in 1997, α-synuclein was identified as an important player in a complex neurodegenerative disease that affects >10 million people worldwide. PD has been estimated to have an economic impact of $51.9 billion in the US alone. Since the initial association with PD, hundreds of researchers have contributed to elucidating the functions of α-synuclein in normal and pathological states, and these remain critical areas for continued research. With this position paper the authors strive to achieve two goals: first, to succinctly summarize the critical features that define α-synuclein's varied roles, as they are known today; and second, to identify the most pressing knowledge gaps and delineate a multipronged strategy for future research with the goal of enabling therapies to stop or slow disease progression in PD.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm6393
Cited 70 times
Mutant glucocerebrosidase impairs α-synuclein degradation by blockade of chaperone-mediated autophagy
The most common genetic risk factors for Parkinson's disease (PD) are a set of heterozygous mutant (MT) alleles of the GBA1 gene that encodes β-glucocerebrosidase (GCase), an enzyme normally trafficked through the ER/Golgi apparatus to the lysosomal lumen. We found that half of the GCase in lysosomes from postmortem human GBA-PD brains was present on the lysosomal surface and that this mislocalization depends on a pentapeptide motif in GCase used to target cytosolic protein for degradation by chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA). MT GCase at the lysosomal surface inhibits CMA, causing accumulation of CMA substrates including α-synuclein. Single-cell transcriptional analysis and proteomics of brains from GBA-PD patients confirmed reduced CMA activity and proteome changes comparable to those in CMA-deficient mouse brain. Loss of the MT GCase CMA motif rescued primary substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons from MT GCase-induced neuronal death. We conclude that MT GBA1 alleles block CMA function and produce α-synuclein accumulation.
DOI: 10.1016/s0896-6273(00)80418-3
Cited 317 times
Vesicular Transport Regulates Monoamine Storage and Release but Is Not Essential for Amphetamine Action
To assess the role of exocytotic release in signaling by monoamines, we have disrupted the neuronal vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) gene. VMAT2−/− mice move little, feed poorly, and die within a few days after birth. Monoamine cell groups and their projections are indistinguishable from those of wild-type littermates, but the brains of mutant mice show a drastic reduction in monoamines. Using midbrain cultures from the mutant animals, amphetamine but not depolarization induces dopamine release. In vivo, amphetamine increases movement, promotes feeding, and prolongs the survival of VMAT2−/− animals, indicating that precise, temporally regulated exocytotic release of monoamine is not required for certain complex behaviors. In addition, the brains of VMAT2 heterozygotes contain substantially lower monoamine levels than those of wild-type littermates, and depolarization induces less dopamine release from heterozygous than from wild-type cultures, suggesting that VMAT2 expression regulates monoamine storage and release.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.22-20-08951.2002
Cited 317 times
Methamphetamine-Induced Degeneration of Dopaminergic Neurons Involves Autophagy and Upregulation of Dopamine Synthesis
Methamphetamine (METH) selectively injures the neurites of dopamine (DA) neurons, generally without inducing cell death. It has been proposed that METH-induced redistribution of DA from the vesicular storage pool to the cytoplasm, where DA can oxidize to produce quinones and additional reactive oxygen species, may account for this selective neurotoxicity. To test this hypothesis, we used mice heterozygous (+/-) or homozygous (-/-) for the brain vesicular monoamine uptake transporter VMAT2, which mediates the accumulation of cytosolic DA into synaptic vesicles. In postnatal ventral midbrain neuronal cultures derived from these mice, METH-induced degeneration of DA neurites and accumulation of oxyradicals, including metabolites of oxidized DA, varied inversely with VMAT2 expression. METH administration also promoted the synthesis of DA via upregulation of tyrosine hydroxylase activity, resulting in an elevation of cytosolic DA even in the absence of vesicular sequestration. Electron microscopy and fluorescent labeling confirmed that METH promoted the formation of autophagic granules, particularly in neuronal varicosities and, ultimately, within cell bodies of dopaminergic neurons. Therefore, we propose that METH neurotoxicity results from the induction of a specific cellular pathway that is activated when DA cannot be effectively sequestered in synaptic vesicles, thereby producing oxyradical stress, autophagy, and neurite degeneration.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.18-11-04106.1998
Cited 300 times
Presynaptic Recording of Quanta from Midbrain Dopamine Neurons and Modulation of the Quantal Size
The observation of quantal release from central catecholamine neurons has proven elusive because of the absence of evoked rapid postsynaptic currents. We adapted amperometric methods to observe quantal release directly from axonal varicosities of midbrain dopamine neurons that predominantly contain small synaptic vesicles. Quantal events were elicited by high K+ or alpha-latrotoxin, required extracellular Ca2+, and were abolished by reserpine. The events indicated the release of 3000 molecules over 200 microsec, much smaller and faster events than quanta associated with large dense-core vesicles previously recorded in vertebrate preparations. The number of dopamine molecules per quantum increased as a population to 380% of controls after glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) exposure and to 350% of controls after exposure to the dopamine precursor L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA). These results introduce a means to measure directly the number of transmitter molecules released from small synaptic vesicles of CNS neurons. Moreover, quantal size was not an invariant parameter in CNS neurons but could be modulated by neurotrophic factors and altered neurotransmitter synthesis.
DOI: 10.1038/nn1205
Cited 287 times
Dopamine neurons release transmitter via a flickering fusion pore
DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.1993.tb03181.x
Cited 284 times
Amphetamine and Other Weak Bases Act to Promote Reverse Transport of Dopamine in Ventral Midbrain Neurons
Abstract: Amphetamine‐like psychostimulants are thought to produce rewarding effects by increasing dopamine levels at mesolimbic synapses. Paradoxically, dopamine uptake blockers, which generally increase extracellular dopamine, inhibit amphetamine‐induced dopamine overflow. This effect could be due to either inhibition of amphetamine uptake or inhibition of dopamine efflux through the transporter (reverse transport). We used weak bases and dopamine uptake blockers in ventral midbrain neuron cultures to separate the effects on blockade of amphetamine uptake from reverse transport of dopamine. Amphetamine, ammonium chloride, tributylamine, and monensin, at concentrations that produce similar reductions in acidic pH gradients, increased dopamine release. This effect was inhibited by uptake blockers. Although in the case of amphetamine the inhibition of release could have been due to blockade of amphetamine uptake, inhibition also occurred with weak bases that are not transporter substrates. This suggests that reduction of vesicular pH gradients increases cytoplasmic dopamine which in turn promotes reverse transport. Consistent with this model, extracellular 3,4‐dihydroxyphenylacetic acid was increased by ammonium chloride and monensin, as would be expected with elevated cytoplasmic dopamine levels. These findings extend the weak base mechanism of amphetamine action, in which amphetamine reduces vesicular pH gradients resulting in increased cytoplasmic dopamine that promotes reverse transport.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.18-12-04588.1998
Cited 278 times
Dopamine Neurons Make Glutamatergic Synapses<i>In Vitro</i>
Interactions between dopamine and glutamate play prominent roles in memory, addiction, and schizophrenia. Several lines of evidence have suggested that the ventral midbrain dopamine neurons that give rise to the major CNS dopaminergic projections may also be glutamatergic. To examine this possibility, we double immunostained ventral midbrain sections from rat and monkey for the dopamine-synthetic enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase and for glutamate; we found that most dopamine neurons immunostained for glutamate, both in rat and monkey. We then used postnatal cell culture to examine individual dopamine neurons. Again, most dopamine neurons immunostained for glutamate; they were also immunoreactive for phosphate-activated glutaminase, the major source of neurotransmitter glutamate. Inhibition of glutaminase reduced glutamate staining. In single-cell microculture, dopamine neurons gave rise to varicosities immunoreactive for both tyrosine hydroxylase and glutamate and others immunoreactive mainly for glutamate, which were found near the cell body. At the ultrastructural level, dopamine neurons formed occasional dopaminergic varicosities with symmetric synaptic specializations, but they more commonly formed nondopaminergic varicosities with asymmetric synaptic specializations. Stimulation of individual dopamine neurons evoked a fast glutamatergic autaptic EPSC that showed presynaptic inhibition caused by concomitant dopamine release. Thus, dopamine neurons may exert rapid synaptic actions via their glutamatergic synapses and slower modulatory actions via their dopaminergic synapses. Together with evidence for glutamate cotransmission in serotonergic raphe neurons and noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons, the present results suggest that glutamatergic cotransmission may be the rule for central monoaminergic neurons.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2001.00474.x
Cited 264 times
Proteasomal inhibition leads to formation of ubiquitin/α‐synuclein‐immunoreactive inclusions in PC12 cells
Proteasomal dysfunction has been recently implicated in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease and diffuse Lewy body disease. We have developed an in vitro model of proteasomal dysfunction by applying pharmacological inhibitors of the proteasome, lactacystin or ZIE[O-tBu]-A-leucinal (PSI), to dopaminergic PC12 cells. Proteasomal inhibition caused a dose-dependent increase in death of both naive and neuronally differentiated PC12 cells, which could be prevented by caspase inhibition or CPT-cAMP. A percentage of the surviving cells contained discrete cytoplasmic ubiquitinated inclusions, some of which also contained synuclein-1, the rat homologue of human alpha-synuclein. However the total level of synuclein-1 was not altered by proteasomal inhibition. The ubiquitinated inclusions were present only within surviving cells, and their number was increased if cell death was prevented. We have thus replicated, in this model system, the two cardinal pathological features of Lewy body diseases, neuronal death and the formation of cytoplasmic ubiquitinated inclusions. Our findings suggest that inclusion body formation and cell death may be dissociated from one another.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2003.02109.x
Cited 259 times
Real‐time decoding of dopamine concentration changes in the caudate–putamen during tonic and phasic firing
The fundamental process that underlies volume transmission in the brain is the extracellular diffusion of neurotransmitters from release sites to distal target cells. Dopaminergic neurons display a range of activity states, from low-frequency tonic firing to bursts of high-frequency action potentials (phasic firing). However, it is not clear how this activity affects volume transmission on a subsecond time scale. To evaluate this, we developed a finite-difference model that predicts the lifetime and diffusion of dopamine in brain tissue. We first used this model to decode in vivo amperometric measurements of electrically evoked dopamine, and obtained rate constants for release and uptake as well as the extent of diffusion. Accurate predictions were made under a variety of conditions including different regions, different stimulation parameters and with uptake inhibited. Second, we used the decoded rate constants to predict how heterogeneity of dopamine release and uptake sites would affect dopamine concentration fluctuations during different activity states in the absence of an electrode. These simulations show that synchronous phasic firing can produce spatially and temporally heterogeneous concentration profiles whereas asynchronous tonic firing elicits uniform, steady-state dopamine concentrations.
DOI: 10.1007/bf03033289
Cited 253 times
Intraneuronal dopamine-quinone synthesis: A review
DOI: 10.1016/s0014-5793(01)03269-0
Cited 247 times
The absolute concentration of nigral neuromelanin, assayed by a new sensitive method, increases throughout the life and is dramatically decreased in Parkinson's disease
The concentration of neuromelanin (NM) in substantia nigra pars compacta (SNPC) has been measured in male and female normal subjects at different ages in the range 1-97 years old and in SNPC of parkinsonian patients. A very similar age trend of NM concentration was found in both sexes. In the first year of life NM was not detectable, between 10 and 20 years the NM levels were 0.3-0.8 microg/mg of SNPC, between 20 and 50 years were 0.8-2.3 microg/mg SNPC and between 50 and 90 were 2.3-3.7 microg/mg of SNPC. In parkinsonian subjects, the NM levels were 1.2-1.5 microg/mg of SNPC, which is less than 50% with respect to the age-matched controls. These data demonstrate a continuous NM accumulation in SNPC neurons during aging, the presence of large amounts of NM in SNPC and severe depletion of NM in Parkinson's disease.
DOI: 10.1602/neurorx.1.1.139
Cited 241 times
Neurodegeneration and neuroprotection in Parkinson disease
Many of the motoric features that define Parkinson disease (PD) result primarily from the loss of the neuromelanin (NM)-containing dopamine (DA) neurons of the substantia nigra (SN), and to a lesser extent, other mostly catecholaminergic neurons, and are associated with cytoplasmic "Lewy body" inclusions in some of the surviving neurons. While there are uncommon instances of familial PD, and rare instances of known genetic causes, the etiology of the vast majority of PD cases remains unknown (i.e., idiopathic). Here we outline genetic and environmental findings related to PD epidemiology, suggestions that aberrant protein degradation may play a role in disease pathogenesis, and pathogenetic mechanisms including oxidative stress due to DA oxidation that could underlie the selectivity of neurodegeneration. We then outline potential approaches to neuroprotection for PD that are derived from current notions on disease pathogenesis.
DOI: 10.1038/nn1562
Cited 241 times
Transcriptional and behavioral interaction between 22q11.2 orthologs modulates schizophrenia-related phenotypes in mice
DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2003.08.009
Cited 228 times
Neuromelanin of the substantia nigra: a neuronal black hole with protective and toxic characteristics
Neuromelanin accumulates in dopaminergic neurons during normal aging, and in Parkinson's disease, neurons with this pigment are those that selectively degenerate. Intraneuronal neuromelanin could play a protective role during its synthesis by preventing the toxic accumulation of cytosolic catechol derivatives and, in addition, by its ability to scavenge reactive metals, pesticides and other toxins to form stable adducts. However, dying neurons in Parkinson's disease that release neuromelanin might induce a vicious cycle of chronic neuroinflammation and neuronal loss.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.21-16-05916.2001
Cited 222 times
Amphetamine Distorts Stimulation-Dependent Dopamine Overflow: Effects on D2 Autoreceptors, Transporters, and Synaptic Vesicle Stores
Amphetamine (AMPH) is known to raise extracellular dopamine (DA) levels by inducing stimulation-independent DA efflux via reverse transport through the DA transporter and by inhibiting DA re-uptake. In contrast, recent studies indicate that AMPH decreases stimulation-dependent vesicular DA release. One candidate mechanism for this effect is the AMPH-mediated redistribution of DA from vesicles to the cytosol. In addition, the inhibition of stimulation-dependent release may occur because of D2 autoreceptor activation by DA that is released via reverse transport. We used the D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride and mice lacking the D2 receptor to address this issue. To evaluate carefully AMPH effects on release and uptake, we recorded stimulated DA overflow in striatal slices by using continuous amperometry and cyclic voltammetry. Recordings were fit by a random walk simulation of DA diffusion, including uptake with Michaelis-Menten kinetics, that provided estimates of DA concentration and uptake parameters. AMPH (10 microm) promoted the overflow of synaptically released DA by decreasing the apparent affinity for DA uptake (K(m) increase from 0.8 to 32 microm). The amount of DA released per pulse, however, was decreased by 82%. This release inhibition was prevented partly by superfusion with sulpiride (47% inhibition) and was reduced in D2 mutant mice (23% inhibition). When D2 autoreceptor activation was minimal, the combined effects of AMPH on DA release and uptake resulted in an enhanced overflow of exocytically released DA. Such enhancement of stimulation-dependent DA overflow may occur under conditions of low D2 receptor activity or expression, for example as a result of AMPH sensitization.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.4317-03.2004
Cited 211 times
Dopamine Neurons Mediate a Fast Excitatory Signal via Their Glutamatergic Synapses
Dopamine neurons are thought to convey a fast, incentive salience signal, faster than can be mediated by dopamine. A resolution of this paradox may be that midbrain dopamine neurons exert fast excitatory actions. Using transgenic mice with fluorescent dopamine neurons, in which the axonal projections of the neurons are visible, we made horizontal brain slices encompassing the mesoaccumbens dopamine projection. Focal extracellular stimulation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area evoked dopamine release and early monosynaptic and late polysynaptic excitatory responses in postsynaptic nucleus accumbens neurons. Local superfusion of the ventral tegmental area with glutamate, which should activate dopamine neurons selectively, produced an increase in excitatory synaptic events. Local superfusion of the ventral tegmental area with the D2 agonist quinpirole, which should increase the threshold for dopamine neuron activation, inhibited the early response. So dopamine neurons make glutamatergic synaptic connections to accumbens neurons. We propose that dopamine neuron glutamatergic transmission may be the initial component of the incentive salience signal.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.20-19-07297.2000
Cited 204 times
Synaptic Vesicle Transporter Expression Regulates Vesicle Phenotype and Quantal Size
While the transporters that accumulate classical neurotransmitters in synaptic vesicles have been identified, little is known about how their expression regulates synaptic transmission. We have used adenoviral-mediated transfection to increase expression of the brain vesicular monoamine transporter VMAT2 and presynaptic amperometric recordings to characterize the effects on quantal release. In presynaptic axonal varicosities of ventral midbrain neurons in postnatal culture, VMAT2 overexpression in small synaptic vesicles increased both quantal size and frequency, consistent with the recruitment of synaptic vesicles that do not normally release dopamine. This was confirmed using noncatecholaminergic AtT-20 cells, in which VMAT2 expression induced the quantal release of dopamine. The ability to increase quantal size in vesicles that were already competent for dopamine release was shown in PC12 cells, in which VMAT2 expression increased the quantal size but not the number of release events. These results demonstrate that vesicle transporters limit the rate of transmitter accumulation and can alter synaptic strength through two distinct mechanisms.
DOI: 10.1007/s12640-009-9140-z
Cited 204 times
Neuromelanin Activates Microglia and Induces Degeneration of Dopaminergic Neurons: Implications for Progression of Parkinson’s Disease
In Parkinson's disease (PD), there is a progressive loss of neuromelanin (NM)-containing dopamine neurons in substantia nigra (SN) which is associated with microgliosis and presence of extracellular NM. Herein, we have investigated the interplay between microglia and human NM on the degeneration of SN dopaminergic neurons. Although NM particles are phagocytized and degraded by microglia within minutes in vitro, extracellular NM particles induce microglial activation and ensuing production of superoxide, nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), and pro-inflammatory factors. Furthermore, NM produces, in a microglia-depended manner, neurodegeneration in primary ventral midbrain cultures. Neurodegeneration was effectively attenuated with microglia derived from mice deficient in macrophage antigen complex-1, a microglial integrin receptor involved in the initiation of phagocytosis. Neuronal loss was also attenuated with microglia derived from mice deficient in phagocytic oxidase, a subunit of NADPH oxidase, that is responsible for superoxide and H₂O₂ production, or apocynin, an NADPH oxidase inhibitor. In vivo, NM injected into rat SN produces microgliosis and a loss of tyrosine hydroxylase neurons. Thus, these results show that extracellular NM can activate microglia, which in turn may induce dopaminergic neurodegeneration in PD. Our study may have far-reaching implications, both pathogenic and therapeutic.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1172278
Cited 196 times
Fluorescent False Neurotransmitters Visualize Dopamine Release from Individual Presynaptic Terminals
Neurotransmission in Living Color Neurotransmission involves the release of small molecular neurotransmitters from one neuron to another across a synapse. Gubernator et al. (p. 1441 , published online 7 May) introduce a means to observe neurotransmitter release optically, by the design of fluorescent false neurotransmitters, which act as substrates for the synaptic vesicle monoamine transporter. These endogenous monoamine optical tracers enabled visualization of neurotransmitter uptake and release from individual synaptic terminals and were used to evaluate dopamine neurotransmission in the striatum. The fraction of synaptic vesicles that release neurotransmitter per stimulus was frequency dependent, and a frequency-dependent selection of presynaptic terminals was observed.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2003.02050.x
Cited 194 times
Presynaptic regulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission
The development of electrochemical recordings with small carbon-fiber electrodes has significantly advanced the understanding of the regulation of catecholamine transmission in various brain areas. Recordings in vivo or in slice preparations monitor diffusion of catecholamine following stimulated synaptic release into the surrounding tissue. This synaptic 'overflow' is defined by the amount of release, by the activity of reuptake, and by the diffusion parameters in brain tissue. Such studies have elucidated the complex regulation of catecholamine release and uptake, and how psychostimulants and anti-psychotic drugs interfere with it. Moreover, recordings with carbon-fiber electrodes from cultured neurons have provided analysis of catecholamine release and its plasticity at the quantal level.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0918-12.2012
Cited 180 times
Dual Control of Dopamine Synthesis and Release by Presynaptic and Postsynaptic Dopamine D2 Receptors
Dysfunctions of dopaminergic homeostasis leading to either low or high dopamine (DA) levels are causally linked to Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and addiction.Major sites of DA synthesis are the mesencephalic neurons originating in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area; these structures send major projections to the dorsal striatum (DSt) and nucleus accumbens (NAcc), respectively.DA finely tunes its own synthesis and release by activating DA D2 receptors (D2R).To date, this critical D2R-dependent function was thought to be solely due to activation of D2Rs on dopaminergic neurons (D2 autoreceptors); instead, using site-specific D2R knock-out mice, we uncover that D2 heteroreceptors located on non-DAergic medium spiny neurons participate in the control of DA levels.This D2 heteroreceptor-mediated mechanism is more efficient in the DSt than in NAcc, indicating that D2R signaling differentially regulates mesolimbic-versus nigrostriatal-mediated functions.This study reveals previously unappreciated control of DA signaling, shedding new light on region-specific regulation of DA-mediated effects.
DOI: 10.1021/ac980129f
Cited 174 times
Voltammetric and Pharmacological Characterization of Dopamine Release from Single Exocytotic Events at Rat Pheochromocytoma (PC12) Cells
Although rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) neurotransmitter storage vesicles are known to contain a variety of neurotransmitters including catecholamines, there is little evidence that the molecular species detected during amperometric monitoring of exocytosis is a catecholamine. Rather, as these are catecholamine-containing cells, one assumes catecholamines are released. Additionally, although the total amount of transmitter released can be quantified, it has been extremely difficult to evaluate the concentration at the point of release for each exocytosis event. Interpreting voltammograms obtained in the attoliter volume affected between the electrode and the cell and defined by the size of the exocytosis pore during exocytosis is an extreme analytical challenge. Here we use voltammetry of approximately 10(-19) mol released from individual exocytosis events to identify, along with pharmacological evidence, the released compound at PC12 cells as a catecholamine, most likely dopamine. The area of the electrode at which oxidation occurs following an exocytosis event is proportional to the temporal delay prior to acquisition of a voltammogram. This model allows determination of relative concentrations from individual release events and has been used to examine events at control cells and cells incubated with the dopamine precursor, L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA). Exposure to L-DOPA (100 microM for 1 h) results in 145 detectable events for 11 cells compared to 77 events for 29 control cells, clearly indicating that vesicles can be "loaded" with dopamine. However, the concentrations measured at the electrode surface provide similar distributions for both L-DOPA-treated and control cells. Cyclic voltammetric measurements of relative concentration for zeptomole levels of transmitter in attoliter volumes provide evidence that loading vesicles by increased transmitter synthesis does not lead to elevated concentrations at individual release sites.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.22-18-08002.2002
Cited 173 times
Altered Dopamine Release and Uptake Kinetics in Mice Lacking D<sub>2</sub>Receptors
Dysregulation of dopamine transmission is thought to contribute to schizophrenic psychosis and drug dependence. Dopamine release is regulated by D<sub>2</sub> dopamine autoreceptors, and D<sub>2</sub>receptor ligands are used to treat psychosis and addiction. To elucidate the long-term effects of D<sub>2</sub> autoreceptor activity on dopamine signaling, dopamine overflow evoked by single or paired-pulse stimulation was compared in striatal slices from D<sub>2</sub>-null mutant and wild-type mice. Quinpirole, a D<sub>2</sub>/D<sub>3</sub> receptor agonist, had no effect on evoked dopamine release in D<sub>2</sub> mutant mice, indicating that D<sub>2</sub> receptors are the only release-regulating receptors at the axon terminal. Dopamine release inhibition by GABA<sub>B</sub>receptor activation was unchanged in D<sub>2</sub> mutant mice, suggesting that other G-protein-coupled pathways remained normal in the absence of D<sub>2</sub> autoreceptors. Paired-pulse stimulation revealed that autoinhibition of dopamine release was maximal 500 msec after stimulation and lasted &lt;5 sec. In D<sub>2</sub>-null mutants, dopamine overflow in response to single stimuli was severely decreased. Experiments with the uptake inhibitor nomifensine indicated that this was caused by enhanced dopamine uptake rather than reduced release. Analysis of dopamine overflow kinetics using a simulation model suggested that the enhanced uptake was caused by an increase in the maximal velocity of uptake, <i>V</i><sub>max</sub>. These results from D<sub>2</sub>-null mutant mice support the suggestion that D<sub>2</sub> autoreceptors and dopamine transporters interact to regulate the amplitude and timing of dopamine signals.
DOI: 10.1515/revneuro.2000.11.2-3.159
Cited 172 times
Regulation of Quantal Size by Presynaptic Mechanisms
Quantal size is often modeled as invariant, although it is now well established that the number of transmitter molecules released per synaptic vesicle during exocytosis can be modulated in central and peripheral synapses. In this review, we suggest why presynaptically altered quantal size would be important at social synapses that provide extrasynaptic neurotransmitter. Current techniques used to measure quantal size are reviewed with particular attention to amperometry, the first approach to provide direct measurement of the number of molecules and kinetics of presynaptic quantal release, and to CNS dopamine neuronal terminals. The known interventions that alter quantal size at the presynaptic locus are reviewed and categorized as (1) alteration of transvesicular free energy gradients, (2) modulation of vesicle transmitter transporter activity, (3) modulation of fusion pore kinetics, (4) altered transmitter degranulation, and (5) changes in synaptic vesicle volume. Modulation of the number of molecules released per quantum underlies mechanisms of drug action of L-DOPA and the amphetamines, and seems likely to be involved in both normal synaptic modification and disease states. Statistical analysis for examining quantal size and data presentation is discussed. We include detailed information on performing nonparametric resampling statistical analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for two populations, and random walk simulations using spreadsheet programs.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2008.05385.x
Cited 168 times
Neuronal pigmented autophagic vacuoles: lipofuscin, neuromelanin, and ceroid as macroautophagic responses during aging and disease
The most striking morphologic change in neurons during normal aging is the accumulation of autophagic vacuoles filled with lipofuscin or neuromelanin pigments. These organelles are similar to those containing the ceroid pigments associated with neurologic disorders, particularly in diseases caused by lysosomal dysfunction. The pigments arise from incompletely degraded proteins and lipids principally derived from the breakdown of mitochondria or products of oxidized catecholamines. Pigmented autophagic vacuoles may eventually occupy a major portion of the neuronal cell body volume because of resistance of the pigments to lysosomal degradation and/or inadequate fusion of the vacuoles with lysosomes. Although the formation of autophagic vacuoles via macroautophagy protects the neuron from cellular stress, accumulation of pigmented autophagic vacuoles may eventually interfere with normal degradative pathways and endocytic/secretory tasks such as appropriate response to growth factors.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.5351-08.2009
Cited 167 times
Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Transgenic Mice Expressing a Truncated Mutant Parkin Exhibit Age-Dependent Hypokinetic Motor Deficits, Dopaminergic Neuron Degeneration, and Accumulation of Proteinase K-Resistant α-Synuclein
Recessive mutations in parkin are the most common cause of familial early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). Recent studies suggest that certain parkin mutants may exert dominant toxic effects to cultured cells and such dominant toxicity can lead to progressive dopaminergic (DA) neuron degeneration in Drosophila. To explore whether mutant parkin could exert similar pathogenic effects to mammalian DA neurons in vivo, we developed a BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) transgenic mouse model expressing a C-terminal truncated human mutant parkin (Parkin-Q311X) in DA neurons driven by a dopamine transporter promoter. Parkin-Q311X mice exhibit multiple late-onset and progressive hypokinetic motor deficits. Stereological analyses reveal that the mutant mice develop age-dependent DA neuron degeneration in substantia nigra accompanied by a significant loss of DA neuron terminals in the striatum. Neurochemical analyses reveal a significant reduction of the striatal dopamine level in mutant mice, which is significantly correlated with their hypokinetic motor deficits. Finally, mutant Parkin-Q311X mice, but not wild-type controls, exhibit age-dependent accumulation of proteinase K-resistant endogenous alpha-synuclein in substantia nigra and colocalized with 3-nitrotyrosine, a marker for oxidative protein damage. Hence, our study provides the first mammalian genetic evidence that dominant toxicity of a parkin mutant is sufficient to elicit age-dependent hypokinetic motor deficits and DA neuron loss in vivo, and uncovers a causal relationship between dominant parkin toxicity and progressive alpha-synuclein accumulation in DA neurons. Our study underscores the need to further explore the putative link between parkin dominant toxicity and PD.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2013.01.006
Cited 161 times
Mitochondrial abnormalities in temporal lobe of autistic brain
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) consists of a group of complex developmental disabilities characterized by impaired social interactions, deficits in communication and repetitive behavior. Multiple lines of evidence implicate mitochondrial dysfunction in ASD. In postmortem BA21 temporal cortex, a region that exhibits synaptic pathology in ASD, we found that compared to controls, ASD patients exhibited altered protein levels of mitochondria respiratory chain protein complexes, decreased Complex I and IV activities, decreased mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme SOD2, and greater oxidative DNA damage. Mitochondrial membrane mass was higher in ASD brain, as indicated by higher protein levels of mitochondrial membrane proteins Tom20, Tim23 and porin. No differences were observed in either mitochondrial DNA or levels of the mitochondrial gene transcription factor TFAM or cofactor PGC1α, indicating that a mechanism other than alterations in mitochondrial genome or mitochondrial biogenesis underlies these mitochondrial abnormalities. We further identified higher levels of the mitochondrial fission proteins (Fis1 and Drp1) and decreased levels of the fusion proteins (Mfn1, Mfn2 and Opa1) in ASD patients, indicating altered mitochondrial dynamics in ASD brain. Many of these changes were evident in cortical pyramidal neurons, and were observed in ASD children but were less pronounced or absent in adult patients. Together, these findings provide evidence that mitochondrial function and intracellular redox status are compromised in pyramidal neurons in ASD brain and that mitochondrial dysfunction occurs during early childhood when ASD symptoms appear.
DOI: 10.1002/mds.25187
Cited 161 times
Neuronal vulnerability, pathogenesis, and Parkinson's disease
Although there have been significant advances, pathogenesis in Parkinson's disease (PD) is still poorly understood. Potential clues about pathogenesis that have not been systematically pursued are suggested by the restricted pattern of neuronal pathology in the disease. In addition to dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), a significant number of other central and peripheral neuronal populations exhibit Lewy pathology (LP), phenotypic dysregulation, or frank degeneration in PD patients. Drawing on this literature, there appears to be a small number of risk factors contributing to vulnerability. These include autonomous activity, broad action potentials, low intrinsic calcium buffering capacity, poorly myelinated long highly branched axons and terminal fields, and use of a catecholamine neurotransmitter, often with the catecholamine‐derived neuromelanin pigment. Of these phenotypic traits, only the physiological ones appear to provide a reachable therapeutic target at present. © 2013 Movement Disorder Society
DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddn042
Cited 155 times
Autophagy induced by Alexander disease-mutant GFAP accumulation is regulated by p38/MAPK and mTOR signaling pathways
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is the principle intermediate filament (IF) protein in astrocytes. Mutations in the GFAP gene lead to Alexander disease (AxD), a rare, fatal neurological disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal astrocytes that contain GFAP protein aggregates, termed Rosenthal fibers (RFs), and the loss of myelin. All GFAP mutations cause the same histopathological defect, i.e. RFs, though little is known how the mutations affect protein accumulation as well as astrocyte function. In this study, we found that GFAP accumulation induces macroautophagy, a key clearance mechanism for prevention of aggregated proteins. This autophagic response is negatively regulated by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). The activation of p38 MAPK by GFAP accumulation is in part responsible for the down-regulation of phosphorylated-mTOR and the subsequent activation of autophagy. Our study suggests that AxD mutant GFAP accumulation stimulates autophagy, in a manner regulated by p38 MAPK and mTOR signaling pathways. Autophagy, in turn, serves as a mechanism to reduce GFAP levels.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0519-06.2006
Cited 155 times
α-Synuclein Overexpression Increases Cytosolic Catecholamine Concentration
Dysregulation of dopamine homeostasis and elevation of the cytosolic level of the transmitter have been suggested to underlie the vulnerability of catecholaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease. Because several known mutations in alpha-synuclein or overexpression of the wild-type (WT) protein causes familial forms of Parkinson's disease, we investigated possible links between alpha-synuclein pathogenesis and dopamine homeostasis. Chromaffin cells isolated from transgenic mice that overexpress A30P alpha-synuclein displayed significantly increased cytosolic catecholamine levels as measured by intracellular patch electrochemistry, whereas cells overexpressing the WT protein and those from knock-out animals were not different from controls. Likewise, catechol concentrations were higher in L-DOPA-treated PC12 cells overexpressing A30P or A53T compared with those expressing WT alpha-synuclein, although the ability of cells to maintain a low cytosolic dopamine level after L-DOPA challenge was markedly inhibited by either protein. We also found that incubation with low-micromolar concentrations of WT, A30P, or A53T alpha-synuclein inhibited ATP-dependent maintenance of pH gradients in isolated chromaffin vesicles and that the WT protein was significantly less potent in inducing the proton leakage. In summary, we demonstrate that overexpression of different types of alpha-synuclein disrupts vesicular pH and leads to a marked increase in the levels of cytosolic catechol species, an effect that may in turn trigger cellular oxyradical damage. Although multiple molecular mechanisms may be responsible for the perturbation of cytosolic catecholamine homeostasis, this study provides critical evidence about how alpha-synuclein might exert its cytotoxicity and selectively damage catecholaminergic cells.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.3219-11.2011
Cited 146 times
Constitutive Upregulation of Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy in Huntington's Disease
Autophagy contributes to the removal of prone-to-aggregate proteins, but in several instances these pathogenic proteins have been shown to interfere with autophagic activity. In the case of Huntington's disease (HD), a congenital neurodegenerative disorder resulting from mutation in the huntingtin protein, we have previously described that the mutant protein interferes with the ability of autophagic vacuoles to recognize cytosolic cargo. Growing evidence supports the existence of cross talk among autophagic pathways, suggesting the possibility of functional compensation when one of them is compromised. In this study, we have identified a compensatory upregulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) in different cellular and mouse models of HD. Components of CMA, namely the lysosome-associated membrane protein type 2A (LAMP-2A) and lysosomal-hsc70, are markedly increased in HD models. The increase in LAMP-2A is achieved through both an increase in the stability of this protein at the lysosomal membrane and transcriptional upregulation of this splice variant of the lamp-2 gene. We propose that CMA activity increases in response to macroautophagic dysfunction in the early stages of HD, but that the efficiency of this compensatory mechanism may decrease with age and so contribute to cellular failure and the onset of pathological manifestations.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.04.033
Cited 138 times
Endocannabinoid modulation of dopamine neurotransmission
Dopamine (DA) is a major catecholamine neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain that controls neural circuits involved in the cognitive, emotional, and motor aspects of goal-directed behavior. Accordingly, perturbations in DA neurotransmission play a central role in several neuropsychiatric disorders. Somewhat surprisingly given its prominent role in numerous behaviors, DA is released by a relatively small number of densely packed neurons originating in the midbrain. The dopaminergic midbrain innervates numerous brain regions where extracellular DA release and receptor binding promote short- and long-term changes in postsynaptic neuron function. Striatal forebrain nuclei receive the greatest proportion of DA projections and are a predominant hub at which DA influences behavior. A number of excitatory, inhibitory, and modulatory inputs orchestrate DA neurotransmission by controlling DA cell body firing patterns, terminal release, and effects on postsynaptic sites in the striatum. The endocannabinoid (eCB) system serves as an important filter of afferent input that acts locally at midbrain and terminal regions to shape how incoming information is conveyed onto DA neurons and to output targets. In this review, we aim to highlight existing knowledge regarding how eCB signaling controls DA neuron function through modifications in synaptic strength at midbrain and striatal sites, and to raise outstanding questions on this topic. This article is part of the Special Issue entitled “A New Dawn in Cannabinoid Neurobiology”.
DOI: 10.1021/ja101740k
Cited 135 times
Development of pH-Responsive Fluorescent False Neurotransmitters
We introduce pH-responsive fluorescent false neurotransmitters (pH-responsive FFNs) as novel probes that act as vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) substrates and ratiometric fluorescent pH sensors. The development of these agents was achieved by systematic molecular design that integrated several structural elements, including the aminoethyl group (VMAT recognition), halogenated hydroxy-coumarin core (ratiometric optical pH sensing in the desired pH range), and N- or C-alkylation (modulation of lipophilicity). Of 14 compounds that were synthesized, the probe Mini202 was selected based on the highest uptake in VMAT2-transfected HEK cells and desirable optical properties. Using Mini202, we measured the pH of catecholamine secretory vesicles in PC-12 cells (pH approximately 5.9) via two-photon fluorescence microscopy. Incubation with methamphetamine led to an increase in vesicular pH (pH approximately 6.4), consistent with a proposed mechanism of action of this psychostimulant, and eventually to redistribution of vesicular content (including Mini202) from vesicles to cytoplasm. Mini202 is sufficiently bright, photostable, and suitable for two-photon microscopy. This probe will enable fundamental neuroscience and neuroendocrine research as well as drug screening efforts.
DOI: 10.1038/nn.4252
Cited 127 times
Fluorescent false neurotransmitter reveals functionally silent dopamine vesicle clusters in the striatum
Neurotransmission at dopaminergic synapses has been studied with techniques that provide high temporal resolution, but cannot resolve individual synapses. To elucidate the spatial dynamics and heterogeneity of individual dopamine boutons, we developed fluorescent false neurotransmitter 200 (FFN200), a vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) substrate that selectively traces monoamine exocytosis in both neuronal cell culture and brain tissue. By monitoring electrically evoked Ca(2+) transients with GCaMP3 and FFN200 release simultaneously, we found that only a small fraction of dopamine boutons that exhibited Ca(2+) influx engaged in exocytosis, a result confirmed with activity-dependent loading of the endocytic probe FM1-43. Thus, only a low fraction of striatal dopamine axonal sites with uptake-competent VMAT2 vesicles are capable of transmitter release. This is consistent with the presence of functionally 'silent' dopamine vesicle clusters and represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first report suggestive of presynaptically silent neuromodulatory synapses.
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-444-63425-2.00006-4
Cited 122 times
The multilingual nature of dopamine neurons
The ability of dopamine (DA) neurons to release other transmitters in addition to DA itself has been increasingly recognized, hence the concept of their multilingual nature. A subset of DA neurons, mainly found in the ventral tegmental area, express VGLUT2, allowing them to package and release glutamate onto striatal spiny projection neurons and cholinergic interneurons. Some dopaminergic axon terminals release GABA. Glutamate release by DA neurons has a developmental role, facilitating axonal growth and survival, and may determine in part the critical contribution of the ventral striatum to psychostimulant-induced behavior. Vesicular glutamate coentry may have synergistic effects on vesicular DA filling. The multilingual transmission of DA neurons across multiple striatal domains and the increasing insight into the role of glutamate cotransmission in the ventral striatum highlight the importance of analyzing DA neuron transmission at the synaptic level.
DOI: 10.15252/embr.201540614
Cited 119 times
ApoE4 upregulates the activity of mitochondria‐associated ER membranes
Scientific Report12 November 2015Open Access ApoE4 upregulates the activity of mitochondria-associated ER membranes Marc D Tambini Marc D Tambini Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Studies, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Marta Pera Marta Pera Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Ellen Kanter Ellen Kanter Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Hua Yang Hua Yang Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Cristina Guardia-Laguarta Cristina Guardia-Laguarta Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author David Holtzman David Holtzman Department of Neurology, Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA Search for more papers by this author David Sulzer David Sulzer Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Estela Area-Gomez Estela Area-Gomez Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Eric A Schon Corresponding Author Eric A Schon Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Marc D Tambini Marc D Tambini Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Studies, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Marta Pera Marta Pera Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Ellen Kanter Ellen Kanter Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Hua Yang Hua Yang Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Cristina Guardia-Laguarta Cristina Guardia-Laguarta Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author David Holtzman David Holtzman Department of Neurology, Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA Search for more papers by this author David Sulzer David Sulzer Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Estela Area-Gomez Estela Area-Gomez Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Eric A Schon Corresponding Author Eric A Schon Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Search for more papers by this author Author Information Marc D Tambini1, Marta Pera2, Ellen Kanter2, Hua Yang2, Cristina Guardia-Laguarta3, David Holtzman4, David Sulzer2, Estela Area-Gomez2 and Eric A Schon 2,5 1Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Studies, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA 2Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA 3Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA 4Department of Neurology, Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA 5Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA *Correspondence author. Tel: +1 212 305 1665; Fax: +1 212 305 3986; E-mail: [email protected] EMBO Reports (2016)17:27-36https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.201540614 PDFDownload PDF of article text and main figures. Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinked InMendeleyWechatReddit Figures & Info Abstract In addition to the appearance of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by aberrant lipid metabolism and early mitochondrial dysfunction. We recently showed that there was increased functionality of mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes (MAM), a subdomain of the ER involved in lipid and cholesterol homeostasis, in presenilin-deficient cells and in fibroblasts from familial and sporadic AD patients. Individuals carrying the ε4 allele of apolipoprotein E (ApoE4) are at increased risk for developing AD compared to those carrying ApoE3. While the reason for this increased risk is unknown, we hypothesized that it might be associated with elevated MAM function. Using an astrocyte-conditioned media (ACM) model, we now show that ER–mitochondrial communication and MAM function—as measured by the synthesis of phospholipids and of cholesteryl esters, respectively—are increased significantly in cells treated with ApoE4-containing ACM as compared to those treated with ApoE3-containing ACM. Notably, this effect was seen with lipoprotein-enriched preparations, but not with lipid-free ApoE protein. These data are consistent with a role of upregulated MAM function in the pathogenesis of AD and may help explain, in part, the contribution of ApoE4 as a risk factor in the disease. Synopsis The reason why ApoE4 is a risk factor in Alzheimer's disease is unknown. This study shows that lipoproteins containing ApoE4, but not those containing ApoE3, upregulate the communication between ER and mitochondria at mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAM), and may help explain, in part, the role of ApoE4 as a risk factor in the disease. ER–mitochondrial communication and MAM function are increased in cells treated with ApoE4-containing ACM ApoE4 exerts its effects on MAM when incorporated into lipoprotein particles, not as the free protein These findings suggest that ApoE4's role in AD is associated with perturbed cholesterol homeostasis. Introduction Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in the elderly, is characterized by progressive neuronal loss accompanied by the formation of extracellular plaques containing β-amyloid (Aβ) and of intracellular tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau 1. Aβ results from the processing of the C-terminus of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), first by β-secretase (BACE1) and then by γ-secretase. The active components of γ-secretase are presenilin-1 (PS1) and/or presenilin-2 (PS2), which are aspartyl proteases 1. In addition to plaques and tangles, AD is associated with an array of biochemical alterations, including perturbations in cholesterol homeostasis 23, phospholipid metabolism 4, calcium trafficking 5, and mitochondrial function 6. Notably, these functions share a common feature in that they are associated with a subcompartment of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) known as mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAM). MAM is a region of the ER that communicates with mitochondria, both physically and biochemically, but it has different biophysical properties than bulk ER (e.g., it is a lipid raft-like domain 789). We recently showed that PS1 and PS2, and γ-secretase activity itself, are localized predominantly in MAM 10 and that pathogenic mutations in, or genetic ablation of, PS1 and PS2 increase MAM activity significantly 7. The convergence of these upregulated MAM functions in AD, and the finding that MAM contains active γ-secretase complexes, has led us to propose that MAM dysfunction is a key event in the pathogenesis AD 71112. Mutations in APP, PS1, or PS2 result in the early-onset or familial form of AD (FAD), although these mutations account for only 1% of total AD incidence; the vast majority of AD cases are late-onset or sporadic (SAD), and are not inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, as is the case with FAD 13. Nevertheless, SAD is characterized by the inheritance of genetically determined risk factors, polymorphisms that do not positively determine AD but rather confer an increased likelihood of the disease. Different isoforms of APOE are the most common and validated of these risk factors 14. APOE encodes apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a component of the lipoproteins that transport cholesterol and lipids throughout the body. In the brain, cholesterol is synthesized mainly by astrocytes but not neurons, with astrocyte-derived cholesterol delivered to neurons via high-density lipoproteins (HDL) 1516. The ε4 variant of APOE, denoted here as ApoE4 (arginines at positions 112 and 158; allele frequency in Europeans of ~10–30% 17), confers an increased gene dose-dependent risk for developing AD of ~fourfold with one copy and ~12-fold with 2 copies compared to individuals carrying ApoE3, the most common isotype (Cys112/Arg158; allele frequency of ~70–90%), while the rarest variant, ApoE2 (Cys112/Cys158; allele frequency of ~3–12%), is protective against AD 18. While it is unclear exactly how the two coding mutations that determine the APOE genotype modulate AD risk, a proposed mechanism implicates differential ApoE-mediated aggregation and clearance of Aβ 14, but it is still unknown whether the normal physiological function of ApoE in cholesterol and lipid homeostasis relates to increased AD risk 14. Given that ApoE4 is the main genetic risk factor for AD and that MAM alterations in cholesterol and lipid homeostasis are features of AD, we investigated the possibility that relative to ApoE3, ApoE4 exerts effects that lead to MAM dysfunction. Specifically, we compared MAM activity of cells treated with astrocyte-conditioned media (ACM) generated from gene replacement mouse astrocytes expressing either ApoE3 or ApoE4. We found that, compared to ApoE3 ACM, ApoE4 ACM increased the MAM activity of target cells significantly. These findings imply that ApoE can modulate ER–mitochondrial communication, which may help explain, in part, the contribution of ApoE4 to the risk of developing AD. Results and Discussion We developed a protocol to treat fibroblasts with ACM derived from knock-in mice expressing either human ApoE3 or ApoE4 under the control of the endogenous mouse ApoE promoter 19. We cultured the astrocytes for 3 days 20, and then incubated human fibroblasts, which, like neurons, normally do not express ApoE 21 (Fig EV1), in ACM for 1 day 22 (see scheme in Fig 1A). Prior to all experiments, we measured the amount of ApoE present in the ACM, which typically contained more ApoE3 than ApoE4, as expected 2324 (Fig EV1), and then applied the ACM's on an “equal ApoE” basis. Following treatment with the ACM's, we measured various aspects of MAM function. Click here to expand this figure. Figure EV1. Quantification of ApoE The ApoE content of whole-cell lysates (30 μg total protein loaded in each lane) and conditioned media (15 μl loaded in each lane) from cultured human fibroblasts and astrocytes from ApoE3- and ApoE4-targeted gene replacement mice were analyzed by Western blotting. ApoE content of ACM and fibroblast-conditioned media was analyzed by dot blot (upper panel). The amount of ApoE was calculated by comparison with a serial dilution of recombinant ApoE standard (lower panel). From this standard curve, the ApoE content of ApoE3 and ApoE4 ACM was determined to be ˜125 and 100 ng/ml, respectively. Download figure Download PowerPoint Figure 1. Phospholipid synthesis in ApoE ACM-treated cells Experimental scheme. See text for details. Phospholipid transport/synthesis, as measured by 3H-serine incorporation, in human fibroblasts (mean ± SE; n = 9, with 5 replicates/experiment) and in primary mouse hippocampal neurons (mean ± SE; n = 3, with 4 or 5 replicates/experiment). *P < 0.05 vs. E3. Comparison of 3H-serine incorporation in ApoE ACM-treated WT and Mfn2-KO MEFs (mean ± SE; n = 3, with 3 replicates/experiment). *P < 0.05 vs. E3. Duramycin sensitivity in ApoE ACM-treated fibroblasts. Note increased sensitivity after 20 min to 5 μM duramycin in ApoE4-treated cells, which was blocked upon the addition of 15 μM exogenous PtdEtn (mean ± SD; n = 3, with 3 replicates/experiment). *P < 0.05 vs. E3. Download figure Download PowerPoint Phospholipid synthesis is a major function of MAM 25. In particular, phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) is synthesized in MAM 26. PtdSer is then transported from the ER to mitochondria, where it is decarboxylated to produce phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn); PtdEtn can then be transported back to the ER, where it is either methylated to produce phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) or distributed to other membranes of the cell 27. Although some PtdEtn is produced on the cytosolic face of the ER by CDP-ethanolamine exchange via the Kennedy pathway 28, the majority of PtdEtn is produced by the conversion of PtdSer to PtdEtn in mitochondria 25; this conversion is an established marker for ER–mitochondrial communication 25. We had shown previously that presenilin-mutant cells, including AD fibroblasts, synthesized significantly more PtdSer and PtdEtn via the MAM pathway than did wild-type controls 7. We therefore incubated normal human fibroblasts in ACM medium containing 3H-Ser and measured the incorporation of the label into newly synthesized 3H-PtdSer and 3H-PtdEtn 29. Relative to the values obtained with ApoE3 ACM, we found a significant increase in the synthesis and transport of both 3H-PtdSer (fold increase of ~2.0 ± 0.3) and 3H-PtdEtn (~2.2 ± 0.3) in human fibroblasts treated with ApoE4 ACM (Fig 1B). We also performed the same experiment on explanted hippocampal neurons derived from 1- to 3-day-old mice and found a significant increase in ApoE4-mediated PtdEtn synthesis (~1.8 ± 0.5), while the increase in PtdSer trended to significance (~1.7 ± 0.7) (Fig 1B). Notably, this increase in PtdEtn synthesis did not appear to be the result of increased expression of the PtdEtn biosynthetic machinery, as the expression of phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (PISD), a key enzyme of PtdEtn synthesis that converts PtdSer to PtdEtn within the mitochondrial matrix 30, was similar in ApoE3 and ApoE4 ACM-treated fibroblasts (Fig EV2). Click here to expand this figure. Figure EV2. Western blot analysis of relevant MAM-related proteins A, B. Western blots of 20 μg of whole-cell lysates of human fibroblats treated with ApoE3 or ApoE4 ACM for 24 h analyzed for the detection of mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (PISD) (A) or ACAT1 (B) in triplicate. Quantitation is shown on the right; n.s., not significant. Download figure Download PowerPoint To establish that the increase in phospholipid production was indeed mediated by MAM, we performed the same assay using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) in which the mitofusin 2 gene (Mfn2) had been knocked out 30. Mfn2, in addition to its role in mitochondrial fusion, tethers ER to mitochondria 31; importantly, genetic ablation of Mfn2 reduces this connectivity 31. Consistent with this loss in interorganellar communication, we had previously established that PtdSer and PtdEtn production is reduced significantly in Mfn2-KO MEFs 7. We therefore asked whether the ApoE4-mediated increase in phospholipid synthesis could be abrogated in Mfn2-KO cells. Similar to what we observed in the human fibroblasts 31, treatment of wild-type MEFs with ApoE4 ACM resulted in an increase in PtdSer (~1.5 ± 0.3) and PtdEtn (~1.6 ± 0.2) production compared to ApoE3 ACM (Fig 1C). However, we found no such increase in either PtdSer (~1.0 ± 0.2) or PtdEtn (~0.9 ± 0.1) production in the Mfn2-KO MEFs (Fig 1C), strongly suggesting that the ApoE4-mediated effect on phospholipid metabolism was indeed the result of increased ER–mitochondrial communication. Phospholipids produced at the MAM, including PtdEtn, are subsequently transported to the other membranous compartments of the cell, including the plasma membrane. Cell surface PtdEtn can be detected using cinnamycin and duramycin, two highly related lantibiotics that bind specifically to PtdEtn on the cell surface and induce cell death in a PtdEtn concentration-dependent manner 3233. We had previously shown that the elevated levels of PtdEtn produced by presenilin-mutant cells, including AD fibroblasts, were significantly more sensitive to both cinnamycin and duramycin than were wild-type controls 7. To test whether there was also increased lantibiotic sensitivity in our experimental paradigm, we applied duramycin to ACM-treated fibroblasts and measured cell death. We found that ApoE4 ACM-treated fibroblasts were significantly more sensitive to duramycin treatment (~50 ± 20% cell death) than were ApoE3 ACM-treated cells (~15 ± 7%; Fig 1D). The ability of duramycin to induce cell death was abrogated by the addition of exogenous PtdEtn to the medium (Fig 1D), supporting the specificity of the assay. Thus, these data are consistent with the 3H-serine incorporation data and support the conclusion that ApoE4 plays a role in MAM-mediated phospholipid synthesis and transport. ApoE is present in the brain as a component of HDL-like particles that are secreted by astrocytes and are taken up by neurons by various lipoprotein receptors 1516. Following receptor-mediated endocytosis, the ApoE-containing HDL-like particles are hydrolyzed in the lysosome, and the remaining ApoE is either degraded intracellularly or re-lipidated in the secretory pathway or at the cell surface 34. The activity of ApoE largely depends upon its lipidation state, as the lipid-free form of ApoE (“free ApoE”) affects cellular activities differently than does ApoE as a component of assembled lipoproteins 343536. We therefore examined whether the increase in MAM-mediated phospholipid synthesis seen in ApoE4 ACM-treated cells was the result of the effect of ApoE4 as a component of HDLs as opposed to an effect due to ApoE as the free protein. Specifically, we prepared lipoprotein-rich and lipoprotein-free fractions from ApoE3 ACM and ApoE4 ACM by density ultracentrifugation (purification scheme in Fig 2A) 20, isolated successive fractions from the gradient, and then added selected fractions either containing (e.g., fraction 5, Fig 2B) or not containing (e.g., fraction 3, Fig 2B) ApoE (Fig EV1) to apolipoprotein-free medium, in order to generate a “surrogate” ACM that was then applied to the cells, followed by assays for phospholipid synthesis as before. Compared to a lipoprotein-rich fraction derived from ApoE3 ACM (i.e., fraction 5), lipoproteins enriched from ApoE4 ACM increased PtdEtn synthesis significantly (~2.4 ± 0.5) (Fig 2C). Importantly, this effect was not seen with a lipoprotein-negative fraction from the same preparations (i.e., fraction 3), nor when equimolar amounts of free (i.e., unlipidated) recombinant ApoE3 and ApoE4 were applied to the cells (Fig 2C). Thus, we ascribe ApoE4's role in increasing MAM activity (as measured by phospholipid synthesis) to its function as a component of lipoproteins. Figure 2. Effect of lipoprotein-rich and lipoprotein-poor fractions on phospholipid synthesis Experimental scheme. See text for details. Fractions from the discontinuous gradient were blotted with anti-ApoE (WUE-4) antibody; the doublet is a characteristic feature on ApoE Western blots due to ApoE sialylation 16. An ApoE-containing fraction (fraction 5 [+]), an ApoE-negative fraction (fraction 3 [−]), and recombinant lipid-free ApoE protein were applied to human fibroblasts. Note increase in phospholipid synthesis using an ApoE4-containing lipoprotein fraction, but not with either an ApoE4-negative fraction or with lipoprotein-free recombinant ApoE3 or ApoE4 protein (mean ± SE; n = 3, with 3 replicates/experiment). *P < 0.05 vs. E3. Download figure Download PowerPoint Mitochondria-associated ER membranes have the properties of an intracellular lipid raft that is rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids 789. Membrane cholesterol is under tight control, and excess cholesterol may either be oxidized by cholesterol hydroxylases (e.g., CYP46A1) or converted into cholesteryl esters (CE) by acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 1 (ACAT1; gene SOAT1), a resident MAM protein 37. ACAT1 controls the equilibrium between membrane-bound free cholesterol and CE stored in cytoplasmic lipid droplets 38. Remarkably, that equilibrium plays a key role in regulating the production of Aβ, via a currently unknown mechanism 39. We also note that skin fibroblasts 27 and neurons 40 from AD patients contain more lipid droplets than controls. We had shown previously that presenilin-mutant cells, including AD fibroblasts, synthesized significantly more CE and lipid droplets than did wild-type controls 7. To test the contribution of ApoE to CE synthesis, we applied ACM to wild-type fibroblasts as above and determined CE production (via incorporation of labeled oleate into CE) and lipid droplet formation (via staining with LipidTox™). We added 3H-oleate to ACM-treated fibroblasts for 24 h, extracted lipids from these samples, and separated cholesteryl esters from triglycerides by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Compared to ApoE3 ACM-treated fibroblasts, there was a significant increase in the levels of 3H-cholesteryl oleate in the ApoE4 ACM-treated cells (~4.1 ± 1.2) (Fig 3A). Notably, this increase in CE synthesis did not appear to be the result of increased ACAT1 expression, as the levels of this key cholesterol metabolism enzyme were similar in ApoE3 and ApoE4 ACM-treated fibroblasts (Fig EV2). As with the phospholipid assays, we had established previously that cholesteryl ester synthesis is reduced significantly in Mfn2-KO MEFs 7. Consistent with this observation, the ApoE4-mediated increase in cholesterol ester synthesis was abrogated in Mfn2-KO cells (Fig 3B), supporting the view that the ApoE4-mediated effect on cholesterol metabolism was indeed the result of increased MAM functionality. In addition, the ApoE4 ACM-treated cells contained significantly more lipid droplets per cell (~39 ± 4) than did the ApoE3 ACM-treated samples (~25 ± 3) (Fig 3C). LipidTox also stains triglycerides, another component of lipid droplets. Importantly, we detected essentially no difference in the incorporation of 3H-oleate into 3H-triglycerides (Fig 3A), indicating that the ApoE4-specific increase in lipid droplets was primarily the result of elevated CE production (Fig 3C). Figure 3. Cholesteryl ester production in ApoE ACM-treated cells Cholesteryl ester synthesis, as measured by 3H-oleate incorporation. Note increased CE in ApoE4-treated cells, whereas there was essentially no difference in triglyceride (TAG) production (mean ± SE; n = 3, with 3 replicates/experiment). *P < 0.05, †P = 0.06 vs. E3. Comparison of 3H-oleate incorporation in ApoE ACM-treated WT and Mfn2-KO MEFs (mean ± SE; n = 3, with 5 replicates/experiment). *P < 0.05 vs. E3. ApoE ACM-treated fibroblasts were stained with LipidTox green neutral lipid stain, and lipid droplets were visualized (example at left) and counted (right). Note significantly more lipid droplets in ApoE4-treated cells (mean ± SD, n = 3). *P < 0.05 vs. E3. Download figure Download PowerPoint The stability and capacity of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) complexes (which is reduced in AD cells 6) can be affected by the phospholipid composition of the mitochondrial inner membrane, especially by PtdEtn and the related molecule cardiolipin 41. Nevertheless, we found that respiration in ApoE4 ACM-treated cells was similar to that in ApoE3 ACM-treated cells (Fig EV3). Click here to expand this figure. Figure EV3. Bioenergetics of ApoE ACM-treated fibroblastsApoE ACM-treated human fibroblasts were analyzed using a Seahorse XF-24 Flux Analyzer. Oxygen consumption rate (OCR) was determined (in pmol O2/min/cell) after the addition of oligomycin (to inhibit ATP synthesis), FCCP (to uncouple ATP synthesis from respiration), and rotenone and antimycin A (to inhibit complexes I and III, respectively). The overall pattern of respiration was essentially similar between ApoE3 and ApoE4 ACM-treated cells, although maximal respiration of ApoE4 ACM-treated cells (the plateau between FCCP and rotenone/antimycin addition) was somewhat lower than that of ApoE3 ACM-treated cells (mean ± SD, n = 3). Download figure Download PowerPoint We had shown previously that ER–mitochondrial apposition is increased in AD fibroblasts 42. We therefore measured ER–mitochondrial co-localization in cells after 24 h of treatment with ApoE ACM, using confocal microscopy to visualize ER in green (transfection with GFP-Sec61-β) and mitochondria in red (transfection with DsRed-Mito). While there was no significant difference in the overall degree of co-localization between ApoE3 ACM vs. ApoE4 ACM treatment after 24 h, there was a clear trend indicating that the median degree of co-localization was higher in ApoE4-treated cells as compared to ApoE3-treated cells (Fig 4). Figure 4. ER–mitochondrial co-localization in ApoE ACM-treated cellsHeLa cells were transfected with plasmids to visualize ER (in green) and mitochondria (in red) and then were treated with ApoE3 ACM and ApoE4 ACM for 24 h. Shown is a box-and-whisker plot (showing the median and upper and lower quartiles) comparing co-localization in ApoE3 ACM (n = 15 images analyzed; gray circles, average of co-localization in ~5 cells in each image field) compared to that in ApoE4 ACM (n = 18 images). Download figure Download PowerPoint The role of ApoE4 as a major risk factor in AD has been enigmatic since the initial discovery of its linkage to the disease in 1993 42. Broadly speaking, studies of ApoE's role in AD pathogenesis have focused on amyloid-dependent or amyloid-independent pathways. Amyloid-dependent theories make use of the fact that ApoE, either by direct binding to Aβ 42 or by competition with Aβ receptors, such as the lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 43, is able to modify Aβ production 44 or clearance 45. Amyloid-independent theories implicate the cytotoxicity of ApoE4 fragments 46, its role in cholesterol homeostasis 35, neuroprotection/apoptosis 20, neurite outgrowth 19, inflammation 47, and vascular integrity 48. AD is clearly a multifaceted disease, with changes in amyloid metabolism occurring alongside these amyloid-unrelated phenomena. We reported previously that PS1, PS2, and γ-secretase activities are highly enriched in the MAM 10 and that ER–mitochondrial communication and MAM function, including phospholipid and cholesteryl ester synthesis, are increased dramatically in presenilin-mutant and presenilin-deficient cells and in cells from AD patients 7. Both lines of evidence support the view that PS1 and PS2, in addition to generating Aβ, are negative regulators of MAM function 7 and that these alterations play a critical role in the pathogenesis of the disease (the “MAM hypothesis”) 1112. If the hypothesis has any validity, it should accommodate ApoE4's role as a risk factor in the disease, that is, ApoE4 should play a role in mediating MAM behavior, either directly or indirectly. We therefore treated cells with ApoE4 vs. ApoE3 ACM and measured two key aspects of MAM behavior, namely ER–mitochondrial communication and MAM function, as measured by the synthesis of phospholipids and of cholesteryl esters, respectively. We found that in both cases, ApoE4 ACM, like the presenilin mutants, was indeed able to increase MAM functionality. We note that in general, the degrees of increase in phospholipid and cholesterol ester synthesis, while significant, were not as pronounced as those reported previously in presenilin-mutant cells 7, consistent with ApoE4's role as a risk factor, not a determinative factor, in AD. This latter point may also help explain why the degree of ER–mitochondrial apposition, as measured by confocal microscopy, showed only a trend toward greater median apposition in ApoE4-treated cells as compared to ApoE3-treated cells. The mechanism of this ApoE4-mediated increase in MAM activity is unclear. However, given that ApoE4 exerted its effects on MAM when incorporated into lipoprotein particles, but not when present as the “free” protein, we suspect that the lipoprotein metabolism pathway plays a role in ApoE4-mediated pathogenesis. Support for this idea comes from the numerous points of intersection between lipoprotein metabolism and alterations in APP metabolism by γ-secretase, which is a known regulator of MAM function 7 and which is central to AD pathology 42. Isoform-specific differences in lipoprotein metabolism, and, by association, cholesterol trafficking, may provide some insight as to how ApoE4 leads to MAM dysfunction. One of these differences is the relative affinity of each isoform for the lipoprotein receptors at the cell surface, thereby affecting the total amount of cholesterol imported 14. Upon receptor-mediated endocytosis, the ApoE-containing HDL-like particles are transported to lysosomes, where they are hydrolyzed. Some ApoE is degraded and some is recycled back to the cell surface 3435, where it is re-lipidated by ABCA1 or ABCG1 and secreted. Notably, ApoE4 is recycled much less efficiently than is ApoE3 3435, resulting in an accumulation of cholesterol in endosomes and lysosomes, reminiscent of Niemann–Pick disease type C, a neurodegenerative disorder characterized
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.10.034
Cited 110 times
Merkel Cells Activate Sensory Neural Pathways through Adrenergic Synapses
Epithelial-neuronal signaling is essential for sensory encoding in touch, itch, and nociception; however, little is known about the release mechanisms and neurotransmitter receptors through which skin cells govern neuronal excitability. Merkel cells are mechanosensory epidermal cells that have long been proposed to activate neuronal afferents through chemical synaptic transmission. We employed a set of classical criteria for chemical neurotransmission as a framework to test this hypothesis. RNA sequencing of adult mouse Merkel cells demonstrated that they express presynaptic molecules and biosynthetic machinery for adrenergic transmission. Moreover, live-cell imaging directly demonstrated that Merkel cells mediate activity- and VMAT-dependent release of fluorescent catecholamine neurotransmitter analogs. Touch-evoked firing in Merkel-cell afferents was inhibited either by pre-synaptic silencing of SNARE-mediated vesicle release from Merkel cells or by neuronal deletion of β2-adrenergic receptors. Together, these results identify both pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms through which Merkel cells excite mechanosensory afferents to encode gentle touch. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
DOI: 10.1038/s41531-018-0050-8
Cited 109 times
Neuromelanin organelles are specialized autolysosomes that accumulate undegraded proteins and lipids in aging human brain and are likely involved in Parkinson’s disease
Abstract During aging, neuronal organelles filled with neuromelanin (a dark-brown pigment) and lipid bodies accumulate in the brain, particularly in the substantia nigra, a region targeted in Parkinson’s disease. We have investigated protein and lipid systems involved in the formation of these organelles and in the synthesis of the neuromelanin of human substantia nigra. Membrane and matrix proteins characteristic of lysosomes were found in neuromelanin-containing organelles at a lower number than in typical lysosomes, indicating a reduced enzymatic activity and likely impaired capacity for lysosomal and autophagosomal fusion. The presence of proteins involved in lipid transport may explain the accumulation of lipid bodies in the organelle and the lipid component in neuromelanin structure. The major lipids observed in lipid bodies of the organelle are dolichols with lower amounts of other lipids. Proteins of aggregation and degradation pathways were present, suggesting a role for accumulation by this organelle when the ubiquitin-proteasome system is inadequate. The presence of proteins associated with aging and storage diseases may reflect impaired autophagic degradation or impaired function of lysosomal enzymes. The identification of typical autophagy proteins and double membranes demonstrates the organelle’s autophagic nature and indicates that it has engulfed neuromelanin precursors from the cytosol. Based on these data, it appears that the neuromelanin-containing organelle has a very slow turnover during the life of a neuron and represents an intracellular compartment of final destination for numerous molecules not degraded by other systems.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.01.006
Cited 107 times
Dopamine’s Effects on Corticostriatal Synapses during Reward-Based Behaviors
Many learned responses depend on the coordinated activation and inhibition of synaptic pathways in the striatum. Local dopamine neurotransmission acts in concert with a variety of neurotransmitters to regulate cortical, thalamic, and limbic excitatory inputs to drive the direct and indirect striatal spiny projection neuron outputs that determine the activity, sequence, and timing of learned behaviors. We review recent advances in the characterization of stereotyped neuronal and operant responses that predict and then obtain rewards. These depend on the local release of dopamine at discrete times during behavioral sequences, which, acting with glutamate, provides a presynaptic filter to select which excitatory synapses are inhibited and which signals pass to indirect pathway circuits. This is followed by dopamine-dependent activation of specific direct pathway circuits to procure a reward. These steps may provide a means by which higher organisms learn behaviors in response to feedback from the environment.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.2292-12.2013
Cited 103 times
ATF4 Protects Against Neuronal Death in Cellular Parkinson's Disease Models by Maintaining Levels of Parkin
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder, for which there are no effective disease-modifying therapies. The transcription factor ATF4 (activating transcription factor 4) is induced by multiple PD-relevant stressors, such as endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxidative damage. ATF4 may exert either protective or deleterious effects on cell survival, depending on the paradigm. However, the role of ATF4 in the pathogenesis of PD has not been explored. We find that ATF4 levels are increased in neuromelanin-positive neurons in the substantia nigra of a subset of PD patients relative to controls. ATF4 levels are also upregulated in neuronal PC12 cells treated with the dopaminergic neuronal toxins 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+). To explore the role of ATF4 in cell survival in PD-relevant contexts, we either silenced or overexpressed ATF4 in cellular models of PD. In neuronal PC12 cells, silencing of ATF4 enhanced cell death in response to either 6-OHDA or MPP+. Conversely, overexpression of ATF4 reduced cell death caused by dopaminergic neuronal toxins. ATF4 was also protective against 6-OHDA-induced death of cultured mouse ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons. We further show that parkin, a gene associated with autosomal recessive PD, plays a critical role in ATF4-mediated protection. After treatment with 6-OHDA or MPP+, parkin protein levels fall, despite an increase in mRNA levels. ATF4 silencing exacerbates the toxin-induced reduction of parkin, whereas ATF4 overexpression partially preserves parkin levels. Finally, parkin silencing blocked the protective capacity of ATF4. These results indicate that ATF4 plays a protective role in PD through the regulation of parkin.
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1413201111
Cited 102 times
Calcineurin determines toxic versus beneficial responses to α-synuclein
Calcineurin (CN) is a highly conserved Ca(2+)-calmodulin (CaM)-dependent phosphatase that senses Ca(2+) concentrations and transduces that information into cellular responses. Ca(2+) homeostasis is disrupted by α-synuclein (α-syn), a small lipid binding protein whose misfolding and accumulation is a pathological hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases. We report that α-syn, from yeast to neurons, leads to sustained highly elevated levels of cytoplasmic Ca(2+), thereby activating a CaM-CN cascade that engages substrates that result in toxicity. Surprisingly, complete inhibition of CN also results in toxicity. Limiting the availability of CaM shifts CN's spectrum of substrates toward protective pathways. Modulating CN or CN's substrates with highly selective genetic and pharmacological tools (FK506) does the same. FK506 crosses the blood brain barrier, is well tolerated in humans, and is active in neurons and glia. Thus, a tunable response to CN, which has been conserved for a billion years, can be targeted to rebalance the phosphatase's activities from toxic toward beneficial substrates. These findings have immediate therapeutic implications for synucleinopathies.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10652
Cited 101 times
Mechanisms of amphetamine action illuminated through optical monitoring of dopamine synaptic vesicles in Drosophila brain
Abstract Amphetamines elevate extracellular dopamine, but the underlying mechanisms remain uncertain. Here we show in rodents that acute pharmacological inhibition of the vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) blocks amphetamine-induced locomotion and self-administration without impacting cocaine-induced behaviours. To study VMAT’s role in mediating amphetamine action in dopamine neurons, we have used novel genetic, pharmacological and optical approaches in Drosophila melanogaster . In an ex vivo whole-brain preparation, fluorescent reporters of vesicular cargo and of vesicular pH reveal that amphetamine redistributes vesicle contents and diminishes the vesicle pH-gradient responsible for dopamine uptake and retention. This amphetamine-induced deacidification requires VMAT function and results from net H + antiport by VMAT out of the vesicle lumen coupled to inward amphetamine transport. Amphetamine-induced vesicle deacidification also requires functional dopamine transporter (DAT) at the plasma membrane. Thus, we find that at pharmacologically relevant concentrations, amphetamines must be actively transported by DAT and VMAT in tandem to produce psychostimulant effects.
DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2014.00114
Cited 92 times
Neuronal MHC-I expression and its implications in synaptic function, axonal regeneration and Parkinson’s and other brain diseases
Neuronal expression of major histocompatibility complex I (MHC-I) has been implicated in developmental synaptic plasticity and axonal regeneration in the central nervous system (CNS), but recent findings demonstrate that constitutive neuronal MHC-I can also be involved in neurodegenerative diseases by playing a neuroinflammtory role. Recent reports demonstrate its expression in vitro and in human postmortem samples and support a role in neurodegeneration involving proinflammatory cytokines, activated microglia and increased cytosolic oxidative stress. Major histocompatibility complex I may be important for both normal development and pathogenesis of some CNS diseases including Parkinson's.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201408614
Cited 77 times
NeuO: a Fluorescent Chemical Probe for Live Neuron Labeling
Abstract To address existing limitations in live neuron imaging, we have developed NeuO , a novel cell‐permeable fluorescent probe with an unprecedented ability to label and image live neurons selectively over other cells in the brain. NeuO enables robust live neuron imaging and isolation in vivo and in vitro across species; its versatility and ease of use sets the basis for its development in a myriad of neuronal targeting applications.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.06.014
Cited 77 times
Parkinsonism Driven by Antipsychotics Originates from Dopaminergic Control of Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons
Typical antipsychotics can cause disabling side effects. Specifically, antagonism of D2R signaling by the typical antipsychotic haloperidol induces parkinsonism in humans and catalepsy in rodents. Striatal dopamine D2 receptors (D2R) are major regulators of motor activity through their signaling on striatal projection neurons and interneurons. We show that D2R signaling on cholinergic interneurons contributes to an in vitro pause in firing of these otherwise tonically active neurons and to the striatal dopamine/acetylcholine balance. The selective ablation of D2R from cholinergic neurons allows discrimination between the motor-reducing and cataleptic effects of antipsychotics. The cataleptic effect of antipsychotics is triggered by blockade of D2R on cholinergic interneurons and the consequent increase of acetylcholine signaling on striatal projection neurons. These studies illuminate the critical role of D2R-mediated signaling in regulating the activity of striatal cholinergic interneurons and the mechanisms of typical antipsychotic side effects.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.06.044
Cited 77 times
Dopamine Triggers the Maturation of Striatal Spiny Projection Neuron Excitability during a Critical Period
Neural circuits are formed and refined during childhood, including via critical changes in neuronal excitability. Here, we investigated the ontogeny of striatal intrinsic excitability. We found that dopamine neurotransmission increases from the first to the third postnatal week in mice and precedes the reduction in spiny projection neuron (SPN) intrinsic excitability during the fourth postnatal week. In mice developmentally deficient for striatal dopamine, direct pathway D1-SPNs failed to undergo maturation of excitability past P18 and maintained hyperexcitability into adulthood. We found that the absence of D1-SPN maturation was due to altered phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate dynamics and a consequent lack of normal ontogenetic increases in Kir2 currents. Dopamine replacement corrected these deficits in SPN excitability when provided from birth or during a specific period of juvenile development (P18–P28), but not during adulthood. These results identify a sensitive period of dopamine-dependent striatal maturation, with implications for the pathophysiology and treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.07.038
Cited 71 times
Neuronal Depolarization Drives Increased Dopamine Synaptic Vesicle Loading via VGLUT
<h2>Summary</h2> The ability of presynaptic dopamine terminals to tune neurotransmitter release to meet the demands of neuronal activity is critical to neurotransmission. Although vesicle content has been assumed to be static, <i>in vitro</i> data increasingly suggest that cell activity modulates vesicle content. Here, we use a coordinated genetic, pharmacological, and imaging approach in <i>Drosophila</i> to study the presynaptic machinery responsible for these vesicular processes <i>in vivo</i>. We show that cell depolarization increases synaptic vesicle dopamine content prior to release via vesicular hyperacidification. This depolarization-induced hyperacidification is mediated by the vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT). Remarkably, both depolarization-induced dopamine vesicle hyperacidification and its dependence on VGLUT2 are seen in ventral midbrain dopamine neurons in the mouse. Together, these data suggest that in response to depolarization, dopamine vesicles utilize a cascade of vesicular transporters to dynamically increase the vesicular pH gradient, thereby increasing dopamine vesicle content.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2018.04.017
Cited 71 times
Roles for neuronal and glial autophagy in synaptic pruning during development
The dendritic protrusions known as spines represent the primary postsynaptic location for excitatory synapses. Dendritic spines are critical for many synaptic functions, and their formation, modification, and turnover are thought to be important for mechanisms of learning and memory. At many excitatory synapses, dendritic spines form during the early postnatal period, and while many spines are likely being formed and removed throughout life, the net number are often gradually “pruned” during adolescence to reach a stable level in the adult. In neurodevelopmental disorders, spine pruning is disrupted, emphasizing the importance of understanding its governing processes. Autophagy, a process through which cytosolic components and organelles are degraded, has recently been shown to control spine pruning in the mouse cortex, but the mechanisms through which autophagy acts remain obscure. Here, we draw on three widely studied prototypical synaptic pruning events to focus on two governing principles of spine pruning: 1) activity-dependent synaptic competition and 2) non-neuronal contributions. We briefly review what is known about autophagy in the central nervous system and its regulation by metabolic kinases. We propose a model in which autophagy in both neurons and non-neuronal cells contributes to spine pruning, and how other processes that regulate spine pruning could intersect with autophagy. We further outline future research directions to address outstanding questions on the role of autophagy in synaptic pruning.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.02.086
Cited 65 times
Widespread Alterations in Translation Elongation in the Brain of Juvenile Fmr1 Knockout Mice
FMRP (fragile X mental retardation protein) is a polysome-associated RNA-binding protein encoded by Fmr1 that is lost in fragile X syndrome. Increasing evidence suggests that FMRP regulates both translation initiation and elongation, but the gene specificity of these effects is unclear. To elucidate the impact of Fmr1 loss on translation, we utilize ribosome profiling for genome-wide measurements of ribosomal occupancy and positioning in the cortex of 24-day-old Fmr1 knockout mice. We find a remarkably coherent reduction in ribosome footprint abundance per mRNA for previously identified, high-affinity mRNA binding partners of FMRP and an increase for terminal oligopyrimidine (TOP) motif-containing genes canonically controlled by mammalian target of rapamycin-eIF4E-binding protein-eIF4E binding protein-eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (mTOR-4E-BP-eIF4E) signaling. Amino acid motif- and gene-level analyses both show a widespread reduction of translational pausing in Fmr1 knockout mice. Our findings are consistent with a model of FMRP-mediated regulation of both translation initiation through eIF4E and elongation that is disrupted in fragile X syndrome.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.70921
Cited 32 times
Subcellular proteomics of dopamine neurons in the mouse brain
Dopaminergic neurons modulate neural circuits and behaviors via dopamine (DA) release from expansive, long range axonal projections. The elaborate cytoarchitecture of these neurons is embedded within complex brain tissue, making it difficult to access the neuronal proteome using conventional methods. Here, we demonstrate APEX2 proximity labeling within genetically targeted neurons in the mouse brain, enabling subcellular proteomics with cell-type specificity. By combining APEX2 biotinylation with mass spectrometry, we mapped the somatodendritic and axonal proteomes of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Our dataset reveals the proteomic architecture underlying proteostasis, axonal metabolism, and neurotransmission in these neurons. We find that most proteins encoded by DA neuron-enriched genes are localized within striatal dopaminergic axons, including ion channels with previously undescribed axonal localization. These proteomic datasets provide a resource for neuronal cell biology, and this approach can be readily adapted for study of other neural cell types.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2022.105920
Cited 30 times
Interactions of dopamine, iron, and alpha-synuclein linked to dopaminergic neuron vulnerability in Parkinson's disease and Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation disorders
Dopamine metabolism, alpha-synuclein pathology, and iron homeostasis have all been implicated as potential contributors to the unique vulnerability of substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons which preferentially decline in Parkinson's disease and some rare neurodegenerative disorders with shared pathological features. However, the mechanisms contributing to disease progression and resulting in dopaminergic neuron loss in the substantia nigra are still not completely understood. Increasing evidence demonstrates that disrupted dopamine, alpha-synuclein, and/or iron pathways, when combined with the unique morphological, physiological, and metabolic features of this neuron population, may culminate in weakened resilience to multiple stressors. This review analyzes the involvement of each of these pathways in dopamine neuron physiology and function, and discusses how disrupted interplay of dopamine, alpha-synuclein, and iron pathways may synergize to promote pathology and drive the unique vulnerability to disease states. We suggest that elucidating the interactions of dopamine with iron and alpha-synuclein, and the role of dopamine metabolism in driving pathogenic phenotypes will be critical for developing therapeutics to prevent progression in diseases that show degeneration of nigral dopamine neurons such as Parkinson's disease and the rare family of disorders known as Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110208
Cited 25 times
Subcellular and regional localization of mRNA translation in midbrain dopamine neurons
Midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neurons exhibit extensive dendritic and axonal arborizations, but local protein synthesis is not characterized in these neurons. Here, we investigate messenger RNA (mRNA) localization and translation in mDA neuronal axons and dendrites, both of which release dopamine (DA). Using highly sensitive ribosome-bound RNA sequencing and imaging approaches, we find no evidence for mRNA translation in mDA axons. In contrast, mDA neuronal dendrites in the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) contain ribosomes and mRNAs encoding the major components of DA synthesis, release, and reuptake machinery. Surprisingly, we also observe dendritic localization of mRNAs encoding synaptic vesicle-related proteins, including those involved in exocytic fusion. Our results are consistent with a role for local translation in the regulation of DA release from dendrites, but not from axons. Our translatome data define a molecular signature of sparse mDA neurons in the SNr, including the enrichment of Atp2a3/SERCA3, an atypical ER calcium pump.
DOI: 10.1038/s41531-023-00444-w
Cited 16 times
Dynamic physiological α-synuclein S129 phosphorylation is driven by neuronal activity
In Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies, the elevation of α-synuclein phosphorylated at Serine129 (pS129) is a widely cited marker of pathology. However, the physiological role for pS129 has remained undefined. Here we use multiple approaches to show for the first time that pS129 functions as a physiological regulator of neuronal activity. Neuronal activity triggers a sustained increase of pS129 in cultured neurons (200% within 4 h). In accord, brain pS129 is elevated in environmentally enriched mice exhibiting enhanced long-term potentiation. Activity-dependent α-synuclein phosphorylation is S129-specific, reversible, confers no cytotoxicity, and accumulates at synapsin-containing presynaptic boutons. Mechanistically, our findings are consistent with a model in which neuronal stimulation enhances Plk2 kinase activity via a calcium/calcineurin pathway to counteract PP2A phosphatase activity for efficient phosphorylation of membrane-bound α-synuclein. Patch clamping of rat SNCA-/- neurons expressing exogenous wild-type or phospho-incompetent (S129A) α-synuclein suggests that pS129 fine-tunes the balance between excitatory and inhibitory neuronal currents. Consistently, our novel S129A knock-in (S129AKI) mice exhibit impaired hippocampal plasticity. The discovery of a key physiological function for pS129 has implications for understanding the role of α-synuclein in neurotransmission and adds nuance to the interpretation of pS129 as a synucleinopathy biomarker.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112231
Cited 14 times
Dopamine transporter and synaptic vesicle sorting defects underlie auxilin-associated Parkinson’s disease
Auxilin participates in the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs), thereby facilitating synaptic vesicle (SV) regeneration at presynaptic sites. Auxilin (DNAJC6/PARK19) loss-of-function mutations cause early-onset Parkinson’s disease (PD). Here, we utilized auxilin knockout (KO) mice to elucidate the mechanisms through which auxilin deficiency and clathrin-uncoating deficits lead to PD. Auxilin KO mice display cardinal features of PD, including progressive motor deficits, α-synuclein pathology, nigral dopaminergic loss, and neuroinflammation. Significantly, treatment with L-DOPA ameliorated motor deficits. Unbiased proteomic and neurochemical analyses of auxilin KO brains indicated dopamine dyshomeostasis. We validated these findings by demonstrating slower dopamine reuptake kinetics in vivo, an effect associated with dopamine transporter misrouting into axonal membrane deformities in the dorsal striatum. Defective SV protein sorting and elevated synaptic autophagy also contribute to ineffective dopamine sequestration and compartmentalization, ultimately leading to neurodegeneration. This study provides insights into how presynaptic endocytosis deficits lead to dopaminergic vulnerability and pathogenesis of PD.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.07.015
Cited 12 times
Interaction of an α-synuclein epitope with HLA-DRB1∗15:01 triggers enteric features in mice reminiscent of prodromal Parkinson’s disease
<h2>Summary</h2> Enteric symptoms are hallmarks of prodromal Parkinson's disease (PD) that appear decades before the onset of motor symptoms and diagnosis. PD patients possess circulating T cells that recognize specific α-synuclein (α-syn)-derived epitopes. One epitope, α-syn<sub>32-46</sub>, binds with strong affinity to the HLA-DRB1<sup>∗</sup>15:01 allele implicated in autoimmune diseases. We report that α-syn<sub>32-46</sub> immunization in a mouse expressing human HLA-DRB1<sup>∗</sup>15:01 triggers intestinal inflammation, leading to loss of enteric neurons, damaged enteric dopaminergic neurons, constipation, and weight loss. α-Syn<sub>32-46</sub> immunization activates innate and adaptive immune gene signatures in the gut and induces changes in the CD4<sup>+</sup> T<sub>H</sub>1/T<sub>H</sub>17 transcriptome that resemble tissue-resident memory (T<sub>RM</sub>) cells found in mucosal barriers during inflammation. Depletion of CD4<sup>+</sup>, but not CD8<sup>+</sup>, T cells partially rescues enteric neurodegeneration. Therefore, interaction of α-syn<sub>32-46</sub> and HLA-DRB1<sup>∗</sup>15:0 is critical for gut inflammation and CD4<sup>+</sup> T cell-mediated loss of enteric neurons in humanized mice, suggesting mechanisms that may underlie prodromal enteric PD.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2022.120510
Cited 10 times
Unaltered T cell responses to common antigens in individuals with Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with a heightened inflammatory state, including activated T cells. However, it is unclear whether these PD T cell responses are antigen specific or more indicative of generalized hyperresponsiveness. Our objective was to measure and compare antigen-specific T cell responses directed towards antigens derived from commonly encountered human pathogens/vaccines in patients with PD and age-matched healthy controls (HC).Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 20 PD patients and 19 age-matched HCs were screened. Antigen specific T cell responses were measured by flow cytometry using a combination of the activation induced marker (AIM) assay and intracellular cytokine staining.Here we show that both PD patients and HCs show similar T cell activation levels to several antigens derived from commonly encountered human pathogens/vaccines in the general population. Similarly, we also observed no difference between HC and PD in the levels of CD4 and CD8 T cell derived cytokines produced in response to any of the common antigens tested. These antigens encompassed both viral (coronavirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, cytomegalovirus) and bacterial (pertussis, tetanus) targets.These results suggest the T cell dysfunction observed in PD may not extend itself to abnormal responses to commonly encountered or vaccine-target antigens. Our study supports the notion that the targets of inflammatory T cell responses in PD may be more directed towards autoantigens like α-synuclein (α-syn) rather than common foreign antigens.
DOI: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.1998.71020517.x
Cited 155 times
Glial Cell Line‐Derived Neurotrophic Growth Factor Inhibits Apoptotic Death of Postnatal Substantia Nigra Dopamine Neurons in Primary Culture
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) was identified on the basis of its ability to enhance the development of embryonic mesencephalic dopamine neurons. It remains unknown whether GDNF is a physiologically relevant trophic factor for these neurons. We have shown that natural cell death among dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra occurs largely postnatally. To investigate whether GDNF may have the ability to support these neurons during their period of natural cell death, we have used a postnatal primary culture model. We find that GDNF is able to support the viability of postnatal nigral dopamine neurons by inhibiting apoptotic death. This ability of GDNF shows both regional specificity for the nigra and cellular specificity for the dopamine phenotype. Among eight other neurotrophic factors previously reported to support embryonic dopamine neurons, GDNF was unique in this ability. Thus, GDNF meets this criterion for a physiologically relevant trophic factor for dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra.