
Charlotte J. Stagg

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DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2014.05.021
Cited 1,638 times
Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)
A group of European experts was commissioned to establish guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) from evidence published up until March 2014, regarding pain, movement disorders, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, consciousness disorders, tinnitus, depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, craving/addiction, and conversion. Despite unavoidable inhomogeneities, there is a sufficient body of evidence to accept with level A (definite efficacy) the analgesic effect of high-frequency (HF) rTMS of the primary motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the pain and the antidepressant effect of HF-rTMS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). A Level B recommendation (probable efficacy) is proposed for the antidepressant effect of low-frequency (LF) rTMS of the right DLPFC, HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and LF-rTMS of contralesional M1 in chronic motor stroke. The effects of rTMS in a number of indications reach level C (possible efficacy), including LF-rTMS of the left temporoparietal cortex in tinnitus and auditory hallucinations. It remains to determine how to optimize rTMS protocols and techniques to give them relevance in routine clinical practice. In addition, professionals carrying out rTMS protocols should undergo rigorous training to ensure the quality of the technical realization, guarantee the proper care of patients, and maximize the chances of success. Under these conditions, the therapeutic use of rTMS should be able to develop in the coming years.
DOI: 10.1177/1073858410386614
Cited 1,348 times
Physiological Basis of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Since the rediscovery of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) about 10 years ago, interest in tDCS has grown exponentially. A noninvasive stimulation technique that induces robust excitability changes within the stimulated cortex, tDCS is increasingly being used in proof-of-principle and stage IIa clinical trials in a wide range of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Alongside these clinical studies, detailed work has been performed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the observed effects. In this review, the authors bring together the results from these pharmacological, neurophysiological, and imaging studies to describe their current knowledge of the physiological effects of tDCS. In addition, the theoretical framework for how tDCS affects motor learning is proposed.
DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2015.11.012
Cited 1,028 times
A technical guide to tDCS, and related non-invasive brain stimulation tools
Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), including transcranial direct and alternating current stimulation (tDCS, tACS) are non-invasive brain stimulation techniques increasingly used for modulation of central nervous system excitability in humans. Here we address methodological issues required for tES application. This review covers technical aspects of tES, as well as applications like exploration of brain physiology, modelling approaches, tES in cognitive neurosciences, and interventional approaches. It aims to help the reader to appropriately design and conduct studies involving these brain stimulation techniques, understand limitations and avoid shortcomings, which might hamper the scientific rigor and potential applications in the clinical domain.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.4432-08.2009
Cited 797 times
Polarity-Sensitive Modulation of Cortical Neurotransmitters by Transcranial Stimulation
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) modulates cortical excitability and is being used for human studies more frequently. Here we probe the underlying neuronal mechanisms by measuring polarity-specific changes in neurotransmitter concentrations using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). MRS provides evidence that excitatory (anodal) tDCS causes locally reduced GABA while inhibitory (cathodal) stimulation causes reduced glutamatergic neuronal activity with a highly correlated reduction in GABA, presumably due to the close biochemical relationship between the two neurotransmitters.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.01.069
Cited 521 times
The Role of GABA in Human Motor Learning
GABA modification plays an important role in motor cortical plasticity. We therefore hypothesized that interindividual variation in the responsiveness of the GABA system to modification influences learning capacity in healthy adults. We assessed GABA responsiveness by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), an intervention known to decrease GABA. The magnitude of M1 GABA decrease induced by anodal tDCS correlated positively with both the degree of motor learning and the degree of fMRI signal change within the left M1 during learning. This study therefore suggests that the responsiveness of the GABAergic system to modification may be relevant to short-term motor learning behavior and learning-related brain activity.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.02.009
Cited 395 times
Polarity and timing-dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in explicit motor learning
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is attracting increasing interest as a therapeutic tool for neurorehabilitation, particularly after stroke, because of its potential to modulate local excitability and therefore promote functional plasticity. Previous studies suggest that timing is important in determining the behavioural effects of brain stimulation. Regulatory metaplastic mechanisms exist to modulate the effects of a stimulation intervention in a manner dependent on prior cortical excitability, thereby preventing destabilization of existing cortical networks. The importance of such timing dependence has not yet been fully explored for tDCS. Here, we describe the results of a series of behavioural experiments in healthy controls to determine the importance of the relative timing of tDCS for motor performance. Application of tDCS during an explicit sequence-learning task led to modulation of behaviour in a polarity specific manner: relative to sham stimulation, anodal tDCS was associated with faster learning and cathodal tDCS with slower learning. Application of tDCS prior to performance of the sequence-learning task led to slower learning after both anodal and cathodal tDCS. By contrast, regardless of the polarity of stimulation, tDCS had no significant effect on performance of a simple reaction time task. These results are consistent with the idea that anodal tDCS interacts with subsequent motor learning in a metaplastic manner and suggest that anodal stimulation modulates cortical excitability in a manner similar to motor learning.
DOI: 10.1093/brain/awt212
Cited 362 times
Faciobrachial dystonic seizures: the influence of immunotherapy on seizure control and prevention of cognitive impairment in a broadening phenotype
Voltage-gated potassium channel complex antibodies, particularly those directed against leucine-rich glioma inactivated 1, are associated with a common form of limbic encephalitis that presents with cognitive impairment and seizures. Faciobrachial dystonic seizures have recently been reported as immunotherapy-responsive, brief, frequent events that often predate the cognitive impairment associated with this limbic encephalitis. However, these observations were made from a retrospective study without serial cognitive assessments. Here, we undertook the first prospective study of faciobrachial dystonic seizures with serial assessments of seizure frequencies, cognition and antibodies in 10 cases identified over 20 months. We hypothesized that (i) faciobrachial dystonic seizures would show a differential response to anti-epileptic drugs and immunotherapy; and that (ii) effective treatment of faciobrachial dystonic seizures would accelerate recovery and prevent the development of cognitive impairment. The 10 cases expand both the known age at onset (28 to 92 years, median 68) and clinical features, with events of longer duration, simultaneously bilateral events, prominent automatisms, sensory aura, and post-ictal fear and speech arrest. Ictal epileptiform electroencephalographic changes were present in three cases. All 10 cases were positive for voltage-gated potassium channel-complex antibodies (346–4515 pM): nine showed specificity for leucine-rich glioma inactivated 1. Seven cases had normal clinical magnetic resonance imaging, and the cerebrospinal fluid examination was unremarkable in all seven tested. Faciobrachial dystonic seizures were controlled more effectively with immunotherapy than anti-epileptic drugs (P = 0.006). Strikingly, in the nine cases who remained anti-epileptic drug refractory for a median of 30 days (range 11–200), the addition of corticosteroids was associated with cessation of faciobrachial dystonic seizures within 1 week in three and within 2 months in six cases. Voltage-gated potassium channel-complex antibodies persisted in the four cases with relapses of faciobrachial dystonic seizures during corticosteroid withdrawal. Time to recovery of baseline function was positively correlated with time to immunotherapy (r = 0.74; P = 0.03) but not time to anti-epileptic drug administration (r = 0.55; P = 0.10). Of 10 cases, the eight cases who received anti-epileptic drugs (n = 3) or no treatment (n = 5) all developed cognitive impairment. By contrast, the two who did not develop cognitive impairment received immunotherapy to treat their faciobrachial dystonic seizures (P = 0.02). In eight cases without clinical magnetic resonance imaging evidence of hippocampal signal change, cross-sectional volumetric magnetic resonance imaging post-recovery, after accounting for age and head size, revealed cases (n = 8) had smaller brain volumes than healthy controls (n = 13) (P < 0.001). In conclusion, faciobrachial dystonic seizures can be prospectively identified as a form of epilepsy with an expanding phenotype. Immunotherapy is associated with excellent control of the frequently anti-epileptic drug refractory seizures, hastens time to recovery, and may prevent the subsequent development of cognitive impairment observed in this study.
DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2011.216978
Cited 334 times
Relationship between physiological measures of excitability and levels of glutamate and GABA in the human motor cortex
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) allows measurement of neurotransmitter concentrations within a region of interest in the brain. Inter-individual variation in MRS-measured GABA levels have been related to variation in task performance in a number of regions. However, it is not clear how MRS-assessed measures of GABA relate to cortical excitability or GABAergic synaptic activity. We therefore performed two studies investigating the relationship between neurotransmitter levels as assessed by MRS and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measures of cortical excitability and GABA synaptic activity in the primary motor cortex. We present uncorrected correlations, where the P value should therefore be considered with caution. We demonstrated a correlation between cortical excitability, as assessed by the slope of the TMS input-output curve and MRS-assessed glutamate levels (r = 0.803, P = 0.015) but no clear relationship between MRS-assessed GABA levels and TMS-assessed synaptic GABA(A) activity (2.5 ms inter-stimulus interval (ISI) short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI); Experiment 1: r = 0.33, P = 0.31; Experiment 2: r = -0.23, P = 0.46) or GABA(B) activity (long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI); Experiment 1: r = -0.47, P = 0.51; Experiment 2: r = 0.23, P = 0.47). We demonstrated a significant correlation between MRS-assessed GABA levels and an inhibitory TMS protocol (1 ms ISI SICI) with distinct physiological underpinnings from the 2.5 ms ISI SICI (r = -0.79, P = 0.018). Interpretation of this finding is challenging as the mechanisms of 1 ms ISI SICI are not well understood, but we speculate that our results support the possibility that 1 ms ISI SICI reflects a distinct GABAergic inhibitory process, possibly that of extrasynaptic GABA tone.
DOI: 10.1097/yct.0000000000000510
Cited 288 times
Physiology of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Abstract Direct current stimulation is a neuromodulatory noninvasive brain stimulation tool, which was first introduced in animal and human experiments in the 1950s, and added to the standard arsenal of methods to alter brain physiology as well as psychological, motor, and behavioral processes and clinical symptoms in neurological and psychiatric diseases about 20 years ago. In contrast to other noninvasive brain stimulation tools, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, it does not directly induce cerebral activity, but rather alters spontaneous brain activity and excitability by subthreshold modulation of neuronal membranes. Beyond acute effects on brain functions, specific protocols are suited to induce long-lasting alterations of cortical excitability and activity, which share features with long-term potentiation and depression. These neuroplastic processes are important foundations for various cognitive functions such as learning and memory formation and are pathologically altered in numerous neurological and psychiatric diseases. This explains the increasing interest to investigate transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) as a therapeutic tool. However, for tDCS to be used effectively, it is crucial to be informed about physiological mechanisms of action. These have been increasingly elucidated during the last years. This review gives an overview of the current knowledge available regarding physiological mechanisms of tDCS, spanning from acute regional effects, over neuroplastic effects to its impact on cerebral networks. Although knowledge about the physiological effects of tDCS is still not complete, this might help to guide applications on a scientifically sound foundation.
DOI: 10.1152/jn.91060.2008
Cited 268 times
Neurochemical Effects of Theta Burst Stimulation as Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) is a novel transcranial stimulation technique that causes significant inhibition of synaptic transmission for <or=1 h when applied over the primary motor cortex (M1) in humans. Here we use magnetic resonance spectroscopy to define mechanisms mediating this inhibition by noninvasively measuring local changes in the cortical concentrations of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate/glutamine (Glx). cTBS to the left M1 led to an increase in GABA compared with stimulation at a control site without significant change in Glx. This direct evidence for increased GABAergic interneuronal activity is framed in terms of a new hypothesis regarding mechanisms underlying cTBS.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.3887-12.2013
Cited 244 times
Widespread Modulation of Cerebral Perfusion Induced during and after Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Applied to the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
Noninvasive neuromodulatory techniques such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) are attracting increasing interest as potential therapies for a wide range of neurological and psychiatric conditions. When targeted to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), anodal, facilitatory tDCS has been shown to improve symptoms in a range of domains including working memory, mood, and pain perception (Boggio et al., 2008a; Dockery et al., 2009; Kalu et al., 2012). However, the mechanisms underlying these promising behavioral effects are not well understood. Here, we investigated brain perfusion changes, as assessed using whole-brain arterial spin labeling (ASL), during tDCS applied to the left DLPFC in healthy humans. We demonstrated increased perfusion in regions closely anatomically connected to the DLPFC during anodal tDCS in conjunction with a decreased functional coupling between the left DLPFC and the thalami bilaterally. Despite highly similar effects on cortical excitability during and after stimulation (Nitsche and Paulus, 2000, 2001), cortical perfusion changes were markedly different during these two time periods, with widespread decreases in cortical perfusion being demonstrated after both anodal and cathodal tDCS compared to the period during stimulation. These findings may at least partially explain the different effects on behavior in these time periods described previously in the motor system (Stagg et al., 2011). In addition, the data presented here provide mechanistic explanations for the behavioral effects of anodal tDCS applied to the left DLPFC in terms of modulating functional connectivity between the DLPFC and thalami, as has been hypothesized previously (Lorenz et al., 2003).
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.03.070
Cited 239 times
Diffusion imaging of whole, post-mortem human brains on a clinical MRI scanner
Diffusion imaging of post mortem brains has great potential both as a reference for brain specimens that undergo sectioning, and as a link between in vivo diffusion studies and "gold standard" histology/dissection. While there is a relatively mature literature on post mortem diffusion imaging of animals, human brains have proven more challenging due to their incompatibility with high-performance scanners. This study presents a method for post mortem diffusion imaging of whole, human brains using a clinical 3-Tesla scanner with a 3D segmented EPI spin-echo sequence. Results in eleven brains at 0.94 × 0.94 × 0.94 mm resolution are presented, and in a single brain at 0.73 × 0.73 × 0.73 mm resolution. Region-of-interest analysis of diffusion tensor parameters indicate that these properties are altered compared to in vivo (reduced diffusivity and anisotropy), with significant dependence on post mortem interval (time from death to fixation). Despite these alterations, diffusion tractography of several major tracts is successfully demonstrated at both resolutions. We also report novel findings of cortical anisotropy and partial volume effects.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.08789
Cited 194 times
Modulation of GABA and resting state functional connectivity by transcranial direct current stimulation
We previously demonstrated that network level functional connectivity in the human brain could be related to levels of inhibition in a major network node at baseline (Stagg et al., 2014). In this study, we build upon this finding to directly investigate the effects of perturbing M1 GABA and resting state functional connectivity using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a neuromodulatory approach that has previously been demonstrated to modulate both metrics. FMRI data and GABA levels, as assessed by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, were measured before and after 20 min of 1 mA anodal or sham tDCS. In line with previous studies, baseline GABA levels were negatively correlated with the strength of functional connectivity within the resting motor network. However, although we confirm the previously reported findings that anodal tDCS reduces GABA concentration and increases functional connectivity in the stimulated motor cortex; these changes are not correlated, suggesting they may be driven by distinct underlying mechanisms.
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aad5651
Cited 182 times
Ipsilesional anodal tDCS enhances the functional benefits of rehabilitation in patients after stroke
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can boost the effects of motor training and facilitate plasticity in the healthy human brain. Motor rehabilitation depends on learning and plasticity, and motor learning can occur after stroke. We tested whether brain stimulation using anodal tDCS added to motor training could improve rehabilitation outcomes in patients after stroke. We performed a randomized, controlled trial in 24 patients at least 6 months after a first unilateral stroke not directly involving the primary motor cortex. Patients received either anodal tDCS (n= 11) or sham treatment (n= 13) paired with daily motor training for 9 days. We observed improvements that persisted for at least 3 months post-intervention after anodal tDCS compared to sham treatment on the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) and Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) but not on the Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer (UEFM) score. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed increased activity during movement of the affected hand in the ipsilesional motor and premotor cortex in the anodal tDCS group compared to the sham treatment group. Structural MRI revealed intervention-related increases in gray matter volume in cortical areas, including ipsilesional motor and premotor cortex after anodal tDCS but not sham treatment. The addition of ipsilesional anodal tDCS to a 9-day motor training program improved long-term clinical outcomes relative to sham treatment in patients after stroke.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.01465
Cited 166 times
Local GABA concentration is related to network-level resting functional connectivity
Anatomically plausible networks of functionally inter-connected regions have been reliably demonstrated at rest, although the neurochemical basis of these 'resting state networks' is not well understood. In this study, we combined magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and resting state fMRI and demonstrated an inverse relationship between levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA within the primary motor cortex (M1) and the strength of functional connectivity across the resting motor network. This relationship was both neurochemically and anatomically specific. We then went on to show that anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), an intervention previously shown to decrease GABA levels within M1, increased resting motor network connectivity. We therefore suggest that network-level functional connectivity within the motor system is related to the degree of inhibition in M1, a major node within the motor network, a finding in line with converging evidence from both simulation and empirical studies. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01465.001.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40998-0
Cited 20 times
Transcranial focused ultrasound-mediated neurochemical and functional connectivity changes in deep cortical regions in humans
Low-intensity transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) is an emerging non-invasive technique for focally modulating human brain function. The mechanisms and neurochemical substrates underlying TUS neuromodulation in humans and how these relate to excitation and inhibition are still poorly understood. In 24 healthy controls, we separately stimulated two deep cortical regions and investigated the effects of theta-burst TUS, a protocol shown to increase corticospinal excitability, on the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and functional connectivity. We show that theta-burst TUS in humans selectively reduces GABA levels in the posterior cingulate, but not the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Functional connectivity increased following TUS in both regions. Our findings suggest that TUS changes overall excitability by reducing GABAergic inhibition and that changes in TUS-mediated neuroplasticity last at least 50 mins after stimulation. The difference in TUS effects on the posterior and anterior cingulate could suggest state- or location-dependency of the TUS effect-both mechanisms increasingly recognized to influence the brain's response to neuromodulation.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06937.x
Cited 168 times
Modulation of movement‐associated cortical activation by transcranial direct current stimulation
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is currently attracting increasing interest as a tool for neurorehabilitation. However, local and distant effects of tDCS on motor-related cortical activation patterns remain poorly defined, limiting the rationale for its use. Here we describe the results of a functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiment designed to characterize local and distant effects on cortical motor activity following excitatory anodal stimulation and inhibitory cathodal stimulation. Fifteen right-handed subjects performed a visually cued serial reaction time task with their right hand in a 3-T MRI scanner both before and after 10 min of 1-mA tDCS applied to the left primary motor cortex (M1). Relative to sham stimulation, anodal tDCS led to short-lived activation increases in the M1 and the supplementary motor area (SMA) within the stimulated hemisphere. The increase in activation in the SMA with anodal stimulation was found also when directly comparing anodal with cathodal stimulation. Relative to sham stimulation, cathodal tDCS led to an increase in activation in the contralateral M1 and dorsal premotor cortex (PMd), as well as an increase in functional connectivity between these areas and the stimulated left M1. These increases were also found when directly comparing cathodal with anodal stimulation. Significant within-session linear decreases in activation occurred in all scan sessions. The after-effects of anodal tDCS arose primarily from a change in the slope of these decreases. In addition, following sham stimulation compared with baseline, a between-session decrease in task-related activity was found. The effects of cathodal tDCS arose primarily from a reduction of this normal decrease.
DOI: 10.1093/brain/awr313
Cited 161 times
Cortical activation changes underlying stimulation-induced behavioural gains in chronic stroke
Transcranial direct current stimulation, a form of non-invasive brain stimulation, is showing increasing promise as an adjunct therapy in rehabilitation following stroke. However, although significant behavioural improvements have been reported in proof-of-principle studies, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. The rationale for transcranial direct current stimulation as therapy for stroke is that therapeutic stimulation paradigms increase activity in ipsilesional motor cortical areas, but this has not previously been directly tested for conventional electrode placements. This study was performed to test directly whether increases in ipsilesional cortical activation with transcranial direct current stimulation are associated with behavioural improvements in chronic stroke patients. Patients at least 6 months post-first stroke participated in a behavioural experiment (n = 13) or a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment (n = 11), each investigating the effects of three stimulation conditions in separate sessions: anodal stimulation to the ipsilesional hemisphere; cathodal stimulation to the contralesional hemisphere; and sham stimulation. Anodal (facilitatory) stimulation to the ipsilesional hemisphere led to significant improvements (5-10%) in response times with the affected hand in both experiments. This improvement was associated with an increase in movement-related cortical activity in the stimulated primary motor cortex and functionally interconnected regions. Cathodal (inhibitory) stimulation to the contralesional hemisphere led to a functional improvement only when compared with sham stimulation. We show for the first time that the significant behavioural improvements produced by anodal stimulation to the ipsilesional hemisphere are associated with a functionally relevant increase in activity within the ipsilesional primary motor cortex in patients with a wide range of disabilities following stroke.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.096
Cited 157 times
Predicting behavioural response to TDCS in chronic motor stroke
Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) of primary motor cortex (M1) can transiently improve paretic hand function in chronic stroke. However, responses are variable so there is incentive to try to improve efficacy and or to predict response in individual patients. Both excitatory (Anodal) stimulation of ipsilesional M1 and inhibitory (Cathodal) stimulation of contralesional M1 can speed simple reaction time. Here we tested whether combining these two effects simultaneously, by using a bilateral M1-M1 electrode montage, would improve efficacy. We tested the physiological efficacy of Bilateral, Anodal or Cathodal TDCS in changing motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the healthy brain and their behavioural efficacy in changing reaction times with the paretic hand in chronic stroke. In addition, we aimed to identify clinical or neurochemical predictors of patients' behavioural response to TDCS. There were three main findings: 1) unlike Anodal and Cathodal TDCS, Bilateral M1-M1 TDCS (1 mA, 20 min) had no significant effect on MEPs in the healthy brain or on reaction time with the paretic hand in chronic stroke patients; 2) GABA levels in ipsilesional M1 predicted patients' behavioural gains from Anodal TDCS; and 3) although patients were in the chronic phase, time since stroke (and its combination with Fugl-Meyer score) was a positive predictor of behavioural gain from Cathodal TDCS. These findings indicate the superiority of Anodal or Cathodal over Bilateral TDCS in changing motor cortico-spinal excitability in the healthy brain and in speeding reaction time in chronic stroke. The identified clinical and neurochemical markers of behavioural response should help to inform the optimization of TDCS delivery and to predict patient outcome variability in future TDCS intervention studies in chronic motor stroke.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pain.2011.03.029
Cited 156 times
Dysmenorrhoea is associated with central changes in otherwise healthy women
Patients with chronic pain conditions demonstrate altered central processing of experimental noxious stimuli, dysfunction of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, and reduced quality of life. Dysmenorrhoea is not considered a chronic pain condition, but is associated with enhanced behavioural responses to experimental noxious stimuli. We used behavioural measures, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and serum steroid hormone levels to investigate the response to experimental thermal stimuli in otherwise healthy women, with and without dysmenorrhoea. Women with dysmenorrhoea reported increased pain to noxious stimulation of the arm and abdomen throughout the menstrual cycle; no menstrual cycle effect was observed in either group. During menstruation, deactivation of brain regions in response to noxious stimulation was observed in control women but not in women with dysmenorrhoea. Without background pain (ie, in nonmenstrual phases), activity in the entorhinal cortex appeared to mediate the increased responses in women with dysmenorrhoea. Mean cortisol was significantly lower in women with dysmenorrhoea and was negatively correlated with the duration of the symptom. Additionally, women with dysmenorrhoea reported significantly lower physical but not mental quality of life. Thus, many features of chronic pain conditions are also seen in women with dysmenorrhoea: specifically a reduction in quality of life, suppression of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, and alterations in the central processing of experimental noxious stimuli. These alterations persist when there is no background pain and occur in response to stimuli at a site distant from that of the clinical pain. These findings indicate the potential importance of early and adequate treatment of dysmenorrhoea. In common with chronic pain patients, women with dysmenorrhoea demonstrate altered central processing of noxious stimuli and reduced serum cortisol and quality of life.
DOI: 10.4161/cib.16213
Cited 136 times
What are we measuring with GABA Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy?
A number of recent papers1-3 have demonstrated a relationship between in vivo concentration of GABA, as assessed using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), and an individual’s task performance, giving a unique insight into the relationship between physiology and behavior. However, interpretation of the functional significance of the MRS GABA measure is not straightforward. Here we discuss some of the outstanding questions as to how total concentration of GABA within a cortical region relates to phasic and tonic GABA activity within the cortical volume studied.
DOI: 10.1093/brain/aws242
Cited 130 times
A combined post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging and quantitative histological study of multiple sclerosis pathology
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory neurological condition characterized by focal and diffuse neurodegeneration and demyelination throughout the central nervous system. Factors influencing the progression of pathology are poorly understood. One hypothesis is that anatomical connectivity influences the spread of neurodegeneration. This predicts that measures of neurodegeneration will correlate most strongly between interconnected structures. However, such patterns have been difficult to quantify through post-mortem neuropathology or in vivo scanning alone. In this study, we used the complementary approaches of whole brain post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging and quantitative histology to assess patterns of multiple sclerosis pathology. Two thalamo-cortical projection systems were considered based on their distinct neuroanatomy and their documented involvement in multiple sclerosis: lateral geniculate nucleus to primary visual cortex and mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus to prefrontal cortex. Within the anatomically distinct thalamo-cortical projection systems, magnetic resonance imaging derived cortical thickness was correlated significantly with both a measure of myelination in the connected tract and a measure of connected thalamic nucleus cell density. Such correlations did not exist between these markers of neurodegeneration across different thalamo-cortical systems. Magnetic resonance imaging lesion analysis depicted clearly demarcated subcortical lesions impinging on the white matter tracts of interest; however, quantitation of the extent of lesion-tract overlap failed to demonstrate any appreciable association with the severity of markers of diffuse pathology within each thalamo-cortical projection system. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging metrics in both white matter tracts were correlated significantly with a histologically derived measure of tract myelination. These data demonstrate for the first time the relevance of functional anatomical connectivity to the spread of multiple sclerosis pathology in a ‘tract-specific’ pattern. Furthermore, the persisting relationship between metrics from post-mortem diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and histological measures from fixed tissue further validates the potential of imaging for future neuropathological studies.
DOI: 10.1113/jp276626
Cited 127 times
The dynamics of cortical GABA in human motor learning
The ability to learn new motor skills is supported by plasticity in the structural and functional organisation of the primary motor cortex in the human brain. Changes inhibitory to signalling by GABA are thought to be crucial in inducing motor cortex plasticity. This study used magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to quantify the concentration of GABA in human motor cortex during a period of motor learning, as well as during a period of movement and a period at rest. We report evidence for a reduction in the MRS-measured concentration of GABA specific to learning. Further, the GABA concentration early in the learning task was strongly correlated with the magnitude of subsequent learning: higher GABA concentrations were associated with poorer learning. The results provide initial insight into the neurochemical correlates of cortical plasticity associated with motor learning, specifically relevant in therapeutic efforts to induce cortical plasticity during recovery from stroke.The ability to learn novel motor skills is a central part of our daily lives and can provide a model for rehabilitation after a stroke. However, there are still fundamental gaps in our understanding of the physiological mechanisms that underpin human motor plasticity. The acquisition of new motor skills is dependent on changes in local circuitry within the primary motor cortex (M1). This reorganisation has been hypothesised to be facilitated by a decrease in local inhibition via modulation of the neurotransmitter GABA, but this link has not been conclusively demonstrated in humans. Here, we used 7 T magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate the dynamics of GABA concentrations in human M1 during the learning of an explicit, serial reaction time task. We observed a significant reduction in GABA concentration during motor learning that was not seen in an equivalent motor task lacking a learnable sequence, nor during a passive resting task of the same duration. No change in glutamate was observed in any group. Furthermore, M1 GABA measured early in task performance was strongly correlated with the degree of subsequent learning, such that greater inhibition was associated with poorer subsequent learning. This result suggests that higher levels of cortical inhibition may present a barrier that must be surmounted in order to achieve an increase in M1 excitability, and hence encoding of a new motor skill. These results provide strong support for the mechanistic role of GABAergic inhibition in motor plasticity, raising questions regarding the link between population variability in motor learning and GABA metabolism in the brain.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.10.090
Cited 122 times
Multi-modal characterization of rapid anterior hippocampal volume increase associated with aerobic exercise
The hippocampus has been shown to demonstrate a remarkable degree of plasticity in response to a variety of tasks and experiences. For example, the size of the human hippocampus has been shown to increase in response to aerobic exercise. However, it is currently unknown what underlies these changes. Here we scanned sedentary, young to middle-aged human adults before and after a six-week exercise intervention using nine different neuroimaging measures of brain structure, vasculature, and diffusion. We then tested two different hypotheses regarding the nature of the underlying changes in the tissue. Surprisingly, we found no evidence of a vascular change as has been previously reported. Rather, the pattern of changes is better explained by an increase in myelination. Finally, we show that hippocampal volume increase is temporary, returning to baseline after an additional six weeks without aerobic exercise. This is the first demonstration of a change in hippocampal volume in early to middle adulthood suggesting that hippocampal volume is modulated by aerobic exercise throughout the lifespan rather than only in the presence of age related atrophy. It is also the first demonstration of hippocampal volume change over a period of only six weeks, suggesting that gross morphometric hippocampal plasticity occurs faster than previously thought.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.01.009
Cited 121 times
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a tool to study the role of GABA in motor-cortical plasticity
Quantification of a number of neurochemicals within localised regions of tissue has long been possible using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS). In recent years, MRS has increasingly been utilised as a method to indirectly assess neuronal activity in vivo, primarily via measurement of the major neurotransmitters glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). To date a number of studies have highlighted relationships between local GABA levels and behaviour, and have demonstrated the modulation of GABA by protocols designed to induce synaptic plasticity. This review aims to examine the literature on MRS-assessed GABA changes in synaptic plasticity, focussing on the primary motor cortex (M1), to relate these to animal studies on the role of GABA in synaptic plasticity, and to highlight some of the important outstanding questions in interpreting MRS findings.
DOI: 10.1177/1545968314543652
Cited 108 times
GABA Levels Are Decreased After Stroke and GABA Changes During Rehabilitation Correlate With Motor Improvement
Background and Objective. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the dominant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and is important in motor learning. We aimed to measure GABA content in primary motor cortex poststroke (using GABA-edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy [MRS]) and in relation to motor recovery during 2 weeks of constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT). Methods. Twenty-one patients (3-12 months poststroke) and 20 healthy subjects were recruited. Magnetic resonance imaging structural T1 and GABA-edited MRS were performed at baseline and after CIMT, and once in healthy subjects. GABA:creatine (GABA:Cr) ratio was measured by GABA-edited MRS. Motor function was measured using Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT). Results. Baseline comparison between stroke patients (n = 19) and healthy subjects showed a significantly lower GABA:Cr ratio in stroke patients ( P &lt; .001) even after correcting for gray matter content in the voxel ( P &lt; .01) and when expressing GABA relative to N-acetylaspartic acid (NAA; P = .03). After 2 weeks of CIMT patients improved significantly on WMFT, but no consistent change across the group was observed for the GABA:Cr ratio (n = 17). However, the extent of improvement on WMFT correlated significantly with the magnitude of GABA:Cr changes ( P &lt; .01), with decreases in GABA:Cr ratio being associated with better improvements in motor function. Conclusions. In patients 3 to 12 months poststroke, GABA levels are lower in the primary motor cortex than in healthy subjects. The observed association between GABA and recovery warrants further studies on the potential use of GABA MRS as a biomarker in poststroke recovery.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12486-x
Cited 106 times
A tool for functional brain imaging with lifespan compliance
Abstract The human brain undergoes significant functional and structural changes in the first decades of life, as the foundations for human cognition are laid down. However, non-invasive imaging techniques to investigate brain function throughout neurodevelopment are limited due to growth in head-size with age and substantial head movement in young participants. Experimental designs to probe brain function are also limited by the unnatural environment typical brain imaging systems impose. However, developments in quantum technology allowed fabrication of a new generation of wearable magnetoencephalography (MEG) technology with the potential to revolutionise electrophysiological measures of brain activity. Here we demonstrate a lifespan-compliant MEG system, showing recordings of high fidelity data in toddlers, young children, teenagers and adults. We show how this system can support new types of experimental paradigm involving naturalistic learning. This work reveals a new approach to functional imaging, providing a robust platform for investigation of neurodevelopment in health and disease.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.1742-15.2016
Cited 103 times
Investigating the Stability of Fine-Grain Digit Somatotopy in Individual Human Participants
Studies of human primary somatosensory cortex (S1) have placed a strong emphasis on the cortical representation of the hand and the propensity for plasticity therein. Despite many reports of group differences and experience-dependent changes in cortical digit somatotopy, relatively little work has considered the variability of these maps across individuals and to what extent this detailed functional architecture is dynamic over time. With the advent of 7 T fMRI, it is increasingly feasible to map such detailed organization noninvasively in individual human participants. Here, we extend the ability of ultra-high-field imaging beyond a technological proof of principle to investigate the intersubject variability of digit somatotopy across participants and the stability of this organization across a range of intervals. Using a well validated phase-encoding paradigm and an active task, we demonstrate the presence of highly reproducible maps of individual digits in S1, sharply contrasted by a striking degree of intersubject variability in the shape, extent, and relative position of individual digit representations. Our results demonstrate the presence of very stable fine-grain somatotopy of the digits in human S1 and raise the issue of population variability in such detailed functional architecture of the human brain. These findings have implications for the study of detailed sensorimotor plasticity in the context of both learning and pathological dysfunction. The simple task and 10 min scan required to derive these maps also raises the potential for this paradigm as a tool in the clinical setting. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We applied ultra-high-resolution fMRI at 7 T to map sensory digit representations in the human primary somatosensory cortex (S1) at the level of individual participants across multiple time points. The resulting fine-grain maps of individual digits in S1 reveal the stability in this fine-grain functional organization over time, contrasted with the variability in these maps across individuals.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.11.037
Cited 99 times
Polarity-specific effects of motor transcranial direct current stimulation on fMRI resting state networks
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been used to modify motor performance in healthy and patient populations. However, our understanding of the large-scale neuroplastic changes that support such behavioural effects is limited. Here, we used both seed-based and independent component analyses (ICA) approaches to probe tDCS-induced modifications in resting state activity with the aim of establishing the effects of tDCS applied to the primary motor cortex (M1) on both motor and non-motor networks within the brain. Subjects participated in three separate sessions, during which resting fMRI scans were acquired before and after 10 min of 1 mA anodal, cathodal, or sham tDCS. Cathodal tDCS increased the inter-hemispheric coherence of resting fMRI signal between the left and right supplementary motor area (SMA), and between the left and right hand areas of M1. A similar trend was documented for the premotor cortex (PMC). Increased functional connectivity following cathodal tDCS was apparent within the ICA-generated motor and default mode networks. Additionally, the overall strength of the default mode network was increased. Neither anodal nor sham tDCS produced significant changes in resting state connectivity. This work indicates that cathodal tDCS to M1 affects the motor network at rest. In addition, the effects of cathodal tDCS on the default mode network support the hypothesis that diminished top-down control may contribute to the impaired motor performance induced by cathodal tDCS.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.11.032
Cited 98 times
Changes in functional connectivity and GABA levels with long-term motor learning
Learning novel motor skills alters local inhibitory circuits within primary motor cortex (M1) (Floyer-Lea et al., 2006) and changes long-range functional connectivity (Albert et al., 2009). Whether such effects occur with long-term training is less well established. In addition, the relationship between learning-related changes in functional connectivity and local inhibition, and their modulation by practice, has not previously been tested. Here, we used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) to assess functional connectivity and MR spectroscopy to quantify GABA in primary motor cortex (M1) before and after a 6 week regime of juggling practice. Participants practiced for either 30 min (high intensity group) or 15 min (low intensity group) per day. We hypothesized that different training regimes would be reflected in distinct changes in brain connectivity and local inhibition, and that correlations would be found between learning-induced changes in GABA and functional connectivity. Performance improved significantly with practice in both groups and we found no evidence for differences in performance outcomes between the low intensity and high intensity groups. Despite the absence of behavioral differences, we found distinct patterns of brain change in the two groups: the low intensity group showed increases in functional connectivity in the motor network and decreases in GABA, whereas the high intensity group showed decreases in functional connectivity and no significant change in GABA. Changes in functional connectivity correlated with performance outcome. Learning-related changes in functional connectivity correlated with changes in GABA. The results suggest that different training regimes are associated with distinct patterns of brain change, even when performance outcomes are comparable between practice schedules. Our results further indicate that learning-related changes in resting-state network strength in part reflect GABAergic plastic processes.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0098-17.2017
Cited 96 times
Driving Human Motor Cortical Oscillations Leads to Behaviorally Relevant Changes in Local GABA<sub>A</sub>Inhibition: A tACS-TMS Study
Beta and gamma oscillations are the dominant oscillatory activity in the human motor cortex (M1). However, their physiological basis and precise functional significance remain poorly understood. Here, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to examine the physiological basis and behavioral relevance of driving beta and gamma oscillatory activity in the human M1 using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). tACS was applied using a sham-controlled crossover design at individualized intensity for 20 min and TMS was performed at rest (before, during, and after tACS) and during movement preparation (before and after tACS). We demonstrated that driving gamma frequency oscillations using tACS led to a significant, duration-dependent decrease in local resting-state GABAA inhibition, as quantified by short interval intracortical inhibition. The magnitude of this effect was positively correlated with the magnitude of GABAA decrease during movement preparation, when gamma activity in motor circuitry is known to increase. In addition, gamma tACS-induced change in GABAA inhibition was closely related to performance in a motor learning task such that subjects who demonstrated a greater increase in GABAA inhibition also showed faster short-term learning. The findings presented here contribute to our understanding of the neurophysiological basis of motor rhythms and suggest that tACS may have similar physiological effects to endogenously driven local oscillatory activity. Moreover, the ability to modulate local interneuronal circuits by tACS in a behaviorally relevant manner provides a basis for tACS as a putative therapeutic intervention.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Gamma oscillations have a vital role in motor control. Using a combined tACS-TMS approach, we demonstrate that driving gamma frequency oscillations modulates GABAA inhibition in the human motor cortex. Moreover, there is a clear relationship between the change in magnitude of GABAA inhibition induced by tACS and the magnitude of GABAA inhibition observed during task-related synchronization of oscillations in inhibitory interneuronal circuits, supporting the hypothesis that tACS engages endogenous oscillatory circuits. We also show that an individual's physiological response to tACS is closely related to their ability to learn a motor task. These findings contribute to our understanding of the neurophysiological basis of motor rhythms and their behavioral relevance and offer the possibility of developing tACS as a therapeutic tool.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.04.014
Cited 88 times
The impact of large structural brain changes in chronic stroke patients on the electric field caused by transcranial brain stimulation
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) are two types of non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation (TBS). They are useful tools for stroke research and may be potential adjunct therapies for functional recovery. However, stroke often causes large cerebral lesions, which are commonly accompanied by a secondary enlargement of the ventricles and atrophy. These structural alterations substantially change the conductivity distribution inside the head, which may have potentially important consequences for both brain stimulation methods. We therefore aimed to characterize the impact of these changes on the spatial distribution of the electric field generated by both TBS methods. In addition to confirming the safety of TBS in the presence of large stroke-related structural changes, our aim was to clarify whether targeted stimulation is still possible. Realistic head models containing large cortical and subcortical stroke lesions in the right parietal cortex were created using MR images of two patients. For TMS, the electric field of a double coil was simulated using the finite-element method. Systematic variations of the coil position relative to the lesion were tested. For TDCS, the finite-element method was used to simulate a standard approach with two electrode pads, and the position of one electrode was systematically varied. For both TMS and TDCS, the lesion caused electric field "hot spots" in the cortex. However, these maxima were not substantially stronger than those seen in a healthy control. The electric field pattern induced by TMS was not substantially changed by the lesions. However, the average field strength generated by TDCS was substantially decreased. This effect occurred for both head models and even when both electrodes were distant to the lesion, caused by increased current shunting through the lesion and enlarged ventricles. Judging from the similar peak field strengths compared to the healthy control, both TBS methods are safe in patients with large brain lesions (in practice, however, additional factors such as potentially lowered thresholds for seizure-induction have to be considered). Focused stimulation by TMS seems to be possible, but standard tDCS protocols appear to be less efficient than they are in healthy subjects, strongly suggesting that tDCS studies in this population might benefit from individualized treatment planning based on realistic field calculations.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2020.05.010
Cited 87 times
Guidelines for TMS/tES clinical services and research through the COVID-19 pandemic
<h2>Abstract</h2><h3>Background</h3> The COVID-19 pandemic has broadly disrupted biomedical treatment and research including non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS). Moreover, the rapid onset of societal disruption and evolving regulatory restrictions may not have allowed for systematic planning of how clinical and research work may continue throughout the pandemic or be restarted as restrictions are abated. The urgency to provide and develop NIBS as an intervention for diverse neurological and mental health indications, and as a catalyst of fundamental brain research, is not dampened by the parallel efforts to address the most life-threatening aspects of COVID-19; rather in many cases the need for NIBS is heightened including the potential to mitigate mental health consequences related to COVID-19. <h3>Objective</h3> To facilitate the re-establishment of access to NIBS clinical services and research operations during the current COVID-19 pandemic and possible future outbreaks, we develop and discuss a framework for balancing the importance of NIBS operations with safety considerations, while addressing the needs of all stakeholders. We focus on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and low intensity transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) - including transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS). <h3>Methods</h3> The present consensus paper provides guidelines and good practices for managing and reopening NIBS clinics and laboratories through the immediate and ongoing stages of COVID-19. The document reflects the analysis of experts with domain-relevant expertise spanning NIBS technology, clinical services, and basic and clinical research – with an international perspective. We outline regulatory aspects, human resources, NIBS optimization, as well as accommodations for specific demographics. <h3>Results</h3> A model based on three phases (early COVID-19 impact, current practices, and future preparation) with an 11-step checklist (spanning removing or streamlining in-person protocols, incorporating telemedicine, and addressing COVID-19-associated adverse events) is proposed. Recommendations on implementing social distancing and sterilization of NIBS related equipment, specific considerations of COVID-19 positive populations including mental health comorbidities, as well as considerations regarding regulatory and human resource in the era of COVID-19 are outlined. We discuss COVID-19 considerations specifically for clinical (sub-)populations including pediatric, stroke, addiction, and the elderly. Numerous case-examples across the world are described. <h3>Conclusion</h3> There is an evident, and in cases urgent, need to maintain NIBS operations through the COVID-19 pandemic, including anticipating future pandemic waves and addressing effects of COVID-19 on brain and mind. The proposed robust and structured strategy aims to address the current and anticipated future challenges while maintaining scientific rigor and managing risk.
DOI: 10.1038/s41596-021-00664-5
Cited 24 times
A checklist for assessing the methodological quality of concurrent tES-fMRI studies (ContES checklist): a consensus study and statement
Low-intensity transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), including alternating or direct current stimulation, applies weak electrical stimulation to modulate the activity of brain circuits. Integration of tES with concurrent functional MRI (fMRI) allows for the mapping of neural activity during neuromodulation, supporting causal studies of both brain function and tES effects. Methodological aspects of tES-fMRI studies underpin the results, and reporting them in appropriate detail is required for reproducibility and interpretability. Despite the growing number of published reports, there are no consensus-based checklists for disclosing methodological details of concurrent tES-fMRI studies. The objective of this work was to develop a consensus-based checklist of reporting standards for concurrent tES-fMRI studies to support methodological rigor, transparency and reproducibility (ContES checklist). A two-phase Delphi consensus process was conducted by a steering committee (SC) of 13 members and 49 expert panelists through the International Network of the tES-fMRI Consortium. The process began with a circulation of a preliminary checklist of essential items and additional recommendations, developed by the SC on the basis of a systematic review of 57 concurrent tES-fMRI studies. Contributors were then invited to suggest revisions or additions to the initial checklist. After the revision phase, contributors rated the importance of the 17 essential items and 42 additional recommendations in the final checklist. The state of methodological transparency within the 57 reviewed concurrent tES-fMRI studies was then assessed by using the checklist. Experts refined the checklist through the revision and rating phases, leading to a checklist with three categories of essential items and additional recommendations: (i) technological factors, (ii) safety and noise tests and (iii) methodological factors. The level of reporting of checklist items varied among the 57 concurrent tES-fMRI papers, ranging from 24% to 76%. On average, 53% of checklist items were reported in a given article. In conclusion, use of the ContES checklist is expected to enhance the methodological reporting quality of future concurrent tES-fMRI studies and increase methodological transparency and reproducibility.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2022.12.005
Cited 13 times
Three-layer model with absorption for conservative estimation of the maximum acoustic transmission coefficient through the human skull for transcranial ultrasound stimulation
Transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) has been shown to be a safe and effective technique for non-invasive superficial and deep brain stimulation. Safe and efficient translation to humans requires estimating the acoustic attenuation of the human skull. Nevertheless, there are no international guidelines for estimating the impact of the skull bone. A tissue independent, arbitrary derating was developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to take into account tissue absorption (0.3 dB/cm-MHz) for diagnostic ultrasound. However, for the case of transcranial ultrasound imaging, the FDA model does not take into account the insertion loss induced by the skull bone, nor the absorption by brain tissue. Therefore, the estimated absorption is overly conservative which could potentially limit TUS applications if the same guidelines were to be adopted. Here we propose a three-layer model including bone absorption to calculate the maximum pressure transmission through the human skull for frequencies ranging between 100 kHz and 1.5 MHz. The calculated pressure transmission decreases with the frequency and the thickness of the bone, with peaks for each thickness corresponding to a multiple of half the wavelength. The 95th percentile maximum transmission was calculated over the accessible surface of 20 human skulls for 12 typical diameters of the ultrasound beam on the skull surface, and varies between 40% and 78%. To facilitate the safe adjustment of the acoustic pressure for short ultrasound pulses, such as transcranial imaging or transcranial ultrasound stimulation, a table summarizes the maximum pressure transmission for each ultrasound beam diameter and each frequency.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119813
Cited 11 times
A mean-field model of glutamate and GABA synaptic dynamics for functional MRS
Advances in functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRS) have enabled the quantification of activity-dependent changes in neurotransmitter concentrations in vivo. However, the physiological basis of the large changes in GABA and glutamate observed by fMRS (>10%) over short time scales of less than a minute remain unclear as such changes cannot be accounted for by known synthesis or degradation metabolic pathways. Instead, it has been hypothesized that fMRS detects shifts in neurotransmitter concentrations as they cycle from presynaptic vesicles, where they are largely invisible, to extracellular and cytosolic pools, where they are detectable. The present paper uses a computational modelling approach to demonstrate the viability of this hypothesis. A new mean-field model of the neural mechanisms generating the fMRS signal in a cortical voxel is derived. The proposed macroscopic mean-field model is based on a microscopic description of the neurotransmitter dynamics at the level of the synapse. Specifically, GABA and glutamate are assumed to cycle between three metabolic pools: packaged in the vesicles; active in the synaptic cleft; and undergoing recycling and repackaging in the astrocytic or neuronal cytosol. Computational simulations from the model are used to generate predicted changes in GABA and glutamate concentrations in response to different types of stimuli including pain, vision, and electric current stimulation. The predicted changes in the extracellular and cytosolic pools corresponded to those reported in empirical fMRS data. Furthermore, the model predicts a selective control mechanism of the GABA/glutamate relationship, whereby inhibitory stimulation reduces both neurotransmitters, whereas excitatory stimulation increases glutamate and decreases GABA. The proposed model bridges between neural dynamics and fMRS and provides a mechanistic account for the activity-dependent changes in the glutamate and GABA fMRS signals. Lastly, these results indicate that echo-time may be an important timing parameter that can be leveraged to maximise fMRS experimental outcomes.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2015.04.010
Cited 76 times
The Homeostatic Interaction Between Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Motor Learning in Humans is Related to GABAA Activity
The relative timing of plasticity-induction protocols is known to be crucial. For example, anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), which increases cortical excitability and typically enhances plasticity, can impair performance if it is applied before a motor learning task. Such timing-dependent effects have been ascribed to homeostatic plasticity, but the specific synaptic site of this interaction remains unknown.We wished to investigate the synaptic substrate, and in particular the role of inhibitory signaling, underpinning the behavioral effects of anodal tDCS in homeostatic interactions between anodal tDCS and motor learning.We used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate cortical excitability and inhibitory signaling following tDCS and motor learning. Each subject participated in four experimental sessions and data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVAs and post-hoc t-tests as appropriate.As predicted, we found that anodal tDCS prior to the motor task decreased learning rates. This worsening of learning after tDCS was accompanied by a correlated increase in GABAA activity, as measured by TMS-assessed short interval intra-cortical inhibition (SICI).This provides the first direct demonstration in humans that inhibitory synapses are the likely site for the interaction between anodal tDCS and motor learning, and further, that homeostatic plasticity at GABAA synapses has behavioral relevance in humans.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pain.2012.11.016
Cited 74 times
Brain imaging reveals that engagement of descending inhibitory pain pathways in healthy women in a low endogenous estradiol state varies with testosterone
The combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) has been implicated in the development of a number of chronic pain conditions. Modern COCP formulations produce a low endogenous estradiol, low progesterone environment similar to the early follicular phase of the natural menstrual cycle, with a variable effect on serum androgen levels. We used behavioural measures and functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the response to experimental thermal stimuli in healthy women, in both a natural and COCP-induced low endogenous estradiol state, to investigate whether alterations in central pain processing may underlie these observations in COCP users. Although COCP users overall did not require lower temperatures to obtain a fixed pain intensity, alterations in the brain response to these stimuli were observed. In a subgroup of COCP users with significantly reduced serum testosterone, however, lower temperatures were required. Region-of-interest analysis revealed that within key regions of the descending pain inhibitory system, activity in response to noxious stimulation varied with serum testosterone levels in both groups of women. Of particular interest, in COCP users, activity in the rostral ventromedial medulla increased with increasing testosterone and in those women with low testosterone, was significantly reduced compared to controls. These findings suggest that, in a low endogenous estradiol state, testosterone may be a key factor in modulating pain sensitivity via descending pathways. Specifically, failure to engage descending inhibition at the level of the rostral ventromedial medulla may be responsible for the reduction in temperature required by COCP users with low circulating testosterone.
DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2012.04.026
Cited 69 times
Relationships between functional and structural corticospinal tract integrity and walking post stroke
Studies on upper limb recovery following stroke have highlighted the importance of the structural and functional integrity of the corticospinal tract (CST) in determining clinical outcomes. However, such relationships have not been fully explored for the lower limb. We aimed to test whether variation in walking impairment was associated with variation in the structural or functional integrity of the CST.Transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to stimulate each motor cortex while EMG recordings were taken from the vastus lateralis (VL) bilaterally; these EMG measures were used to calculate both ipsilateral and contralateral recruitment curves for each lower limb. The slope of these recruitment curves was used to examine the strength of functional connectivity from the motor cortex in each hemisphere to the lower limbs in chronic stroke patients and to calculate a ratio between ipsilateral and contralateral outputs referred to as the functional connectivity ratio (FCR). The structural integrity of the CST was assessed using diffusion tensor MRI to measure the asymmetry in fractional anisotropy (FA) of the internal capsule. Lower limb impairment and walking speed were also measured.The FCR for the paretic leg correlated with walking impairment, such that greater relative ipsilateral connectivity was associated with slower walking speeds. Asymmetrical FA values, reflecting reduced structural integrity of the lesioned CST, were associated with greater walking impairment. FCR and FA asymmetry were strongly positively correlated with each other.Patients with relatively greater ipsilateral connectivity between the contralesional motor cortex and the paretic lower limb were more behaviorally impaired and had more structural damage to their ipsilesional hemisphere CST.Measures of structural and functional damage may be useful in the selection of therapeutic strategies, allowing for more tailored and potentially more beneficial treatments.
DOI: 10.1007/s40473-018-0151-z
Cited 63 times
Motor Cortical Gamma Oscillations: What Have We Learnt and Where Are We Headed?
An increase in oscillatory activity in the γ-frequency band (approximately 50–100 Hz) has long been noted during human movement. However, its functional role has been difficult to elucidate. The advent of novel techniques, particularly transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), has dramatically increased our ability to study γ oscillations. Here, we review our current understanding of the role of γ oscillations in the human motor cortex, with reference to γ activity outside the motor system, and evidence from animal models. Evidence for the neurophysiological basis of human γ oscillations is beginning to emerge. Multimodal studies, essential given the necessarily indirect measurements acquired in humans, are beginning to provide convergent evidence for the role of γ oscillations in movement, and their relationship to plasticity. Human motor cortical γ oscillations appear to play a key role in movement, and relate to learning. However, there are still major questions to be answered about their physiological basis and precise role in human plasticity. It is to be hoped that future research will take advantage of recent technical advances and the physiological basis and functional significance of this intriguing and important brain rhythm will be fully elucidated.
DOI: 10.1177/0333102414566860
Cited 61 times
Altered neurochemical coupling in the occipital cortex in migraine with visual aura
Visual aura is present in about one-third of migraine patients and triggering by bright or flickering lights is frequently reported.Using migraine with visual aura patients, we investigated the neurochemical profile of the visual cortex using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Specifically, glutamate/creatine and GABA/creatine ratios were quantified in the occipital cortex of female migraine patients.GABA levels in the occipital cortex of migraine patients were lower than that of controls. Glutamate levels in migraine patients, but not controls, correlated with the blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal in the primary visual cortex during visual stimulation.Migraine with visual aura appears to disrupt the excitation-inhibition coupling in the occipital cortex.
DOI: 10.1038/srep41603
Cited 57 times
Structural Connectivity Variances Underlie Functional and Behavioral Changes During Pain Relief Induced by Neuromodulation
An increased understanding of the relationship between structural connections and functional and behavioral outcomes is an essential but under-explored topic in neuroscience. During transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)-induced analgesia, neuromodulation occurs through a top-down process that depends on inter-regional connections. To investigate whether variation in anatomical connectivity explains functional and behavorial outcomes during neuromodulation, we first combined tDCS and a tonic pain model with concurrent arterial spin labelling that measures cerebral perfusion related to ongoing neural activity. Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (L-DLPFC) tDCS induced an analgesic effect, which was explained by reduced perfusion to posterior insula and thalamus. Second, we used diffusion imaging to assess white matter structural integrity between L-DLPFC and thalamus, two key components of the neuromodulatory network. Fractional anisotropy of this tract correlated positively with functional and behavioral modulations. This suggests structural dependence by the neuromodulatory process to induce analgesia with potential relevance for patient stratification.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.2853-17.2018
Cited 57 times
Modulating Regional Motor Cortical Excitability with Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Results in Neurochemical Changes in Bilateral Motor Cortices
Learning a novel motor skill is dependent both on regional changes within the primary motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the active hand and also on modulation between and within anatomically distant but functionally connected brain regions. Interregional changes are particularly important in functional recovery after stroke, when critical plastic changes underpinning behavioral improvements are observed in both ipsilesional and contralesional M1s. It is increasingly understood that reduction in GABA in the contralateral M1 is necessary to allow learning of a motor task. However, the physiological mechanisms underpinning plasticity within other brain regions, most importantly the ipsilateral M1, are not well understood. Here, we used concurrent two-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy to simultaneously quantify changes in neurochemicals within left and right M1s in healthy humans of both sexes in response to transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) applied to left M1. We demonstrated a decrease in GABA in both the stimulated (left) and nonstimulated (right) M1 after anodal tDCS, whereas a decrease in GABA was only observed in nonstimulated M1 after cathodal stimulation. This GABA decrease in the nonstimulated M1 during cathodal tDCS was negatively correlated with microstructure of M1:M1 callosal fibers, as quantified by diffusion MRI, suggesting that structural features of these fibers may mediate GABA decrease in the unstimulated region. We found no significant changes in glutamate. Together, these findings shed light on the interactions between the two major network nodes underpinning motor plasticity, offering a potential framework from which to optimize future interventions to improve motor function after stroke.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Learning of new motor skills depends on modulation both within and between brain regions. Here, we use a novel two-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy approach to quantify GABA and glutamate changes concurrently within the left and right primary motor cortex (M1) during three commonly used transcranial direct current stimulation montages: anodal, cathodal, and bilateral. We also examined how the neurochemical changes in the unstimulated hemisphere were related to white matter microstructure between the two M1s. Our results provide insights into the neurochemical changes underlying motor plasticity and may therefore assist in the development of further adjunct therapies.
DOI: 10.1038/srep36056
Cited 51 times
The impact of reward and punishment on skill learning depends on task demands
Abstract Reward and punishment motivate behavior, but it is unclear exactly how they impact skill performance and whether the effect varies across skills. The present study investigated the effect of reward and punishment in both a sequencing skill and a motor skill context. Participants trained on either a sequencing skill (serial reaction time task) or a motor skill (force-tracking task). Skill knowledge was tested immediately after training, and again 1 hour, 24–48 hours, and 30 days after training. We found a dissociation of the effects of reward and punishment on the tasks, primarily reflecting the impact of punishment. While punishment improved serial reaction time task performance, it impaired force-tracking task performance. In contrast to prior literature, neither reward nor punishment benefitted memory retention, arguing against the common assumption that reward ubiquitously benefits skill retention. Collectively, these results suggest that punishment impacts skilled behavior more than reward in a complex, task dependent fashion.
DOI: 10.1002/mrm.28630
Cited 51 times
FSL‐MRS: An end‐to‐end spectroscopy analysis package
Purpose We introduce FSL‐MRS, an end‐to‐end, modular, open‐source MRS analysis toolbox. It provides spectroscopic data conversion, preprocessing, spectral simulation, fitting, quantitation, and visualization. Methods The FSL‐MRS package is modular. Its programs operate on data in a standard format (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative [NIfTI]) capable of storing single‐voxel and multivoxel spectroscopy, including spatial orientation information. The FSL‐MRS toolbox includes tools for preprocessing of raw spectroscopy data, including coil combination, frequency and phase alignment, and filtering. A density matrix simulation program is supplied for generation of basis spectra from simple text‐based descriptions of pulse sequences. Fitting is based on linear combination of basis spectra and implements Markov chain Monte Carlo optimization for the estimation of the full posterior distribution of metabolite concentrations. Validation of the fitting is carried out on independently created simulated data, phantom data, and three in vivo human data sets (257 single‐voxel spectroscopy and 8 MRSI data sets) at 3 T and 7 T. Interactive HTML reports are automatically generated by processing and fitting stages of the toolbox. The FSL‐MRS package can be used on the command line or interactively in the Python language. Results Validation of the fitting shows low error in simulation (median error of 11.9%) and in phantom (3.4%). Average correlation between a third‐party toolbox (LCModel) and FSL‐MRS was high (0.53‐0.81) in all three in vivo data sets. Conclusion The FSL‐MRS toolbox is designed to be flexible and extensible to new forms of spectroscopic acquisitions. Custom fitting models can be specified within the framework for dynamic or multivoxel spectroscopy. It is available as part of the FMRIB Software Library.
DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200403220-00017
Cited 90 times
Visual mismatch negativity: the detection of stimulus change
Mismatch negativity is an event related potential generated by a mechanism which detects stimulus change. Such a mechanism is important to enable attention to be switched to important changes in the environment. The effect has been extensively studied in the auditory modality. The present investigation was designed to establish whether the enhanced negativity in the visual event related potential evoked by deviant stimuli presented infrequently among a sequence of repeated standard stimuli is really associated with the detection of stimulus change. The experiment set out to distinguish effects associated with stimulus change from those related to the physical attributes of the stimuli or to differences in the refractory state of receptors or neurons. The findings support the hypothesis that deviance-related negativity reflects the operation of a change detection mechanism and not the refractory state of elements of the visual system.
DOI: 10.1007/s00221-007-1237-0
Cited 74 times
Walking performance and its recovery in chronic stroke in relation to extent of lesion overlap with the descending motor tract
DOI: 10.4161/cib.4.5.16213
Cited 64 times
What are we measuring with GABA magnetic resonance spectroscopy?
A number of recent papers1-3 have demonstrated a relationship between in vivo concentration of GABA, as assessed using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), and an individual's task performance, giving a unique insight into the relationship between physiology and behavior. However, interpretation of the functional significance of the MRS GABA measure is not straightforward. Here we discuss some of the outstanding questions as to how total concentration of GABA within a cortical region relates to phasic and tonic GABA activity within the cortical volume studied.
DOI: 10.1038/jcbfm.2012.105
Cited 60 times
Visualization of Altered Neurovascular Coupling in Chronic Stroke Patients using Multimodal Functional MRI
Evaluation of cortical reorganization in chronic stroke patients requires methods to accurately localize regions of neuronal activity. Blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is frequently employed; however, BOLD contrast depends on specific coupling relationships between the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO(2)), cerebral blood flow (CBF), and volume (CBV), which may not exist following stroke. The aim of this study was to understand whether CBF-weighted (CBFw) and CBV-weighted (CBVw) fMRI could be used in sequence with BOLD to characterize neurovascular coupling mechanisms poststroke. Chronic stroke patients (n=11) with motor impairment and age-matched controls (n=11) performed four sets of unilateral motor tasks (60 seconds/30 seconds off/on) during CBFw, CBVw, and BOLD fMRI acquisition. While control participants elicited mean BOLD, CBFw, and CBVw responses in motor cortex (P<0.01), patients showed only mean changes in CBF (P<0.01) and CBV (P<0.01), but absent mean BOLD responses (P=0.20). BOLD intersubject variability was consistent with differing coupling indices between CBF, CBV, and CMRO(2). Thus, CBFw and/or CBVw fMRI may provide crucial information not apparent from BOLD in these patients. A table is provided outlining distinct vascular and metabolic uncoupling possibilities that elicit different BOLD responses, and the strengths and limitations of the multimodal protocol are summarized.
Cited 58 times
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Tools for Neuroscience Research and Emerging Clinical Applications
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Tools for Neuroscience Research and Emerging Clinical Applications is the first comprehensive book for non-physicists that addresses the emerging and exciting technique of magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Divided into three sections, this book provides coverage of the key areas of concern for researchers. The first, on how MRS is acquired, provides a comprehensive overview of the techniques, analysis, and pitfalls encountered in MRS; the second, on what can be seen by MRS, provides essential background physiology and biochemistry on the major metabolites studied; the final sections, on why MRS is used, constitutes a detailed guide to the major clinical and scientific uses of MRS, the current state of teh art, and recent innovations. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy will become the essential guide for people new to the technique and give those more familiar with MRS a new perspective. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.07.059
Cited 54 times
The role of inhibition in human motor cortical plasticity
Over recent years evidence from animal studies strongly suggests that a decrease in local inhibitory signaling is necessary for synaptic plasticity to occur. However, the role of GABAergic modulation in human motor plasticity is less well understood. Here, we summarize the techniques available to quantify GABA in humans, before reviewing the existing evidence for the role of inhibitory signaling in human motor plasticity. We discuss a number of important outstanding questions that remain before the role of GABAergic modulation in long-term plasticity in humans, such as that underpinning recovery after stroke, can be established.
DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0b013e318281ccec
Cited 52 times
Whole-brain magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging measures are related to disability in ALS
To demonstrate the sensitivity of a recently developed whole-brain magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) sequence to cerebral pathology and disability in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and compare with measures derived from diffusion tensor imaging.Whole-brain MRSI and diffusion tensor imaging were undertaken in 13 patients and 14 age-similar healthy controls. Mean N-acetylaspartate (NAA), fractional anisotropy, and mean diffusivity were extracted from the corticospinal tract, compared between groups, and then in relation to disability in the patient group.Significant reductions in NAA were found along the course of the corticospinal tracts on whole-brain MRSI. There were also significant changes in fractional anisotropy (decreased) and mean diffusivity (increased) in the patient group, but only NAA showed a significant relationship with disability (r = 0.65, p = 0.01).Whole-brain MRSI has potential as a quantifiable neuroimaging marker of disability in ALS. It offers renewed hope for a neuroimaging outcome measure with the potential for harmonization across multiple sites in the context of a therapeutic trial.
DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00857
Cited 50 times
Studying the Effects of Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation in Stroke Recovery Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is showing increasing promise as an adjunct therapy in stroke rehabilitation. However questions still remain concerning its mechanisms of action, which currently limit its potential. Magnetic resonance (MR) techniques are increasingly being applied to understand the neural effects of tDCS. Here, we review the MR evidence supporting the use of tDCS to aid recovery after stroke and discuss the important open questions that remain.
DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhv015
Cited 49 times
Phosphene Perception Relates to Visual Cortex Glutamate Levels and Covaries with Atypical Visuospatial Awareness
Phosphenes are illusory visual percepts produced by the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation to occipital cortex. Phosphene thresholds, the minimum stimulation intensity required to reliably produce phosphenes, are widely used as an index of cortical excitability. However, the neural basis of phosphene thresholds and their relationship to individual differences in visual cognition are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the neurochemical basis of phosphene perception by measuring basal GABA and glutamate levels in primary visual cortex using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We further examined whether phosphene thresholds would relate to the visuospatial phenomenology of grapheme-color synesthesia, a condition characterized by atypical binding and involuntary color photisms. Phosphene thresholds negatively correlated with glutamate concentrations in visual cortex, with lower thresholds associated with elevated glutamate. This relationship was robust, present in both controls and synesthetes, and exhibited neurochemical, topographic, and threshold specificity. Projector synesthetes, who experience color photisms as spatially colocalized with inducing graphemes, displayed lower phosphene thresholds than associator synesthetes, who experience photisms as internal images, with both exhibiting lower thresholds than controls. These results suggest that phosphene perception is driven by interindividual variation in glutamatergic activity in primary visual cortex and relates to cortical processes underlying individual differences in visuospatial awareness.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.08.075
Cited 49 times
Modulation of Long-Range Connectivity Patterns via Frequency-Specific Stimulation of Human Cortex
There is increasing interest in how the phase of local oscillatory activity within a brain area determines the long-range functional connectivity of that area. For example, increasing convergent evidence from a range of methodologies suggests that beta (20 Hz) oscillations may play a vital role in the function of the motor system [1-5]. The "communication through coherence" hypothesis posits that the precise phase of coherent oscillations in network nodes is a determinant of successful communication between them [6, 7]. Here we set out to determine whether oscillatory activity in the beta band serves to support this theory within the cortical motor network in vivo. We combined non-invasive transcranial alternating-current stimulation (tACS) [8-12] with resting-state functional MRI (fMRI) [13] to follow both changes in local activity and long-range connectivity, determined by inter-areal blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal correlation, as a proxy for communication in the human cortex. Twelve healthy subjects participated in three fMRI scans with 20 Hz, 5 Hz, or sham tACS applied separately on each scan. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) at beta frequency has previously been shown to increase local activity in the beta band [14] and to modulate long-range connectivity within the default mode network [15]. We demonstrated that beta-frequency tACS significantly changed the connectivity pattern of the stimulated primary motor cortex (M1), without changing overall local activity or network connectivity. This finding is supported by a simple phase-precession model, which demonstrates the plausibility of the results and provides emergent predictions that are consistent with our empirical findings. These findings therefore inform our understanding of how local oscillatory activity may underpin network connectivity.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.055
Cited 48 times
A Mechanistic Link from GABA to Cortical Architecture and Perception
Understanding both the organization of the human cortex and its relation to the performance of distinct functions is fundamental in neuroscience. The primary sensory cortices display topographic organization, whereby receptive fields follow a characteristic pattern, from tonotopy to retinotopy to somatotopy [1]. GABAergic signaling is vital to the maintenance of cortical receptive fields [2]; however, it is unclear how this fine-grain inhibition relates to measurable patterns of perception [3, 4]. Based on perceptual changes following perturbation of the GABAergic system, it is conceivable that the resting level of cortical GABAergic tone directly relates to the spatial specificity of activation in response to a given input [5-7]. The specificity of cortical activation can be considered in terms of cortical tuning: greater cortical tuning yields more localized recruitment of cortical territory in response to a given input. We applied a combination of fMRI, MR spectroscopy, and psychophysics to substantiate the link between the cortical neurochemical milieu, the tuning of cortical activity, and variability in perceptual acuity, using human somatosensory cortex as a model. We provide data that explain human perceptual acuity in terms of both the underlying cellular and metabolic processes. Specifically, higher concentrations of sensorimotor GABA are associated with more selective cortical tuning, which in turn is associated with enhanced perception. These results show anatomical and neurochemical specificity and are replicated in an independent cohort. The mechanistic link from neurochemistry to perception provides a vital step in understanding population variability in sensory behavior, informing metabolic therapeutic interventions to restore perceptual abilities clinically.
DOI: 10.1177/0271678x17721830
Cited 48 times
Consensus statement on current and emerging methods for the diagnosis and evaluation of cerebrovascular disease
Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) remains a leading cause of death and the leading cause of adult disability in most developed countries. This work summarizes state-of-the-art, and possible future, diagnostic and evaluation approaches in multiple stages of CVD, including (i) visualization of sub-clinical disease processes, (ii) acute stroke theranostics, and (iii) characterization of post-stroke recovery mechanisms. Underlying pathophysiology as it relates to large vessel steno-occlusive disease and the impact of this macrovascular disease on tissue-level viability, hemodynamics (cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and mean transit time), and metabolism (cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption and pH) are also discussed in the context of emerging neuroimaging protocols with sensitivity to these factors. The overall purpose is to highlight advancements in stroke care and diagnostics and to provide a general overview of emerging research topics that have potential for reducing morbidity in multiple areas of CVD.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.17280
Cited 42 times
Perceptually relevant remapping of human somatotopy in 24 hours
Experience-dependent reorganisation of functional maps in the cerebral cortex is well described in the primary sensory cortices. However, there is relatively little evidence for such cortical reorganisation over the short-term. Using human somatosensory cortex as a model, we investigated the effects of a 24 hr gluing manipulation in which the right index and right middle fingers (digits 2 and 3) were adjoined with surgical glue. Somatotopic representations, assessed with two 7 tesla fMRI protocols, revealed rapid off-target reorganisation in the non-manipulated fingers following gluing, with the representation of the ring finger (digit 4) shifted towards the little finger (digit 5) and away from the middle finger (digit 3). These shifts were also evident in two behavioural tasks conducted in an independent cohort, showing reduced sensitivity for discriminating the temporal order of stimuli to the ring and little fingers, and increased substitution errors across this pair on a speeded reaction time task.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08313-y
Cited 38 times
Learning to optimize perceptual decisions through suppressive interactions in the human brain
Translating noisy sensory signals to perceptual decisions is critical for successful interactions in complex environments. Learning is known to improve perceptual judgments by filtering external noise and task-irrelevant information. Yet, little is known about the brain mechanisms that mediate learning-dependent suppression. Here, we employ ultra-high field magnetic resonance spectroscopy of GABA to test whether suppressive processing in decision-related and visual areas facilitates perceptual judgments during training. We demonstrate that parietal GABA relates to suppression of task-irrelevant information, while learning-dependent changes in visual GABA relate to enhanced performance in target detection and feature discrimination tasks. Combining GABA measurements with functional brain connectivity demonstrates that training on a target detection task involves local connectivity and disinhibition of visual cortex, while training on a feature discrimination task involves inter-cortical interactions that relate to suppressive visual processing. Our findings provide evidence that learning optimizes perceptual decisions through suppressive interactions in decision-related networks.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2019.08.016
Cited 35 times
Dopamine depletion effects on cognitive flexibility as modulated by tDCS of the dlPFC
<h2>Abstract</h2><h3>Background</h3> Recent evidence suggests that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may interact with the dopaminergic system to affect cognitive flexibility. Objective/hypotheses: We examined whether putative reduction of dopamine levels through the acute phenylalanine/tyrosine depletion (APTD) procedure and excitatory anodal tDCS of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) are causally related to cognitive flexibility as measured by task switching and reversal learning. <h3>Method</h3> A double-blind, sham-controlled, randomised trial was conducted to test the effects of combining anodal tDCS and depletion of catecholaminergic precursor tyrosine on cognitive flexibility. <h3>Results</h3> Anodal tDCS and tyrosine depletion had a significant effect on task switching, but not reversal learning. Whilst perseverative errors were significantly improved by anodal tDCS, the APTD impaired reaction times. Importantly, the combination of APTD and anodal tDCS resulted in cognitive performance which did not statistically differ to that of the control condition. <h3>Conclusions</h3> Our results suggest that the effects of tDCS on cognitive flexibility are modulated by dopaminergic tone.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.67355
Cited 23 times
Increasing human motor skill acquisition by driving theta–gamma coupling
Skill learning is a fundamental adaptive process, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Some learning paradigms, particularly in the memory domain, are closely associated with gamma activity that is amplitude modulated by the phase of underlying theta activity, but whether such nested activity patterns also underpin skill learning is unknown. Here, we addressed this question by using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) over sensorimotor cortex to modulate theta-gamma activity during motor skill acquisition, as an exemplar of a non-hippocampal-dependent task. We demonstrated, and then replicated, a significant improvement in skill acquisition with theta-gamma tACS, which outlasted the stimulation by an hour. Our results suggest that theta-gamma activity may be a common mechanism for learning across the brain and provides a putative novel intervention for optimizing functional improvements in response to training or therapy.
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2311.05359
Cited 5 times
ITRUSST Consensus on Biophysical Safety for Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation
Transcranial ultrasonic stimulation (TUS) is an emerging technology for non-invasive brain stimulation. Currently, there are no established guidelines for the safe application of ultrasonic neuromodulation in humans beyond those used for diagnostic ultrasound. Therefore, in a series of meetings, the International Consortium for Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation Safety and Standards (ITRUSST) has established expert consensus on considerations for the biophysical safety of TUS. As with diagnostic ultrasound, there are two main biophysical risks associated with the application of TUS: mechanical and thermal bioeffects. Mechanical bioeffects mainly concern the risk of acoustic cavitation, which can lead to local tissue damage such as cell death or blood vessel hemorrhage. Thermal bioeffects may occur when mechanical energy is converted into thermal energy through absorption, leading to tissue heating and potential thermal damage. The ITRUSST safety group has established recommendations based on existing guidelines for diagnostic ultrasound from regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM). Here, we review existing regulatory guidelines for biomedical ultrasound and consider their relevance for TUS. We then present a concise but comprehensive set of parameters and levels that we consider to be biophysically safe, as summarized in Table 1. While the limit of safety may be higher than these stated levels, the purpose of this paper is to state that this group considers these levels to be safe for transcranial ultrasound stimulation.
DOI: 10.1177/1545968311405675
Cited 52 times
Motor Practice Promotes Increased Activity in Brain Regions Structurally Disconnected After Subcortical Stroke
Background. Motor practice is an important component of neurorehabilitation. Imaging studies in healthy individuals show that dynamic brain activation changes with practice. Defining patterns of functional brain plasticity associated with motor practice following stroke could guide rehabilitation. Objective. The authors aimed to test whether practice-related changes in brain activity differ after stroke and to explore spatial relationships between activity changes and patterns of structural degeneration. Methods. They studied 10 patients at least 6 months after left-hemisphere subcortical strokes and 18 healthy controls. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was acquired at baseline, and functional MRI (fMRI) was acquired during performance of a visuomotor tracking task before and after a 15-day period of practice of the same task. Results. Smaller short-term practice effects at baseline correlated with lower fractional anisotropy in the posterior limbs of the internal capsule (PLIC) bilaterally in patients ( t &gt; 3; cluster P &lt; .05). After 15 days of motor practice a Group × Time interaction ( z &gt; 2.3; cluster P &lt; .05) was found in the basal ganglia, thalamus, inferior frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, and insula. In these regions, healthy controls showed decreases and patients showed increases in activity with practice. Some regions of interest had a loss of white matter connectivity at baseline. Conclusions. Performance gains with motor practice can be associated with increased activity in regions that have been either directly or indirectly impaired by loss of connectivity. These results suggest that neurorehabilitation interventions may be associated with compensatory adaptation of intact brain regions as well as enhanced activity in regions with impaired structural connectivity.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2010.02644.x
Cited 48 times
Autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase in patients with epilepsy are associated with low cortical GABA levels
Antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the major pathway for the synthesis of c-aminobutyric acid(GABA) in humans, are found at elevated levels in a subgroup of patients with chronic epilepsy. To test whether the antibodies were associated with changes in cortical GABA levels we used magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Four patients with epilepsy and high serum GAD antibody levels (107-6,200 units/ml) and 10 healthy controls were recruited. A 3T GABA-optimized spectrum was obtained from a reproducible voxel in the cortex. Compared to the control group, the patient group had significantly lower GABA concentrations within the cortex. Demonstration of an association between high serum GAD antibodies and low cortical GABA levels in patients with epilepsy suggests that GAD antibodies are, at least, a marker of a specific disease process and support a role for immune-mediated GABAergic dysfunction.
DOI: 10.7554/elife.20365
Cited 39 times
Excitation and inhibition in anterior cingulate predict use of past experiences
Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) mediates updating and maintenance of cognitive models of the world used to drive adaptive reward-guided behavior. We investigated the neurochemical underpinnings of this process. We used magnetic resonance spectroscopy in humans, to measure levels of glutamate and GABA in dACC. We examined their relationship to neural signals in dACC, measured with fMRI, and cognitive task performance. Both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters in dACC were predictive of the strength of neural signals in dACC and behavioral adaptation. Glutamate levels were correlated, first, with stronger neural activity representing information to be learnt about the tasks’ costs and benefits and, second, greater use of this information in the guidance of behavior. GABA levels were negatively correlated with the same neural signals and the same indices of behavioral influence. Our results suggest that glutamate and GABA in dACC affect the encoding and use of past experiences to guide behavior.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.03.031
Cited 37 times
Effect of age and the APOE gene on metabolite concentrations in the posterior cingulate cortex
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) has provided valuable information about the neurochemical profile of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, its clinical utility has been limited in part by the lack of consistent information on how metabolite concentrations vary in the normal aging brain and in carriers of apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4, an established risk gene for AD. We quantified metabolites within an 8 cm3 voxel within the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)/precuneus in 30 younger (20–40 years) and 151 cognitively healthy older individuals (60–85 years). All 1H-MRS scans were performed at 3 T using the short-echo SPECIAL sequence and analyzed with LCModel. The effect of APOE was assessed in a sub-set of 130 volunteers. Older participants had significantly higher myo-inositol and creatine, and significantly lower glutathione and glutamate than younger participants. There was no significant effect of APOE or an interaction between APOE and age on the metabolite profile. Our data suggest that creatine, a commonly used reference metabolite in 1H-MRS studies, does not remain stable across adulthood within this region and therefore may not be a suitable reference in studies involving a broad age-range. Increases in creatine and myo-inositol may reflect age-related glial proliferation; decreases in glutamate and glutathione suggest a decline in synaptic and antioxidant efficiency. Our findings inform longitudinal clinical studies by characterizing age-related metabolite changes in a non-clinical sample.
DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.3972-13.2014
Cited 36 times
GABA Predicts Time Perception
Our perception of time constrains our experience of the world and exerts a pivotal influence over a myriad array of cognitive and motor functions. There is emerging evidence that the perceived duration of subsecond intervals is driven by sensory-specific neural activity in human and nonhuman animals, but the mechanisms underlying individual differences in time perception remain elusive. We tested the hypothesis that elevated visual cortex GABA impairs the coding of particular visual stimuli, resulting in a dampening of visual processing and concomitant positive time-order error (relative underestimation) in the perceived duration of subsecond visual intervals. Participants completed psychophysical tasks measuring visual interval discrimination and temporal reproduction and we measured in vivo resting state GABA in visual cortex using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Time-order error selectively correlated with GABA concentrations in visual cortex, with elevated GABA associated with a rightward horizontal shift in psychometric functions, reflecting a positive time-order error (relative underestimation). These results demonstrate anatomical, neurochemical, and task specificity and suggest that visual cortex GABA contributes to individual differences in time perception.
DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2015.00351
Cited 35 times
An Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Post Exercise Lactate, Glutamate and Glutamine Change in the Human Brain
During strenuous exercise there is a progressive increase in lactate uptake and metabolism into the brain as workload and plasma lactate levels increase. Although it is now widely accepted that the brain can metabolize lactate, few studies have directly measured brain lactate following vigorous exercise. Here, we used ultra-high field magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain to obtain static measures of brain lactate, as well as brain glutamate and glutamine after vigorous exercise. The aims of our experiment were to (a) track the changes in brain lactate following recovery from exercise, and (b) to simultaneously measure the signals from brain glutamate and glutamine. The results of our experiment showed that vigorous exercise resulted in a significant increase in brain lactate. Furthermore, both glutamate and glutamine were successfully resolved, and as expected, although contrary to some previous reports, we did not observe any significant change in either amino acid after exercise. We did however observe a negative correlation between glutamate and a measure of fitness. These results support the hypothesis that peripherally derived lactate is taken up by the brain when available. Our data additionally highlight the potential of ultra-high field MRS as a non-invasive way of measuring multiple brain metabolite changes with exercise.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26096-y
Cited 32 times
Metabolite-cycled density-weighted concentric rings k-space trajectory (DW-CRT) enables high-resolution 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 3-Tesla
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is a promising technique in both experimental and clinical settings. However, to date, MRSI has been hampered by prohibitively long acquisition times and artifacts caused by subject motion and hardware-related frequency drift. In the present study, we demonstrate that density weighted concentric ring trajectory (DW-CRT) k-space sampling in combination with semi-LASER excitation and metabolite-cycling enables high-resolution MRSI data to be rapidly acquired at 3 Tesla. Single-slice full-intensity MRSI data (short echo time (TE) semi-LASER TE = 32 ms) were acquired from 6 healthy volunteers with an in-plane resolution of 5 × 5 mm in 13 min 30 sec using this approach. Using LCModel analysis, we found that the acquired spectra allowed for the mapping of total N-acetylaspartate (median Cramer-Rao Lower Bound [CRLB] = 3%), glutamate+glutamine (8%), and glutathione (13%). In addition, we demonstrate potential clinical utility of this technique by optimizing the TE to detect 2-hydroxyglutarate (long TE semi-LASER, TE = 110 ms), to produce relevant high-resolution metabolite maps of grade III IDH-mutant oligodendroglioma in a single patient. This study demonstrates the potential utility of MRSI in the clinical setting at 3 Tesla.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2018.11.002
Cited 30 times
Motor training modulates intracortical inhibitory dynamics in motor cortex during movement preparation
Background The primary motor cortex (M1) has a vital role to play in the learning of novel motor skills. However, the physiological changes underpinning this learning, particularly in terms of dynamic changes during movement preparation, are incompletely understood. In particular, a substantial decrease in resting gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) activity, i.e. a release of resting inhibition, is seen within M1 as a subject prepares to move. Although there is evidence that a decrease in resting inhibition occurs within M1 during motor learning it is not known whether the pre-movement “release” of GABAergic inhibition is modulated during skill acquisition. Objective Here, we investigated changes in pre-movement GABAergic inhibitory “release” during training on a motor skill task. Methods We studied GABAA activity using paired-pulse TMS (Short-Interval Intracortical Inhibition (SICI)) during training on a ballistic thumb abduction task, both at rest and at two time-points during movement preparation. Results Improvement in task performance was related to a later, steeper, release of inhibition during the movement preparation phase. Specifically, subjects who showed greater improvement in the task in the early stages of training showed a reduced level of GABAergic release immediately prior to movement compared with those who improved less. Later in training, subjects who performed better showed a reduction in GABAergic release early in movement preparation. Conclusions These findings suggest that motor training is associated with maintained inhibition in motor cortex during movement preparation.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2022.07.049
Cited 11 times
tDCS induced GABA change is associated with the simulated electric field in M1, an effect mediated by grey matter volume in the MRS voxel
Conclusions: Our data suggest that the electric field induced by tDCS within the brain is variable, and is significantly related to anodal tDCS-induced decrease in GABA, a key neurophysiological marker of stimulation.These findings strongly support individualised dosing of tDCS, at least in M1.Further studies examining E-fields in relation to other outcome measures, including behaviour, will help determine the optimal E-fields required for any desired effects.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2023.02.004
Cited 4 times
Ramped V1 transcranial ultrasonic stimulation modulates but does not evoke visual evoked potentials
Transcranial ultrasonic stimulation (TUS) is an emerging non-invasive brain stimulation technique that has higher spatial resolution than electrical and magnetic stimulation approaches, and, uniquely, offers the ability to target structures deep in the brain. Early work in humans suggests that TUS can both evoke neural activity [[1]Lee W. Kim H.C. Jung Y. Chung Y.A. Song I.U. Lee J.H. et al.Transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation of human primary visual cortex.Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 1-12PubMed Google Scholar] and modulate activity elicited by other stimuli [[2]Legon W. Sato T.F. Opitz A. Mueller J. Barbour A. Williams A. et al.Transcranial focused ultrasound modulates the activity of primary somatosensory cortex in humans.Nat Neurosci. 2014; 17: 322-329Crossref PubMed Scopus (553) Google Scholar]. However, the protocols used in these studies may be audible due to the sharp onset and offset of ultrasound energy [[3]Johnstone A. Nandi T. Martin E. Bestmann S. Stagg C. Treeby B. A range of pulses commonly used for human transcranial ultrasound stimulation are clearly audible.Brain Stimul: Basic. Trans. Clin. Res. Neuromodulation. 2021; 14: 1353-1355Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (8) Google Scholar,[4]Mohammadjavadi M. Ye P.P. Xia A. Brown J. Popelka G. Pauly K.B. Elimination of peripheral auditory pathway activation does not affect motor responses from ultrasound neuromodulation.Brain Stimul. 2019; 12: 901-910Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (76) Google Scholar], and it is therefore possible that there is an auditory confound to the observed effects [[5]Braun V. Blackmore J. Cleveland R.O. Butler C.R. Transcranial ultrasound stimulation in humans is associated with an auditory confound that can be effectively masked.Brain Stimul. 2020; 13: 1527-1534Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (35) Google Scholar]. Here, therefore, we used a less audible, ramped protocol [[3]Johnstone A. Nandi T. Martin E. Bestmann S. Stagg C. Treeby B. A range of pulses commonly used for human transcranial ultrasound stimulation are clearly audible.Brain Stimul: Basic. Trans. Clin. Res. Neuromodulation. 2021; 14: 1353-1355Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (8) Google Scholar] to determine if we could either evoke or modulate activity in the primary visual cortex (V1). We examined whether V1 TUS alone evokes neural activity detectable in the EEG, and whether TUS modulates visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to a pattern-reversal checkerboard stimulus. Fourteen healthy participants (4 female, 31 ± 4.3 years) were included in the study, after excluding three participants due to technical problems. The project was approved by the UCL research ethics committee (Project ID 14071/001). As described in our previous paper [[3]Johnstone A. Nandi T. Martin E. Bestmann S. Stagg C. Treeby B. A range of pulses commonly used for human transcranial ultrasound stimulation are clearly audible.Brain Stimul: Basic. Trans. Clin. Res. Neuromodulation. 2021; 14: 1353-1355Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (8) Google Scholar], TUS was delivered using a 2-element spherically focusing annular array transducer (H115-2AA, Sonic Concepts) with a nominal outer aperture diameter and radius of curvature of 64mm. The transducer was driven at 270 kHz by a 2-channel TPO (Sonic Concepts) with the output power and element phase adjusted to give a focal pressure in water of 700 kPa (spatial peak pulse average intensity without ramping of 16 W/cm2) and a focal distance of 43 mm. The measured −3 dB focal size in water was 5 mm (lateral) by 30 mm (axial). Ramped pulses (1 ms Tukey ramp, 3.25 ms total pulse duration) were applied at a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 250 Hz, with a pulse train duration of 300 ms and an effective duty cycle of 50%. Of the 14 participants, 7 could not hear the stimulation at all, while the rest were either uncertain or heard it faintly. EEG was recorded from 16 channels (Fig. 1a), at 600 Hz, using the g.USBamp amplifier (g.tec medical engineering GmbH). Participants were positioned in a chin rest. The transducer, connected to an articulated arm, was manually positioned 2 cm to the left of the inion and held in place using rubber straps. Acoustic coupling was achieved using a gel pad and ultrasound gel. Participants were dark adapted for 2 min before starting stimulation and then sat facing a screen 50–60 cm away. First, in two TUS-only blocks, real and sham pulses (100 each), were applied randomly at a fixed inter-stimulus interval of 2 s. Then, two TUS + checkerboard blocks were performed, where a checkerboard stimulus (checks at 25 and 75% of maximum screen luminance, and ∼32° visual angle) was flipped every 0.5 s, and every fourth stimulus was associated with either a real or sham (100 each) TUS trial. The TUS trial started 130 ms (±0–5 ms jitter) before the checkerboard flip. Real and sham trials within each block were randomised and double-blind. EEG data were analysed using eeglab (https://eeglab.org/) and FieldTrip (http://fieldtriptoolbox.org). The data were epoched relative to the TUS onset (−0.5 to 0.5 s) for TUS-only blocks, and relative to the checkerboard flip (−0.2 to 0.3 s) for TUS + checkerboard blocks. The following filters were applied: 50 Hz bandstop, 45 Hz lowpass and 1 Hz highpass, and the data were baseline corrected (−100 to 0 ms TUS-only, and −200 to −140 TUS + checkerboard). Across participants and conditions 14 ± 7 trials were rejected using z-value based artifact detection with a cut-off of 15. After time-locked averaging, cluster-based permutation testing was used to examine differences between pairs of conditions across all channels. In the TUS-only blocks, we did not observe any evoked potentials, and found no significant differences between real and sham TUS conditions (Fig. 1b). In contrast to previous reports, none of our participants reported phosphenes. As would be expected, in the TUS + checkerboard blocks, a clear VEP in response to the visual checkerboard was observed in all conditions. A statistically significant difference was observed between real and no TUS trials, in posterior electrodes, during a time period corresponding to the N75 component of the VEP, which likely originates in V1 (Fig. 1c). There was no difference between the sham and no TUS condition, but also no significant difference when the real and sham conditions were directly compared. Our findings differ from previous work which showed that TUS applied to the V1 evokes a ‘VEP-like’ potential [[1]Lee W. Kim H.C. Jung Y. Chung Y.A. Song I.U. Lee J.H. et al.Transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation of human primary visual cortex.Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 1-12PubMed Google Scholar]. While we used the same intensity as this previous study, in order to implement effective ramping, we lowered the PRF. Though some in vitro and animal data suggest that higher PRFs lead to stronger effects [[6]King R.L. Brown J.R. Newsome W.T. Pauly K.B. Effective parameters for ultrasound-induced in vivo neurostimulation.Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013; 39: 312-331Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (311) Google Scholar,[7]Manuel T.J. Kusunose J. Zhan X. Lv X. Kang E. Yang A. et al.Ultrasound neuromodulation depends on pulse repetition frequency and can modulate inhibitory effects of TTX.Sci Rep. 2020; 10: 1-10Crossref PubMed Scopus (23) Google Scholar], the parameter space has not been extensively mapped, and in humans neuromodulatory effects have been demonstrated at PRFs similar to ours [[8]Liu C. Yu K. Niu X. He B. Transcranial focused ultrasound enhances sensory discrimination capability through somatosensory cortical excitation.Ultrasound Med Biol. 2021; 47: 1356-1366Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (15) Google Scholar]. As such, while the differences in parameters may have contributed to the lack of TUS-evoked activity in our study, we cannot rule out the possibility that effects reported previously were influenced by an auditory confound, in particular since the limited number of EEG channels did not allow localizing the anatomical origin of the evoked potential. Adding to previous work showing modulatory TUS effects [[2]Legon W. Sato T.F. Opitz A. Mueller J. Barbour A. Williams A. et al.Transcranial focused ultrasound modulates the activity of primary somatosensory cortex in humans.Nat Neurosci. 2014; 17: 322-329Crossref PubMed Scopus (553) Google Scholar], we observed increased amplitude of the VEP N75 component. Modulation of the N75 amplitude has also been reported in response to transcranial magnetic and electrical stimulation [[9]Vallar G. Bolognini N. Behavioural facilitation following brain stimulation: implications for neurorehabilitation.Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2011; 21: 618-649Crossref PubMed Scopus (76) Google Scholar], and can be accompanied by a change in contrast sensitivity [[10]Nakazono H. Ogata K. Takeda A. Yamada E. Kimura T. Tobimatsu S. Transcranial alternating current stimulation of α but not β frequency sharpens multiple visual functions.Brain Stimul. 2020; 13: 343-352Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (16) Google Scholar]. Our data suggest that TUS can be added to the repertoire of non-invasive brain stimulation tools to study the physiological basis of visual perception, and more generally, to modulate neural activity for basic science and clinical applications. However, we did not find any differences between sham and real TUS conditions, likely due to fewer trials in these conditions compared to the no TUS VEPs (100 vs 300), but replication studies are required to draw definitive conclusions. In conclusion, we demonstrate that ramped TUS, which is less audible than pulsing regimes with sharp onsets and offsets, can modulate neural activity. This suggests that, in line with in-vitro and animal data, there is a direct neuromodulatory effect of ultrasound, in addition to any confounding effects. Moving forward, ramping offers a relatively easy approach to minimise the auditory confound. Raw EEG data has been uploaded to https://osf.io/rbcfy/ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK (EP/P008860/1, EP/P008712/1, EP/S026371/1). EM was supported by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/T019166/1) and in part by the Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS) (203145Z/16/Z). CZ is supported by the Brain Research UK (201718-13). SB was supported by the Dunhill Medical Trust, (RPGF1810∖93). TN was supported by a grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation (BIS) to TOB. The research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre and the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre. The Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging is supported by core funding from the Wellcome Trust (203139/Z/16/Z). CJS holds a Senior Research Fellowship, funded by the Wellcome Trust (224430/Z/21/Z).
DOI: 10.3389/fnsys.2010.00146
Cited 43 times
Relevance of Structural Brain Connectivity to Learning and Recovery from Stroke
The physical structure of white matter fiber bundles constrains their function. Any behavior that relies on transmission of signals along a particular pathway will therefore be influenced by the structural condition of that pathway. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging provides localized measures that are sensitive to white matter microstructure. In this review, we discuss imaging evidence on the relevance of white matter microstructure to behavior. We focus in particular on motor behavior and learning in healthy individuals and in individuals who have suffered a stroke. We provide examples of ways in which imaging measures of structural brain connectivity can inform our study of motor behavior and effects of motor training in three different domains: (1) to assess network degeneration or damage with healthy aging and following stroke, (2) to identify a structural basis for individual differences in behavioral responses, and (3) to test for dynamic changes in structural connectivity with learning or recovery.
DOI: 10.1093/brain/awq281
Cited 42 times
White matter abnormalities in methcathinone abusers with an extrapyramidal syndrome
We examined white matter abnormalities in patients with a distinctive extrapyramidal syndrome due to intravenous methcathinone (ephedrone) abuse. We performed diffusion tensor imaging in 10 patients and 15 age-matched controls to assess white matter structure across the whole brain. Diffuse significant decreases in white matter fractional anisotropy, a diffusion tensor imaging metric reflecting microstructural integrity, occurred in patients compared with controls. In addition, we identified two foci of severe white matter abnormality underlying the right ventral premotor cortex and the medial frontal cortex, two cortical regions involved in higher-level executive control of motor function. Paths connecting different cortical regions with the globus pallidus, the nucleus previously shown to be abnormal on structural imaging in these patients, were generated using probabilistic tractography. The fractional anisotropy within all these tracts was lower in the patient group than in controls. Finally, we tested for a relationship between white matter integrity and clinical outcome. We identified a region within the left corticospinal tract in which lower fractional anisotropy was associated with greater functional deficit, but this region did not show reduced fractional anisotropy in the overall patient group compared to controls. These patients have widespread white matter damage with greatest severity of damage underlying executive motor areas.
DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12594
Cited 31 times
Cerebellar and cortical abnormalities in paediatric opsoclonus‐myoclonus syndrome
Paediatric opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) is a poorly understood condition with long-term cognitive, behavioural, and motor sequelae. Neuroimaging has indicated cerebellar atrophy in the chronic phase, but this alone may not explain the cognitive sequelae seen in many children with OMS. This study aimed to determine the extent of structural change throughout the brain that may underpin the range of clinical outcomes.Nine participants with OMS (one male, eight females; mean age [SD] 14y, [6y 5mo], range 12-30y) and 10 comparison individuals (three males, seven females; mean age 12y 6mo, [4y 9mo], range 10-23y) underwent magnetic resonance imaging to acquire T1-weighted structural images, diffusion-weighted images, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy scans. Neuroblastoma had been present in four participants with OMS. Voxel-based morphometry was used to determine changes in grey matter volume, tract-based spatial statistics to analyze white matter integrity, and Freesurfer to analyze cortical thickness across visual and motor cortices.Whole-brain analysis indicated that cerebellar grey matter was significantly reduced in the patients with OMS, particularly in the vermis and flocculonodular lobe. A region-of-interest analysis indicated significantly lower cerebellar grey matter volume, particularly in patients with the greatest OMS scores. Diffusion-weighted images did not show effects at a whole brain level, but all major cerebellar tracts showed increased mean diffusivity when analysis was restricted to the cerebellum. Cortical thickness was reduced across the motor and visual areas in the OMS group, indicating involvement beyond the cerebellum.Across individuals with OMS, there is considerable cerebellar atrophy, particularly in the vermis and flocculonodular lobes with atrophy severity associated with persistent symptomatology. Differences in cerebral cortical thickness indicate disease effects beyond the cerebellum.
DOI: 10.1002/nbm.3328
Cited 28 times
Two‐voxel spectroscopy with dynamic <i>B</i><sub>0</sub> shimming and flip angle adjustment at 7 T in the human motor cortex
The aim of this study was to acquire high-quality in vivo (1) H spectra concurrently from two voxels at ultra-high field (7 T) without specialized hardware. To this end, an acquisition scheme was developed in which first-order shims and flip angles are dynamically updated to acquire spectra from both of the brain's motor cortices in an alternating fashion. To validate this acquisition scheme, separate, static, single-voxel acquisitions were also performed for comparison. Six subjects were examined using semi-LASER spectroscopy at 7 T. Barium titanate pads were used to increase the extent of the effective transmit field (B1 (+) ). Spectra were obtained from the hand area of both motor cortices for both acquisition schemes. LCModel was used to determine neurochemical profiles in order to examine variations between acquisition schemes and volumes of interest. The dynamic two-voxel acquisition protocol produced water linewidths (full width at half-maximum between 11.6 and 12.8 Hz) and signal-to-noise ratios similar to those from static single-voxel measurements. The concentrations of 13 individual and 3 combined metabolites with Cramér-Rao lower bounds below 30% were reliably detected for both acquisition schemes, and agreed well with previous postmortem assay and spectroscopy studies. The results show that high spectral quality from two voxels can be acquired concurrently without specialized hardware. This practical technique can be applied to many neuroscience applications.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2021.08.015
Cited 18 times
A range of pulses commonly used for human transcranial ultrasound stimulation are clearly audible
Transcrianial focused ultrasound (TUS) has great potential for use as a non-invasive focal brain stimulation technique. It has been proposed that TUS directly modulates neuronal function and firing [1,2], though the exact mechanism is currently not well understood. Recently, the presence of an auditory confound has been noted when applying TUS in both animal models and humans [3,4]. This prevents participant blinding and causes activation of auditory cortices, confounding the interpretation of electrophysiological or behavioural changes seen with TUS [5–7].
DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.623751
Cited 17 times
New Mechanistic Insights, Novel Treatment Paradigms, and Clinical Progress in Cerebrovascular Diseases
The past decade has brought tremendous progress in diagnostic and therapeutic options for cerebrovascular diseases as exemplified by the advent of thrombectomy in ischemic stroke, benefitting a steeply increasing number of stroke patients and potentially paving the way for a renaissance of neuroprotectants. Progress in basic science has been equally impressive. Based on a deeper understanding of pathomechanisms underlying cerebrovascular diseases, new therapeutic targets have been identified and novel treatment strategies such as pre- and post-conditioning methods were developed. Moreover, translationally relevant aspects are increasingly recognized in basic science studies, which is believed to increase their predictive value and the relevance of obtained findings for clinical application.This review reports key results from some of the most remarkable and encouraging achievements in neurovascular research that have been reported at the 10th International Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair. Basic science topics discussed herein focus on aspects such as neuroinflammation, extracellular vesicles, and the role of sex and age on stroke recovery. Translational reports highlighted endovascular techniques and targeted delivery methods, neurorehabilitation, advanced functional testing approaches for experimental studies, pre-and post-conditioning approaches as well as novel imaging and treatment strategies. Beyond ischemic stroke, particular emphasis was given on activities in the fields of traumatic brain injury and cerebral hemorrhage in which promising preclinical and clinical results have been reported. Although the number of neutral outcomes in clinical trials is still remarkably high when targeting cerebrovascular diseases, we begin to evidence stepwise but continuous progress towards novel treatment options. Advances in preclinical and translational research as reported herein are believed to have formed a solid foundation for this progress.
DOI: 10.1109/tuffc.2022.3198522
Cited 10 times
Classical and Learned MR to Pseudo-CT Mappings for Accurate Transcranial Ultrasound Simulation
Model-based treatment planning for transcranial ultrasound therapy typically involves mapping the acoustic properties of the skull from an X-ray computed tomography (CT) image of the head. Here, three methods for generating pseudo-CT (pCT) images from magnetic resonance (MR) images were compared as an alternative to CT. A convolutional neural network (U-Net) was trained on paired MR-CT images to generate pCT T images from either T1-weighted or zero-echo time (ZTE) MR images (denoted tCT and zCT, respectively). A direct mapping from ZTE to pCT was also implemented (denoted cCT). When comparing the pCT and ground-truth CT images for the test set, the mean absolute error was 133, 83, and 145 Hounsfield units (HU) across the whole head, and 398, 222, and 336 HU within the skull for the tCT, zCT, and cCT images, respectively. Ultrasound simulations were also performed using the generated pCT images and compared to simulations based on CT. An annular array transducer was used targeting the visual or motor cortex. The mean differences in the simulated focal pressure, focal position, and focal volume were 9.9%, 1.5 mm, and 15.1% for simulations based on the tCT images; 5.7%, 0.6 mm, and 5.7% for the zCT; and 6.7%, 0.9 mm, and 12.1% for the cCT. The improved results for images mapped from ZTE highlight the advantage of using imaging sequences, which improves the contrast of the skull bone. Overall, these results demonstrate that acoustic simulations based on MR images can give comparable accuracy to those based on CT.
DOI: 10.1177/1073858409349901
Cited 36 times
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: From Neurophysiology to Pharmacology, Molecular Biology and Genomics
Noninvasive plasticity paradigms, both physiologically induced and artificially induced, have come into their own in the study of the effects of genetic variation on human cortical plasticity. These techniques have the singular advantage that they enable one to study the effects of genetic variation in its natural and most relevant context, that of the awake intact human cortex, in both health and disease. This review aims to introduce the currently available artificially induced plasticity paradigms, their putative mechanisms—both in the traditional language of the systems neurophysiologist and in the evolving (and perhaps more relevant for the purposes of stimulation genomics) reinterpretation in terms of molecular neurochemistry, and highlights recent studies employing these techniques by way of examples of applications.
DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24711
Cited 22 times
Relating diffusion tensor imaging measurements to microstructural quantities in the cerebral cortex in multiple sclerosis
Abstract To investigate whether the observed anisotropic diffusion in cerebral cortex may reflect its columnar cytoarchitecture and myeloarchitecture, as a potential biomarker for disease‐related changes, we compared postmortem diffusion magnetic resonance imaging scans of nine multiple sclerosis brains with histology measures from the same regions. Histology measurements assessed the cortical minicolumnar structure based on cell bodies and associated axon bundles in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Area 9), Heschl's gyrus (Area 41), and primary visual cortex (V1). Diffusivity measures included mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy of the cortex, and three specific measures that may relate to the radial minicolumn structure: the angle of the principal diffusion direction in the cortex, the component that was perpendicular to the radial direction, and the component that was parallel to the radial direction. The cellular minicolumn microcircuit features were correlated with diffusion angle in Areas 9 and 41, and the axon bundle features were correlated with angle in Area 9 and to the parallel component in V1 cortex. This may reflect the effect of minicolumn microcircuit organisation on diffusion in the cortex, due to the number of coherently arranged membranes and myelinated structures. Several of the cortical diffusion measures showed group differences between MS brains and control brains. Differences between brain regions were also found in histology and diffusivity measurements consistent with established regional variation in cytoarchitecture and myeloarchitecture. Therefore, these novel measures may provide a surrogate of cortical organisation as a potential biomarker, which is particularly relevant for detecting regional changes in neurological disorders.
DOI: 10.1186/s12984-020-00706-1
Cited 19 times
Neurophysiological signatures of hand motor response to dual-transcranial direct current stimulation in subacute stroke: a TMS and MEG study
Dual transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to the bilateral primary motor cortices (M1s) has potential benefits in chronic stroke, but its effects in subacute stroke, when behavioural effects might be expected to be greater, have been relatively unexplored. Here, we examined the neurophysiological effects and the factors influencing responsiveness of dual-tDCS in subacute stroke survivors.We conducted a randomized sham-controlled crossover study in 18 survivors with first-ever, unilateral subcortical ischaemic stroke 2-4 weeks after stroke onset and 14 matched healthy controls. Participants had real dual-tDCS (with an ipsilesional [right for controls] M1 anode and a contralesional M1 [left for controls] cathode; 2 mA for 20mins) and sham dual-tDCS on separate days, with concurrent paretic [left for controls] hand exercise. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and magnetoencephalography (MEG), we recorded motor evoked potentials (MEPs), the ipsilateral silent period (iSP), short-interval intracortical inhibition, and finger movement-related cortical oscillations before and immediately after tDCS.Stroke survivors had decreased excitability in ipsilesional M1 with a relatively excessive transcallosal inhibition from the contralesional to ipsilesional hemisphere at baseline compared with controls, as quantified by decreased MEPs and increased iSP duration. Dual-tDCS led to increased MEPs and decreased iSP duration in ipsilesional M1. The magnitude of the tDCS-induced MEP increase in stroke survivors was predicted by baseline contralesional-to-ipsilesional transcallosal inhibition (iSP) ratio. Baseline post-movement synchronization in α-band activity in ipsilesional M1 was decreased after stroke compared with controls, and its tDCS-induced increase correlated with upper limb score in stroke survivors. No significant adverse effects were observed during or after dual-tDCS.Task-concurrent dual-tDCS in subacute stroke can safely and effectively modulate bilateral M1 excitability and inter-hemispheric imbalance and also movement-related α-activity.
DOI: 10.1177/1545968320913502
Cited 18 times
β-Oscillations Reflect Recovery of the Paretic Upper Limb in Subacute Stroke
Background. Recovery of upper limb function post-stroke can be partly predicted by initial motor function, but the mechanisms underpinning these improvements have yet to be determined. Here, we sought to identify neural correlates of post-stroke recovery using longitudinal magnetoencephalography (MEG) assessments in subacute stroke survivors. Methods. First-ever, subcortical ischemic stroke survivors with unilateral mild to moderate hand paresis were evaluated at 3, 5, and 12 weeks after stroke using a finger-lifting task in the MEG. Cortical activity patterns in the β-band (16-30 Hz) were compared with matched healthy controls. Results. All stroke survivors (n=22; 17 males) had improvements in action research arm test (ARAT) and Fugl-Meyer upper extremity (FM-UE) scores between 3 and 12 weeks. At 3 weeks post-stroke the peak amplitudes of the movement-related ipsilesional β-band event-related desynchronization (β-ERD) and synchronization (β-ERS) in primary motor cortex (M1) were significantly lower than the healthy controls (p&lt;0.001) and were correlated with both the FM-UE and ARAT scores (r=0.51-0.69, p&lt;0.017). The decreased β-ERS peak amplitudes were observed both in paretic and non-paretic hand movement particularly at 3 weeks post-stroke, suggesting a generalized disinhibition status. The peak amplitudes of ipsilesional β-ERS at week 3 post-stroke correlated with the FM-UE score at 12 weeks (r=0.54, p=0.03) but no longer significant when controlling for the FM-UE score at 3 weeks post-stroke. Conclusions. Although early β-band activity does not independently predict outcome at 3 months after stroke, it mirrors functional changes, giving a potential insight into the mechanisms underpinning recovery of motor function in subacute stroke.
DOI: 10.12703/r/10-58
Cited 14 times
Recent advances in the role of excitation–inhibition balance in motor recovery post-stroke
Stroke affects millions of people worldwide each year, and stroke survivors are often left with motor deficits.Current therapies to improve these functional deficits are limited, making it a priority to better understand the pathophysiology of stroke recovery and find novel adjuvant options.The excitation-inhibition balance undergoes significant changes post-stroke, and the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) appears to play an important role in stroke recovery.In this review, we summarise the most recent studies investigating GABAergic inhibition at different stages of stroke.We discuss the proposed role of GABA in counteracting glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity in hyperacute stroke as well as the evidence linking decreased GABAergic inhibition to increased neuronal plasticity in early stroke.Then, we discuss two types of interventions that aim to modulate the excitation-inhibition balance to improve functional outcomes in stroke survivors: non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and pharmacological interventions.Finding the optimal NIBS administration or adjuvant pharmacological therapies would represent an important contribution to the currently scarce therapy options.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2023.08.001
Cited 3 times
The effect of pulse shape in theta-burst stimulation: Monophasic vs biphasic TMS
Intermittent theta-burst stimulation (i) (TBS) is a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) plasticity protocol. Conventionally, TBS is applied using biphasic pulses due to hardware limitations. However, monophasic pulses are hypothesised to recruit cortical neurons more selectively than biphasic pulses, predicting stronger plasticity effects. Monophasic and biphasic TBS can be generated using a custom-made pulse-width modulation-based TMS device (pTMS).Using pTMS, we tested the hypothesis that monophasic iTBS would induce a stronger plasticity effect than biphasic, measured as induced increases in motor corticospinal excitability.In a repeated-measures design, thirty healthy volunteers participated in three separate sessions, where monophasic and biphasic iTBS was applied to the primary motor cortex (M1 condition) or the vertex (control condition). Plasticity was quantified as increases in motor corticospinal excitability after versus before iTBS, by comparing peak-to-peak amplitudes of motor evoked potentials (MEP) measured at baseline and over 60 min after iTBS.Both monophasic and biphasic M1 iTBS led to significant increases in MEP amplitude. As predicted, linear mixed effects (LME) models showed that the iTBS condition had a significant effect on the MEP amplitude (χ2 (1) = 27.615, p < 0.001) with monophasic iTBS leading to significantly stronger plasticity than biphasic iTBS (t (693) = 2.311, p = 0.021). Control vertex iTBS had no effect.In this study, monophasic iTBS induced a stronger motor corticospinal excitability increase than biphasic within participants. This greater physiological effect suggests that monophasic iTBS may also have potential for greater functional impact, of interest for future fundamental and clinical applications of TBS.
DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00413
Cited 21 times
“Luteal Analgesia”: Progesterone Dissociates Pain Intensity and Unpleasantness by Influencing Emotion Regulation Networks
Background: Pregnancy-induced analgesia is known to occur in association with the very high levels of estradiol and progesterone circulating during pregnancy. In women with natural ovulatory menstrual cycles, more modest rises in these hormones occur on a monthly basis. We therefore hypothesized that the high estradiol high progesterone state indicative of ovulation would be associated with a reduction in the pain experience. Methods: We used fMRI and a noxious thermal stimulus to explore the relationship between sex steroid hormones and the pain experience. Specifically, we assessed the relationship with stimulus-related activity in key regions of networks involved in emotion regulation, and functional connectivity between these regions. Results: We demonstrate that physiologically high progesterone levels are associated with a reduction in the affective component of the pain experience and a dissociation between pain intensity and unpleasantness. This dissociation is related to decreased functional connectivity between the inferior frontal gyrus and amygdala. Moreover, we have shown that in the pre-ovulatory state, the traditionally "male" sex hormone, testosterone, is the strongest hormonal regulator of pain-related activity and connectivity within the emotional regulation network. However, following ovulation the traditionally "female" sex hormones, estradiol and progesterone, appear to dominate. Conclusions: We propose that a phenomenon of "luteal analgesia" exists with potential reproductive advantages.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2018.12.001
Cited 18 times
Catecholaminergic modulation of indices of cognitive flexibility: A pharmaco-tDCS study
<h2>Abstract</h2><h3>Background</h3> Dopaminergic activity within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) has been implicated in the control of cognitive flexibility. Much of the evidence for a causative relationship between cognitive flexibility and dopamine has come from animal studies, whilst human data have largely been correlational. Objective/Hypothesis:The current study examines whether changes in dopamine levels through tyrosine administration and suppression of dlPFC activity via cathodal tDCS could be causally related to cognitive flexibility as measured by task switching and reversal learning. <h3>Methods</h3> Using a crossover, double-blind, sham controlled, counterbalanced, randomized trial, we tested the effects of combining cathodal tDCS with tyrosine, a catecholaminergic precursor, with appropriate drug and tDCS placebo controls, on two measures of cognitive flexibility: probabilistic reversal learning, and task switching. <h3>Results</h3> While none of the manipulations had an effect on task switching, there was a significant main effect of cathodal tDCS and tyrosine on reversal learning. Reversal learning performance was significantly worsened by cathodal tDCS compared with sham tDCS, whilst tyrosine significantly improved performance compared with placebo. However, there was no significant tDCS × drugs interaction. Interestingly, and as predicted by our model, the combined administration of tyrosine with cathodal tDCS resulted in performance that was equivalent to the control condition (i.e. tDCS sham + placebo). <h3>Conclusions</h3> Our results suggest a causative role for dopamine signalling and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity in regulating indices of cognitive flexibility in humans.
DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2023.12.066
A translational roadmap for transcranial magnetic and direct current stimulation in stroke rehabilitation: Consensus-based core recommendations from the Third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable
DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.1974.tb12223.x
Cited 26 times
Abstract— Amino acids may be involved in primary afferent excitatory neurotransmission in the spinal cord. To test this possibility the effect of chronic dorsal root section on amino acid levels of the rabbit spinal cord has been investigated. Dorsal roots L6‐S2 were sectioned under anaesthesia. Control animals were subjected to similar surgical procedures but the dorsal roots were left intact. Electromyogram recordings taken 6 days after surgery confirmed the absence of sensory input to the lower lumbosacral cord of dorsal root sectioned animals although motor function was retained. In contrast to this control animals exhibited normal reflex activity. The spinal cord was removed from each animal and extracted in trichloracetic acid for subsequent analysts of amino acids on an autoanalyser. Sections of cord were retained for histological determination of neuronal degeneration. Comparison of amino acid levels in dorsal root sectioned and control animals revealed that the only excitatory amino acid to be significantly reduced by dorsal root section wasaspartic acid (–50 percent X although glutamic acid was also reduced (– 30 per cent). Two inhibitory amino acids, cystathionine and GABA, were also significantly depleted (– 50 and ‐ 35 per cent). The possible involvement of these amino acids in spinal cord neurotransmission is discussed.
DOI: 10.1177/0271678x17727670
Cited 17 times
Neurochemical changes underpinning the development of adjunct therapies in recovery after stroke: A role for GABA?
Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability, with around three-quarters of stroke survivors experiencing motor problems. Intensive physiotherapy is currently the most effective treatment for post-stroke motor deficits, but much recent research has been targeted at increasing the effects of the intervention by pairing it with a wide variety of adjunct therapies, all of which aim to increase cortical plasticity, and thereby hope to maximize functional outcome. Here, we review the literature describing neurochemical changes underlying plasticity induction following stroke. We discuss methods of assessing neurochemicals in humans, and how these measurements change post-stroke. Motor learning in healthy individuals has been suggested as a model for stroke plasticity, and we discuss the support for this model, and what evidence it provides for neurochemical changes. One converging hypothesis from animal, healthy and stroke studies is the importance of the regulation of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA for the induction of cortical plasticity. We discuss the evidence supporting this hypothesis, before finally summarizing the literature surrounding the use of adjunct therapies such as non-invasive brain stimulation and SSRIs in post-stroke motor recovery, both of which have been show to influence the GABAergic system.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.009
Cited 17 times
Differential impact of reward and punishment on functional connectivity after skill learning
Reward and punishment shape behavior, but the mechanisms underlying their effect on skill learning are not well understood. Here, we tested whether the functional connectivity of premotor cortex (PMC), a region known to be critical for learning of sequencing skills, is altered after training when reward or punishment is given during training. Resting-state fMRI was collected in two experiments before and after participants trained on either a serial reaction time task (SRTT; n = 36) or force-tracking task (FTT; n = 36) with reward, punishment, or control feedback. In each experiment, training-related change in PMC functional connectivity was compared across feedback groups. In both tasks, we found that reward and punishment differentially affected PMC functional connectivity. On the SRTT, participants trained with reward showed an increase in functional connectivity between PMC and cerebellum as well as PMC and striatum, while participants trained with punishment showed an increase in functional connectivity between PMC and medial temporal lobe connectivity. After training on the FTT, subjects trained with control and reward showed increases in PMC connectivity with parietal and temporal cortices after training, while subjects trained with punishment showed increased PMC connectivity with ventral striatum. While the results from the two experiments overlapped in some areas, including ventral pallidum, temporal lobe, and cerebellum, these regions showed diverging patterns of results across the two tasks for the different feedback conditions. These findings suggest that reward and punishment strongly influence spontaneous brain activity after training, and that the regions implicated depend on the task learned.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-33106-1
Repeated unilateral handgrip contractions alter functional connectivity and improve contralateral limb response times
In humans, motor learning is underpinned by changes in sensorimotor network functional connectivity (FC). Unilateral contractions increase FC in the ipsilateral primary motor cortex (M1) and supplementary motor area (SMA); areas involved in motor planning and execution of the contralateral hand. Therefore, unilateral contractions are a promising approach to augment motor performance in the contralateral hand. In a within-participant, randomized, cross-over design, 15 right-handed adults had two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sessions, where functional-MRI and MR-Spectroscopic Imaging were acquired before and after repeated right-hand contractions at either 5% or 50% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Before and after scanning, response times (RTs) were determined in both hands. Nine minutes of 50% MVC contractions resulted in decreased handgrip force in the contracting hand, and decreased RTs and increased handgrip force in the contralateral hand. This improved motor performance in the contralateral hand was supported by significant neural changes: increased FC between SMA-SMA and increased FC between right M1 and right Orbitofrontal Cortex. At a neurochemical level, the degree of GABA decline in left M1, left and right SMA correlated with subsequent behavioural improvements in the left-hand. These results support the use of repeated handgrip contractions as a potential modality for improving motor performance in the contralateral hand.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103463
An integrated measure of GABA to characterize post-stroke plasticity
Stroke is a major cause of death and chronic neurological disability. Despite the improvements in stroke care, the number of patients affected by stroke keeps increasing and many stroke survivors are left permanently disabled. Current therapies are limited in efficacy. Understanding the neurobiological mechanisms underlying post-stroke recovery is therefore crucial to find new therapeutic options to address this medical burden. Long-lasting and widespread alterations of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission seem to play a key role in stroke recovery. In this review we first discuss a possible model of GABAergic modulation of post-stroke plasticity. We then overview the techniques currently available to non-invasively assess GABA in patients and the conclusions drawn from this limited body of work. Finally, we address the remaining open questions to clarify GABAergic changes underlying post-stroke recovery, we briefly review possible ways to modulate GABA post stroke and propose a novel approach to thoroughly quantify GABA in stroke patients, by integrating its concentration, the activity of its receptors and its link with microstructural changes.
DOI: 10.1177/17474930231203982
A translational roadmap for transcranial magnetic and direct current stimulation in stroke rehabilitation: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third stroke recovery and rehabilitation roundtable
The purpose of this Third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable (SRRR3) was to develop consensus recommendations to address outstanding barriers for the translation of preclinical and clinical research using the non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and provide a roadmap for the integration of these techniques into clinical practice.International NIBS and stroke recovery experts (N = 18) contributed to the consensus process. Using a nominal group technique, recommendations were reached via a five-stage process, involving a thematic survey, two priority ranking surveys, a literature review and an in-person meeting.Results of our consensus process yielded five key evidence-based and feasibility barriers for the translation of preclinical and clinical NIBS research, which were formulated into five core consensus recommendations. Recommendations highlight an urgent need for (1) increased understanding of NIBS mechanisms, (2) improved methodological rigor in both preclinical and clinical NIBS studies, (3) standardization of outcome measures, (4) increased clinical relevance in preclinical animal models, and (5) greater optimization and individualization of NIBS protocols. To facilitate the implementation of these recommendations, the expert panel developed a new SRRR3 Unified NIBS Research Checklist. These recommendations represent a translational pathway for the use of NIBS in stroke rehabilitation research and practice.
DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2024.03.005
Tuning the brakes – Modulatory role of transcranial random noise stimulation on inhibition
Cognitive control is an executive function that governs our ability to learn, modify and update actions flexibly [1] and remains challenging to restore with invasive and non-invasive brain stimulation. Though still under debate, inhibitory control is argued to fall within cognitive control [2], with the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) being one of the critical structures [3]. Transcranial random noise stimulation (TRNS) modulates cortico-excitability, potentially by altering gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) concentration [4], which in the sensorimotor cortex, has been shown to play a vital role in modulating beta rhythms [5].
DOI: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae164
The cortical neurophysiological signature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Abstract The progressive loss of motor function characteristic of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is associated with widespread cortical pathology extending beyond primary motor regions. Increasing muscle weakness reflects a dynamic, variably compensated brain network disorder. In the quest for biomarkers to accelerate therapeutic assessment, the high temporal resolution of magnetoencephalography is uniquely able to non-invasively capture micro-magnetic fields generated by neuronal activity across the entire cortex simultaneously. This study examined task-free magnetoencephalography to characterise the cortical oscillatory signature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for potential as a pharmacodynamic biomarker. Eight-ten minutes of magnetoencephalography in the task-free, eyes-open state was recorded in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (n=36) and healthy age-matched controls (n=51), followed by a structural MRI scan for co-registration. Extracted magnetoencephalography metrics from the delta, theta, alpha, beta, low-gamma, high-gamma frequency bands included oscillatory power (regional activity), 1/f exponent (complexity) and amplitude envelope correlation (connectivity). Groups were compared using a permutations-based general linear model with correction for multiple comparisons and confounders. To test whether the extracted metrics could predict disease severity, a Random Forest Regression model was trained and evaluated using nested Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was characterised by reduced sensorimotor beta band and increased high-gamma band power. Within the premotor cortex, increased disability was associated with a reduced 1/f exponent. Increased disability was more widely associated with increased global connectivity in the delta, theta, and high-gamma bands. Intra-hemispherically, increased disability scores were particularly associated with increases in temporal connectivity and inter-hemispherically with increases in frontal and occipital connectivity. The Random Forest model achieved a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.24. The combined reduction in cortical sensorimotor beta and rise in gamma power is compatible with the established hypothesis of loss of inhibitory, GABAergic interneuronal circuits in pathogenesis. A lower 1/f exponent potentially reflects a more excitable cortex and a pathology unique to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis when considered with the findings published in other neurodegenerative disorders. Power and complexity changes corroborate with the results from paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. Increased magnetoencephalography connectivity in worsening disability is thought to represent compensatory responses to a failing motor system. Restoration of cortical beta and gamma band power has significant potential to be tested in an experimental medicine setting. Magnetoencephalography-based measures have potential as sensitive outcome measures of therapeutic benefit in drug trials and may have wider diagnostic value with further study, including as predictive markers in asymptomatic carriers of disease-causing genetic variants.
DOI: 10.3233/rnn-2010-0553
Cited 21 times
Imaging the effects of rTMS-induced cortical plasticity
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) paradigms are showing increasing promise as tools for neurorehabilitation in a variety of chronic neurological and psychiatric conditions. However, the mechanisms by which they modulate cortical activation are still not completely understood. In this review we summarize what non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging techniques can tell us about the cortical effects of rTMS - from changes at a cellular level within the stimulated motor cortex, to modulating activation patterns within the wider motor network. We discuss how variation in these effects in stroke patients may inform our understanding of how rTMS could improve function in these patients.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.08.017
Cited 10 times
Reassessing associations between white matter and behaviour with multimodal microstructural imaging
Several studies have established specific relationships between White Matter (WM) and behaviour. However, these studies have typically focussed on fractional anisotropy (FA), a neuroimaging metric that is sensitive to multiple tissue properties, making it difficult to identify what biological aspects of WM may drive such relationships. Here, we carry out a pre-registered assessment of WM-behaviour relationships in 50 healthy individuals across multiple behavioural and anatomical domains, and complementing FA with myelin-sensitive quantitative MR modalities (MT, R1, R2∗). Surprisingly, we only find support for predicted relationships between FA and behaviour in one of three pre-registered tests. For one behavioural domain, where we failed to detect an FA-behaviour correlation, we instead find evidence for a correlation between behaviour and R1. This hints that multimodal approaches are able to identify a wider range of WM-behaviour relationships than focusing on FA alone. To test whether a common biological substrate such as myelin underlies WM-behaviour relationships, we then ran joint multimodal analyses, combining across all MRI parameters considered. No significant multimodal signatures were found and power analyses suggested that sample sizes of 40-200 may be required to detect such joint multimodal effects, depending on the task being considered. These results demonstrate that FA-behaviour relationships from the literature can be replicated, but may not be easily generalisable across domains. Instead, multimodal microstructural imaging may be best placed to detect a wider range of WM-behaviour relationships, as different MRI modalities provide distinct biological sensitivities. Our findings highlight a broad heterogeneity in WM's relationship with behaviour, suggesting that variable biological effects may be shaping their interaction.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-21907-9
Cited 6 times
Non-invasive brain stimulation modulates GABAergic activity in neurofibromatosis 1
Abstract Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) is a single-gene disorder associated with cognitive phenotypes common to neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism. GABAergic dysregulation underlies working memory impairments seen in NF1. This mechanistic experimental study investigates whether application of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (atDCS) can modulate GABA and working memory in NF1. Thirty-one NF1 adolescents 11–18 years, were recruited to this single-blind sham-controlled cross-over randomized trial. AtDCS or sham stimulation was applied to the left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC) and MR Spectroscopy was collected before and after intervention in the left DLPFC and occipital cortex. Task-related functional MRI was collected before, during, and after stimulation. Higher baseline GABA+ in the left DLPFC was associated with faster response times on baseline working memory measures. AtDCS was seen to significantly reduced GABA+ and increase brain activation in the left DLPFC as compared to sham stimulation. Task performance was worse in the aTDCS group during stimulation but no group differences in behavioural outcomes were observed at the end of stimulation. Although our study suggests aTDCS modulates inhibitory activity in the DLPFC, further work is needed to determine whether repeated sessions of atDCS and strategies such as alternating current stimulation offer a better therapeutic approach.
DOI: 10.1111/opo.12584
Cited 13 times
Visual training in hemianopia alters neural activity in the absence of behavioural improvement: a pilot study
Abstract Background Damage to the primary visual cortex (V1) due to stroke often results in permanent loss of sight affecting one side of the visual field (homonymous hemianopia). Some rehabilitation approaches have shown improvement in visual performance in the blind region, but require a significant time investment. Methods Seven patients with cortical damage performed 400 trials of a motion direction discrimination task daily for 5 days. Three patients received anodal transcranial direct current stimulation ( tDCS ) during training, three received sham stimulation and one had no stimulation. Each patient had an assessment of visual performance and a functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) scan before and after training to measure changes in visual performance and cortical activity. Results No patients showed improvement in visual function due to the training protocol, and application of tDCS had no effect on visual performance. However, following training, the neural response in motion area hMT + to a moving stimulus was altered. When the stimulus was presented to the sighted hemifield, activity decreased in hMT + of the damaged hemisphere. There was no change in hMT + response when the stimulus was presented to the impaired hemifield. There was a decrease in activity in the inferior precuneus after training when the stimulus was presented to either the impaired or sighted hemifield. Preliminary analysis of tDCS data suggested that anodal tDCS interacted with the delivered training, modulating the neural response in hMT + in the healthy side of the brain. Conclusion Training can affect the neural responses in hMT + even in the absence of change in visual performance.