DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1998.0193
¤ OpenAccess: Bronze
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The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis

Norden E. Huang,Zheng Shen,Steven Long,Man Wu,H. H. Shih,Quanan Zheng,Nai‐chyuan Yen,C. C. Tung,Henry H. Liu

Hilbert–Huang transform
Series (stratigraphy)
Singular spectrum analysis
A new method for analysing nonlinear and non-stationary data has been developed. The key part of the method is the empirical mode decomposition method with which any complicated data set can be dec...
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    The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis” is a paper by Norden E. Huang Zheng Shen Steven Long Man Wu H. H. Shih Quanan Zheng Nai‐chyuan Yen C. C. Tung Henry H. Liu published in 1998. It has an Open Access status of “bronze”. You can read and download a PDF Full Text of this paper here.