
Claudio Quaranta

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DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/08/p08028
Cited 5 times
Comparative characterization study of LYSO:Ce crystals for timing applications
Cerium-doped Lutetium-Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate (LYSO:Ce)is one of the most widely used Cerium-doped Lutetium based scintillation crystals. Initially developed for medical detectors it rapidly became attractive for High Energy Particle Physics (HEP) applications, especially in the frame of high luminosity particle colliders. In this paper, a comprehensive and systematic study of LYSO:Ce ($[Lu_{(1-x)}Y_x]_2SiO_5$:$Ce$) crystals is presented. It involves for the first time a large number of crystal samples (180) of the same size from a dozen of producers.The study consists of a comparative characterization of LYSO:Ce crystal products available on the market by mechanical, optical and scintillation measurements and aims specifically, to investigate key parameters of timing applications for HEP.
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-9613-7_7
General and Ophthalmological Problems Preceding the Operation
As regards general and pre-operative ophthalmological problems in cataract surgery, all of those factors which together condition individual indications of operability must be analyzed. The different clinical peculiarities of each individual patient must be attentively considered in order to obtain the best surgical and functional results. Within the individual clinical context, general and local, precise critical pre-operative evaluation of the indications, contraindications and potential complications is essential for the best preparation for the operation and the exact choice of the most appropriate surgical techniques. A precise general anamnesis is the first step to be taken in examination of the patient.