
A. Pashenkov

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DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/5/06/p06002
Cited 6 times
Study of various photomultiplier tubes with muon beams and Čerenkov light produced in electron showers
The PMTs of the CMS Hadron Forward calorimeter were found to generate a large size signal when their windows were traversed by energetic charged particles. This signal, which is due to Čerenkov light production at the PMT window, could interfere with the calorimeter signal and mislead the measurements. In order to find a viable solution to this problem, the response of four different types of PMTs to muons traversing their windows at different orientations is measured at the H2 beam-line at CERN. Certain kinds of PMTs with thinner windows show significantly lower response to direct muon incidence. For the four anode PMT, a simple and powerful algorithm to identify such events and recover the PMT signal using the signals of the quadrants without window hits is also presented. For the measurement of PMT responses to Čerenkov light, the Hadron Forward calorimeter signal was mimicked by two different setups in electron beams and the PMT performances were compared with each other. Superior performance of particular PMTs was observed.
DOI: 10.1109/pac.1991.165115
Cited 4 times
The proposal of the accelerator complex of the Moscow kaon factory
The tuning of the linear accelerator of the Moscow meson factory is about to be completed. The kaon factory is the next step after the Meson factory. In the proposal for the Moscow kaon factory the linear accelerator of the meson factory is to be used as the injection for the booster. The main ring is filled during the 40-ms flat bottom magnetic field. The main ring accelerates 9.3*10/sup 13/ protons per pulse from 7.5 GeV to 45 GeV during a period. The reset of the field in the main ring takes 30 ms, and thus one cycle is 120 ms long, for a repetition rate of 8.3 Hz. The extender is needed for slow extraction with 100% duty cycle.< <ETX xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">&gt;</ETX>
Dependence of the acceptance of a linear ion accelerator on the phase of the accelerating HF field, and growth of emittance of an accelerated beam
Calculations are performed in a kinematic single-particle approximation to describe the beam emittance for the I-100 and MEGAN accelerators.(AIP)
Problems of the Beam Loss in Intense Ion Linear Accelerators