DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-24112-3
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Heavy metal contamination along different tidal zones of a tropical Bay of Bengal coastal environment influenced by various anthropogenic activities

Athira Pulickal Santhosh,Pyary Anisha,Biju Anagha,Emmanuel Charles Partheeban,Jebashalomi Vethanayaham,R. Rajendran,Muhammad Khalid,Aneela Gulnaz

Environmental science
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    Heavy metal contamination along different tidal zones of a tropical Bay of Bengal coastal environment influenced by various anthropogenic activities” is a paper by Athira Pulickal Santhosh Pyary Anisha Biju Anagha Emmanuel Charles Partheeban Jebashalomi Vethanayaham R. Rajendran Muhammad Khalid Aneela Gulnaz published in 2022. It has an Open Access status of “closed”. You can read and download a PDF Full Text of this paper here.